Town of Colchester
WJJMS/ Community Center/Senior Center Building Committee
Special Meeting
November 15, 2012 - 7:00 PM
WJJMS – Cafeteria
Members Present: Thomas Tyler, Anthony Tarnowski, Paul Picard, Joseph Ruiz, Irene Malsbenden, Pam Scheibelein
Members Absent: Joseph DeLucia
Others Present: Tecton Architect associates Marco Tommasini and Jeff Wyszynski , Board of Education Liaison Brad Bernier, Director of Facilities Greg Plunkett, Principal Chris Bennett, Vice Principal Dr. Jennifer Olsen, Board of Education Chairman Ron Goldstein, Board of Finance Member Rob Esteve, Colchester Citizens
1. Call to order: Chairman Tyler called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
2. Presentation of Schematic Design: Chairman Tyler gave a brief history of the meeting before reviewing the proposed schematic designs and outlining the next steps.
3. Questions & Discussion: Citizens had this opportunity and were encouraged to share feedback. Areas of comments and concern included:
> Will there would be issues with Veterans storing their guns in the Community Center due to the proximity to the school. Chairman Goldstein will look in to this matter.
> Other stand alone facilities and properties should be looked at for possible Senior Center. Jack Faski, who served on the Senior Center study group, gave a brief history of properties and facilities that were actually looked at before concurring to become part of the Community Center.
> There is a brook near where the fields would be located. A hydrologic study was suggested.
> The sharing and cost of janitorial staff for the three areas.
> The plan appears to bring additional congestion to an already congested area.
> Concerned that the student population has dropped in the last couple years and does not want to end up with excess space.
> The parking areas for seniors need to be at a flat elevation and near the entrance.
> There are benefits to having multiply generations together in a campus like setting.
> The congestions are only during drop off and pick up. These are not times when the seniors are most likely to be at the Senior Center.
4. Adjournment: P. Scheibelein motioned to adjourn, seconded by J. Ruiz. Vote was unanimous. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Tyler adjourned the meeting at 8:07p.m.
*** Following the meeting guests were invited to tour the school and become more familiar with the
layout as well as the areas in need of repair and of concern.
Submitted by,
Dawn LePage, Clerk