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Building Committee Minutes 04/12/12
Town of Colchester
WJJMS/ Community Center/Senior Center Building Committee
Regular Meeting
April 12, 2012 - 7:00 PM
Town Hall – Room 1
Members Present: Thomas Tyler, Anthony Tarnowski, Joseph DeLucia, Paul Picard, Pam Scheibelein, Irene Malsbenden, Joseph Ruiz
Members Absent:  None
Others Present: Tecton Architect associate Marco Tommasini, Board of Education Liaison Chairman Ron Goldstein, WJJMS Liaison Lynn Goodwin   
1. Call to order:  Chairman Tyler called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
2. Additions to Agenda: None
3. Citizens Comments:  None
 4.   Approval of Minutes
* March 22, 2012:  P. Scheibelein motioned to approve the minutes of the                March 22, 2012 meeting, seconded by P. Picard.  Members voted in favor with J. Ruiz abstaining.   MOTION CARRIED.
* Chairman Tyler noted that the minutes stated he would be at the Volunteer Fair but was later notified he did not have to attend due to the fact that there are no vacancies on the Committee.
5.  Architect Report:   Ed Specs from Principal Bennett have been received.  Collaboration has begun to determine the specs for the Senior Center and Community Center.  Marco Tommasini has scheduled meetings with teachers and custodial staff once school reopens from spring break.  Some conceptual designs should be ready within the next couple weeks.
      * A. Tarnowski arrived at this time 7:15 p.m.
       Chairman Tyler requested the architect meet with custodial and maintenance staff from        JJIS and CES to discuss any problems that have arose at those schools with building materials    that were used in redesign of JJIS and the building of CES.
       Additional conversation took place on the qualification that must be met to obtain       “renovate as new” status with the State. 
6. Discussion of Construction Manager vs. General Contractor continued:  Further discussion on this matter was tabled until a decision must be made.
7.   Review and Possible Changes to Timeline:  Members and Mr. Goldstein discussed the       probability of legislation granting permission for our application to be added to their agenda      and of the necessary work being completed in time enough to submit to legislation.      Members agreed to continue as planned for now.  Mr. Goldstein will speak with
      Senator Daily. 
8.  Citizens Comments:  None
9. Adjournment: P. Scheibelein motioned to adjourn, seconded by I. Malsbenden.  Vote was unanimous.  MOTION CARRIED.  Chairman Tyler adjourned the meeting at 8:39 p.m.
Submitted by,
 Dawn LePage, Clerk