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Building Committee Minutes 10/11/12
Town of Colchester
WJJMS/ Community Center/Senior Center Building Committee
Regular Meeting
October 11, 2012 - 7:00 PM
WJJMS – Media Center
Members Present: Thomas Tyler, Paul Picard, Joseph Ruiz, Irene Malsbenden, Anthony Tarnowski (7:07p.m.)
Members Absent:  Joseph DeLucia, Pam Scheibelein
Others Present: Board of Education Liaison Brad Bernier, Director of Facilities Greg Plunkett, Board of Finance Liaison Art Shilosky, Chuck Drube, Bacon Academy Civic Students
1. Call to order:  Chairman Tyler called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
2. Additions to Agenda: None
3. Citizens Comments: None
 4.   Approval of Minutes
* September 27, 2012: P. Picard motioned to approve the minutes of the September 27, 2012 meeting, seconded by J. Ruiz.  Members voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.
5. Architect Report:  Architect was unable to attend the meeting. 
* A. Tarnowski arrived at this time.
6. Planning for Public Presentation:
a) Discussion on feedback obtained from Pumpkins and Pooches:  Members shared feedback obtained from Pumpkins and Pooches.  Most continued to be positive.  There appears to be some confusion on the current status of the project.  Some people were under the assumption it was in more of a finalized phase rather than preliminary phase it is in.   There were some questions about the cost of the project.
Emails received with comments, questions, or concerns will be distributed to members and discussed at the following meeting.
b) Discussion and scheduling of future presentations:  There will be a public forum on November 15, 2012 at WJJMS providing an opportunity to inform the public, obtain feedback, and give the public the opportunity to tour the current WJJMS facility.  The snow date for the event will be November 29th during the regularly scheduled meeting.  Any organization that would like an individual presentation on the project may request one. 
7. Review and Possible Changes to Timeline:  No additional changes. 
8. Payment of Bills:  None
9. Citizens Comments:  Chuck Drube asked questions regarding the state reimbursable rate.  
10. Adjournment:  I. Malsbenden motion to adjourn,   seconded by P. Picard.  Vote was unanimous.    MOTION CARRIED.  Chairman Tyler adjourned the meeting at 8:11 p.m.                                       
Submitted by,

 Dawn LePage, Clerk