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Agriculture Commission Agenda 04/16/2012

{Note: formatting of the original file was lost during posting by new updating system}


April16, 20l2 - 7:00PM

ColchesterTown Hall



1. Call to order

  1. Additions to the Agenda

  2. Approve Minutes of the April 3, 2012 Agriculture Commission Meeting

  3. Citizens comments

  4. Chair report

  5. Old business:  
  6. a. Discussion and possible action on draft of Colchester Farmland Preservation Ranking Criteria (attached below).

  7. b. Discussion and possible action on other issues in reference to Slembeck Farm Bonding.

  8. c. Quick review of old action items (that have been tabled until Slembeck Farm is purchased):

(1) Bylaws draft completed by Dave; Chair to forward to members for feedback.

(2) Liz to contact towns of Guilford, Thompson and Sterling about their procedures for handling farmers' concerns and complaints.

(3) Change in 490A acreage requirements.

(4) Letter re Slow Food Movement from Bacon Student,; feedback to originator? Commission action?

(5) Outstandingrecommendations from 2007 Farmland Viability Study Top Seven List(note: (1) Right-to-farm act and (2) Agriculture Commission arealready in place):

i. For zoning and tax purposes, broaden right to farm policy to allow farms by right to engage in business activities that are not traditional farming but are related to or consistent with farming.

ii. Investigate the tax rates for the 490 program with the goal of adhering to the current CT Dept of Agriculture guidelines for valuations of all farmland in town.

iii. Authorize additional tax exemptions that the state allows for farm machinery (beyond the original $100,000 exemptions), farm buildings and extra property tax abatements on certain types of farms.

iv. Involve the Colchester school system in farm awareness programs as a means of stemming future problems as well as educate local students about the role of Colchester's farms in food production and their community.

v. Make it easier for farmers to obtain and maintain (with a sense of security) the agricultural tax status 490A and 490

  1. New business
  2. a. Any other new business deemed necessary.

  3. Adjournment  




Dateof Ranking: ___________________________

Townof Colchester, Connecticut - Agriculture Commission

FarmlandRanking System Score Sheet

LandEvaluation and Site Assessment System

Points Weighted Value

 LandEvaluation 100 40%


DevelopmentPotential 100 10%

FarmlandPotential 100 25 %

ClusteringPotential 100 25 %


LandEvaluation _______ x 0.40 = _______


DevelopmentPotential _______ x 0.10 = _______

FarmlandPotential _______ x 0.25 = _______

ClusterPotential _______ x 0.25 = _______

FinalWeighted Score = _______

SITEASSESSMENT (Maximum300 Points)

DevelopmentPotential (Maximum100 Points)

D1.Extent of non-agricultural land use within one mile of tract

40Points x ________ = ________ (Max 40 Points)

(%non-agriculture land use in surrounding area)

Percent to be rounded to a multiple of 5

D2.Road Frontage - Linear Measure

Morethan one mile 40 Points

1/2mile – 1 mile 25 Points

Lessthan 1/2 mile 5 Points

D3.Availability of Public Sewer

Tracthas sewer service adjacent 10 Points

Tracthas sewer service within one mile 5 Points

D4.Availability of Public Water

Tracthas public water service adjacent 10 Points

Tracthas public water service within one mile 5 Points

TotalPoints Development Potential ________ (Max 100 Points)

FarmlandPotential (Maximum100 Points)

F1.Size of Farm

151acres or more 25 Points

126-150acres 20 Points

101-125acres 15 Points

76-100 acres 10 Points

50-75 acres 5 Points

F2.Percent of Tract Used for Cropland, Pasture or Grazing

25Points X ________ =________ (Max 25 Points)

(% of tract used for crops, pasture or grazing)

Percentto be rounded to a multiple of 5

F3.Conservation Practices/Stewardship of Land

Noscore will be awarded under this factor unless sound soil and waterconservation practices are in place with respect to at least 50% ofthe tract. The implementation of soil erosion control, sedimentationcontrol, nutrient management and other practices demonstrating goodstewardship of the tract shall be considered. This factor evaluatesthe implementation of the conservation plan on the tract.

75-100% plan implementation 20 points

50- 75% plan implementation 10 points

Lessthan 50% plan implementation 0 points

F4.Historic, Scenic and Environmental Qualities (Maximum10 Points)

Tractis adjacent to land preserved via the National 10 Points

ParkService, State Game Commission, State Forest,

StatePark, State Fish & Boat Commission, a local

governmentunit or other land conservation organization.

Tractcontains environmentally sensitive features 10 Points

includingbut not limited to streams, wetlands,

floodplains,steep slopes, ConnecticutNaturalDiversity

Inventory[verify terminology here]sites,etc.

Farmis listed on the National Register of Historic 10 Points


F5.Percentage of Farm Offered for Easement Purchase

100%of deeded acreage 10 Points

Lessthan 100% of deeded acreage 0 Points

F6.Family Farm

Propertyis operated by the owner or immediate family member 10 Points

Propertyis not operated by the owner or immediate family member 0 Points

TotalPoints Farmland Potential ________ (Max 100 Points)

ClusterPotential (Maximum100 points)

C1. Proximity to a farm with a perpetual agricultural conservationeasement

recordedin the Town of Colchester Recorder of Deeds Office.

Adjacent 40 Points

Within1/2 mile 30 Points

Within1 mile 20 Points

C2. Consistent with the planning and development map and the

ColchesterConservation Plan. A farm located in more than one

zonewill be ranked according to the zone with the highest point value.

Zone1 [check terminology here] 30 Points

Zone2 20 Points

Zone3 10 Points

PlannedGrowth Area 0 Points

C3.Percent of land bordering tract is enrolled in an officialAgricultural Security Area [?].

30Points x ______(%of land bordering tract in ASA*) = ________ (Max 30 Points)

*Percentto be rounded to a multiple of 5

TotalPoints Cluster Potential ________ (Max 100 Points)