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Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes 12/14/16

Present for the Board of Appeals and attending the meeting were Frank LoRusso, Chairman,      Wendy Weldon, Russell Maloney, Todd Christy, Allen Healy and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Caty Fuller, Erik Blake, Lenny Jason and Billy Meegan also attended.  Chris Murphy and Allison Burger did not attend.     

Mr. LoRusso opened the meeting at 5:00 PM and appointed Alternates Messrs. Christy and Healy as voting members for the evening’s agenda.

ERIK BLAKE AND CATHERINE FULLER; Article 6 Section 6.3; 51 State Rd.; Map 30 Lot 53:  Mr. LoRusso opened the public hearing at 5:05 PM.  Mr. Blake reviewed the history of the property and the steps they have taken as required by the Town’s Bylaw Governing the Demolition of Historically Significant Buildings.  He then reviewed photos, the site plan dated 11/6/16 and elevations dated 9/9/16 to replicate a pre-1850’s Colonial Chilmark home in a location that meets the minimum 25-foot setback distance from the lot lines.  The current dwelling does meet the minimum setback distance from the lot lines.  The roof ridge height will not exceed 28 feet above grade.  The porch and bay windows will not be a part of the design as these features were added to the original house over the years.  The front elevation showed the center chimney that will be installed.  The project is in the State Road Roadside District.

The Site Review Committee report and a letter from the Historical Commission were read for the record.  Both entities endorsed the proposed project.  Mr. Jason explained how the current house has deteriorated to a point of no return and also endorsed the plan.  With no further public comment a motion was made to close the hearing at 5:13 PM.  The motion was seconded.  A subsequent motion was made to approve the plans as presented.  The motion was seconded.  In discussion Mr. Christy said this will be a welcome addition to the neighborhood.  The motion came to a vote and passed unanimously with five in favor.       

DISCUSSION BILLY MEEGAN FOR STUART KATZ AND JANE MARTIN; 1 North Ridge Rd.; Map 18 Lot 30:  Mr. Meegan explained a Special Permit was issued under Article 6 Section 6.6 on October 20, 2015 to construct a screened porch in a location that does not meet the minimum 50-foot setback distance from the west lot line.  The porch is 38 feet from the line.  The special conditions on the permit were as follows: 1. The porch shall only have screened windows.  2.  The porch shall not be enclosed for four-season use without first returning to the Zoning Board of Appeals.  He explained the architect designed the ceiling to floor screened windows which allow rain to enter and get on the painted floor.  The owner would like to install glass storm panels for the winter to keep the moisture out of the porch.  A letter of consent for the glass storm panels from the abutter whose property is within 100 feet of the structure was read for the record.  The neighbor outlined the understanding that there will be no insulation or heat incorporated into the porch and it will not be equipped for four-season use.  A second letter of endorsement from the Meetinghouse Road Associates was also read for the record.  The Building Inspector added if the porch has no insulation or heat the winter storm panels will not interfere with the permit’s condition that the porch will not have four-season use.

After brief discussion and with no additional comment from the public a motion was made to declare the change as inconsequential and consistent with the special conditions of the Special Permit provided there will be no insulation, thermal windows or heat added to the porch.  The motion was seconded and with no further discussion passed unanimously with five in favor.  A second motion was made to approve the plan to install glass winter storm panels.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously with five in favor.

ADMINISTRATION:  The November 16, 2016 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as presented by consensus.

With no further business to conduct the meeting adjourned at 5:35 PM.  The next meeting will be January 25, 2017.

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.