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Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes 11/16/16

Present for the Board of Appeals and attending the meeting were Frank LoRusso, Chairman,     Chris Murphy, Vice Chairman, Wendy Weldon, Allison Burger, Russell Maloney and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Todd Christy and Allen Healy did not attend.     

Mr. LoRusso opened the meeting at 5:00 PM.

Mr. Murphy recused himself as he is the applicant and agreed to proceed with only four eligible voters.  A unanimous decision would be required to pass a motion.
CHRIS MURPHY; Article 4 Section 4.2A1; 88 Murphy’s Road; Map 6 Lot 4.1:                Mr. LoRusso opened the public hearing at 5:05 PM.  Mr. Murphy reviewed the site plan to add a    20’ X 12’ screened porch onto a 552 sq. ft. specially permitted guesthouse.  The porch meets all the required minimum setback distances from the lot lines.  The total area of the guesthouse and porch is 792 sq. ft.  An abutter letter dated November 15, 2016 was read for the record.        Chuck H. then read an email from the Health Inspector dated November 16, 2016 stating a bedroom count was done earlier in the day for the Murphy house and guesthouse.  There are a combined total 4 bedrooms which is within the existing septic capacity.

With no public comment a motion was made to close the hearing at 5:15 PM.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  After brief discussion a motion was made to approve the site plan hand-dated 11/16/16 as presented.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously with four in favor.

ADMINISTRATION:  The October 26, 2016 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved as amended by consensus.

The Board reviewed the draft FY 2018 administration budget.  A motion was made to approve the budget as presented.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved with five in favor.

With no further business to conduct the meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM.

Due to holiday conflicts the meeting will be December 14, 2016 @ 5:00 PM.  

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.