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Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes 08/12/08
Present for the Board of Appeals and attending the meeting were:  Bill Rossi, Chair, Frank LoRusso, Wendy Weldon, Chris Murphy, Barbara Armstrong, Allison Burger and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Also present:  Doug Hoehn, Bill Murray, Rosalie Hornblower, David Sprague and Charles Finnerty.  Peter Knight was absent.

Mr. Rossi opened the meeting at 7:00 PM and welcomed alternate board member Allison Burger.  He also appointed alternate Barbara Armstrong as a voting member for the evening’s agenda.

DAVID SPRAGUE:  David Sprague of Nelson Mechanical Design in Vineyard Haven thanked the Board for the time.  He presented new technology for a swimming pool water heating system that may meet the requirements of the recently adopted renewable energy powered water heaters.  The concept is an air to water heat pump system.  It performs like a geothermal system, has similar efficiencies as a geothermal system and costs less.  A typical system for a 20’ X 40’ pool is approximately 3’ X 3’ X 3’.  The Board asked several questions and invited Mr. Sprague to return with a side-by-side comparison analysis of this system versus a geothermal system.

DOUG HOEHN FOR HONKER & SONS LLC; Map 35 Lot 1.2; 55 Squibnocket Road; Article 12 Sections 12.6B and 12.4C1:  Mr. Rossi opened the public hearing at 7:15 PM.  Mr. Hoehn summarized the site plan to reconstruct a 1930’s circa barn as an attached addition to the existing dwelling.  Several outbuildings will be removed and one will be moved to the site of a pre-existing foundation for a shed.  The footprint of the relocated building is approximately 19’ X 10’ and will match that of the foundation – which will be rebuilt.  A revised plan indicates the roof ridge height of the reconstructed barn will not exceed 18 feet above mean natural grade.  A new foundation will be placed under the existing dwelling.  The ridge height of that building will not change with the new foundation.

Mr. Hoehn pointed out that the Site Review Committee, Conservation Commission, Board of Health, Squibnocket Pond District Advisory Committee and the Squibnocket Farm Architectural Review Board have all reviewed the plan.  Approvals were given by all except the architectural review board – which has not yet responded in writing.  The Conservation Commission has asked for more detail on the foundations, basement and water table perk tests before issuing its Order of Conditions.

Mr. Rossi read the Site Review Committee report, the Board of Health letter for the record and a letter from abutters Martin and Debbie Hale.  He commented that the Hale’s letter was written before the applicant revised the plan and agreed to lower the roof ridge height to 18 feet.  The revised proposal satisfies the requests of these abutters.  Mr. Hoehn confirmed that the proposed new floor area meets the requirements of Section 12.4C1 as measured by the Building Inspector.  The Board asked and the owner confirmed that the relocated shed will only be used for storage purposes.  The Board further discussed that it does not want to condition a decision pending a formal response from the Architectural Review Board because it only has an advisory role.

With no further discussion a motion was made to close the hearing at 7:45 PM.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  A subsequent motion was made to approve the revised plans as presented and dated as follows with a condition that the Conservation Commission must provide its final approval.  The approved plans are:      V-102 5/27/08; A-103 7/29/08; A-104 5/27/08; A-201b 8/5/08; A-202b 7/29/08; A-203b 7/28/08.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

MINUTES & ADMINISTRATION:  The May 13, 2008 minutes were reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made, seconded and voted unanimously in favor.  The Board discussed rotating the Chair to Peter Knight or one of the other members.  It was agreed to table the discussion until a future date when all Board members are present.

With no further business to discuss the public meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.