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Tri-Town Ambulance Committee Minutes 04/05/17
West Tisbury  Chilmark  Aquinnah
Chief Ben Retmier, Tri-Town Ambulance Chief
P.O. Box 457  West Tisbury, MA. 02575
PHONE/FAX: 508·693·4992

Tri-Town Ambulance Committee
April 5, 2017 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Committee Chair Jim Newman at 12:00 p.m.

In attendance

Richard Knabel, Committee Member, Warren Doty, Committee Member, Jim Newman, Committee Member, Chief Retmier, Allison Graczykowski, Admin Assistant

  • Approval of March 8, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Committee member Richard Knabel moved to approve the March 8, 2017 meeting minutes. Committee member Warren Doty seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

. .
  • Old Business
Committee member Warren Doty wished to review the change of the formula (that applies to revenue collection), and shared that all three boards of selectmen passed the request to change the formula from 80/20 to 75/25. This agreement will mean that 75% of the revenues collected from insurance will be applied to TTA expenses, while 25% will be held in a reserve fund for capital expenses, such as the purchase of new ambulance.
The Committee discussed the change to the intermunicipal agreement and confirmed that the change has been accepted by all required boards. Chief Retmier states that the change will begin July 1, 2017.

Committee member Warren Doty thinks this would be an appropriate time to have Town Accountant Ellen Biskis come to the next meeting. Warren Doty would like to have Ellen present a review of balances in the funds and to review Fiscal Year 2017 expenses. The next Tri-Town Ambulance Committee Meeting will be held after the Chilmark town meeting occurs on April 24th, where the vote will determine if TTA can purchase the new ambulance. Chief Retmier shared that we will ensure the accountant receives an invite and the agenda for the May meeting.

  • New Business
Time will be reserved for topics the chair did not reasonably anticipate.

Committee Member Warren Doty asked Chief Retmier when summer staffing begins.  Chief Retmier replied that summer staffing begins Memorial Day weekend.  Summer staffing includes an EMT in each of the three locations seven (7) days a week from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Paramedic service will remain the same as it is today.  Meaning that one paramedic will be on duty 24 hours a day. Currently, one medic is on shift from 8:00a.m. to 6:00 p.m. At 12:00 pm a second paramedic arrives and works until 8:00 a.m. the next day for a 20-hour shift.  This is currently working for TTA.

Committee member Warren Doty asked Chief Retmier about professional development as it relates to TTA staff and what training / professional development courses are offered.
Chief Retmier shared that the minimum continuing education that is required to maintain their position is 60 hours of class time broken down as follows:
30 hours of class time that meet the national standards
15 hours of local classes
15 hours of individual class time.

In addition to this Tri-Town Ambulance has an affiliation agreement with Martha’s Vineyard Hospital that states they are required to take a minimum of five morbidity and mortality rounds each year. M&M Rounds are held once a month except for the summer months.
Chief Retmier explained that Morbidity and mortality rounds is when Dr. Casper or another MV Hospital physician meets with staff and presents a recent medical case that occurred at the hospital. An in-depth conversation follows of what would you do including but not limited to medication administration.

Classes are also held by TTA with an upcoming class on sepsis. The class is open to everyone on the island, but Chief Retmier of course wishes for the TTA crew to attend.
Tri-Town pays for the minimum requirements for the full-time staff. Tri-Town does not pay continuing education over the minimum requirement of 60 hours. Chief Retmier shared that the turn out for classes held at the station is generally 10-15 attendees.

Committee member Warren Doty wonders if Chief Retmier or Allison are taking any continuing education. Chief Retmier shared that he is currently attending a Supervisory Leadership Development Program. Chief shared that it’s six sessions in Lynnfield and the sessions are three hours long.

  • TTA Chief Report

Three Month Review

Chief Retmier shared that over the last three-month period Tri-Town Ambulance has had 60 incidents. During this same three-month period, last year, Tri-Town Ambulance had 62 incidents.   Year to date Tri-Town has had 64 runs, as compared to last year during the same time frame, there were also 62 runs. Chief Retmier shared that we are on par with last year.

Chief Retmier reported that February is always a slow month, and then March, April and May will pick up.

Committee Chair Jim Newman asked if there were any overdose incidents. Chief Retmier said there were not.

Committee member Warren Doty shared information he read in the Boston Globe. The article provided an analysis that showed Massachusetts has more opioid emergency room visits than the other 29 states that track this data. Chief Retmier shared that the hospital is giving out non-opioid request forms to those that have had an incident in the past and do not wish to be treated with opioid’s.

Committee member Warren Doty confirmed with Chief Retmier that we are ready to move forward with the purchase of new ambulance after the April 24th, 2017 vote.
The plan is to move forward with purchase from Bull Dog. Chief Retmier will check with Bull Dog to determine when new stretchers can be installed in the ambulances. Chief Retmier hopes that this might be done before the summer, but will need to check with Dave at Bull Dog.

Bylaws and Tri-Town Ambulance

Chief Retmier shared that Allison and he had a productive meeting with Melanie Becker regarding holiday hour accrual and usage and this led into a discussion about by-laws with Chilmark and Tri-Town Ambulance.

Town of Chilmark by-law states that an employee will be given the equivalent of a day if they don’t work on a Monday holiday. A day according to Town of Chilmark by-law, is interpreted as 8 hours. Chief Retmier shared that the paramedics work ten hour days.

Chief Retmier also shared that there is no provision in the by-laws that address a situation should an employee have their medical authorization suspended or revoked. Chief explained to the committee that he’d like to go to the personnel board with a TTA Committee member to begin the process of clarifying the by-laws as they pertain to Tri-Town Ambulance

  • Comstar Update
Allison Graczykowski, Administrative Assistant reviewed the collections to date with the Committee. Collections continue to go well.

  • Next Meeting Date  
The next meeting will be held on May 3rd, 2017, 12:00 pm at the West Tisbury Fire Station on State Road, West Tisbury.  

  • Adjournment
Committee member Richard Knabel motioned to adjourn the meeting at 1:09 pm. and Committee member Warren Doty seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Prepared by:  _____________________________________________
                     Allison Graczykowski, Clerical Assistant