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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 05/21/19
Chilmark Board of Selectmen May 21, 2019 Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Doty, Bill Rossi, James Malkin was not present. Tim Carroll, Fire Chief David Norton, Don Leopold, Police Chief Klarèn, Sheriff Ogden, Anthony Gould, Rob McCabe, Jennie Greene, Jeremy Bradshaw, Annie Bradshaw, Joan Malkin, Rob Hannemann, Clark Goff, Gary Robinson, Judy Flanders, Hillary Dryer, Rich Saltzberg MVTV Videographer.    

At 5:00 PM Chairman Doty called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes from Selectmen’s May 7, 2019 Meeting were reviewed, corrections were made.
Mr. Rossi moved to approved minutes as corrected. Chairman Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes 1 not present James Malkin

Wetlands Protection -Funds:
Chairman Doty said we have a quick item that came to us from the Chilmark Conservation Commission. The Chilmark Conservation has requested that the Selectmen authorize their hiring a consultant and to take the expenses from the Wetlands Protection Funds. The amount being requested is $4,600.00. Ms. Malkin confirmed this information.

Mr. Rossi moved to authorize this requested expenditure. Chairman Doty seconded the motion.  
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes 1 not present James Malkin

Fire Department - Road Signage:
Fire Chief David Norton and Don Leopold (Selectmen appointed liaison) presented their findings and recommendations concerning proper signage.
1. Require all Chilmark residences to meet signage requirements by 1/1/2020 a. Building code
 requires 4 inches, 2.5 seems adequate
b. House number required, name preferred but optional

2. The Chilmark FD will place signage at all houses that do not comply; owners shall pay $100 per sign, to go to the Chilmark Volunteer Fireman’s Association (CVFA).
3. Ask the students at the Chilmark School to design house signs that meet the requirements; FD/Police/Tri-Town will choose 3; these will be the signs used as needed in #3 above.

Discussion ensued. Mr. Rossi recommended these to be sent to the presidents to all the road associations. This will also encompass road signs not just house identification signs.
Mr. Rossi moved to endorse these recommendations. Chairman Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes 1 not present James Malkin

Position Description - Fire Chief:
Chairman Doty said we have a 5 page position description for the Chilmark Fire Chief. Chairman Doty asked for comments from the Human Resources Board (HRB) representative and Fire Department Chief. Ms. Greene Chairman of the HRB said it was good to go. The HRB has approved this and recommend the Selectmen approve.
Chief Norton questioned the CDL license requirement. Mr. Carroll said the fire Department has exempt status for drivers of fire apparatus.
Chairman Doty requested to amend section V(5). S removing the CDL requirement. And hold a valid Mass. Driver’s license and complete approved training and MIIA certification on fire equipment.
Mr. Rossi moved to approve the Fire Chief Position Description with the change made to section V (5) - S. Chairman Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes 1 not present James Malkin

Fire Chief - Selection Committee composition:
Chairman Doty said a suggested composition is as follows;
1 member fire department - TBD
1 Selectmen - Bill Rossi
1 public member - Tim Rich
Chairman Doty asked if the Fire Department had a member to be appointed to the selection committee. Mr. Rossi said he would reach out to Tim Rich to confirm he would be willing to serve on the committee. Chief Norton said he would ask his department. Chairman Doty asked that Mr. Rossi be the Chairman of the Selection Committee.
Chairman Doty moved to form this selection committee with Mr. Rossi as Chairman and to add the fire department representative soon. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.  
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes 1 not present James Malkin

Mr. Rossi recommended a position vacancy notice be approved and advertise for this position at the next selectmen’s meeting.

Dukes County Sheriff - Request for authorization to upgrade antennas & radios at Peaked Hill:
Sheriff Ogden introduced Rob McCabe the Motorola engineer who is working on this project.
Sheriff Ogden said this phase of the project is part of the grant and expects funding to come through in July from the Commonwealth. There was discussion about access to the location and communicating with all of the users in the General Dynamics operated site located on Peaked Hill. Chief Norton spoke about some difficulty with the pagers in a recent house fire in West Tisbury seeking mutual aid from Chilmark. Sheriff Ogden said the Town was using a private vendor whose equipment failed and when we were on site we replaced that for you. Sheriff Ogden said this was an emergency fix for something that was broken and we did that at our own cost.  Mr. McCabe listed the items that they are requesting to install on the site at Peaked Hill:

  • 2 -36 inch dishes on the tower 1 aimed at the Comm. Center, 1 aimed towards West Tisbury. And 2 additional antennas on the tower. 6 new cable ports and installation of new radio racks inside the shelters  
Mr. Rossi said as long as the emergency department heads approve this he is in favor of this moving forward for public safety.

Mr. Rossi moved to approve the installation of items presented and discussed tonight. Chairman Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes 1 not present James Malkin

Position Description - Cemetery Superintendent:
Ms. Greene confirmed the date the HRB approved this job description is correct. Mr. Carroll said with the death of a member of the Cemetery Commission this got delayed in coming to the Selectmen for approval.
Mr. Rossi moved to approve the job description for the Cemetery Superintendent and have Chairman Doty to sign it. Chairman Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes 1 not present James Malkin    - Chairman Doty signed

Chilmark School - Memorial Music Garden Chris Abrams:
Mr. Carroll said the proposal with pictures was emailed to the Selectmen earlier. This would be near the big rock by the Windy gates neighbor. This would be a xylophone type piece a stacked bells piece and standing chimes. Mr. Carroll said this is not considered a structure so it would not have to be set back and could go up to the property line.  Chairman Doty said the Selectmen require a written statement approving this proposal from the Chilmark School and a clear diagram of what it is. Chairman Doty said we are assuming this is a donation and we are not seeking funding from the town.    

School - E&D letters from Superintendent of Schools & Request to call Special Town Meeting:
Chairman Doty listed the two items that came to the Selectmen from the MVRHS School to spend E&D funds on. Chairman Doty said Mr. Malkin who was unable to attend tonight’s meeting requested bringing this to the town and calling a Special Town Meeting.  
  • $229,000 deficit heating oil and transportation
  • Lease a 77 passenger school bus  
Discussion ensued. Chairman Doty said Chilmark’s representative on the MV Regional School Committee voted against spending the E & D funds for these items. Rob Hannemann the Chilmark FinCom liaison to the school committees said he was not at the meeting that the committee voted to spend the E&D funds. Mr. Hannemann questioned these expenditures as it was a mild winter. Mr. Carroll listed the requirements for posting a Special Town Meeting.
Call meeting and advertise 14 days prior to the Special Town Meeting.

Mr. Rossi moved to call a Special Town Meeting for June 17, 2019 with the MV Regional High School E & D items on the warrant. Chairman Doty seconded the motion. Chairman Doty said we will confirm that this date works for our Town Moderator. Chairman Doty asked if there were any other items to include in the warrant. Mr. Carroll said we did receive a minor prior year invoice. Chairman Doty recommended including that item as well.  SO VOTED: 2 Ayes,
1 not present James Malkin

Chilmark Community Center (CCC)- Use request:
Hillary Dryer of the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival presented the request to hold their movie nights August 21st & August 28th and asked for a reduction in the rental fee. Ms. Dryer said they are expecting 150 to 200 people to attend the movie and discussion each of the two nights. Discussion ensued.
Chairman Doty moved to approve the use of the CCC for nights of August 21st and 28th by the MVFF with a reduced rental of $300.00 per event. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present James Malkin
Ms. Dryer thanked the Selectmen for this consideration. Chairman Doty asked for an update on the future of the MV Film Festival. Ms. Dryer said the real-estate transaction of buying land in West Tisbury is still in the works. Chairman Doty said we can expect that next year the Film Festival in March of 2020 will still be held in the Chilmark Community Center. Ms. Dryer confirmed this. Police Chief Klarèn said he got lots of positive feedback from the Chilmark Library this past festival and he asked that the parking understanding continues.  Ms. Dryer said the MVFF would not be holding a movie the night of the Firemen’s Backyard Bash (August 7, 2019).

Chilmark School - HVAC:
Rob Hannemann wrote a letter asking that the Selectmen review the Phase 2 of the Chilmark School HVAC project. Mr. Carroll handed out additional material regarding this topic. Mr. Hannemann explained that the handout is a guide - quick synopsis of the upgrading project to the HVAC that has been ongoing for 3 years:
  • Boiler failed and needed an emergency fix (Phase 0)
  • Phase 1 look at upgrades prior to more failures
  • Fresh air ventilation installation  (Phase1)
  • Preheated attached to fresh air ventilation
  • Inspection of system showed some of the new fresh air ventilation systems are blocking fire sprinkler system in some of the rooms.
  • There is not a shutoff to the fresh air ventilation in case there is a fire.
  • Our town needs to be accountable for the safety of the building.
Phase 2 - insulation of the attic space.

Mr. Carroll said when the building was first built there were air handlers in each room that froze and we had to do something. They were tied into vents to bring fresh air into the classrooms. There were also catwalks put into place to maintain the equipment because there was no second floor. There was this system in place and perhaps they have been dismantled or disabled through the years. Mr. Carroll went on to say there were 2 boilers for the heating system that would rotate in use and there would be a backup if one failed. Mr. Carroll said it seems in the past 10 years the building has not been properly maintained. Mr. Hannemann discussed the many costs the school has had in the phases of the HVAC project. Mr. Hannemann said the energy efficiency has not been addressed for this project. Mr. Hannemann reported that the school decided to purchase another oil burning boiler but recommended instead the electric powered heat pumps.     

Mr. Hannemann listed his recommendations:
  • Someone inspect the current state of the building make sure there are no fire safety  hazards
  • If there are issues correct them immediately
  • Put the current plan on hold
Judith Flanders said there has not been a facilities manager for the Chilmark School and that the School Principal has tried to keep up with keeping the building going. Ms. Flanders said the School Committee had hired a Maintenance manager for the schools but it turned out to be too big of a job and that person was assigned solely to the high school. Discussion turned to the lack of proper capital project procedure.
Chairman Doty moved to ask UIRSDC to delay phase 2 (HVAC project) to request an analysis by Cape Light Compact / RISE engineering. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.    
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present James Malkin

Trustees - Brew Moon Hikes - at Menemsha Hills Reservation:
Chairman Doty said the Trustees are planning on serving beer on the hikes. Chairman Doty said we are a dry town so no to this proposal it is not appropriate. Mr. Rossi said we cannot approve this request.

Chairman Doty requested to delay Annual Town Meeting review and move on to Project Updates.

Harbor -Electrical, Pilings, Walkabout:
Mr. Carroll said the Harbor Electrical project is nearing completion; the GFI equipment is in transit so for the weekend Power’s Electric will put in a 400 AMP breaker temporarily until we have the GFI unit to install next Wednesday. Mr. Carroll said the wiring inspection by Assistant Wiring Inspector and Eversource will be done Friday per his conversation with Cole Powers.
Chairman Doty said this needs to be done by Thursday.
Chairman Doty said we have awarded the Pilings project to John Packer. Mr. Carroll said that project is scheduled for mid-to end of June.

Mr. Carroll said a piling was broken last night by a commercial fishing boat. Mr. Carroll said we have filed an insurance claim it’s estimated to cost $2,000.00 to $3,000.00 to replace. Mr. Carroll has asked to have Harbor Master Rossi add this to John Packer’s list.

Community Center Project(s) Updates:
Mr. Carroll said today we received requests from contractors to extend the deadline for the HVAC project Bids. Mr. Carroll said if he doesn’t hear from contractors that they can make the deadline he is planning on extending the deadline by 1 week.
Mr. Carroll said a contractor said reviewing the specifications only 1 of the compressors is a cold climate heat pump the remainder of the heat pumps won’t provide heat below 6 degrees. Mr. Carroll said hopefully in the future we will have a battery that the solar panels can charge to power our heat. Mr. Carroll said we will need to keep the oil furnace in place and use it periodically to keep in service if needed. Chairman Doty supported extending the bid deadline 1 week.
Mr. Carroll said there is a meeting tomorrow at the Community Center Tennis Building to create a punch list for completing the project.  Chairman Doty said the old tennis shed is to be removed. Mr. Rossi said Eddie Stall has agreed to take it away.  Chairman Doty said it needs to be gone by July 1, 2019. Mr. Rossi said he would call Eddie and get a feel for his level of commitment on that. Mr. Rossi said the plan is to have the irrigation pump inside the new tennis building.

Pedestrian Path on Basin Road: Mr. Carroll said the owner has concerns prior to signing the easement to fully understand the construction schedule so they are not inconvenienced while they are here.
Stop Signs in Menemsha: Mr. Carroll said the signs have been delivered and the painting was delayed last night because of the rain and is rescheduled to happen tonight. Chairman Doty reported that the old parking lot lines have been ground off in preparation for the shifted parking layout for the bus turnaround.     

OPM for Public Safety Buildings:
Mr. Carroll said we have advertised for an OPM position and tomorrow Mr. Carroll will complete the specifications. Mr. Carroll said he is using the school building assistant authority template. Mr. Rossi said we are hoping to get someone local. Mr. Carroll said we would appoint them in June but they would not start till July as we have no funds until then to pay them. There was discussion of the schedule for the OPM moving forward into FY20.

Seasonal Employee Appointments:
Harbor Master Rossi has submitted in writing requesting the Selectmen appoint Edward (Spider) Andresen, Daniel Lee and Christian Carroll. Mr. Rossi moved to appoint these applicants to work as seasonal employees in the Harbor Department. Chairman Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present James Malkin

Beach Department Seasonal Employee Appointment recommendation:
Beach Superintendent:  Martina Mastromonaco
Assistant Beach Superintendents:  Karyn Robertson & Rebecca Goreham
Parking Guards: Amber Ilvento NEW (Parking and Squibnocket Gate)
Emma Mayhew NEW, Sophie Palmer NEW, Brayden Scheffer NEW, Jacob Cleland
Gate Guard: Frances Bradley (dog shift), Emmanuelle Ward, Amber Ilvento NEW,  
Lifeguards: Bryanna Allen NEW (Squibnocket), Noah Gamper NEW, Gabriel Ambulos
Harrison Dorr, Noah Garcia (Menemsha), Rebecca Goreham, Lauren Gray, Leif Iverson
George Katilus (Substitute), Colin McNamara-Bordwick (Graduated from Parking to Lifeguard)
Noreen McNamara-Bordwick, Lila Norris, Ben Poole, Luke Sausville, Haydon Sausville, Arden Wise
and Annabella Zannini.

Mr. Rossi moved to appoint the Seasonal Beach Employees as presented and recommended by the Beach Committee. Chairman Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present James Malkin

Harbor Master request for clarifications:
Mr. Carroll read Harbor Master Rossi’s notice.
As per the Chilmark Waterways Rules and Regulations part VI paragraph C, “Commercial Fishing Equipment shall be kept off the dock except for no more than two fish storage boxes per commercial boat during periods of limited permissible fishing when there is no fish buyer in the harbor.” And “Boats must be actively fishing and leave the harbor regularly.”
As Harbormaster, it is my belief that in order to accommodate our commercial fishermen, we should be allowing the temporary staging of commercial fishing gear for a period of no more than 72 hours, for fishermen to have ample time to load their gear on board their vessels. This is not an invitation for winter storage of fishing equipment. Any commercial fishermen storing gear on any dock in Menemsha for longer than 72 hours will be subject to fines by the Harbormaster.
There is loose language about boats needing to be actively fishing and leaving the harbor regularly. There should be a realistic amount of time set for boats to be tied to the commercial fishing bulkhead. Dennis Jason was holding Commercial fishermen to 5 days. If the board of selectmen agree to this policy, I will enforce the rule that commercial fishing vessels must leave the dock every 5 days in order to continue tying up to the commercial bulkhead.

Chairman Doty recommended endorsing the Harbor Master Rossi’s request and having him negotiate with individuals. Mr. Rossi moved to adopt this rule as put forth by Harbor Master Rossi. Chairman Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present James Malkin

Mr. Carroll said he and Town Treasurer met with our Financial Advisors who are working on the borrowing for the project at 399 Middle Road. We are reviewing our financial policies and procedures. We are planning to have a review with our financial advisor and an auditor in August so we will have 2 years before we go out to the market to bond in 2022. Mr. Carroll said this is to ensure we keep our AAA+ bond rating.   

At 6:58 PM with no further items for discussion Mr. Rossi moved to adjourn.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.     Approved 06/18/19

Document List:
  • Selectmen’s May 7, 2019 draft minutes
  • Position description for Chilmark Fire Chief
  • Road signage recommendation - Fire Chief
  • County sheriff’s request to move forward in updating communication system 5.17.19
  • Project summary for Communication upgrade at Peaked Hill site
  • Position description for Cemetery Superintendent
  • School music garden memorial design
  • E & D spending notices from Superintendent of Schools 5.7.19
  • Letter from Jim Malkin to all island Selectmen about school E&D - STM 5.13.19
  • Email from Mr. Malkin recommending calling STM about the school E&D spending
  • The MVFF request to hold August movie nights at a reduced rental rate
  • Letter from Rob Hannemann about Chilmark School HVAC phase 2 project 5.09.19
  • Trustees request to serve beer at hike in Menemsha Hills
  • Harbor Master clarification request 6:c of Water ways Regulations
  • Harbor Department seasonal employee appointments request from Harbor Master Rossi
  • Beach Department seasonal employee appointments request from Beach Committee
  • Nextra Energy disclosure label 4.29.19
  • MVRHS meeting agenda posting May 22, 2019
  • 2020 Census new construction program 5.10.19