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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 07/24/18
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    July 24, 2018    Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman James Malkin, Warren Doty and Bill Rossi. Tim Carroll, Fire Chief David Norton, Don Leopold, Melanie Becker, Linda Coutinho, Everett Poole, Dianne Smith,  Police Chief Jonathan Klarèn, Jeremy Scheffer, Mathew Mayhew, Margaret Maida, Jonathan Mayhew,  Zach Coutinho, Clark Goff, news reporters Rich Saltzberg and Noah Asimow and MVTV videographer.

At 5:00 PM   Chairman Malkin called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s meeting room.

Draft minutes from July 10, 2018 were reviewed, corrections were made.  Mr. Rossi moved to approve meeting minutes as corrected. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

With time before the public hearing Chairman Malkin requested to act on Zack Coutinho Youth Lot application

Youth Lot Agreement - Zach Coutinho:
Selectmen reviewed the deed rider Youth Lot Agreement from the David Damroth subdivision. Mr. Coutinho said he has been working to finalize this for quite some time now and is looking forward to completing. Mr. Carroll said this (deed rider) was prepared by our legal counsel.

Mr. Doty moved to approve and sign the Youth Lot Agreement Deed Rider for Zach Coutinho at the Damroth subdivision. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Open Letter on Marijuana Use - County Manager:
Mr. Carroll said the County Manager called today to request to withdraw this letter as there is an alternate draft is still being completed by the committee. Discussion was tabled to a later meeting.

Superintendent of Schools - invitation to discuss labor negotiations:
Chairman Malkin said he will ask FinCom Chairman Rob Hannemann to have a FinCom member attend the August 8, 2018 meeting.

Boathouse Road - Discuss parking with leaseholders:
Chairman Malkin said tonight we are discussing the parking issues and historic use that our lease holders are having on Boathouse Road. Chairman Malkin asked for any ideas for solutions or alternate ways to handle parking for commercial fishermen. Jonathan Mayhew said that he has 4 people using his lot. Mr. Mayhew said the parking should be on a first come first serve basis, and spaces should not be assigned. Mr. Mayhew said one parking space per lease holder should be for everybody; Aquinnah and Chilmark leaseholders. Mr. Mayhew said we need to revisit the MOU of 1995 with Aquinnah and Chilmark because it is not being followed. Discussion ensued.

Chairman Malkin requested sending a letter to Aquinnah Selectmen and Town Administrator Jeffry Maddison. The letter content: Each Lease holder has one parking space (parking placard needed) that is not assigned and is a first come first served basis. And to also remind them that according to the 1995 MOU all leases are for Commercial Fishing purposes.

Boathouse Road - Discuss parking with leaseholders Continued…
Mr. Malkin recommended including (in letter to Aquinnah) that if they would like to discuss this we would be willing to at their convenience.

Mr. Doty said the Police Chief has requested for public safety reasons that no one parks on the Channel side of Boathouse road. Police Chief Klarèn confirmed parking only on the East side of the road.  This will allow for better visibility of vehicles that are already on the vehicle dock.    

At 5:21 PM Mr. Doty moved to open the public hearing. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Chairman Malkin opened the Public hearing for the Oyster Grant transfer request.

Jeremy Scheffer said he will be making this transition mindfully over the next few years. Mr. Scheffer said his fulltime job has been his Oyster farm in Edgartown and that he will be gradually transporting his operation to Chilmark as Edgartown product is harvested. Mr. Scheffer said he will not bring any of the oysters from Edgartown to Chilmark and will need to start the Chilmark Grant soon to have oysters to sell from Chilmark. Mr. Scheffer will clean and dry all equipment from the Edgartown site prior to placing into the Chilmark site. Mr. Scheffer said it was Elisha Wiesner who approached him asking if he would consider the Chilmark Oyster Grant that he was not able to move forward with. Jonathan Mayhew said he is very much in favor of Chilmark Selectmen transferring the grant from Mr. Wiesner to Mr. Scheffer.  With no further public comment Mr. Rossi moved to close the public hearing. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Doty moved to approve the transfer of the Oyster Grant from Mr. Wiesner to Mr. Jeremy Scheffer. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chairman Malkin said as is his policy he would like to take agenda discussion for anyone who is present to discuss it. Chairman Malkin recognized Everett Poole. Mr. Poole said he would like to know when the stop sign can be expected to be installed at North Road intersection at Basin Road. Mr. Poole said he is getting concerned for his safety returning home.  Mr. Poole said he thought that the Planning Board approved this and that the plan was to move forward with it.

Mr. Carroll said the consultant and the State DOT did not think it was appropriate action to take so we did not pursue it. Mr. Carroll said we were told by DOT that there would need to be a long process of studying the area. Mr. Poole said I believe we have completed a long study of the area. Chairman Malkin asked if there was anything stopping us doing it. Mr. Carroll said we would have to go through the State to get a permit. Mr. Carroll said the State Engineers told us that we would need to apply for a permit. Mr. Poole said 2 more stop signs are necessary at the intersection (3 way stop), one on North Road going up North Road one on North Road going down. Diane Smith said the visibility is very bad in the area that we are talking about.  Discussion ensued.

Mr. Doty moved to pursue permitting for a 3 way stop in the location of Basin Road and North Road. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Poole said the other item he would like to discuss is; the Harbor Advisory Committee recommended no storing of boats, Kayaks, row boats and the like alongside the fence at the town launch (Quitsa landing). Mr. Poole said last night there were 22 boats there. This makes backing up to the launch very difficult. Chairman Malkin said the Selectmen endorsed the Harbor Advisory Board’s recommendation and had instructed the Harbormaster to post signage at the site. Chairman Malkin said he would speak to and recommended Mr. Poole speak to Harbormaster about this.

Margaret Maida said she has heard that a kayak rental company drops kayaks off there to rent. Ms. Maida asked who all these kayaks belong to. Chairman Malkin said the Harbor Advisory Committee had a long discussion about this last fall and the decision was made to recommend that a sign be put up stating no storage of kayaks or boats along the fence at the town landing. Chairman Malkin said this has to get done.

Fire department Monthly Update:
Fire Chief David Norton and Don Leopold presented the monthly report to the Selectmen. Mr. Leopold and Fire Chief Norton supplied the Selectmen with the Chilmark Public Safety 2025 Planning Committee Draft Charter & Composition. Chief Norton gave an outline of the top items to be addressed.
  • Staffing
  • Volunteer fire departments
  • Water access (sources)
  • Housing signage / access
  • Equipment
  • Buildings.
Mr. Carroll recommended adding Emergency Management to this list.
Mr. Doty said if signage for properties is a priority for the department the Selectmen can work on getting this done in an organized way. Chief Norton said it’s an important issue but his top priority would be a station that can build morale. Mr. Doty gave Chief Norton an update on the new Safety Building project. Mr. Doty said there is a specific plan being drafted by Vineyard Land Surveyors and an application will then be filed for a NOI with Chilmark Conservation Commission to find out if this property is suitable for the Public Safety Building (Fire station & Ambulance barn).  Chief Norton said working on the water sources and adding more will bring the insurance costs down to tax payers.

Mr. Leopold spoke to the organizing plan that the Fire Chief has outlined and forming a steering committee and planning team. Chairman Malkin supported the Fire Chief and Mr. Leopold seeking a person from each of the committees listed to be on the committees.
The Steering Committee representation would come from: Fire department, Police department, Board of Selectmen, Chilmark School and Tri Town Ambulance.
Chairman Malkin thanked Mr. Leopold and Chief Norton for this report.
Chairman Malkin told Chief Norton that Mr. Carroll (Town Administrator) will get the contract (Fire Chief Contract) with the addendum to him to be executed very soon.

Road Race - Approval of August 11, 2018 with same restrictions as 2017:
Mr. Carroll said the race organizer is a bit late in applying to the State for their road permit and has asked for the Selectmen to approve this along with authorizing Mr. Carroll signing the road permit event application that will be submitted to the State. Mr. Rossi said the organizer needs to go over the safety plan with Police Chief Klarèn.
Road Race Continued…
Chairman Malkin said he would approve the same as last year pending Chief Klarèn signoff on the plan. Mr. Doty moved this recommendation from Chairman Malkin, Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Cemetery Site Visit- report from Selectmen Doty:
Mr. Doty said he attended a site visit of Abel’s Hill Cemetery with the Cemetery Commissioners. Mr. Doty said there are many dead trees that need to be removed. There was talk to have a warrant article on our fall Special Town Meeting for addressing removal of dead trees. Mr. Doty said the amount would be near $10, 000.00. Chairman Malkin said they have a trust that can be used for this purpose.

Selectmen agreed to support the Cemetery moving forward to clearing out dead trees and maintenance that is needed.

Peaked Hill Pastures Committee Update:
Chairman Malkin said the committee has met on two occasions and at the second occasion a number of alternatives for use of that land were discussed. The alternatives range from affordable housing to the use of the ballfield to storage of town equipment. There was talk on issues of elderly housing. Chairman Malkin said there were about 12 alternate ideas listed. The Committee will now look at the pros and cons of each of the ideas. Chairman Malkin said this would be discussed at the next meeting this Friday at 8:00 AM July 27. The ideas that are most appropriate will be brought to the Town Meeting. Chairman Malkin said the committee will not meet in August but will reconvene in September.

Mr. Doty asked if there were minutes available. Chairman Malkin said yes they would be available after they are approved at their next meeting in September.    

Selectmen’s reports regarding on-going assignments:
Mr. Doty said he has been working with Janet Weidner (Planning Board member) on issues related to Menemsha. Mr. Doty said they did not address the Stop Sign but did address:
  • the lines in front of the Galley
  • pedestrian path along the Greenebaum property
Ms. Maida said the thing is to get people to use them (pedestrian path).

Seasonal Revenues compared to previous year- Harbor & Beach:
Mr. Carroll said he printed a report of the seasonal revenues (so far) for the Beach & Harbor departments. Mr. Carroll said we are running ahead of last year.  Mr. Carroll said the Squibnocket beach sticker sales have increased by 20%.

OSHA -MIIA assisting town with transition of all departments:
Mr. Carroll said that new requirements set by OSHA will be enforced soon and our insurance company MIIA will be offering training for our departments to meet the new requirements. Mr. Carroll said departments will have to make a concerted effort to become compliant with OSHA.  
Mr. Carroll said some departments might have to plan to fund for this training.

Equalized Assessed Value - Process for new value:   
Mr. Carroll said he wanted to be sure no one gets caught unaware when the new process gets underway in January. Mr. Carroll said if anyone wants to make a protest now is the time to start having someone work that through.

Mr. Doty asked for a brief synopsis of this process. Mr. Carroll said every 2 years the State comes up with new values. Mr. Carroll said our town change is an increase between 0 to 10% in values. Mr. Rossi said he would agree with that based on the following market. Mr. Carroll said this will affect our bus reimbursements, our county tax and all the formulas we do for regional things.
Menemsha - Bus turnaround design:
Mr. Carroll said the turnaround plan is about ready to take to the Conservation Commission for approval. Mr. Carroll said the plan is to have the bus tuck-in and make a loop to be at a right-angle to the road. There would be a bus shelter similar to the one we have at the shuttle lot. Mr. Carroll said this would essentially take away 5 existing parking spots. Mr. Carroll said we are designating 3 parking spaces for livery vans.

The area in front of the Comfort Station will again be designated as handicap parking. Mr. Carroll discussed the elevation changes and the berm and plantings. Mr. Carroll said we are proposing parking vehicles to the center of the turnaround. Mr. Carroll said this would have double parked vehicles for employees. Mr. Carroll proposed 5 spots for businesses 2 for harbor department vehicles. Mr. Carroll said this is not meant to be a public parking space. Mr. Carroll said this turn around will help alleviate the traffic congestion in the beach parking lot. When the lot is full an officer can alert folks to use the turn around and seek alternate parking at our off site lot.

Mr. Doty said he would prefer to have a green space (in keeping with Menemsha character) in that area instead of the parking. Mr. Doty supported the area designated to the livery vans (not to park but for driver wait for their passengers). Mr. Doty supported a space for the town maintenance truck to park.
Discussion ensued on having a mix of green space and parking.

Mr. Rossi said this project should be overseen/ reviewed by our professional consultant (Willian Brewster). Mr. Doty said John Keene has a very good sense of esthetics; referencing his work on the Squibnocket project. Mr. Doty recommended John Keene as the contractor with William Brewster doing a rendering we would have an attractive project. Mr. Rossi and Chairman Malkin both approved of the concept proposed by Mr. Doty.

Mr. Carroll said we first need to accomplish the Order of Conditions from the Conservation Commission. Mr. Doty said Vineyard Land Surveying is completing plan and submitting a Notice of Intent.   Selectmen directed Mr. Carroll to move ahead with the bus turnaround project.

4 North Ridge - possible update:
Mr. Rossi said he checked in with Reid Silva at Vineyard Land Surveying and learned that he has not started yet. Mr. Rossi told Mr. Silva that the quote he proposed to complete for the pre-sale preparations was approved by the Selectmen. Mr. Rossi expects the preparations will be ready (completed) by the first week of September.

MV Regional High School Building Committee & Center 4 Living Board - Representatives:
Chairman Malkin said he has not reached the candidate for the Center 4 living but he will work on that. Mr. Doty said he has no one yet for the Center 4 Living Board.

Mr. Rossi said he texted Joe Chapman about being our representative on the High School Building Committee. Mr. Chapman’s response was possibly. Mr. Rossi said we left it that we would get together tomorrow and talk about this. Chairman Malkin said he spoke with Frank Fenner about the High School Building Committee. Chairman Malkin said Mr. Fenner was interested and asked for information. Chairman Malkin asked Mr. Carroll to send some information to Mr. Fenner and Mr. Chapman. Mr. Doty said that these are both excellent suggestions.       

Vacation Extension Requests - Tri Town Ambulance, Highway:
Chairman Malkin said we have 2 different departments that are requesting extension request of previous year vacation not used before expiration. Chairman Malkin said he served on the Chilmark Human Resource Board and stated we have a policy that vacation is to be used because it expires. Mr. Doty said he supports our policy of use it or lose it but these requests are very well detailed.

Discussion ensued first about the Tri Town Ambulance Administrative Assistant Position. Mr. Doty went on to discuss the Highway Superintendent request. Mr. Doty said both of these requests are only extending 60 days into the next vacation year. Chairman Malkin said for clarification both of these employees should have taken their vacation time by June 30th and didn’t. Mr. Doty confirmed that. Mr. Rossi said with storms and extreme cold the Highway Superintendent could not take the time in March as he had planned.

Mr. Rossi said we need to send a message to all town employees that Selectmen would prefer vacation is taken during the calendar year and not carried over to the next year. Chairman Malkin said we will send a letter to all town employees saying the Selectmen have entertained two requests to take vacation beyond the calendar year. These requests were granted for special circumstances and do not set precedent  and all employees are reminded vacation is to be taken in the year it is due.

Ms. Becker Town Treasure pointed out that the Highway Superintended would then have 166 hours (27 days) to use before the end of FY19. Chairman Malkin confirmed their decision. Mr. Rossi said normally Highway Superintendent would be getting 4 weeks (20 days) in a year.

Mr. Doty moved to extend the 2 requests for 60 days to allow vacation time to be used. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Town Clerk - State Primary Warrant:
Chilmark Town Clerk submitted the State Primary Warrant for the Selectmen.
Mr. Doty moved to call the State Primary Warrant on September 4, 2018 at 7:00 AM.
Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
All three Selectmen signed the State Primary Warrant

Accountant - End of FY amended transfers:   
Mr. Carroll said the FinCom & Selectmen met in a joint session and approved the transfers July 16th. Mr. Carroll said this before you now are the same transfers with an amended amount adding $2,652.62 from an invoice that came in on the deadline day. The amount will be transferred from salaries to expenses within the department. Mr. Carroll said the FinCom will meet this Thursday to sign this transfer with amendment.

Mr. Doty moved to approve and sign the Accountant’s recommendations for amended end of year transfers. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.  SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
All three Selectmen signed the amended transfers.

Chairman Malkin reminded folks that we have the Chilmark Back Yard Bash to support our Fire Department August 1st and Meet the Fleet event in Menemsha on August 2nd.
Chairman Malkin said August 7th is the next Selectmen’s meeting and reminded all that he will not be able to attend as he will be in Ireland celebrating his mother’s 90th Birthday.

At 6:31 PM with no further items for discussion Mr. Doty moved to adjourn. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.                Approved 08/07/2018

Document list:
  • Draft Minutes from Selectmen’s July 10, 2018 meeting
  • Request from Jeremy Scheffer to have Selectmen approve transfer of Oyster grant to him.
  • Youth Lot agreement documents for Zach Coutinho
  • Letter (was withdrawn before meeting but after posting) from County Manager about Marijuana
  • Chilmark Public Safety 2025 Planning Committee Draft Charter & Composition presented by Fire Chief & Don Leopold
  • Revenue reports comparing last Season revenues for Harbor Department and Beach Department to this season (so far).
  • Menemsha Bus Turnaround plans by Vineyard Land Surveying
  • Invitation from School Superintendent to have Chilmark appoint representative to MV High School Building Committee
  • Documents concerning the State assessment values
  • Tri Town Ambulance chief request to extend (expired) vacation days for employee
  • Highway Superintendent request to extend (expired) vacation days
  • State Primary Warrant
  • Accountant’s end of year transfers amended
  • Zoning Board of Appeals decisions for June & July
  • Cape Light Compact report
  • Mass office on Disability notice of the Community Access Monitor Program
  • Notice from Mass Municipal Association RE funding for resiliency programs