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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 05/01/18
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    May 1, 2018    Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Bill Rossi, James Malkin and Warren Doty. Also: Tim Carroll,
Chuck Hodgkinson, Fire Chief David Norton, Police Chief Klarèn, Mr. Grimm, Clark Goff, Ebba Hierta, Janet Weidner, Joan Malkin, Peter Cook, Leonard Jason, Harbormaster Jason, Rich Saltzberg, Landry Harlan, Lynn Christoffers.
At 5:00 PM Chairman Rossi called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.
Chairman Rossi said that the first order of business; after Annual Town Elections we alternate the chair to the Board of Selectmen. Chairman Rossi moved to recommend Jim Malkin as chairman. Mr. Doty added that Warren Doty become vice chairman and Bill Rossi to be clerk.
Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chairman Malkin said he wanted to move to discussion of issues that people have come before us to discuss then return to the order in the agenda.

Menemsha Traffic & Pedestrian Safety Recommendations:
Chairman Malkin said the Planning Board Subcommittee submitted their recommendations to the Selectmen to think about and take some action or not and invited discussion.
Mr. Doty said at Town Meeting we voted to spend $10,000.00 on some projects.
Janet Weidner gave a review of the committee’s recommendations from their work with Bill Brewster. Ms. Weidner said we gave you 12 recommendations of items that should and could be done now and also 6 additional items that are suggested to have more work on prior to doing them.

Ms. Weidner said of the 12 mentioned the first 2 are related, both entail easement agreement work for pedestrian walkways. There are 3 items relating to the intersection of Basin and North Road. They are: Pruning vegetation, moving the Dutcher Dock sign to the South side of the road, and possible addition of Stop signs; one North Road heading to Menemsha and a second one on North Road from Homeport at the intersection.  

There are crosswalks along Basin Road. Ms. Weidner went on to say there is operating a seasonal board-walkway from Comfort Station to the beach. In addition to our existing board walk a rollout mat extending from walkway onto the beach for visitors with disabilities.

The VTA (Vineyard Transit Authority) turn-around needs to be addressed. Continue to use the automated speed limit sign. The final two recommendations relate to reconfiguring the parking lot. The parking lot configuration / layout: what spaces to regulate as 10 or 15 min. parking and what others to post for longer. And finally the comprehensive signage plan for Menemsha. Ms. Weidner said that sums up the recommendations and we (Planning Board Sub-Committee who worked on this project) are here to answer any questions you may have.

Mr. Rossi said he had offered to speak to individual homeowners concerning easements to the town to accomplish these plans. Mr. Rossi said we are waiting on landscape architecture to show the homeowners but this was offered for free, but we should probably pay someone to get this done more quickly.
Joan Malkin recommended contacting the architect who has offered the free service to the town and requesting what their time frame is for this project prior to hiring an alternate. Ms. Weidner said we will have our Administrative Assistant Jennifer Christy contact the architect about our inquiries.   Mr. Doty recommended this be followed through with Mr. Rossi and that it is not necessary to come back to a Selectmen’s meeting.   Chairman Malkin asked for an estimate of items listed in the 12 recommendations that could be covered (accomplished) with the $10,000.00 approved at Town Meeting. Ms. Weider did not know. Mr. Doty said one of the items has already been done. The boardwalk walkway has been re-configured to accommodate visitors with disabilities and parents pushing strollers.

Ms. Weider said the 3 top items from her perspective should be: the 2 easements for roadside walkways and the VTA bus turnaround. Chuck Hodgkinson (Conservation officer and Admin. Assistant to ConCom) said the Notice of Intent to file with the DEP for the VTA turnaround will need an engineered plan so that is where funds need to be spent.  

Mr. Carroll asked for Selectmen to motion for a plan to spend the funds. Mr. Rossi said we need a concept design for the easement from a landscape architect then we can bring the concept design to an engineer to take to homeowners. Mr. Doty clarified 2 easements and the VTA turnaround. Mr. Doty confirmed that Bill Rossi and Janet Weidner will work at the easements. Ms. Malkin recommended utilizing town hall staff in completing these 3 parts of the recommendations. Discussion turned to utilizing warrant articles to pay for the engineering plans. Ms. Malkin said the town of Chilmark is probably the only town that hasn’t provided a public water tap for people to refill water bottles. Mr. Carroll said the Board of Health had expressed concern that they were not notified of this request. Ms. Malkin said she would follow up with the Board of Health on having public water tap in Menemsha.

Mr. Doty moved to hire a designer for the plans to be drawn and to move forward in accomplishing the top- priority 3 items recommended by Ms. Weidner earlier. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Community Preservation Committee (CPC) - Fund Balances & Reports:
Mr. Rossi said he requested this to be on tonight’s agenda. Mr. Rossi said at Annual Town Meeting someone said we might not be spending the CPA as the town intended on housing. Mr. Rossi reported meeting with Chuck Hodgkinson Administrative Assistant to the CPC. Mr. Hodgkinson said we appropriated 4.1 million dollars of CPA funds for projects. Of the 4.1 million 62% has gone to housing. Mr. Hodgkinson said the maximum we could contribute to housing is 75%. Mr. Hodgkinson said 10 % has to go to Historical Preservation, 10% goes to Open Land Preservation and 5% goes to Administration. Mr. Rossi said this is the division of funds since 2001.
Mr. Hodgkinson said if we spent 75% of all the appropriations we have to date through this past Annual Town Meeting it would be another $500,000.00 dollars for housing.  
Mr. Hodgkinson said we will be replenishing the Rental Assistance program in the fall of 2018. Mr. Rossi said we have been spending 10% of the housing CPA funds to out of town projects. The policy the CPC has decided on is 90% for local housing projects.
Chilmark Library - Starting new Position FY2019:
Ebba Hierta Chilmark Library Director thanked Selectmen and all of the town of Chilmark for passing the FY19 budget for the Library because we are funding a new benefitted position at the library. Our problem is that we need to have someone in place in June in order to cover our summer hours. It would not be possible to find qualified temporary subs for these hours for only one month. Ms. Hierta said she has funds in the FY18 salary budget to cover the position, but there are no funds in the town benefits expense line for this until July 1.

The Library proposes to cover the expense of health benefits for the new employee the for month of June using funds in a State grant account. Ms. Hierta discussed this with Melanie Becker and she saw no problem as long as the Selectmen agree to accept the transfer of funds from the library State grant fund to the town's health benefits line. The Library Trustees approved this request at their March 2, 2018 meeting. Mr. Rossi said he supports this request as long as it is legal. Mr. Carroll said he doesn’t know the terms of the grant. Ms. Hierta assured the Selectmen that the State grant is unlimited that the Library can spend it on anything.  Mr. Doty moved to approve this proposal. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Chairman Malkin asked if there was anyone else present to address the Selectmen.
Mr. Hodgkinson said he would discuss Squibnocket at this time.

Squibnocket - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony:
Mr. Hodgkinson gave a report on the Squibnocket project. He said about a month and a half ago we did an additional archeological survey of the new parking lot area at Squibnocket. The survey showed several sensitive features. The solution we agreed upon with the Wampanoag Tribe and Mass Historical Commission was to add an additional 2 feet of fill on the South end of the parking lot. Mr. Hodgkinson said that raising the parking lot will mean having to add asphalt to the road as well. The change order additional expense for this is $100,288.00. Mr. Hodgkinson asked the Selectmen to approve this additional expense / change order.   Mr. Hodgkinson provided funding data from the warrant article. Mr. Hodgkinson explained there is $7,038.00 in the appropriation after deducting this additional expense and we anticipate staying under budget.
Mr. Doty moved to approve the change order with additional cost of $100,288.00 to be paid to John Keen Excavation Inc. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Hodgkinson said after meeting with Reid Silva (engineer) and reviewing the latest plans he has some suggestions and would like Selectmen to approve them:
Mr. Hodgkinson distributed plans to the Selectmen. Mr. Hodgkinson recommended with the steep grade (at peak over 7 feet) at the cul-de-sac to add a fence / barrier to keep people from falling over. Mr. Hodgkinson also said there will be boulders and car-stops to keep vehicles from going over the wall. Mr. Hodgkin distributed 3 options. 1.) Rustic post with heavy rope  
2.) A low study wooden barrier.   3.) post with stainless-steel wire strands. Mr. Rossi asked for Mr. Hodgkinson to get a quote for the whole retaining wall area for the posts with the heavy marine roping. Building Inspector Jason asked to look at the proposals and recommended 3 foot tall with the rope taut every 4 inches to keep children from falling under and down the embankment.
Chairman Malkin requested that we proceed with a barrier that fits regulations and does what we want. Mr. Hodgkinson will check regulations and proceed with getting quotes for the three options that are regulation and return to the Selectmen to approve one.

Mr. Doty said there should be an official ceremony opening the beach, Mr. Doty said he would  work at this. Mr. Hodgkinson offered his assistance. Mr. Rossi recommended a Thursday near Memorial Day rather than the weekend.
Public Safety Building Consultant Pacheco/Ross-~review of two possible layouts:
Mr. Carroll referred to plans from Pacheco/Ross posted on the meeting room wall. Mr. Carroll also referred to the informational packets from Pacheco/Ross and the space needs study results. Mr. Doty said for most of us this is the first we have had to look at this design. Mr. Doty said this first plan has the firetruck access through Middle Road and the Fire Chief had made it clear previously to us that he doesn’t support that plan. Mr. Carroll pointed out that the corner could be reformed to allow the firetrucks the turning radius that is needed.

Mr. Carroll said he sent these same plans to the members of the Public Safety Building Site Committee. Mr. Carroll suggested that the Selectmen talk with that committee and request the architect be on the line via conference call to receive direction and answer questions concerning the latest plans.  

Chairman Malkin said we will take this under advisement. We will look at this talk about it and bring back for our next meeting. Mr. Rossi requested to make a comment concerning these plans. Mr. Rossi said he quite frankly is very surprised that the architectural engineers came up with this plan because they were aware we did not purchase the property abutting town hall because of the Fire Chief’s concerns about the access onto Menemsha Cross Road from Middle Road. Mr. Rossi asked if there was a change of heart from the Fire Chief. Mr. Carroll said no, the architects received the concerns about the wetlands from the Selectmen and they took that into consideration for the latest submission of plans.

Lenny Jason said this (plan for public safety building) is too much for a small lot.
Fire Chief Norton did not support these plans and gave his top reasons: 1.) Insufficient parking.  2.) Firetrucks can’t make the turn from Middle Road to Menemsha Cross Rd. Mr. Doty said he was in agreement with Chief Norton and that he is disappointed in these plans. Chairman Malkin tabled further discussion till next meeting. Mr. Carroll will ask for the Public Safety Building Site Committee to meet and review these plans and submit recommendations prior to the next Selectmen’s meeting

MV Regional High School - Request to appoint representative to Building Committee:
Chairman Malkin said our office has received a letter form Superintendent D’Andrea asking us to appoint a representative. Chairman Malkin said Marshall Carroll was very interested in this topic during the budget hearings this year and recommended asking Marshall Carroll to represent Chilmark. Mr. Rossi said we can ask him but recommended an at large member of the town to be on the committee. Mr. Doty stressed that this is a big commitment. No action was taken at this time.
Jeremy Scheffer - Use of Community Center tables & chairs:
Chairman Malkin said Mr. Scheffer has sent in a request to use chairs and tables for his wedding. Mr. Rossi said these are both island kids who are getting married and just built a home in Chilmark. Mr. Rossi supported allowing them to use the town chairs and tables for the event. Mr. Rossi moved to approve this request with a condition of Mr. Scheffer supplying a security deposit. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Harbor Department:
Chairman Malkin said we have quite a few items for discussion; Electrical update, AGM pilings project update, dredging and staffing.     
Harbormaster Dennis Jason said he will be presenting his requests for the harbor staff appointments but before that would like to read something to the board.

Chairman Malkin thanked Harbormaster Jason. Mr. Rossi asked if there was a list for the staff appointment Mr. Jason confirmed that it is the same staff as last year. Mr. Rossi moved to appoint Dennis Jason Harbormaster. Glenn DeBlase and Richard Steves as Assistant Harbormasters Daniel Lee and Tucker Simonsen as Assistant Wharfingers for this coming fiscal year as requested. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.

Chairman Malkin said he would like to start a search process in February. We will go through a standard search process with a search committee nail it down to three candidates, and then interview the candidates. If we need money for someone to start earlier, we can go to the Special Town Meeting in the fall or potentially use some money from the budget in terms of Assistant Harbormasters.Chairman Malkin said he appreciates all of the work that Dennis has put into the Harbor over the past 19 years and asked to make it a great year. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Harbormaster Jason gave an update of the pilings project. He said there are 38 pilings going in our original plan was to replace 42 but we compromised with the lowest bidder to come nearer to the appropriation. Harbormaster said AGM (the company awarded the project) should be heading out of Menemsha tomorrow having completed the project.
Chairman Malkin said there were three pilings that where brought to our attention that would constitute a change order. Chairman Malkin said slip 13. Mr. Rossi said Fred Khedouri has a request to replace the piling in his slip. Harbormaster Jason said he did not believe that piling is broken but that Mr. Khedouri would like to add a press-piling to the slip. Harbormaster Jason said in reference to slip 13 it is a safety issue with him. The piling is so bad that it wobbles in the wind. This could snap at any moment and fall on a boat or a cause bodily harm. Harbormaster Jason said AGM said they could remove that piling before they left.  Harbormaster Jason said as for the Khedouri request; Mr. Khedouri could purchase a piling from R M Packer Co. truck it up here and if barge is still here they could probably install it but that is something Mr. Khedouri would have to find out.

Chairman Malkin asked if we needed to replace the piling in slip 13 (West Dock). Harbormaster Jason said he would not, only because it is an added cost to the town with little gain. Tim Carroll said the other slip 13 is the slip he rents and that has a broken pile as well. Harbormaster Jason said that can be done at a later date. Harbormaster Jason said this barge we have in the harbor now would not be able to get to the area to do this pile replacement it’s too big. Mr. Carroll asked for clarification, (regarding West Dock slip 13) if this was a breast piling or an outside piling. Harbormaster Jason confirmed it to be a breast piling. Mr. Doty said there is no money to do a change order. Mr. Carroll said Harbormaster Jason has already authorized AGM to band the 38 pilings incurring an additional $3,800.00 that will need to come from the harbor operational budget. Selectmen agreed if the piling in west dock slip 13 is a safety issue it needs to be pulled but didn’t recommend replacing.

Harbor Electrical Updates:
Mr. Carroll reported that at 7:00 AM this morning a crew from off island came to do the MEGA testing cable testing. They tested the main power to the subpanel with the three conductors and tested to the 10 power stations going to the new transient dock. Mr. Carroll said the entire test came back good according to the electrical contractor. Mr. Carroll said the entire test was being sent real-time to the electrical engineer. Mr. Carroll said he is still waiting to get report confirmation from the engineer.  Mr. Carroll said there are 2 power packs on the bulkhead (Dutcher Dock) and 1 pedestal on the floating dock that are exposed to the weather and they said we should cover them until repaired.

Mr. Rossi asked how this affects the engineering, the estimations that are being done. Mr. Carroll said the engineer had originally expected to replace all copper wires that were going out to the floating dock. Mr. Carroll said the estimated cost is about $50,000.00 in copper wire.  This test is to show if copper is good to keep. Mr. Carroll said the contractor recommended replacing the main panel which is what our plan has been. Mr. Carroll said the contractor did not say it had to be done right now but should be in our plans for the fall. Lenny Jason asked if there was still electrical current present in the water at Menemsha. Chairman Malkin said he did not know.
Mr. Carroll said our electrical inspector tested the waters in Menemsha Harbor for 10 consecutive days after the electrical work was completed last summer. At that test time there was no stay current detected in any of the tests. Chairman Malkin requested Mr. Carroll to have the water tested for electrical current prior to the season opening while our system is shut down and after it’s turned on.
Mr. Doty said there are pedestals that are covered because they haven’t been repaired yet. Mr. Doty asked what the plan to repair them is. Mr. Carroll said Chairman Malkin engaged Rob Young to go and inspect all of the pedestals.
  • 7 on Dutcher Dock
  • 3-4 on the Commercial Dock
  • 10 on the Transient (floating) Dock.
Mr. Carroll said we both took pictures and inventoried. Mr. Young said he had concerns to the condition of some of the equipment and will create a punch list for repairs recommended for completion. Mr. Carroll reported not hearing back from Mr. Young yet. Chairman Malkin requested Mr. Carroll pursue Mr. Young for this data. Mr. Rossi asked for all of the fire extinguishers be tested before the marina opens for the season. Mr. Carroll said he inspected all of the extinguishers and they all have inspection stickers for 2016. Mr. Carroll reported then checking each one weight and gages are all good but they are suffering from some rust. Mr. Carroll recommended budgeting for next year to replace them all. Harbormaster Jason said he has confirmed with Fire Chief Norton that when the inspections are done for the fire department this year they will direct the inspector to include the extinguishers at the harbor too.

Harbor Dredging Update:
Chairman Malkin gave a summary of what seems to have happened since the Army Corps dredging project. Menemsha harbor has an unusually heavy deposit of sand in the dingy dock area, starting at end of jetty coming into Crab Corner. We have some slips that could conceivably not be usable.  Chairman Malkin said we have discussed having John Keene Excavation remove some of this sand with a scooper but it will need to be addressed more thoroughly.  Harbormaster Jason gave more detail to the dramatic effect we are experiencing in our transient slips filling up with sand.
Mr. Carroll said a few years ago engineer Kent Healy had recommended a structure on the end of slip 7 and asked if we should look into permits for this. Harbormaster Jason recommended perusing Kent’s recommendations. Selectmen supported this action. Chairman Malkin requested Mr. Carroll and Harbormaster Jason to work on a recommendation of what to do this coming season to be able to utilize the transient slips and present this at the next Selectmen’s meeting.   

Failure to Elect - Surveyor of Wood, Lumber and Bark /1 year and 2 year:
Mr. Carroll asked if the Selectmen would appoints Josh Scott to the 1 year position and Elisha Wiesner to the 2 year surveyor of wood, lumber and bark. Mr. Doty moved this request.
Mr. Carroll said these two recommendation where the write in winners. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Carroll said there were some write-in candidates for positions that you don’t have to take action on. However one of the write-in candidates who had accepted a three year position was a registrar so we are now short a registrar. Mr. Carroll said we hope to have a recommendation for registrar at your next meeting. Mr. Carroll said the Clerk reported another registrar is home sick and there are nomination papers that are due tomorrow.

Mr. Carroll handed a request from the Town Clerk requesting they appoint Tim Carroll as a temporary registrar. Mr. Doty moved this request. Chairman Malkin said let the record show I really do not like getting stuff at the last minute. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Town of West Tisbury - Board of Survey - Dangerous Building:
West Tisbury Town Administrator Jen Rand has sent a request to the Chilmark Selectmen. The Board of Selectmen respectfully asks that Tim Carroll be allowed to serve as the Town of West Tisbury's "disinterested party" in a matter relating to an unsafe building in town. Mass. General Law Chapter 143 Section 8 outlines the appointment of this Board of Surveyors. If this is acceptable to you, we would offer my services in reciprocity to the Town of Chilmark should the need arise.
Mr. Doty moved to have Mr. Carroll aid West Tisbury Selectmen in this matter. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Mass. Cape & Islands License Plate Fees - to promote tourism & economic development:
Mr. Carroll reported that the town received $24,840.00 that can be used to promote tourism & economic development. Mr. Doty supported using this funding to promote tourism in Menemsha is a good thing for signage or walkways. Mr. Rossi moved for the Accountant to put this money in an account for this purpose. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes   

Menemsha Trash Services:   
Mr. Carroll said he was putting out a Request for Bids next week to solicit bids for the trash pickup and comfort station maintenance in Menemsha. Mr. Doty said we need to spell out exact the number of times per day the restrooms will be cleaned at certain hours. Chairman Malkin asked that this be worked on by Mr. Doty and Mr. Carroll.

Annual Town Meeting - Actions Needed:
Mr. Carroll read through the 2018 Annual Town Meeting Warrant articles and any item that still needed action taken was discussed and addressed to be executed. The harbor boat warrant funds were recommended to hold off on any action until November 2018.  

Lenny Jason recommended articles 15, 16, & 17: Healthy Aging MV, First Stop & Substance Use Disorder be put into the Selectmen’s budget next year so the Selectmen have control of what they are spending. Mr. Rossi supported this suggestion.
Chilmark School Playground Update:
Mr. Carroll said we had 6 interested parties and at deadline we received 2 bids. The low bid was from Pro Built Designs for a combined price of $101,330.00.  The other bid came in at $121,888.00 Rock Solid Construction. Mr. Carroll reported that the reference process has been completed with good reviews for the lowest bidder. Mr. Carroll recommended Selectmen award Pro Build this project. Mr. Doty moved to award this project to Pro Built Designs for a combined price of $101,330.00. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mass. Estuary Project (MEP) - Squibnocket, Menemsha and Nashaquitsa Pond Systems:
Mr. Carroll said the MEP has been going on for many years. The DEP have not taken any action on the reports that were sent them. U Mass Dartmouth would like to be paid for the report that was submitted this past winter. Mr. Doty moved to request U Mass Dartmouth to invoice the town of Chilmark for the study they provided so they can be paid. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Beach Department -Staff Appointments 2018 season:
Selectmen received the appointment recommendation from Beach Committee Chairman Clarissa Allen in writing.
Beach Superintendent- Martina Mastromonaco
Assistant Superintendents- Karyn Robertson, Rebecca Goreham and Laura Macomber
Lifeguards- Rebecca Goreham, Luke Sausville, Haydon Sausville, Nora Mcnamar,
Conor Estes, Arden Wise, Lief Iverson, George Katilus, Lila Norris, Lauren Gray, Nico Ciccia
Haven Huck, David Fielder, Josh Willoughby, Griffin Gardner, Haven Huck , Annabella Zannini and Isabella Parker.
Gate Guards - Laura Macomber, Emma Ward, Fran Bradley and Kayla Meyer

Mr. Doty moved to accept these recommendations from the Beach Committee and appoint them all for the 2018 season. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Menemsha Green Pond - painting location:
Mr. Carroll said this painting was dislocated from its mount in our downstairs conference room and asked if it could find its home on the Selectmen’s meeting room walls. Mr. Doty agreed to find an appropriate spot for this painting.

2018 Creek lot Leases;
Mr. Carroll said the final Creek lot Lease came into town hall today so we have them here for your signatures. Mr. Doty moved to approve the Leases as presented and to sign them. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes all Creek Lot Leases were signed by Selectmen    

Propane Contact:  
Mr. Carroll said after review of the prices we have been paying he requested options from venders. Rymes has offered $1.79 per gallon for a year. Selectmen said it was ok to change to a better price. Mr. Doty requested that the Rymes Company not post a signs at the tanks (just on tanks). Mr. Carroll will talk with Chilmark Gas Inspector George Apostolides for information about this transition.  

At 6:45 PM with no further topics for discussion Mr. Rossi moved to adjourn. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.  SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.   Approved 06/06/2018

Document List:
  • Letter from Superintendent D’Andrea asking for Selectmen to appoint a representative to MVRH Building Committee
  • Request from Jeremy Scheffer to borrow CCC chairs & table for wedding
  • West Tisbury Selectmen request to allow Tim Carroll be appointed to West Tisbury disinterested party - dangerous building process
  • Mass Cape & Islands moneys to Chilmark for Tourism & Economic development
  • Smith Property Care invoice for trash removal in Menemsha
  • 2017 Town Report / 2018 ATM warrant
  • Town Clerk request to appoint Mr. Carroll temp. registrar
  • Bid documents for Chilmark Playground
  • Written explanation from Library Director explaining that grant will pay for part of new hire cost.
  • Beach Committee recommendation for 2018 staff appointments
  • Creek Lot Leases
  • Impacts of Marijuana forum invitation 5/17/18
  • MIIA (insurance co) determination on Library damage
  • Flyer for volunteers to train as shelter service team 5/4/18 & 5/12/18
  • Housing trust training conference notice
  • Engineers ConCom notice as abutters to Benham project
  • Cape Light Compact (CLC) summary of activity January 2018
  • CLC energy efficiency report
  • New billing notice from Comcast
  • Comcast video package notice
  • Division of marine fisheries shellfish propagation permit.