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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 04/03/18
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    April 3, 2018    Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Bill Rossi, James Malkin, Warren Doty. Tim Carroll, Police Chief Klarèn, Rob Hannemann, Debora Packer, Mr. Grimm, Mrs. Flanders, reporter Rich Saltzberg videographer Lynn Christoffers from MVTV.

At 5:00 pm Chairman Rossi called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s meeting room.

Draft minutes from the Selectmen’s March 6, 2018 meeting were reviewed. Corrections were made. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Draft minutes from the Selectmen’s March 20, 2018 meeting were reviewed. Corrections were made. Mr. Malkin moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Draft minutes from the Selectmen’s March 27, 2018 meeting were reviewed. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes as written. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Draft minutes from the Selectmen’s January 12, 2016 meeting were reviewed. Mr. Malkin moved to approve minutes as written. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Opioid Litigation:
Mr. Malkin reported attending the conference that was held in West Tisbury last week with town counsel concerning the Opioid Litigation and how it affects Chilmark. Mr. Malkin said this is a multi-community action against the manufactures of opioids as they knowingly distributed product that causes great harm. Town counsel was present at the West Tisbury Selectmen’s meeting and confirmed there was no down side for joining.  Mr. Malkin moved that Chilmark join in this action. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Green Communities Designation - Rob Hannemann:
Rob Hannemann Chilmark’s representative on the Island Energy Committee spoke to this topic. Mr. Hannemann is also a Chilmark representative on the board of Cape & Vineyard Electric Cooperative and Cape Light Compact. Mr. Hannemann said there are 185 communities in the Commonwealth that have become Green communities. The towns of Tisbury and West Tisbury have joined and are already receiving financial benefits. Mr. Hannemann reported that he has met with the Chilmark Planning Board concerning Chilmark becoming a Green Community. The Planning Board had lots of good questions but they were not opposed to joining. Mr. Hannemann said there are 5 criteria required prior to being designated as a Green Community.   
  • As-of-right Zoning for renewable energy required (only solar is acceptable)
  • Expedite reviews of renewable energy projects (determination within a year)
  • Establish an energy baseline for municipal buildings (lower by 20% in 5 years)
  • Purchase fuel efficient vehicles whenever practical
  • Adoption of stretch building code opposed to the standard building code.
Mr. Hannemann said the Planning Board had questions specifically pertaining to the stretch code. The major differences between the standard building code and the stretch code have shrunk considerably. Mr. Hannemann outlined some of the differences with the stretch code;  additional cost of $980.00 to build a new 3 bedroom building. But after construction is complete you save money on energy and within 3 years you would make back that additional expense. Renovations to existing homes would not be required to conform to stretch code. A benefit beyond feeling good about being green, is that the town becomes eligible for grant funds for energy projects. West Tisbury has received $141,000.00 in energy efficiency grants since becoming a Green Community and $110,000.00 more for new construction activities (police station & library). Mr. Malkin moved to direct the Planning Board to review the Green Community requirements and make a recommendation to the Selectmen concerning becoming a Green Community. Mr. Doty added that our Building Inspector / Zoning Officer report to the Selectmen concerning his input about the stretch code criteria. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chairman Rossi recommended a Committee be formed to review the Green Community criteria and report back to the Selectmen with a recommendation.
Chairman Rossi thanked Mr. Hannemann for proposing this process and said it’s definitely something to delve deeper into.  

Chilmark School - Playground Replacement Community Project:
Mr. Doty reported he attended the School Committee Meeting yesterday. Mr. Doty said he requested the hold up on this project be worked out and we get the playground project completed by July 1, 2018. Discussion of funding ensued. Mr. Doty moved to assign the procurement process for the Chilmark School playground to Tim Carroll (Chilmark Town Administrator) to move forward with this project. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Chilmark Pre-school & Kindergarten:
Mr. Doty said Chilmark School has 3 positions that 5 kids are applying for in the K-1 grade class for next year. . Mr. Doty said there has to be some sort of priority for who gets them. Mr. Doty said the Chilmark Principal believes that children attending the Chilmark Preschool should get the priority. Mr. Doty said we don’t have that as a written policy but maybe we should. Mr. Carroll said it’s been an unwritten understanding that K-1 in Chilmark receives priority enrolment from the Chilmark Preschool. Mr. Carroll said its (Chilmark preschool) intended to be a feeder for the Chilmark School.  
Chairman Rossi recommended it become a written policy and to send that recommendation to the UIRSD Committee. Mr. Doty moved the Chilmark Preschool children get preference for Chilmark School enrollment. Mr. Malkin added; in accordance with the desire of the Up Island Regional School District to strengthen enrollment at the Chilmark School. Mr. Doty asked for Mr. Hannemann for comment prior to voting.  Mr. Hannemann said you got to the main point as it is ultimately the district’s decision, and the historical background that suggests that the way things are happening at the preschool is what they asked to make happen. Mrs. Flanders said the other issue is the siblings to children that are already attending the Chilmark School have also had preference as well.  
Mr. Doty recommended leaving that (siblings) statement out of the motion keeping to the Chilmark Preschool preference. Mr. Malkin asked for restatement of motion. Mr. Carroll said “in accordance with the School Committees desire to increase enrollment, we resolve that we give preference to students attending the Chilmark Preschool to enroll in Chilmark K-1.”
Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chilmark Preschool Lease:
Mr. Doty said we need to review our lease with the preschool and take the steps to renew it.  Mr. Carroll said they are operating as a tenant at will because the lease has expired. Mr. Doty pointed out that we have 60 students at K-5 and an additional 20 in the preschool with a total of 80 children at the Chilmark School.

Harbor - Electrical Engineer draft single line drawing:
Mr. Malkin said we have not heard back from Cole Powers concerning the electrical engineer plans prepared by Vincent DiIorio. Mr. Malkin voiced concerns that the Town’s wiring inspector is not responding to our calls.

Mr. Carroll said Cole’s office received this wiring plan when we did on Friday afternoon.
Mr. Carroll said the Harbormaster had a comment on page three of these plans it refers to the cabling specifications as G type cable. Mr. Malkin said Harbormaster Jason was told that the existing cable was up to code when it was installed but the subsequent code calls for thicker insulation. The Harbormaster is concerned that we are installing the proper cable. Mr. Carroll said the meeting that he and Chairman Rossi had with Vinny DiIorio (electrical engineer) this conversation about the cable went on at length and he knows our concerns, our application, and our use. Mr. DiIorio looked at the cable that is presently in Menemsha Harbor and in his specs. Mr. DiIorio has written down type G Cable. Chairman Rossi said there is code for cable today that is going to change in a year but you can only build to code at this time.      

Chairman Rossi said Mr. DiIorio is willing to be hired on as the OPM for this project. Chairman Rossi said he would reachout to Cole Powers for his input on these plans.

Piling Project - AGM Contract:
Mr. Carroll requested Selectmen approve him signing this contract with AGM to install 38 pilings for $126,000.00 Mr. Doty moved to have this contact signed and the project move forward. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Squibnocket Beach Update:
Chairman Rossi said this project is moving along well. The plan is still on track to have a dune built and planted by April 15, 2018.  Mr. Doty said there a change order on this project but we are waiting for pricing to confirm the figures for this change order.

Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) grant workshop May 3 & 6 draft invitation:
Mr. Carroll said the State is having a MVP workshop. The workshop will be held at the West Tisbury Library. Mr. Carroll said this draft letter was created by the consultant hired through the MVP grant for the Towns to send.
Mr. Carroll said we are looking to invite contractors that are in the building trades, road people (IE John Keene Excavation) and folks that will be effected by climate change. Mr. Carroll said we are also hoping town officials and planning people, regulatory people…(core people from the communities) will attend concerning assumptions climate change impact and to say what priority we give these things. Mr. Carroll said we are looking for 30 participants and if a Selectman could attend both meetings that would be ideal. Mr. Malkin requested Mr. Carroll draft a letter from the Chilmark Selectmen encouraging their attending these workshops. Mr. Malkin said he would attend as the Selectman representative.      

Chilmark Community Center Windbreak Update:
Mr. Carroll said we are waiting for completion of the punch list. Chairman Rossi said he has a call into contractor but has not heard back yet. Mr. Doty said this is a very successful project, just needs a few finishing touches.
Public Safety Building - Wetland Delineation and Consultant Update:
Mr. Carroll referred to a large map on the table delineating the wetlands. Essentially the edge of the parking lot is the edge of the wetlands. Mr. Carroll said he sent a copy of this to the architectural engineers but they are on a 2 week vacation at this time. Mr. Doty said now the next step is to give these wetland delineations to the Chilmark Conservation Commission. Mr. Carroll said we will get an overlap from the architectural engineers on their return.

Mr. Doty asked for an update on the property we received at 4 N. Ridge Rd. Chairman Rossi said he has hired someone to complete an appraisal of the property. Chairman Rossi said David & James Coppola have brought this to Land Court on our behalf to have the land certified in the Towns name. Chairman Rossi expected that process to be completed by the end of April. Chairman Rossi said he and Melanie Becker (who Selectmen appointed as custodian) will be holding a conference call with Coppola to go over the auction process and the marketing process to get this property sold.
At 6:17 PM with no further items for discussion Mr. Malkin moved to adjourn. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.

Document List:
  • Draft Selectmen meeting minutes from: 3/06/18, 3/20/18, 3/27/18 & 1/12/16
  • Opioid Litigation Seminar documents from Ma. Municipal Lawyers Association.
  • Tisbury’s MOU with cape Light Compact concerning Green Communities
  • Model zoning bylaw concerning allowing largescale ground-mounted solar photovoltaic installations y designation
  • Columbia cascade co. models of playground big toys.
  • Elephant Play rotating dish playground - equipment specifications
  • Drafting sketches of Chilmark School playground  
  • Draft invitation letter for the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness workshops May 3, 6
  • Vincent DiIorio electrical engineering plan for Menemsha Harbor
  • Cooper Environmental outline of wetlands delineation around Town Hall Property  
  • ComCast notice of TV station changes effective May 9, 2018
  • ComCast Annual report
  • Cape Light Compact activity summary for January 2018
  • Ma. State 911 Department newsletter