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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 01/30/18
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    January 30, 2018    Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Bill Rossi, Warren Doty. Tim Carroll, Rob Hannemann, Robert Lionette, Fire Chief David Norton, Gary Robinson, Chris Smith, Jeremy Bradshaw,  reporter Mr. Dowd & Videographer Lynn Christoffers.

At 6:05 PM Chairman Rossi called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s meeting room.

Proposal for Conceptual Design & Site Study for Fire station and Ambulance Facility:
Selectmen have received a proposal from Pacheco Ross Architects for a facility at 401 Middle Road. Chairman Rossi asked the Fire Department members present if they had comments pertaining to the plans. Chief Norton said that option II was a better proposal for the Fire department from his perspective and review of both plans. Chief Norton said that option II would need some work and revision but thought that could be worked on with the architectural engineer. Chief Norton said the square footage seems a little lean to manage both Fire and EMS departments.  Discussion about all of the equipment to be housed and space needs ensued.
Mr. Doty said that next step of plans would come after we hire Pacheco Ross Architects to work this project. The action for the Selectmen would be to move to approve hiring the Architect to proceed with a plan for option II. Mr. Doty asked about the possibility of adding a second floor.
Mr. Doty said there is $26,600.00 available in the warrant article for the plans at this time. The estimate for the next stage of the proposal from Dennis Ross (architectural engineer) is approximately $20,000.00.

Selectmen James Malkin arrived at 5:08 PM

Chairman Rossi asked Chief Norton if he thought there was a problem combining the EMS and Fire Department in this proposed facility. Chief Norton said there were some folks who said that but as far as he is concerned as Chief he sees no problem in housing the two in the same facility if space needs are considered. Mr. Doty said if we can add a second floor and that space hold administrative spaces, a bunk room and meeting space.

Mr. Doty moved to hire Dennis Ross to proceed with the next step set forth in this proposal II plan. With the understanding this would cost $20,000.00 to $25,000.00.  Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Mr. Doty said the Chilmark Conservation will discuss proposal II at their meeting to be held February 7, 2018.

Up Island Regional School District Funding Formula:
Mr. Carroll said the Selectmen have a letter from Rob Hannemann in their packet followed by new Assessment Alternatives Summary. Mr. Malkin said his takeaway from reviewing materials is Chilmark is already paying more, how much more should we be paying, if any more at all.
Mr. Malkin asked for Mr. Hannemann to speak to the bottom line of the summary.

Mr. Hannemann spoke to the report he submitted to the Chilmark Selectmen and referred to the
figures supplied with the report.                           Report :                     Continued on next page…

Mr. Hannemann said that these proposals have not been acted on; they are in the proposal stage.
The working group worked together quite well, without any acrimony, and put forth and would continue to put forth an honest effort to talk about the issues.     

Mr. Hannemann recommended that Chilmark is comfortable with the current formula but if a change is wanted recommended going with the State Formula. Mr. Lionette spoke about the State funding formula and said years ago it was considerably different but today it is almost identical to the funding allocations we have today.
Mr. Malkin recommended presenting this (Mr. Hannemann’s findings) at the next working group Tri Town Selectmen’s meeting. Mr. Hannemann asked if he should send this to the group prior to the meeting. Selectmen requested that the information be sent prior to the meeting so they will have materials prior to meeting time.

At 6:47 PM Mr. Malkin moved to recess till 7:00 PM when the FinCom Selectmen joint budget hearing will begin. Mr. Doty seconded the motion SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.   Approved 3/06/2018

Document List:
  • Agenda
  • Pacheco Ross Architects proposal for conceptual design for site study of Fire Station & Ambulance Facility
  • R. Hannemann update on Up Island Regional School District assessment formulas and supporting figures