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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 01/23/18
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    January 23, 2018    Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Bill Rossi, James Malkin and Warren Doty. Tim Carroll, Rob Hannemann, Tri Town Deputy Chief Matt Montanile, Assistant Fire Chief Robert Coutinho, Fireman Gary Robinson, Police Chief Jonathan Klarèn,  Thomas Bena, reporter Rich Saltzberg & Videographer Evgeny Mishehenko.

Draft minutes from Selectmen’s meeting held January 9, 2017 were reviewed, corrections were made. Mr. Malkin moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Tri Town Ambulance:
Chief Retmier sent a written request that the Administrative Assistant for the Tri Town Ambulance be regraded to a grade 8 with retro pay from July 1, 2017.  Mr. Malkin said the regrade to a grade 8 was completed the only question is the retro pay.
Mr. Doty said the retro pay is about $1,000.00. Mr. Doty said the Tri Town Ambulance Committee endorses the retro pay. Mr. Doty said this request can be and would be covered by the current Tri Town Ambulance Budget. Mr. Carroll said this did go to the Human Resources Board (HRB) and did get re-graded to an 8 from a 6 but that the HRB left the retro pay up to the Selectmen to determine. Mr. Malkin said he has concerns if this retro approval would impact anyone who did not get retro pay. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Doty moved to approve the retro pay at grade 8 for Allison Graczykowski back to July 1, 2017. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 ayes

Mr. Doty asked Deputy Chief of the Tri Town Ambulance Matt Montanile his input on TTA response to the fatal motor vehicle accident in Chilmark the other day. Mr. Montanile said he can’t speak from firsthand experience because he was not there. But from what he has heard it was managed very well, there were ample resources (Firefighters, EMTs) everyone involved received the best care that they could have. Mr. Montanile said there could be better communication at the incident command level but he heard it went well. There was a rescue de-briefing that was well attended the Sunday after the incident.

Robert Coutinho (Fire Department) said there was a 9 minute delay in the Communication Center. Mr. Coutinho said he arrived at the scene having responded immediately but that the ambulances had the injured already loaded up to head to the hospital. Mr. Coutinho went on to say that the folks that got there before him did an amazing job. Mr. Malkin asked if the delay in the I am responding program has been brought to the attention of the Com. Center and Sheriff.

Mr. Carroll said there is a meeting next week to follow-up on that.   Chief Klarèn said this is the first he has heard of the time delay but by the time Mr. Coutinho had arrived there was enough fire apparatus and responders to the accident site. Chief Klaren said there was no delay in 911 call and response. Mr. Carroll said there is a bit of an issue with the tower up island and there may have been some pagers not connected and our backup system called I am responding was not initiated early by the ComCenter. Mr. Carroll said he will know more after their meeting next week.
Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources -  2018 Animal Control Officer:
Selectmen’s office received the request from the MDAR for designating an ACO for Chilmark. Mr. Malkin moved to submit and approve the application of Mr. Murphy as Chilmark’s ACO. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Martha’s Vineyard Commission -Chilmark Representative:
Selectmen’s office received the request from Joan Malkin to be re-appointed as a Chilmark representative. Mr. Doty moved to appoint Joan Malkin to continue to represent Chilmark on the Martha’s Vineyard Commission. Chairman Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes 1 Abstain James Malkin as Joan is spouse

Pre-School PTO Fundraiser - CCC:
Chilmark Pre-School has requested (in writing) permission and rental waiver for their fundraiser event to be held February 10, 2017. Mr. Malkin moved to approve this request. Mr. Doty seconded the request. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

The MV Film Festival Event Request - CCC:
Chairman Rossi said Hilary Dryer of the MVFF came in person to the Town Hall to talk to Selectmen about the annual MVFF movie event in March but there is a date conflict with the Community Center as it is booked for another event. Thomas Bena said he was advised to talk with Selectmen about this and try to get this date if at all possible. Chairman Rossi recommended that Thomas Bena talk directly to Chuck Hodgkinson who has reserved the Community Center for the date he would like to hold film festival. Mr. Bena said he would talk to Mr. Hodgkinson and Mr. Poole (the Chilmark sponsor).

Mr. Carroll asked if the conflict is worked-out do the Selectmen approve the Film Festival holding their event and what are the guidelines the Selectmen want to hold TMVFF to. Chairman Rossi said to please workout a traffic scheme with Police Chief Klarèn. Chief Klarèn said no parking is allowed along State Road (South Rd). Mr. Malkin said as with all events at the Community Center no alcohol may be sold. Chairman Rossi said no food truck at the Community Center as Lenny Jason said it is against our bylaws. Mr. Carroll asked if Selectmen would approve the MVFF request from January 3, 2018 if the conflicted date is worked out with Mr. Hodgkinson.   

Mr. Malkin moved to approve this request from TMVFF with the conditions that TMVFF:
  • Are granted permission from Mr. Hodgkinson to use the CCC on date that he had reserved
  • Do not sell alcohol
  • Do not use a food truck to sell food at events
  • Follow direction of Police Chief regarding traffic and parking.
Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Public Safety Building Consultant - Update:
Mr. Carroll said Dennis Ross the architectural engineer has sent us new documents. (document was distributed) the architect estimated about $20, 000 to $25,000  for professional services from his firm for public safety building plans.
Mr. Carroll said he (Mr. Ross) would only bill us for actual time spent on this project. Mr. Doty said we should get the balance from our Town Accountant of what is left in the warrant article for public safety building site assessment & planning. Mr. Doty (member of the Tri Town Ambulance committee) said the Tri Town Committee sent a letter saying that they did not think the North Road fire station is an appropriate location for the Ambulance. Mr. Doty said keeping the Ambulance at Beetlebung Corner was really our first preference. Mr. Doty recommended discussing with Mr. Ross the square footage needs to house our departments.  Chairman Rossi said his concerns with combining the EMS and fire department is the public perception is the scale and size needed to house both. Mr. Malkin said it’s estimated (from the study) to need 5,500 to 7,000.00 with the EMS included. Discussion ensued.
Mr. Malkin said he has heard from members of the fire department that there is a concern that he has read is nationwide. That concern is with volunteer EMTs & firefighters it’s difficult to find people who want to do it now days on a volunteer basis.  
Younger people are not interested; the amount of training that is mandated and unpaid to complete, the personal risk you take on to which all sorts of things they get exposed to. There is concern that 5 to 10 years down the road we will not have a volunteer fire force because we won’t have the people.  And if that’s the case it might be time for our town and West Tisbury and Aquinnah to look at joining. Much like we have a Tri-Town Ambulance service. We should look at the impact and issues of having a tri town fire department because if there is an appetite for that that it would have impact on what we end up building here.

Mr. Malkin recommended sending a note to the Selectmen in the other two (up island) towns outlining some of this and find out if they are interested in doing a study in combining our departments. Chairman Rossi said he is in favor of the study but we will still need a shelter for our firetrucks and equipment.  Mr. Malkin said he was in total agreement. Mr. Doty asked for input from the two longtime members of the Chilmark Fire Department to say something on this matter. Mr. Coutinho supported a study.   Mr. Coutinho said on his way to meeting tonight someone recommended to him that Aquinnah and Chilmark ban together as a fire department, but  he himself recommends a study first. Chairman Rossi expressed concern with continued delays to building our public safety building. Mr. Malkin recommended sending a letter to the Selectmen to see if there is interest to join in a study and if not we continue our own project.                              

Mr. Doty said he is impressed with Mr. Ross’s recommendations and recommended responding to his proposal that we are not sure of the scope of this project yet but would like to work with him. We could put this on hold a week or two till we get feedback from West Tisbury and Aquinnah.

Mr. Malkin moved that the Selectmen send a note as discussed to Mr. Ross saying we appreciate it (this proposal) we are very interested in pursuing doing this (safety building), we have to re-define  or scope. And we also send a note to the Selectmen of West Tisbury and Aquinnah for an expression of interest in a tri- town fire department and respond no later than one month from now. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Harbor Update:
Mr. Malkin (harbor liaison) said as a follow up from the meeting that Mr. Brighton discussed dredging in our harbor we asked that a study be done by Woods Hole Group (WHG). Mr. Malkin said he met with the WHG the Harbormaster Dennis Jason and John Keene and they looked at the sight where the dredging would take place. WHG discussed with Harbormaster Jason the depths and they (WHG) have given us a report (document was distributed). Mr. Malkin said basically it says they don’t think the dredging would impact the areas that the Harbormaster was concerned about. Mr. Malkin said he would like permission to go to Chuck Hodgkinson to find out if we need the Army Core of Engineers or something from our Chilmark Conservation Commission to do this dredging. After we get a response from Mr. Hodgkinson we can then decide how to proceed. Chairman Rossi asked for a motion, Mr. Malkin moved, Mr. Doty seconded. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes   

Mr. Malkin noted that the cost of this study was paid anonymously; the study was a donation to the town.

Mr. Malkin said in terms of the electrical work we need done in the harbor we have one electrical engineer who has responded to help us set up Invitation For Bid document. The figure we received was very high. Mr. Carroll was going to reach out to Cole Powers to see if we can get the original drawings to see if this responding engineer can use them. Mr. Carroll said he had not spoken with Mr. Powers but when he called his office they said that Mr. Powers had not drawn plans. Mr. Malkin said David Sprague (electrician) gave him a contact to an engineer who may be able to help and he will reach out to him this week. We need to have someone draft the plan that needs to be utilized for the IFB. Mr. Carroll said that the engineering service estimate that we received is for $20,000.00 Mr. Malkin said he is seeking to have this resolved within the next 3 weeks.
Jennifer Christy & Susan Murphy arrived  
Up Island Regional School District - update on cost allocation formula working group:
Mr. Malkin said he has been looking at the Up Island Schools budget for eight years as a member of the Finance Committee and then as a Selectmen. We did some work prior to Chairman Rossi’s first meeting with West Tisbury that wasn’t very productive. One obvious thing was if Chilmark were to run the Chilmark School alone it would cost Chilmark less than it currently pays. Since then a study group (of Aquinnah, West Tisbury & Chilmark) has reviewed and proposed we (Chilmark) pay an additional 3.8%. Mr. Malkin said a West Tisbury Selectmen attending the meetings has repeatedly stated that that increase is not enough.

Mr. Malkin said he and Rob Hannemann talked and Rob has pulled together some interesting figures. Mr. Malkin asked Mr. Hannemann to speak to this. Mr. Hannemann gave indepth explanations of looking at the figures from many angles and came up each time with solid information supporting that if Chilmark manned their own school only, it would cost West Tisbury more.  Mr. Hannemann wanted to assure Chilmarkers that we have not been putting undue burden on West Tisbury. Mr. Doty recommended that after the next meeting concerning this topic that the Chilmark Selectmen meet and discuss this prior to the Three Town Selectmen meeting on February 1, 2018. Selectmen decided to meet at 6:00 PM on January 30, 2018 on this topic.   Mr. Hannemann was invited to attend that Selectmen’s meeting. Mr. Lionette will be invited as well.
At 6:53 PM Mr. Malkin moved to adjourn.
Minutes respectively submitted by Diana DeBlase.    Approved 3/06/2018

Document List:
  • Draft minutes from Selectmen’s January 9, 2018 meeting.
  • Tri Town Ambulance Chief recommendation letter to support Administrative Asst salary raise
  • Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources -  2018 Animal Control Officer documents
  • Joan Malkin’s request to be re-appointed to MV Commission
  • Chilmark Preschool fundraiser request
  • The MV Film Festival event March request also letter about conflict date
  • Architectural engineer’s plans for Public Safety Building
  • Cape Light Compact monthly (November) energy efficiency report
  • Division of Marine Fisheries temporary closure & open status notices for taking shellfish
  • Cape Light Compact heating systems assistance program notice
  • Mass. Department of Environmental Protection notice of report for total nitrogen load in Tisbury Great Pond & Black Point Pond   
  • Woods Hole group harbor dredging plan report.
  • Mr. Ross’s Public Safety Building plan offer