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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 09/12/17
Chilmark Board of Selectmen     September 12, 2017    Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Bill Rossi, Jim Malkin and Warren Doty, Tim Carroll,
Police Chief Jonathan Klarèn, Rich Saltzberg and MVTV videographer.

At 5:00 PM Chairman Rossi called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Minutes: Draft minutes from the Selectmen’s August 22, 2017 meeting were reviewed, corrections were made. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes as corrected. Chairman Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes 1 Abstain Jim Malkin was not present at the 8/22/17 meeting.

Draft minutes from August 3, 2017 were tabled till next Selectmen’s meeting.

Dukes County Sheriff- additional radio equipment Peaked Hill:
Mr. Carroll and Chief Klarèn discussed the Sheriff’s request with the Selectmen. Equipment to be installed includes a VHF repeater, filters, lightning protection, and additional antenna on the lower platform of the tower.
Chief Klarèn said that the portable radio to portable radio communication must use the repeater system to work here (up island) but for instance with the Chilmark Road Race when we are using the portable that is the only line we have, having a second designated line would be a good safety measure. Mr. Carroll said the Sheriff’s project is separate from Chief Klarèn’s.
Mr. Doty moved to approve Dukes County Sheriff’s request with the condition that it comes with no cost to Chilmark and it doesn’t interfere with Police Chief Klarèn’s project. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes          

Community Compact Cabinet:
Massachusetts Governor’s Office is implementing the Community Compact Cabinet signing up more than 300 cities and towns across the state enabling these participants access to grants for better practices. Mr. Doty said after reviewing the better practices lists supplies through the CCC he is happy to see Chilmark practices most of them already. One item we could move forward through the CCC could be pathways for pedestrians in town. This CCC information will be sent to department heads for review of what they think we should seek assistance with.  No action was taken at this time.

Menemsha Fall Walk Around:
Selectmen decided to hold the fall walk around in Menemsha October 2, 2017 at 9:00 AM.

Invoices from Prior Fiscal Year (2017):
Mr. Carroll noted that the only department to request prior year invoices to be paid through Special Town Meeting warrant article is the Harbor Department but there are quite a few others that Department Heads need to list and submit as STM warrant article.

Special Town Meeting (STM):
Selectmen discussed what to expect for warrant articles. Among them are the compensation adjustments, harbor electrical updates, and FY17 invoices. Mr. Doty said we still need to certify free cash prior to setting the date for STM but looks like the 6th or 13th of November will probably be possible date for STM.

Menemsha Shuttle - VTA Ridership:
Mr. Carroll said the rainy weather in July kept the numbers down a bit but with the high ridership for August the overall total was up considerably from last year. July 2016 was 2,118 compared to this July; 2,032. August was 2,433 for 2016 and this August was 4,158.
The increase was due in part by weather and the improvements to the shuttle parking lot and Chilmark Traffic officers really getting the word out with direction flyers.

Discussion turned to possibly expanding the size of the lot as there were days the lot was at capacity and more space would have been utilized. There was discussion of the process and the need to apply for a permit with the DEP to expand parking at the capped landfill site. Mr. Doty requested the temporary light poles be realigned and reminded Mr. Carroll the metal poles still need to be put in once they are available. Mr. Carroll said Keith Emin would like to remove the dividers from the lot during off season. Mr. Doty said if this is so non town related trucks can unload that we should not allow it.

Mr. Malkin asked for an update about the fishermen’s lots and fire training area back in this area. Mr. Carroll said he met with John Keene and did a field visit, the next step if Selectmen want to proceed is to have a sketch drawn up by the surveyor and submit to the DEP to see if they would consider it. Our post closure permit for the landfill will have to be modified. Selectmen directed Mr. Carroll to proceed. Mr. Carroll said there is not funds allotted for this project yet and asked if we should wait for funds from a STM warrant article. Mr. Doty asked that we send abutters to the Middle Line Road area an invitation to join in a meeting to discuss our plans for this area. Mr. Carroll said a plan from the surveyor would aid with communication at that meeting. Mr. Doty moved to hire an engineer and surveyor to draft the plan we can submit to DEP. This part of the project is to come from the Selectmen’s maintenance account. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes     

Solar Grant - MLR:
Mr. Carroll said that he applied for a grant through Cape Light Compact for a 24 kw system to be installed at the Middle Line Road affordable housing rental units to offset the energy bills. Mr. Carroll said that he has set up a meeting with South Mountain who might be able to tap into a fund to build the solar system larger to take care of the entire electrical needs.

Police Department - Septic System:
Chief Klarèn reported that the pump alarm for the septic system went off. Engineer Kent Healy was brought in to take a look at this and said it’s not a dire situation, and that there is a simple solution. The system is a two pump system and the plan is to replace the one pump that has failed. Mr. Carroll said once we get the cost of the repair we will either come up with a warrant article or pay for it out of the budget pending on the cost.

MLR - Appliances & Annual agreement
Mr. Carroll said we have replaced some appliances (stack washer dryer and dishwasher) at the Middle Line Road Affordable Housing rental units. Mr. Carroll said he met with director of the Dukes County Housing Authority to financially plan for the replacements that we expect.   

Personal Service Agreement:
Mr. Carroll said this is an agreement he would like to set up for himself, and requested that one of the Selectmen be designated to agree to meet with him for negotiations. Mr. Doty said he would do that. Mr. Doty gave an update of the Human Resources Board meeting that happened last Thursday. It was discussed that the Town should have personal contracts with a few individuals rather than askew the pay chart. Chilmark Selectmen did this with the Police Chief position. Mr. Doty went on to say this is a common practice with the other island towns for the Town Administrator position which is like our Executive Secretary position. Mr. Doty said Aquinnah just hired a new Town Administrator and recommends looking at that contract for reference for coming up with our own.  Discussion ensued. Mr. Malkin asked to bring the topic of having a contract up with the Human Resources Board at their next meeting this Thursday and to wait to begin discussion about a personal contract for Mr. Carroll.

Park & Recreation- Lot 1A Bulkhead:
Mr. Doty said that this lot with a shack on it was turned over to the town with a bill of sale from John Armstrong and that this year’s lease been awarded to Wes Brighton and Scott McDowell. Mr. Doty said Selectmen have signed the bill of sale agreement with Mr. Armstrong but Mr. Armstrong hasn’t yet but said he would be in at noon tomorrow to do so. Mr. Doty moved to approve Wes Brighton and Scott McDowell to lot 1A. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes Selectmen signed the annual lease agreement  

At 5:50 PM Mr. Doty moved to move into Executive Session and not return to regular session to discuss 2 items; personal duties for one employee and to discuss land acquisition. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. Roll call Doty: Aye, Malkin: Aye, Rossi: Aye.  Mr. Carroll and Mr. Norton were also present.   
Executive Session adjourned at 6:38 PM

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.       Approved 10/17/17

Document list:
  • Draft Executive Session Minutes from 08/03/17
  • Draft Minutes from 08/22/17
  • Dukes County Sheriff additional radio tower equipment request for Peaked Hill
  • Community Compact Cabinet best practices programs
  • CCCHG signature page for October 19, 2016 agreement
  • List of prior fiscal year invoices to be discussed for Special Town Meeting
  • VTA ridership report 2017 season for Menemsha Shuttle
  • Engineer Kent Healy  2004 report on the “police department” building Septic leaching field and the as build for the system