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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 05/02/17
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    May 2, 2017   Meeting Minutes    

Present: Warren Doty & Bill Rossi Jim Malkin was not present. Tim Carroll, Melanie Becker, Kevin Oliver, Wayne Iacono, Ebba Hierta, Jonathan Klarèn, Elizabeth Rogers, Jeremy Rogers, Melanie Becker, Edie Prescott and Chloe Reichel and videographer from MVTV.

At 5:00 PM Chairman Doty said he would like to hand the Chairman gavel over to Bill Rossi to begin his term as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Mr. Doty made this motion. Also adding that Jim Malkin to be Vice Chairman and himself the Clerk. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes 1 not present Jim Malkin

Draft minutes from the Selectmen’s April 18, 2017 meeting were reviewed. Corrections were made. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes as corrected. Chairman Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes 1 not present Jim Malkin

Police Department:  
Police Chief Klarèn presented the Selectmen with a recommendation for appointment of a fulltime patrolman. Chief Klarèn described the process followed to fill the position. Chief Klarèn said that the candidates that were interviewed will have a solid future in law enforcement but having just the one position to fill, recommends Elizabeth Rogers. Chief Klarèn gave a summary of Ms. Rogers training and how she came to be here for his recommendation. Ms. Rogers said she would very much look forward to working for the Chilmark Police Department. Chairman Rossi said he was part of the interviewing process and was very pleased with Ms. Rogers. Mr. Doty moved to appoint Elizabeth Rogers per conditions listed in the offer of employment letter. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes   1 not present Jim Malkin

Police Chief Klarèn said Ms. Rogers start date is the week of May 21, 2017.
Mr. Doty said he is very pleased with how well the police department is setup now.

Common Victualer License Public Hearing:
At 5:10 PM Chairman Rossi opened the public hearing for the Oliver’s application to run the Menemsha store for the 2017 season. Kevin Oliver and Liz Oliver are returning to the Menemsha Store (they have run the store at this location previously) Kevin Oliver said they will carry items customers are used to getting and would also like to include items (groceries) their customers are looking for. Mr. Rossi said he is looking forward to having the Oliver’s run the Menemsha Store again. At 5:13 PM Chairman Rossi closed the public hearing as there were no public comments or questions.
Mr. Doty moved to grant a Common Victualer permit to the Oliver’s to run the Menemsha Store. Chairman Rossi seconded the motion.  SO VOTED: 2 Ayes   1 not present Jim Malkin

Library - Permanent Employee Recommendation:
Library Director Ebba Hierta presented the Selectmen with a report that Riswan Malik has completed his evaluation period and the Trustees request he be appointed as a permanent employee. Mr. Doty said that Riswan has been a great addition to the library.

Library - Permanent Employee Recommendation Continued…
Though no one could welcome folks in song as Kristin Maloney did (Riswan was hired to fill the position Kristin held at library).  Mr. Doty moved to approve Mr. Malik as a permanent employee. Chairman Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes   1 not present Jim Malkin
Ms. Hierta said on the topic of Kristin there will be a dedication of the tree that the Trustees planted at the front of the library, June 24, 2017 there will be a reception ( her son from California will be able to attend) for patrons to have a chance to say goodbye to her as well.

Cape Cod Municipal Health Group / Health Insurance:
Executive Secretary Tim Carroll said that our health insurance policies have had changes so there are new insurance packages (negotiated by Cape Cod Municipal Health Group) for the town to offer employees as well as a Health Savings Account (HSA) option for Selectmen to make some decisions on.

Town Treasurer Melanie Becker gave a synopsis of the insurance packages as well as the HSA proposal. The HSA have a high deductible with a savings account attached to it the town would pay $1,000.00 into the individual plan and $2,000.00 into the family plans (half of the deductibles).

Chairman Rossi asked who manages the HSA. Ms. Becker said there is a third entity (other than CCMHG & Town of Chilmark) called Health Equity that manages these accounts.   Ms. Becker said at least 3 families have expressed interest in joining the HSA. Mr. Doty said the Town’s contribution would be half of the deductible each year does that still result in a savings for the town of Chilmark? Ms. Becker confirmed that the town would save money with the HSA option.

Mr. Doty moved to offer (employees that are eligible) the Health Savings Account / health insurance option. Chairman Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes   1 not present Jim Malkin

Mr. Carroll said the other part of this negotiating is the health insurance design change.
The plans have been adapted by the CCMHG (increasing deductibles and other adjustment).

Mr. Doty moved to accept the insurance plan changes as proposed by the CCMHG negotiations. Mr. Carroll added and will be exercising the expedited bargaining statute of chapter 32b.
Chairman Rossi seconded the motion.  SO VOTED: 2 Ayes   1 not present Jim malkin

Mr. Doty asked who on the CCMHG board is representing us. Ms. Becker said Noreen Flanders (County Treasurer) and Bob Whritenour (OB Town Administrator).   Mr. Carroll said there is more to decide about the town’s share of the HSA portion; if it should be paid up front or spread the payment out though the year. Mr. Doty asked Ms. Becker what she recommended. Ms. Becker recommended semi-annually. Mr. Doty moved to support this recommendation. Chairman Rossi seconded the motion. Mr. Carroll said that that will need to be part of the negotiations. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes   1 not present Jim Malkin

ATM - Review of outcomes:
Chairman Rossi recommended postponing the discussion of Special and Annual Town Meetings till Mr. Malkin’s return.

Town Accountant Recommendation / Accountant Assistant:
Chairman Rossi said the Selectmen received a recommendation letter from Town Accountant Ellen Biskis recommending hiring Jessie Holtham to the position of Assistant to the Town Accountant for 8 hours a week. In the letter of recommendation Ms. Biskis recommends that the hire date be the December 19, 2016 date when Ms. Holtham began the “temporary” job.
Mr. Carroll said this position was advertised, the applications were requested by several people. At the deadline for applications we had just Ms. Hotham’s application. Mr. Carroll said Ms. Biskis is very satisfied with her performance.

Mr. Doty moved to appoint Ms. Holtham as Administrative Assistant to the Town Accountant with starting date of December 19, 2016. Chairman Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes   1 not present Jim Malkin

Mr. Doty said having the data entry done by Ms. Holtham has given Accountant Biskis time for financial analysis.

Tri-Town Ambulance (TTA) / Ambulance Purchase:
Mr. Carroll said that the TTA is looking to buy a new ambulance and would like to do so through a collective purchasing agreement. Mr. Carroll said he has sent copy of agreement for town counsel to review. Mr. Carroll said it’s the Texas Inter-local Cooperative Act of Huston - Galveston Council (HGAC). Mr. Carroll said if Chilmark is able to join this agreement then we should be able to purchase the ambulance without having to go out to bid.

Mr. Doty said Tri-Town Ambulance has been working with a company called Bull Dog to have a fleet of Ambulances that are all uniform. Mr. Doty said the best way for us to move forward in the purchase of the ambulance is to join a purchasing co-op. Mr. Doty moved to enter into the HGAC Cooperative purchasing agreement. Chairman Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes   1 not present Jim Malkin   

Mussel Culture Site Permit:
Mr. Doty said he met with Shellfish Constable Isaiah Scheffer and confirmed we have to fill out this form. Mr. Doty said Mr. Scheffer will complete this in the next day or two. Chairman Rossi deferred this to Mr. Doty and Mr. Scheffer to complete this needed paperwork.

Executive Secretary Item:
Mr. Carroll said he received a 2016 lease from Denny Jason (with payment) that needed the Selectmen’s signatures.  Selectmen signed the creek lot lease. Mr. Doty asked how the windows were in that lease lot. Mr. Carroll said not good. Mr. Doty said we need to get on the lease holders about the condition of the shacks.  Mr. Carroll said he met with Mr. Mayhew and reminded him of the improvements needed at his shack as well.

Distributed Antennae System - Menemsha Wi-Fi Update:
Mr. Carroll said the contract that the Selectmen approved last year for the Big Belly Wi-Fi service in Menemsha is back for approval again. Mr. Carroll said he has sent this contract to be reviewed by town counsel and our insurance company prior to Selectmen’s signatures but wanted to point out that there is a new exhibit. The Wi-Fi continues to be free for the public for the harbor and beach area and that the DAS engineers are using it as a platform to collect data. To test the band width they need more use.

Mr. Carroll said there will be a weather station added to the harbor shack. Also in response to Harbormaster Jason request two cameras will be mounted facing the West Dock and Green Dock and images will be visible in the harbor shack.  Mr. Carroll said the DAS engineers have agreed to put in 2 cameras over on that side. Mr. Carroll said they have also offered to help with our traffic planning and can install a traffic counter at the bridge by the Charter Dock. Mr. Doty asked that the cameras be unobtrusive. Mr. Doty requested a condition to review and approve all materials prior to installation. To be certain we are not installing something that is not suitable for the Menemsha fishing village/ harbor.

Mr. Doty moved to approve the contract for another year with the additions and conditions discussed tonight. Chairman Rossi seconded the motion.  
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes   1 not present Jim Malkin   

Mr. Carroll supplied the Selectmen with a document prepared by Town Clerk Jennifer Christy with the vote and turnout from town meetings and election.

Mr. Carroll said he has a Vineyard Land Surveying notice that came too late for posting deadline; May 3, 2017 the Chilmark Board of Health will review variance requests to property at 4 Chockers Lane.

Parking - Shuttle Lot Shelter:
Mr. Carroll said he had some shuttle lot shelter information for the Selectmen to review.
Mr. Carroll supplied some estimates. The shelter that was desirable is over $4,000.00. Mr. Carroll said we don’t have enough money to purchase that one. Chairman Rossi asked what was budgeted for that expense. Mr. Carroll said he believed the total lot improvement budget was $15,000.00

Mr. Carroll showed some specs for a lesser cost shelter. Selectmen did not like the appearance of this shelter. Mr. Carroll said the solar lighting estimate was about $5,000.00 apiece (though with some negotiating we will be bringing this cost down) and the grading by John Keene excavation figures will be in soon. Chairman Rossi said he would rather spend the budget on the grading, and lighting and wait till the fall to seek more funding to purchase a better shuttle lot shelter.  

Mr. Doty and Mr. Carroll discussed using a surplus telephone pole supported by 6 curb-stops to delineate the parking area. This concluded the shuttle lot discussion.

Chairman Rossi said the Harrison letter (that is referenced in the agenda correspondence) will be addressed at a future Selectmen’s Meeting with Selectmen Malkin and the Harbor Advisory Committee in attendance for their recommendations.

At 5:48 PM with no other items for discussion Mr. Doty moved to adjourn. Chairman Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes   1 not present Jim Malkin   

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.         Approved 5/16/2017

Document List:
  • Draft minutes from Selectmen’s 4/18/17 meeting
  • Employment offer letter to Ms. Rogers
  • Letter from the Oliver’s asking Selectmen to issue a Common Victualer for Menemsha Market for 2017 season.
  • Cape Cod Municipal Health Group - Health Insurance documents (7), changes to policies and HAS information
  • Letter of recommendation from Town Accountant for Selectmen to hire Jessie Holtham as administrative  assistant to town accountant hire date 12.19.16
  • 2016 creek lot lease for Denny Jason
  • Library trustees recommendation for Riswan Malik permanent employment
  • HGAC cooperative purchasing agreement
  • Form from US Department of Commerce concerning Mussel culture site  
  • Clerk data; report on election numbers for Annual Town Meeting and Election.
  • Vineyard Land Surveying notice about BOH meeting regarding 4 Chockers Lane  
  • Letter from Mr. Harrison about harbor slip.
  • Nextera Energy services Massachusetts discloser label