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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 03/09/17
Chilmark Board of Selectmen     March 9, 2017    Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Jim Malkin, Tim Carroll,
Tim Rich, Joan Malkin, June Manning, Linda Coutinho, Andy Goldman, Kim Cottrill,
Dan Rossi, Alex Elvin and Edie Prescott.

At 5:00 PM Chairman Doty called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.
Chairman Doty said that the Selectmen will discuss and deliberate among themselves and will not be taking comments from the audience. Chairman Doty will hear from the Police Chief Search Committee.

Mr. Malkin said he would like to recommend striking Frank John from discussion tonight. Mr. John was a very good candidate but after the interviews yesterday he was clearly in Mr. Malkin’s opinion the third choice of the three. Both Chairman Doty and Mr. Rossi agreed that Mr. John was a very good candidate but they also had Mr. McNamee and Mr. Klarèn as their top two candidates.

Mr. Malkin proceeded to describe the process of comparing the two top candidates. After completing the list of important attributes he found that they were equal in his chart.
Mr. Malkin said he believed Mr. McNamee was better in his verbal skills based on the interviews. Mr. Malkin said he has concerns that this job might not be big enough for Mr. McNamee.

Mr. Rossi said he was prepared to offer the job to Jonathan Klarèn. Chairman Doty asked for Tim Rich to share his thoughts on the two candidates. Mr. Rich said Bruce McNamee would do a great job, but when he retired from being the Chilmark Police Chief he had recommended Jonathan Klarèn at that time and feels the same today. Mr. Rich gave examples of how well Mr. Klarèn works with the department and community and the island police departments.

Chairman Doty asked Joan Malkin to share her thoughts on the two candidates.
Ms. Malkin said Mr. McNamee was stellar in his interview with their search committee and with the Selectmen. Ms. Malkin said she had never met any of the applicants prior to the interviews. Mr. Klarèn was clearly very nervous at his interview and did not have the ability to communicate well during the interview. Ms. Malkin said she was unable to stay for the Selectmen’s interview of Mr. Klarèn and hoped that it went better.

Mr. Malkin said after hearing from Mr. Rich any doubts of Mr. Klarèn’s abilities was erased.
More discussion ensued. Chairman Doty asked if Selectmen would like to make a motion.
Mr. Rossi said he moved to offer Jonathan Klarèn the position of Police Chief of the Chilmark. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chairman Doty offered to be the designated Selectmen to negotiate the contract with Jonathan Klarèn.
At 5:50 PM Mr. Rossi moved to adjourn. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.     Approved 03/21/17