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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 11/18/16
Chilmark Board of Selectmen   November 18, 2016   Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Jim Malkin,
Tim Carroll, Fire Chief David Norton, Tri-Town Ambulance Chief Ben Retmier,
Andy Goldman, Joan Malkin, Helen Benham, Ben Robinson, Larry Beals, Robin Smith and  
Aretha Brown,

At 2:00 PM Chairman Doty called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Chairman Doty introduced all present, said he was very happy to get a chance to get together today and said the purpose of this meeting is to receive a proposal from Helen Benham by Larry Beal and that no decisions will be made today concerning the placement of the Public Safety Building.

Larry Beals (planner /consultant) gave a PowerPoint presentation   starting with an overview of the lay of the land in the town center. Mr. Beals discussed the following points concerning the property the town is seeking to take for the Public Safety Building location:
  • Mill Brook flows through the entire Benham property
  • A lot of wetlands
  • Well for school - protect drinking water
  • Natural Heritage rare species concern
  • Access -Windy Gates Road not sufficient for any future development
  • Looked into previous consideration of 399 Middle Road property as a viable location
  • Looked at previous consideration of the Bank Property across from Community Center
  • What is feasible or not on Benham property  - there was history of a proposal on the Benham property for the Public Safety Building
  • The Middle Road property (at 399) proposal had a very difficult corner for emergency response vehicles. Using same footprint the access was changed for 12,000 sf with 4 fire bays / also including space for police in the future.
  • Comparison between town property and Benham property
  • Concerns of taking with eminent domain - litigation dragging out process of a needed building for Fire Department and EMS
Mr. Rossi asked what the status of 399 Middle Road was at this time. Mr. Carroll said his father purchased the property but could not state his intentions. Mr. Rossi said the status for 399 Middle Road has changed. Mr. Rossi shared his observations:
  •  Almost every property is in the National Heritage concerns
  • Would like some clarification of “protection” of school well.
Chairman Doty said it’s a public drinking water source and there are regulations and setbacks required by the State. Mr. Beals said the greater number of people drinking the water the greater the setback requirements become.

Mr. Malkin said he appreciates this study and presentation. There was discussion about the plan presented. Wetlands protection issues were discussed.

Andy Goldman discussed the law of taking the Benham property; saying that the taking takes place as soon as the town vote authorizes. Mr. Beals responded yes but then there would be litigation from the Benham’s. Mr. Malkin said the town would rather not do a taking. We would rather work through a plan with all parties involved that works for both sides.

Mr. Rossi asked for Fire Chief Norton to respond to the Benham’s plan. Chief Norton discussed the need for another access road. There was also a concern for the neighboring abutters at the 399 Middle Road property; the Yard, Chilmark Church...  

Chief Norton discussed the space needs for emergency response drills and training. Chairman Doty said Tri-Town Ambulance is seeking to move the entire Ambulance department to Chilmark for better response to Chilmark and Aquinnah. TTA Chief Retmier discussed the needs for the Ambulance department. Chairman Doty said it’s not essential that EMS and Fire Department are in the same building but the Ambulance would need 2 bays with an office and a second floor bunk room. Chief Retmier reported EMS has 375 calls annually. Chief Retmier said 1 ambulance and crew would still remain in West Tisbury.

Ms. Smith recommended possibly adding the EMS to the existing police station. Ms. Smith recommended dividing up the services and looking at other areas and not taking Benham’s land.

Mr. Goldman said having been on the committee process on the Public Safety Building Site for the past 16 years if we are going to discuss splitting up the design he would not be partaking in any furthering. Mr. Goldman said the process of eminent domain is the final process in a very long process not the first. Chairman Doty said Mr. Goldman is expressing frustration; this is a hard subject to discuss. Chairman Doty said he hopes no one is thinking we are planning on building a facility like Oak Bluff’s, that sort of structure would not be appropriate for our town. We will build a modest structure in keeping with our character of Chilmark.

Mr. Rossi said that the extensive study and preparations made to the location for the Public Safety Building came back that a central location (center of town) is optimal for response times.  

Fire Chief Norton said that building separate facilities for the emergency responding entities (Ambulance& Fire Departments) would not be cost effective.
Mr. Malkin recommended seeing if the 399 Middle Road property is available.

Chairman Doty said as planned he would like to keep this meeting to an hour. Chairman Doty thanked Ms. Benham, her son and planner and guests for their presentation and contributions. As discussed at the beginning of this meeting there will be no immediate action taken but all of the information will be considered.

At 3:00 PM Mr. Rossi moved to adjourn, Mr. Malkin seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase                   Approved 12/06/16