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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 11/01/16
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    November 1, 2016    Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Warren Doty, Bill Rossi and Jim Malkin.
Tim Carroll, Brett Sterns, Matt Mayhew, Stanley Larsen, David Norton, Brian Cioffi,
Ebba Hierta, Marina Lent, Matt Montanile, Scott Lindell, Rick Karney, Isaiah Scheffer,
Janet Weidner, William Reich, Dennis Jason, Alex Elvin, Edie Prescott and videographer from MVTV.
At 5:00 PM Chairman Doty called the meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes from the October 18, 2016 Selectmen’s meeting were reviewed, corrections were made. Mr. Rossi moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Kelp / Amendment to Mussel Farm Lease:
Scott Lindell of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute presented extensive information about intergrading kelp growing to mussel lines. A full presentation is available on Chilmark Selectmen agenda link:
After reviewing materials presented to the board Mr. Malkin moved to modify Stanley Larsen’s mussel line grant to allow integration of sugar kelp growing and to support this in writing to the Division of Marine Fisheries. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.  SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Shellfish Constable Isaiah Scheffer announced that as of noon on Monday October 31st the Division of Marine Fisheries has lifted the shellfishing ban in our area (scallops and carnivorous snails exempt).  All of the samples from our areas are free of any toxic phytoplankton.  
Oil Spill Drill -Review:
Chairman Doty said he was quite impressed with the drill that was executed in Menemsha harbor October 26th. Chairman Doty said folks that were involved worked very hard in the exercise; he asked each of them that were in attendance to speak about what they came away with from the drill.

Brett Sterns gave an explanation and history for this Geographic Response. In 2003 our area was affected by a tanker oil spill. Massachusetts changed regulations in 2004 with creating a “Geographic Response.” Our area was supplied with a trailer full of response materials that will be resupplied when needed. This trailer was utilized for the Geographic Response. Isaiah Scheffer (Chilmark Shellfish Constable) commented that this was a good drill and was impressed with cooperation between Chilmark, Aquinnah, Tribe and USCG.

Chilmark Fire Chief David Norton said that the 18” boom that we have is not appropriate for Menemsha and will seek the smaller boom. Ideally we will resupply our Geographic Response trailer with 6” boom. Harbormaster Dennis Jason agreed it was a worthwhile drill.   Mr. Carroll praised all the participants who helped to establish a working plan. Mr. Carroll said the Harbormaster Dennis Jason’s recommendations were utilized.
Oil Spill Drill -Review Continued
Mr. Malkin asked who the incident commander in a Geographic Response is. Mr. Carroll said that is something that came up in this drill as it is unclear.
Mr. Sterns said there will be a follow-up report submitted to NUKA the consultant company hired by the DEP.  Mr. Rossi asked what the response plan is if it’s an outgoing tide.   Discussion ensued. Essentially this Island Geographic Response is for incoming tide.   

Shellfish Constable Isaiah Scheffer said that he is also present tonight to request the Selectmen appoint William Reich as a permanent employee as he completed his initial 6 month evaluation period. Mr. Malkin moved to appoint Mr. Reich as a permanent employee. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes    

Chilmark Library Director Ebba Hierta said the Chilmark Trustees and Human Resource Board (HRB) have reviewed and recommend the position descriptions of four library positions. The positions are: Library Director, Assistant Librarian, Circulation Assistant and Seasonal Circulation Assistant. Mr. Carroll said these position descriptions will return to the HRB to grade and then will return to the Selectmen to approve the grades. Mr. Malkin moved to approve the four job descriptions as presented. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes   
Ebba Hierta presented the Library Trustees recommendation for Assistant Library Director / Youth Services position.  Mr. Riswan Malik is recommended to be appointed to the position of Assistant Library Director / Youth Services position.  Mr. Rossi moved to approve this new hire as recommended. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes    

Rural Scholars- Substance Abuse on Martha’s Vineyard:
Chairman Doty said he attended the Rural Scholars presentation and heard Marina Lents name mentioned at least 10 times as a person who was instrumental in the scholar’s efforts to bring this report to our community. A comprehensive presentation: Addiction and the Martha’s Vineyard Community: Assessment of Substance Use Disorder and Addiction Services in a Rural, at-risk Population. Here is the link to report:

Chairman Doty said he asked Marina Lent to come to this Selectmen’s meeting and talk about this project. Ms. Lent spoke about this project and how important it is in assessing the needs of our community. Ms. Lent said there are 2 parts to this project. 1.) The Scholars collection of Primary Data specific to Martha’s Vineyard.  2.) Move ahead with Substance Abuse Disorder (SAD) Community Health Council (Ms. Lent is the Chairman) that will update and refine data and aggregate for Martha’s Vineyard. This will be HIPA (health insurance portability act) compliant.  The Scholars had 4 recommendations:
  • Education
  • Early Intervention
  • Continuity of care
  • Continue data collection
Rural Scholars- Substance Abuse on Martha’s Vineyard Continued…
Chairman Doty said he specifically asked for the Police Chief and Tri-Town Ambulance Chief to come to tonight’s meeting to discuss this agenda. The phrase “a warm handover” and a network of support pertain to our first responders and law enforcement.

Police Chief Brian Cioffi said the ideas in this report are not new. The warm handover part is something the Police Department does with any arrests related to substance abuse. There is an assessment and recommendations made and services discussed. A major concern for our Island is the hospital doesn’t have a detoxification service. The Hospital has been reporting to the Police departments that the Red House next to the hospital will be designated as the Detox Center on Martha’s Vineyard. Chief Cioffi said the Hospital has been saying this for many years and today the Red House is still their billing offices.  Chief Cioffi said that we have recovery coaches on Martha’s Vineyard now but what we still need is a detox center with beds.

Mr. Malkin asked if the detox center was something that could be done. Is there something that could get done sooner that will aid our community with Substance Abuse Disorder? Ms. Lent said that the Recovery Coaches get person with SAD a bed at a detox center on or off island. Ms. Lent said Selectmen having this on the agenda is contributing greatly to this issue; Acknowledging that it is effecting our community.

Mr. Malkin asked the same question to Police Chief Cioffi. Chief Cioffi said funding a fulltime drug taskforce. At this time the police departments use grant funds but we need dedicated staffing for more hours to work on the drug taskforce. Mr. Malkin asked if the Selectmen should write to the Hospital CEO about the “Red House”. Chief Cioffi said that would be a help.

Ms. Lent said the Red House is intended to become a Crisis Stabilization Unit. Mr. Rossi asked if the Vineyard House is working to help in this issue. Ms. Lent said the Vineyard House is a great program but they are housing not detox center or program.

Chairman Doty asked for comment from Tri Town Ambulance (TTA) Assistant Chief Matt Montanile on how the TTA responds to a SAD call. Mr. Montanile said the TTA doesn’t have as much community outreach as the police department does. TTA usually only gets called when there is an emergency. Mr. Montanile said TTA care doesn’t allow for more than bringing them to the Hospital. HIPA prevents us from going to the community. Mr. Montanile recommended that TTA could participate in education in the schools.   

Mr. Malkin moved to write to the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital asking about the plans for the “Red House” and or a detox plan on Martha’s Vineyard. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chairman Doty asked Tim Carroll to draft this letter on behalf of the Selectmen.    
Chairman Doty thanked Marina Lent for all her hard work on getting this report and for continuing as chairman of the Substance Abuse Disorder Community Health Council. Chairman Doty also thanked Police Chief Cioffi and Tri Town Ambulance Asst. Chief Matt Montanile for their discussion tonight.

Fire Department - False Alarm enforcement:
Fire Chief David Norton spoke about the town bylaw that was adopted in 2006 pertaining to false alarms. The bylaw illustrates the procedure of 2nd false alarm the homeowner gets a warning and the third there is a fine. Chief Norton said he has never fined a Chilmark Homeowner in the past 10 years but he is seeking Selectmen’s input on our fine system.
Chief Cioffi said the police department has sent alarm notices and fines to repeat offenders. Chief Cioffi said we may be a bit lenient on our bylaw concerning fines. Chief Norton said he is concerned with the alarms that are working incorrectly and homeowners are not bothering to have them fixed. Mr. Rossi recommended Chief Norton to issue fines. Mr. Malkin recommended issuing fines in an evenhanded manner. Mr. Rossi moved to back Chief Norton to evenhandedly issue fines to repeated false fire alarm offenders. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion.    
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Menemsha Planning Update:
Janet Weidner Chairman of the Planning Board -subcommittee gave an update on the Menemsha plan. Ms. Weidner said the sub-committee has setup a meeting on November 14, 2016 with Menemsha residence for their final input. The Planning Board sub-committee has held 15 meetings with boards and committees leading to a Menemsha Plan. Ms. Weidner said this is nearing the end of Phase 1 then analysis of data and what to do with it will be the next phase. Ms. Weidner said they (sub-committee) have been categorizing data in long-term objective spreadsheets. One dedicated to pedestrian and vehicle plan, another sheet dedicated to our fishing industry and so on.

The public safety items concerning Menemsha have been prioritized by the sub-committee on behalf of the Selectmen. Ms. Weidner said the master planning data sheet has over 100 entries of ideas people have proposed. Suggestions pertaining to the offsite parking at Tabor House Road are a focus to complete for the coming summer. Ms. Weidner said the VTA Director reported that improvements to that lot could help ridership. Special Town Meeting in December is the goal to have written recommendation for warrant pertaining to some of the plans. Chairman Doty suggested an aggregate plan of say $10,000.00 for the parking improvements planned for Tabor House Parking.   Chairman Doty thanked Ms. Weidner for the update and continued hard work.

Menemsha Dredging Update:
Chairman Doty said the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) had a meeting this morning with the contractor and the local contacts. Dennis McEleney is the USACE representative who is overseeing the project 5 days a week. Mr. Carroll said the Shellfish Constable Isaiah Scheffer will be our contact with Mr. McEleney. The project was set to start November 1st but the contactor is waiting for final dredging materials to be delivered and will begin as soon as possible.

Pay & Classification Study - Update
Chairman Doty said since the last Selectmen’s meeting the Human Resource Board met and has discussed our pay and classification study. Chairman Doty asked if we have a report from them yet. Mr. Rossi said not yet, he was at the last HRB meeting and thinks they are heading in the right direction in getting our pay rates more in line with other island towns.

Pay & Classification Study - Update Continued…
Chairman Doty asked when a final report could be expected. Mr. Carroll said there is expectation to possibly have something for the Special Town Meeting (STM). Employee representative (Police Chief) Brian Cioffi said the next HRB meeting is this Thursday morning. Mr. Cioffi said with help from Town Accountant Ellen Biskis they have been working on figures that will be brought to the HRB to review in reference to the step % and grade % between grades. Mr. Cioffi said the HRB wanted to review financial implications prior to submitting their final recommendation. Mr. Rossi said he thought this would be brought to the Annual Town Meeting. Mr. Carroll said the classification chart change would be the item for the STM and financial changes would be at the Annual Town Meeting. Mr. Malkin asked if another Selectman could attend the HRB meeting scheduled for 8:00 AM 11/3/16 as he will be away. Mr. Rossi said he would attend as a Selectmen representative.

Town Center Pathways Update:
Jim Malkin said they have talked with Bill Veno of the MV Commission concerning the funding from the State and planning help that Mr. Veno can give us. Mr. Malkin said Marybeth Grady is waiting to speak with him and the group is waiting for the Town Clerk to be through Elections before they can move forward with a plan.   

Land Acquisition Update:
Chairman Doty said we have written a letter to the landowner adjacent to the Community Center and we are going to wait and see what kind of response we get.

Squibnocket Project Update:
Chairman Doty said the Squibnocket Project appeal is in process and we are unable to start this project till the appeal process is complete.

Early Voting Update:
Chairman Doty said that the early voting for the Elections will continue till noon on Friday November 4, 2016. 10% to 11% of voters in Chilmark have utilized the early voting this year.
Town Clerk has submitted the Spring Calendar for Town Elections and the deadline for submitting election papers for anyone who wants to run for office. Annual Town Meeting is scheduled for April 24, 2017.

Chairman Doty asked if there were any another items for discussion prior to adjourning tonight’s meeting. Mr. Malkin said in reference to prior meeting discussion concerning Harbor department being responsible for deployment and  retrieval and purchase of “no boating” signage for the crab corner area. Should the Harbor department get an estimate to bring to Special Town Meeting or do we put this in the budget.  Mr. Carroll recommended if it’s something to be completed prior to July 1, 2017 it should be a warrant for STM.

Chairman Doty said in reference to the minutes we approved tonight we were going to continue discussion of paving project to complete this fall but it did not make tonight’s agenda. Chairman Doty recommended this be on the November 15th Selectmen meeting agenda. At 7:00 PM Mr. Malkin moved to adjourn. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Minutes respectively submitted by Diana DeBlase.

List of documents from meeting:
  • Draft minutes 10/18/16
  • Documents pertaining to kelp growing proposal from Scott Lindell of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
  • DMF emergency closure notice 10/9/16
  • DEP oil spill drill / Cape & Islands Geographic Response Plan
  • Library position description of four positions
  • Rural Scholars  Substance Abuse on Martha’s Vineyard report
  • Annual Town Meeting & election schedule submitted by Town Clerk
  • Letter from Alice Boyd concerning letters drafted in support of CDBG program for the Cape and Islands.