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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 09/06/16
Chilmark Board of Selectmen   September 6, 2016    Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Jim Malkin, Tim Carroll, Dennis Jason,
Richard Steves, Janet Weidner, Linda Coutinho, Wayne Iacono, June Manning, Alex Elvin,
Jack Shea and Lynn Christoffers.

At 5:00 PM Chairman Doty called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes from the Selectmen’s August 16, 2016 meeting were reviewed, corrections were made. Mr. Rossi moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Human Resources Board / Library Position:
Mr. Carroll said that the HRB regraded the Assistant Director/ Youth Services Librarian Position and it is now presented to the Selectmen for approval at a grade 8. Mr. Rossi moved to approve the position grade. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion.  SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG):
Christine Flynn and Alice Boyd have both sent notifications of the changes planned for the CDBG program. Ms. Boyd pointed out in a notice that some of these changes could be detrimental to our community. There will be public hearings of these proposals but they are all quite a fair distance from Martha’s Vineyard. Alice Boyd notified the Selectmen’s office that she will draft a letter for Chilmark Selectmen to sign. Mr. Rossi moved to approve Chairman Doty signing the letter representing Chilmark’s concerns on the proposed changes. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Menemsha / Planning Board Subcommittee (PBSC) Update / Timeline:
Janet Weidner and Perter Cook were present from the Planning Board Subcommittee to give an update of the Menemsha Master Planning. Ms. Weidner said the Planning Board subcommittee has had many meetings with various boards and committees this summer and have at least five more meetings scheduled that will  utilize gathering information for the Menemsha Master Plan. September 26th at 3:00 PM will be the meeting with Vineyard Transit Authority (VTA) director Angie Grant with statistics on ridership. PBSC is planning a meeting with the Menemsha business owners the first week in October. On September 17, 2016 the Martha’s Vineyard Commission will be hosting a Master Plan Writing Workshop at the West Tisbury Howes House. Ms. Weidner said she knew the Selectmen were interested in talking timeline in the interest of having a presentation for Annual Town Meeting. Ms. Weider asked for the Selectmen to give their views of a timeline.

Mr. Doty asked to have recommendations and to move forward on some of the projects that were approved last year; the pedestrian way / sidewalk and the VTA bus turn around. Mr. Doty said final permitting being completed in October or November would be desirable rather than waiting till May 2017. Mr. Rossi recommended allowing for the full planning process to develop a plan to present to the town.

Menemsha / Planning Board Subcommittee Update Continued
Mr. Rossi said it would be great to have the Menemsha Master Plan proposal for Annual Town Meeting, but supports taking the time to do it right without a time constraint.  Mr. Malkin said if the Planning Board was set to wrap-up the plan by October then certainly moving forward by bringing the plan to town meeting. But if Master Plan proposal is not complete he agrees with Mr. Rossi in taking the time needed to present a complete plan.  

Mr. Cook said they would certainly not have a completed Menemsha Master Plan wrapped up in October. Mr. Cook stressed they are working towards establishing a philosophy on how to address conflicting interests. Mr. Cook said that he believes the Planning Board’s purpose is to establish the framework for the conflicting parties to work within. Ms. Weidner said we are still in the gathering data stage. Mr. Cook said a progress report could be expected. Mr. Cook said one thing is very clear; public safety is a major issue to lots of boards and constituencies. Possibly before long we could have some of those safety issues in a report. This report would not have to wait for the Master Plan to be complete. Mr. Malkin said the Selectmen would be receptive to review a report that the PBSC proposed for public safety.  

Chairman Doty thanked Ms. Weidner and Mr. Cook for their update and their continued efforts and hard work.    

Ms. Weidner asked if the Planning Board could be part of the Thursday morning walk around in Menemsha. Chairman Doty said that would be fine. Chairman Doty confirmed that the Menemsha Selectmen Walkabout that was scheduled for Wednesday September 7, 2016 will now be September 8, 2016 Thursday at 8:00 AM.

Beach Report Menemsha, Squibnocket and Lucy Vincent:
Chairman asked for a report on how the beach season went. Wayne Iacono of the Beach Committee said he did not know he was going to be giving the report and did not have the latest financial report with him. Mr. Iacono said the major problem that the beach department had this year was that they lost three employees early on in the season and the remaining employees were working a lot of hours. We have since replaced the open positions and things are running smoothly.

Mr. Iacono said we did get complaints that this year the beach stickers are falling off of vehicle windows. Mr. Carroll said the directions state to clean the surface of the window prior to applying. Mr. Carroll said the adhesive was not as strong as last year’s decals (different company was used) and he would follow up with this issue for next season.     

Mr. Iacono reported that the some committee members and lifeguards reviewed the generous offer from a person for an electric beach wheelchair and the consensus was we should not accept this offer. The beach department doesn’t have suitable storage and there are big concerns of the upkeep costs. Mr. Iacono said the existing beach wheel chairs we have work very well for our needs. Chairman Doty said Marybeth Grady of Chilmark Chocolates has contacted someone at Windermere who may be interested. Chairman Doty said this offer of an electric wheelchair was a very nice gesture.

Beach Report Menemsha, Squibnocket and Lucy Vincent Continued
Chairman Doty said there was discussion at a Selectman’s meeting this summer of adding an additional swim line to the east of Menemsha Beach existing swim line and adding a lifeguard to that end of the beach. Mr. Iacono said he had not heard anything about this recommendation, but he may at their next Beach Committee meeting scheduled for next week.
Mr. Carroll recommended restrictive buoys instead of swim line. Chairman Doty asked if Mr. Iacono would continue on the Beach Committee, Mr. Iacono said yes. Chairman Doty thanked Mr. Iacono for his good work and thanked him for continuing to serve in this manner.

Beetlebung Corner Footpath Study Group:
Mr. Malkin said this group consists of himself, Marie Larsen, Marybeth Grady and Mitchell Posin. The first meeting will be held this Thursday at 5:00 PM in the town hall. This first meeting will entail review the history of this project with Mr. Carroll and review of Planning Board documents and plans prepared by Dan Greenbaum. Mr. Malkin said they will meet 2 or 3 more times and bring our findings to the Planning Board in mid-October.

Aquinnah Selectmen & Tribe letters / sailboat incident:
Mr. Malkin said there is no need to comment or respond at this time to these letters. Mr. Malkin said we have received a response from Ms. Jones (administrative assistant to the harbormaster) and have had verbal discussion with Harbormaster Jason. Chairman Doty said we acknowledge the receipt of these letters. Harbormaster Dennis Jason said the sailboat that sunk in the channel has shifted and we have marked the area and will notify the USCG that their hazard to navigation buoy needs to be re-set. Mr. Jason stressed that the broken mast of the sunken sailboat is only 8 feet below the surface.

Harbor Rates / Hours:
Mr. Carroll asked to discuss harbor slip rates during the fishing derby. Mr. Jason said that his seasonal help is almost all gone. He and Glenn DeBlase are the staff for the Harbor at this time. Mr. Malkin suggested hiring a temporary assistant wharfinger. Mr. Jason said he will reduce the hours to 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 7 days a week. There was discussion of reduced rates for slips during the derby. Mr. Jason will consider this and will report at the Thursday walk about.

MV Rotary Club/ Annual Cycle MV Road Use Permission:
Chairman Doty said we have approved and supported this cycling event for many years and asked to have a motion. Mr. Rossi moved to approve the road use permit and ask that the Rotary Club event organizers contact the Chilmark Police Chief Cioffi. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Pasture Road Association / Invasive Plant Control:
Chairman Doty said the dues for this year are $2,133.60. Mr. Rossi said when we move forward with housing lots the town’s portion annual dues of this will be reduced. Mr. Rossi said that the field is being overrun with Autumn Olive (Russian Olive) and the association requested that the town mow the field and cut down the Autumn Olive. Mr. Malkin moved to direct Mr. Emin to cut the Autumn Olive and mow the field. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Environmental Protection Agency / Recreational Shellfishing Research:
The Selectmen’s Office received a letter from the EPA researcher Marisa Mazzotta letting the town know they are developing a survey that will ask people about recreational shellfishing. Ms. Mazzotta is requesting names and addresses of recreational license holders. Chairman Doty said it was ok to send EPA their request.  

Budget Schedule / Capital Planning Committee ( CIPC):
Mr. Carroll presented his proposed budget schedule for FY18. The only changes made to the schedule was that the November 15, 2016 Selectmen’s meeting will be at 5:00 PM not 7:00 PM and that the deadline for submitting petitions is noon November 10th not 11th (holiday).

Discussion turned to Capital Improvement Planning Committee. Mr. Malkin recommended Bruce Golden, Eric Glasgow, Viki Divol, himself, Melanie Becker, Tim Carroll, and Ellen Biskis as the 7 members of the CIPC. Mr. Malkin said he would reach out to Viki and Eric to ask if they would be members. Mr. Rossi moved to approve appointing these members. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Special Town Meeting:
Mr. Carroll gave a time line for posting a Special Town Meeting this fall. Selectmen discussed the possible dates and items expected to be on the warrant. October 24, 2016 is the date agreed that would work best to hold a Special Town Meeting.

Temporary Tie-Up Dock Update
Chairman Doty said that the installation part of the dock project bids that we received were all too high. Mr. Carroll asked if the Selectmen would support going forward with ordering the floating dock part of this project. There was discussion as to where this dock would be stored until installation. Mr. Rossi moved to order the $87,130 floating dock. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chairman Doty said we will put a request for more funding on the Special Town Meeting warrant to re-advertise the installation part of this project.

Mr. Malkin asked to have town counsel review the warrant at the Selectmen’s meeting when we set the warrant for Special Town Meeting.

Up Island Regional School District Committee (UIRSDC):
Mr. Malkin said he attended a meeting of the UIRSDC where there was heated discussion about the budget and problems facing the schools at the start of this school year. Ms. Flanders sent an email asking the Selectmen not to accept a resignation from our UIRSDC representative Robert Lionette. Mr. Malkin said Mr. Lionette is doing a very good job for our town and encourages him to remain on this committee. Mr. Malkin said he is seeking a FinCom member or representative to attend the UPRSDC meetings to give Mr. Lionette backup when needed. Linda Coutinho is no longer a FinCom member but said she would be willing to be that person to attend these meetings. Ms. Coutinho has also been on the school committee board in the past. The Selectmen thanked Ms. Coutinho for her commitment.

ePAY Online Payment System & Beach Stickers - Update:
June Manning (Chilmark’s sticker office clerk) was present to report on this summer’s sticker sales and report how the system worked this summer. Ms. Manning reported that approximately 100 stickers were purchased using the on line option. Ms. Manning reported that both Squibnocket and Lucy Vincent sticker sales increased from last year.

Mr. Carroll said she and Ms. Manning will work together this fall / winter to communicate with the realtors and homeowners of the on line option for the coming year. Ms. Manning said Dash Christy was fabulous (He was the additional sticker clerk for this year). Ms. Becker (Town Treasurer) said this year we are working with the new system and it has been improving. Ms. Becker echoed Ms. Manning’s comments on Dash Christy’s work this year. Chairman Doty requested that June Manning and Dash Christy return for next year for the continuity in our sticker office. Ms. Manning replied “god willing” she would be happy to.

Animal Control Officer (ACO):
Chairman Doty said the Selectmen received a letter today from Jonnie Jenkinson announcing her retirement as the West Tisbury Animal Control officer and assistant / mutual aid for Chilmark. Mr. Carroll said Ms. Jenkinson has been ACO for 27 years. Mr. Rossi thanked Ms. Jenkinson for her many years. Mr. Malkin recommended contacting Chris Murphy and asking his recommendations for an assistant ACO for coverage when he is unavailable. Mr. Carroll recommended keeping our mutual aid going with the town of West Tisbury.  

Mr. Carroll discussed an Administrative Assistant for the town Accountant that was approved in May of 2016. Mr. Carroll said the Accountant would like to have this position activated to help her with data entry so she can work on the FY18 budget. Mr. Malkin reminded those present that this is a 6 month trial period position and would only continue if Selectmen decided it was necessary. Mr. Carroll will seek to fill this 6 week temporary position at 8 hours a week.

Special Municipal Employee Designation for Town Counsel:
Mr. Carroll said that Ron Rapaport reported that the Open Meeting Law is requiring that the Selectmen designate town counsel as Special Municipal Employees. Mr. Malkin moved to designate our town counsel as Special Municipal Employees. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes   

School Sign / Storm Damage:
Mr. Carroll reported that the Chilmark-School Zone flashing sign blew down in the storm yesterday. Mr. Carroll has researched some replacement options and presented them to the Selectmen to review. Chairman Doty said a sign that displays the driver’s speed is very effective and recommended pursuing replacing with a sign that had that feature.  Mr. Carroll asked who should be funding this; the school or the town. The Selectmen agreed that it was in the best interest to the town to replace this and not charge the school. Mr. Carroll said he would return to the next Selectmen’s meeting with quotes.
Cape Light Compact: Mr. Carroll asked if the Selectmen would hear the grid modification update from Maggie Downy of the CLC at their next meeting first so she could attend an Aquinnah Selectmen Meeting to follow. Chairman Doty said that would be fine.  

At 6:25 PM with no other items for discussion Mr. Rossi moved to adjourn, Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase
List of Documents:
  •         Draft Minutes from August 16, 2016 Selectmen’s Meeting        
        Letter to Selectmen from HRB recommending regrade to Library position   
        Position description signed by HRB with new grade for Selectmen to approve      
        Department of Housing and Development notice of public information session      
        Preliminary proposed changes from DHCD for Community Development Block Grants   
        Letters from Aquinnah Selectmen and Tribe responding to newspaper story about sailboat sinking. 
        Road permit request from MV Rotary Club to hold Cycle MV event 10/1/16  
        Pasture Road Association dues and request to remove invasive plants     
        Request from EPA researcher for residential shellfish permit holders names and addresses for survey.    
        2018 Budget Schedule    
        Email from Judie Flanders regarding school representative       
        Offer of electronic wheelchair for Chilmark     
        Notice from Ron Rappaport about designating town counsel  as Special Municipal Employees        
        Planning Board amendments to the Rules & Regulations governing subdivisions notice      
        Copy of the amendments to Rules & Regulations governing subdivisions    
        MVC Housing Production plan conversations for Chilmark notice of meetings being held; 9/21/16, 11/6/16 & 12/14/16       
        Accounting contract with One Kelly and Associates for the Middle Line Road Affordable Rental Units      
        Memorandum to ZBA from Doug Liman for appeal of Building Inspectors decision on Squibnocket road way.   
                Approved 09/26/16