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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 08/16/16
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    August 16, 2016    Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Jim Malkin, Tim Carroll
Janet Weidner, Ebba Hierta, Marybeth Grady, Tim Broderick and Lynne Christoffers.

Draft minutes from the Selectmen’s August 2, 2016 meeting were reviewed. Corrections were made. Mr. Malkin moved to approve minutes as corrected, Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Draft minutes from the Selectmen’s August 8, 2016 meeting were reviewed. Mr. Malkin moved to approve minutes as written, Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

HRB- Library Assistant Director/ Youth Services Librarian Position Description:
Library Director Ebba Hierta said the library is in the process of updating all the position job descriptions but this position the employee is retiring at the end of this month and we will need to prioritize this job description. Ms. Hierta said this new job description has been approved by the Library Trustees and the Human Resources Board. Ms. Hierta said the HR Consultant group the town hired aided in this process they held interviews and had questionnaires that really helped to format the new job description and the library utilized that here for this position.
Selectmen reviewed the new job description for the Assistant Director/ Youth Services Librarian.

Mr. Malkin moved to approve this job description as presented. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chairman Doty said he would like to say that Kristin Maloney has served as the Assistant Director/ Youth Services librarian for years and years and was a wonderful addition to the library staff, and that the library will not be the same without her. Ms. Hierta said she is looking forward to when Kristin can come back and work part time.

Temporary Tie-up Concrete Floating Dock:
Chairman Doty said the Selectmen’s office received a bid from Bellingham Marine for a 80 foot floating dock and it is $87,130.00
Mr. Carroll gave a report of the process;
  • posting of project in the Central Register
  • advertised in the local paper
  • held a pre-bid site visit
Mr. Carroll said the deviation from our existing new floating concrete dock is that we will need to utilize steel pilings interior vs the exterior hoops to have the builders engineer stamp the plans.

Mr. Carroll said he expects to receive competitive bids from the four companies who requested information on bidding this project of installation of the floating docks. The deadline for bids is 2:00 PM 8/17/16. Mr. Carroll said we know we will be underfunded because of going with steel pilings instead of the greenheart and the job may require moving more rocks than we planned originally. Mr. Carroll said the timeline for this would be 10 weeks from awarding and the docks would be delivered; that puts us into October.
Temporary Tie-up Concrete Floating Dock Continued
We will prepare for a Special Town Meeting in October. We will have a warrant for funding the $35,000.00 the Selectmen approved at their last meeting. Chairman Doty asked if the Waterways Funds could be applied to this project. Mr. Carroll said he believed there is a plan in place that the Harbor worked on this spring and did not believe it included this dock project.
Mr. Carroll said the excise tax was supposed to be split 50 / 50 with Waterways Funds and the town for the past 5 to 6 years but wasn’t, so the correcting balance will be transferred into the  Waterways Funds. This will be a few thousand dollars.  
Mr. Malkin asked that Mr. Carroll to call Harbormaster Dennis Jason directly rather than sending an email if we need him to attend our meetings.  

Mr. Doty moved to award the project and accept this bid from Bellingham Marine.
Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Carroll said during the recording of the State Dock permit the Register of Deeds said the town should consider fixing the Land Court Certificates. Every time you record permits down in Menemsha they end up having to be attached to the land and the last few projects we have done are on multiple parcels. The Register of Deeds suggested because of all of the Land Court documents in that neighborhood. The recommendation from the Register is to merge them all together and file a “S” Petition with Land Court; this action would cancel all of the previous recordings and merge them into one. Mr. Carroll said he could look into this with Town Counsel. Mr. Malkin asked that Mr. Carroll seek Town Counsel and find out what the disadvantages are if we did this.
Chairman Doty directed Mr. Carroll to follow up with Ron Rappaport on this suggestion from Registry of Deeds and report back to the Selectmen.

Pasture Road Association (PRA) - Annual Meeting Update:
Bill Rossi reported on the annual PRA meeting. Mr. Rossi said that Mr. Khedouri worked on equaling the costs to all parties with fair division.  With this new plan each owner will pay 10% per parcel. Mr. Rossi spoke of the town moving forward with affordable housing lots and also of brush cutting the pasture so it doesn’t become overgrown.  Mr. Rossi said that in the past a Selectman declared that the town would not pay more than $2,000.00 annually but the 1/3 (amount town owns) will be a bit more now. Chairman Doty said he supports Mr. Rossi’s opinion and is thankful he is involved in the meetings.

Chilmark Community Center:
Mr. Carroll said Valery Sonnenthal wrote to the Selectmen’s Office requesting the Selectmen consider reducing the rental fee for event in September. Mr. Rossi recommended the rental agreement we moved last year for this event remain the same. Mr. Malkin pointed out this was not a fundraiser. No action was taken.

Eversource - Tree Cutting Plan:
Chairman Doty said the Selectmen’s Office and Tree Warden: Keith Emin received a letter from Eversource listing the trees they will be cutting. Chairman Doty said the letter also states that Eversource considers this letter a permit unless they hear otherwise. Chairman Doty advised to notify Eversource in a notice that we do not consider this a permit and request a site visit prior to any cutting.
Eversource - Tree Cutting Plan Continued
Mr. Carroll said that our Tree Warden Keith Emin will not be on island on the 30th of August which is the date Eversource scheduled for the site visits. Mr. Rossi (has arborist experience) said he would attend in Mr. Emin’s absence if needed.  Mr. Malkin said he would like to have Keith Emin available at a site visit with the Eversource representative prior to moving forward with any town tree cutting. Mr. Rossi said he would be available to attend meeting with Mr. Emin and the Eversource representative.

Vineyard Transit Authority (VTA) ridership report:
Chairman Doty said the information that we received from the VTA is not sufficient for our needs, and recommended scheduling a get-together. Janet Weidner of the Planning Board said they have invited the VTA director Angie Grant  to a Planning Board Sub-Committee meeting September 26, 2016 at 3:00 PM. Ms. Weidner suggested the Selectmen join this meeting. Chairman Doty said that would be good because we need a lot more information.

MIIA Insurance Agreement:
MIIA the group that manages our insurance needs have submitted a contract for FY17 to be approved and signed by the Board of Selectmen Chairman. Mr. Carroll gave an in-depth description of the company and the agreement.  Mr. Malkin moved to approve this membership agreement, Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes Chairman Doty signed the agreement

Martha’s Vineyard Commission (MVC):
Chairman Doty said the Chilmark Selectmen referred the issue of artificial turf verses natural grass turf at the Regional High School to the MVC. Chairman Doty said the MVC will hold a meeting of the Land Use Planning Commission with this on the agenda September 10, 2016 at 5:00 PM and then a public hearing with the full MVC will be held September 15, 2016.  
Squibnocket Beach Restoration Project Update:
Chairman Doty said the Squibnocket Homeowners project has been appealed by one of the abutters and the State has not yet determined their decision. Town Counsel Ron Rappaport and also the Homeowners Association have submitted notices recommending dismissing this appeal.
Mr. Malkin said he will not comment on this project until these issues are resolved.

Tri Town Ambulance Update:
Chairman Doty said he has been attending Tri Town Ambulance Committee meetings since the beginning of the fiscal year and it’s become apparent that we have two older ambulances that have equipment issues. Chairman Doty said the Chilmark Ambulance has been out of commission for 4 days due to electrical problems. The Aquinnah Ambulance is the other older ambulance with problems. Chairman Doty said within the next year or two we need to plan on replacing both Ambulances.

Mr. Malkin said on the topic of fiscal planning he would like the Selectmen to review the preliminary operating plan for the next three years for the harbor. Mr. Malkin said the Commercial Dock and the West Dock will require substantial monies.  
Beetlebung Corners Sidewalk:
Marie Larsen of Chilmark sent a letter to the Selectmen’s Office about her concern for the condition of the roadside pedestrian walkway. Marybeth Grady of Chilmark Chocolates said that they don’t allow their employees to walk to the bank anymore because the conditions are too dangerous. Mr. Rossi said that the roadside grade between the town hall and the office he works at is very uneven and difficult to navigate. Mr. Carroll said that we are at a stalemate with the State. The State proposed to install cement sidewalks. But we did not approve that surfacing and proposed dirt or natural surfacing which the State rejected.

Marybeth Grady recommended that a walkway from the Bus Stop on the south side of State Road to Post Office, library and the bank’s new location would be good. This would greatly reduce pedestrians walking along the Chilmark Store parking area. Mr. Malkin asked if Ms. Grady would work with him on this project, Ms. Grady said yes. Chairman Doty said that we have two appropriate crosswalks one by the police station and one by the school and store. But the other ones are in the wrong places. Mr. Malkin said he would return to an October Selectmen’s Meeting with a plan.

Meeting Room - Glass Board:
Mr. Carroll proposed adding a “glass board” to aid in presentations in the Selectman’s Meeting Room. Mr. Carroll gave a description of the product and where it would go if approved. Selectmen approved purchasing and installing this product.

Parking Signs in Menemsha:
Mr. Carroll said that he spoke with the Police Department for input on parking sign recommendations and asked for them to submit recommendations. Mr. Carroll distributed Police Department recommendations. Selectmen reviewed the recommendations. Mr. Rossi said the Police Summer Special Officers have been doing a great job in Menemsha this year. Mr. Malkin agreed and has commended them on their professionalism and restraint in interactions with some Island visitors. Chairman Doty said these officers are Kyle Sutherland and Pierce Harrer.  

Mr. Malkin move to delegate and approve the additional “no parking” areas that the recommended here by the Chilmark Police Department. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Half Day Holidays before Christmas & New Year’s:
Chairman Doty asked for a motion to approve closing Town Hall December 26th and January 2nd
and to have half days on the Fridays prior to both holidays. Mr. Malkin moved this proposal.
Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Englander property donation update:
Mr. Carroll said that the Selectmen approved moving forward and having Town Counsel proceed with this land donation. Mr. Carroll said our Town Counsel (Ron Rappaport) has sent documents for the Selectmen to approve. The documents are related to MV Land Bank and the Englander property donation. Mr. Malkin moved to approve and have chairman Doty sign. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Special Town Meeting (STM):
Mr. Carroll discussed possible dates for a STM. Mr. Malkin asked Mr. Carroll to confer with Town Moderator and Town Counsel. A date proposed was October 17.
Chairman Doty discussed the proposed warrant articles for the STM.
  • Additional funds for floating dock project for Menemsha Harbor
  • Assessors requesting article to fund reevaluations
Mr. Carroll pointed out that there is new legislation approving reevaluations every five years instead of every three years starting this fiscal year. Mr. Carroll said he spoke to a representative at the DOR who said there will be a transitional schedule and that all island towns will be submitted together in 2018. Chairman Doty discussed the pros of having reevaluations every three years. Mr. Rossi said five years maybe too much of a lag.  
  • Police Department request for article to fund upgrade to radio system on Peeked Hill.
            Mr. Carroll explained that they are seeking upgrading to digital instead of the analog      system.

  • Proposal for warrant article for purchasing a UTV for the Police Department to get to and from Menemsha.
  • Warrant for additional funding for Library staffing.
Chairman Doty said he supports funding for the Highway Department to continue utilizing part-time labor hours. Chairman Doty recommended having the highway laborers continue for another six weeks. Mr. Rossi recommended adding the extra six weeks of labor work to next year’s budget.  Mr. Carroll said that Mr. Emin was planning on laying off his employees at the exhaustion of funding but was asked to keep them on.

Chairman Doty said he would not be here and will miss the Selectmen’s meeting on September 20, 2016

Mr. Carroll said he would work to have the STM Warrant ready for the Selectmen to vote on September 6, 2016

Beach Department Appointments:
Chairman Doty said that the beach department recommends the Selectmen appoint 4 new parking lot employees and 5 new lifeguards for the remainder of this season.
Parking attendants:  Anthony Vassell, Angela Scionti, Salavador McNamara, Tam Watzman
Lifeguards: Robert Osmers, Zion Morris, Harrison Dorr, Christina Colaruso, Rhys Baumbush

Mr. Malkin moved to appoint the list of new beach employees. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chairman Doty announced that Martha’s Vineyard was hosting a “Sister Island” event. Saturday August 27, 2016 “ MV Vincy Fest”  at the Featherstone Arts Center  which will be encouraging our interests in St Vincent and the Grenadines.
At 6:26 PM with no more business to address Mr. Rossi moved to adjourn, Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.

List of documents at meeting:
  • Draft Selectmen meeting minutes from 8/2/16 & 8/8/16
  • Position description for Library Assistant Director/ Youth Services Librarian
  • Letter from Executive Director of MV Land bank to Peaked Hill Road Association about distribution of dues.
  • Letter from Valerie Sonnenthal requesting reducing rental fee for Community Center for a three day Psoas training
  • Eversource hazard tree removal plan
  • MIIA Property & Casualty Insurance agreement
  • Marie Larsen letter about State Road pedestrian concerns
  • Glass Board photo
  • List of recommended appointments to the Beach Department
  • Police Department’s recommendations for “no parking” signs   
  • Land Bank papers to sign regarding the Englander property gift
  • Correspondence items from Emergency Communications Network, Massachusetts Office of Disability, MMIIA payroll Audit , Cape & Islands Suicide Prevention Coalition, ZBA decisions for July 27-August 24, 2016, Division of Marine Fisheries grants, Cape Light Compact, act to Modernize Municipal Finance & Government, MEMA reports,

Approved 09/06/2016