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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 07/05/16
Chilmark Board of Selectmen   July 5, 2016   Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Jim Malkin, Tim Carroll,
Matt D’Andrea, Robert Lionette, Dennis Jason, Fire Chief David Norton, Joan Malkin, Robert Smith, David Wallis, Terry Donahue, Rob Hannemann, Police Chief Brian Cioffi, Kyle Sutherland, Pierce Harrer, Marina Lent, Deborah Packer, Janet Weidner, Susan Marris, Linda Coutinho, Margaret Maida, Jeff Parker, Nan Doty, Alison Berger, Rebecca Thompson, Nancy Street and other persons where present who did not speak and were unidentified. Male News reporter for MV Times, Alex Elvin, Videographer from MVTV.

At 5:00 PM Chairman Doty called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes from June 21, 2016 Selectmen’s meeting were reviewed, corrections where made. Chairman Doty moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain Mr. Malkin was not present at that meeting.

Police Chief Brian Cioffi presented and introduced his recommendations for summer police officers. Chairman Doty asked Mr. Harrer and Mr. Southerland to speak. Both gentlemen spoke very positively about the opportunity to serve in Chilmark. Chief Cioffi said Ms. Whitney was unable to attend tonight as she was off island at a competition.

Mr. Rossi moved to appoint the recommended appointments from the Police Chief; Nichole Whitney as a traffic officer; Pierce Harrer as a traffic officer and Kyle Southerland as a special officer. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

MV at Play - Athletic Fields at MV Regional High School:
Chairman Doty said that at the last Selectmen’s meeting we decided to refer the playing field proposals to the Martha’s Vineyard Commission (MVC) to determine the process. Chairman Doty said that MV At Play was not present at that meeting and has asked them to present their proposal and answer questions.

Robert Smith distributed large packets of materials to the Selectmen and Matt D’ Andrea superintendent of schools started the discussion of the project. The Selectmen said they will take the distributed materials but would not review at this meeting as they have only just received them.

Mr. D’ Andrea said he was very supportive of this project and thankful to all of the work that
M V at Play has accomplished. The Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Committee has approved phase 1 of the project. Phase 1 consists of the running track with an artificial infield surface for multipurpose use. Also the fencing will be upgraded and repaired and will also be adding bleachers and stadium lights to create a state of the art facility.

Mr. Rossi said he received a call from a member of the Oak Bluffs Planning Board. This member expressed their concern at not being able to review this project before the Selectmen from other towns sent it to the MVC. Mr. Rossi said he was glad there will be a balanced discussion tonight.
MV at Play Athletic Fields at MV Regional High School Continued
Mr. Rossi read aloud the summary from the Selectmen’s minutes from 6/21/2016 concerning the artificial turf proposal and asked a representative from MV at Play to respond. Robert Smith responded that the cost to replace the artificial turf field is not 1 million dollars as discussed at the meeting they were not at. The estimated replacement cost is $450,000.00. Mr. Smith also said      
the maintenance cost of a grass and artificial turf are similar, but  the big difference that persuaded MV at Play to go with the artificial turf is its ability to be more heavily used.  The field now could host 200 events annually verses with this proposal could hold up to 750 events annually.  

Mr. D’ Andrea said the School Committee did a lot of research and discussion prior to supporting this proposal. Mr. D’ Andrea said the cost of field maintenance on a yearly basis would go down with artificial turf but that the school would need to put funds aside in a stabilization fund for field replacement 10 to 15 years down the road. D’ Andrea said the school will be getting revenues as they will be renting out the field for events.   
Mr. Malkin asked the Superintendent of Schools if he had an objection for this to be referred to the MVC. Mr. D’ Andrea and Robert Smith both expressed concern that this project going to the MVC would cause undue delays.

Susan Marris said she supports this being referred to the MVC.

Chairman Doty asked Robert Lionette Chilmark’s representative on school committee to comment. Mr. Lionette said he received a letter forwarded to all school committee members on the island from Bill Veno recommending that we revisit with this the same way the towns did in 2006 for the YMCA.  Mr. Lionette said this is more than fixing fields. Mr. Lionette recommends taking a step back and looking at the whole proposed plan of the school campus. Mr. Lionette said the cost of the maintenance and replacement are very big ticket items and with respect to Mr. Smith does not agree with his estimate of $450,000. Mr. Lionette recommended to have the specialists at the MVC review this project.

Allison Berger asked how there is funds available for a huge artificial turf project but the funds were not available for upkeep of the existing fields. Ms. Berger said Community Preservation Act funds were put towards upgrading the track. Her concern is if we have all of the funds to put into place we won’t have the funds to take care of it.

Mr. Smith said the total CPA funds from all of the island towns is about $300,000 and it is not enough to fix the track. The track surface will be paid for by the CPA funds and the remainder of project will be privately funded.

Janet Weidner of the Chilmark Planning Board said she believed that the use of CPA funds would not be appropriate if the school is renting the area to the public. Mr. Smith said the funds would only be used for the track surface not the field.

Mr. Rossi asked for a representative from MV at Play to discuss the health effects of the proposed products.  

MV at Play Athletic Fields at MV Regional High School Continued
David Wallis of MV at Play said they do not want to install any item that is harmful to the users or the resources in the area of the proposed project.
Mr. Wallace said the engineering company that MV at Play has hired has stipulations that products will be tested along the way and will make sure they are in compliance with the contracts made with MV at Play. Mr. Wallace said from the forums they held with the public they changed the surface material from the crumb rubber to a coconut husk, cork and sand compilation due to the health concerns of the crumb rubber.  

Rebecca Thompson said the materials used (artificial turf) must be suitable for children not just adults. We need to have data about all materials prior to installing them.

Bill Rossi asked Joan Malkin, Chilmark’s representative on the Martha’s Vineyard Commission if installing this artificial turf project at the MV High School would qualify as a DRI. Ms. Malkin said the MVC will review the issues prior to deciding if this is a Development of Regional Impact (DRI). This project seems like it may take some time for the MVC to consider but at this time she did not know.   

Jeffrey Parker said having this come to the committees as phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 causes people not to see this as the large project it is. Mr. Parker recommended the complete project of all phases be presented to the MVC. Mr. Smith said the project is in phases because they have raised funds to accomplish this much and may never get to the other phases.

Nan Doty gave examples of schools installing playground materials that did not go through testing for health concerns and later the school having to remove them because they had used toxic materials. Ms. Doty stressed consideration for materials used and the impacts on the community are important factors of a project like this. Ms. Doty also recommended an independent company doing the testing of the products. The MVC should be the organization to provide testing experts for this project.

Selectmen thanked participants in the discussion for their input and said they will stay with their decision to recommend the MVC to determine if this project is a DRI.

Fire Department  
Fire Chief David Norton proposed the Selectmen appoint Christina Colarusso as a temporary Administrative Assistant to the Fire Department. Chief Norton said Ms. Mastromonaco is fulltime Beach Superintendent and he needs a few hours a week till the beaches close this fall. Mr. Rossi moved to appoint Christina Colarusso as summer part-time Administrative Assistance to the Fire Department. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Chairman Doty asked if the Chilmark Fire Department would hold a Backyard Bash this year.
Chief Norton confirmed yes, this August 3, 2016. Ms. Coutinho recommended that some of the folks who play at the winter time Chilmark Community Center music potluck events play at the bash for free. Chairman Doty said he would look into that suggestion and work on it.

Town Sustainable Energy Committee:
Rob Hannemann has returned to the Selectmen asking if they wish to form a Sustainable Energy Committee for the town of Chilmark. Mr. Hannemann is a resident of Chilmark and also a professor at Tuffs University on sustainable energy. Mr. Hannemann said he is interested in long term impacts.  

Mr. Malkin said we have been looking at the bigger picture tonight therefore recommends an island wide or regional Energy Committee. Mr. Hannemann asked for contacts that anyone may have in the other towns to contact about this. Mr. Hannemann said he would return to the Selectmen with information from the other island towns concerning an island wide Sustainable Energy Committee.

Reports of the July 4th weekend operations from Town Departments:
Harbormaster Dennis Jason reported that they had a boat fire in the end of June but there were no injuries. The July 4th weekend went well.  Harbormaster Jason reported that there was damage to property due to a boat hitting an oyster barge. Harbormaster Jason said he contacted the boat operator after inspecting the oyster barge that was hit. Harbormaster Jason said the boat owner is taking care of reparation and will probably turn this over to his insurance as the oyster barge owner will lose harvest time and product.

Harbormaster Jason said all power pedestals have water; 3 of them only have a single faucet working, they are meant to have 2. The plumber has been notified and reported he will have them all working soon.

Chairman Doty asked for an update on the Channel Floating Dock proposal. Mr. Carroll said the Governor signed the permit, and the concrete dock maker submitted a quote honoring the original price quoted. Mr. Carroll said that we need to get quotes for rocks to be removed. Harbormaster Jason said he has a contractor installing 4 pilings soon. Mr. Carroll asked if this contractor could install 9 pilings to secure the proposed new channel floating dock. Harbormaster Jason asked what kind of materials Mr. Carroll said the permit specified pilings. Harbormaster Jason recommended greenheart and said he would ask.

Selectmen directed Mr. Carroll to advertise the project immediately and not to delay to fall.
Chairman Doty said the docks take 6 weeks to make and will probably be ready for September installation.

Mr. Carroll reported that the Tri Town Ambulance responded to 6 calls. The Fire Department had 3 calls.

Margaret Maida of the Beach Committee reported on behalf of the committee. Ms. Maida asked for help from the Selectmen’s office concerning the tour vans pulling into Squibnocket ignoring or being disrespectful to the gate guards. Mr. Carroll asked for the gate guards to take plate numbers down because we have miss identified tour van companies as they all have very similar look and names. Ms. Maida said they have been taking down plate numbers and will get that information to Mr. Carroll.

Chilmark Road Race:
Nancy Street presented the road use permit application on behalf of the Chilmark Town Affairs Council. Ms. Street said the event will be run the same as last year and this year will utilize the Tabor House Road Landfill satellite parking for attendees. Chairman Doty said that parking site should be able to have 100 cars. Mr. Carroll recommended having a volunteer to help with the parking to allow maximum use of the parking lot.  

Mr. Rossi moved to approve the road use for this 2016 Chilmark Road Race as presented and to authorize using the landfill parking lot. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chairman Doty asked how the summer program is going. Ms. Street said they started later this year with registration signups July 4, 2016 and the first day of camp being today.

Mr. Malkin urged to have sailing again as they used to for the Summer Program. Ms. Street said they have been having a big challenge getting someone to run the sailing program. And said if someone has a recommendation she is willing to contact them to reestablish a summer sailing program.

Parking Limits Request:
Deborah Packer proprietor of Menemsha Store presented a parking sign request. Ms. Packer said she has folks parking right in front of her store and leaving their car there for hour’s while her elder shoppers cannot find a spot to park for their shopping needs. Ms. Packer has talked with Chief Cioffi and Mr. Carroll and believes that the following proposal may work: four 15 minute parking signs attached to the Menemsha Store building with four 1 hour parking signs along the town lot. Mr. Malkin moved to approve this proposal. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Eversource Tree Cutting Project Follow-up:
Chairman Doty asked Mr. Carroll if a letter had been drafted by the Selectmen’s office about our concerns about this project. Mr. Carroll said he will follow up with this request.   

Board of Health:
Marina Lent presented a request to host an intern for the Island Boards of Health. Ms. Lent said she has secured a grant for 50 hours in response to substance abuse issues on Martha’s Vineyard. Mr. Carroll said that this grant is paid to the town after the intern has finished the hours. Chilmark will be responsible for paying the intern and Ms. Lent will be this intern’s supervisor. Mr. Malkin moved to approve this proposal, Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Town Clerk -Registrar Appointment:
Mr. Carroll said the Clerk submitted a request by Judy Mayhew to remain a Town Registrar.
Chairman Doty said Judy has served for many years and is happy to have her continue.
Mr. Rossi moved to appoint Mrs. Judy Mayhew as Town Registrar for 3 year term. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Middle Line Road Affordable Rental:
Mr. Carroll said that the Town has a rental opening up and on the waiting list we have an applicant who was a runner up for the Nab’s Corner affordable housing lot and is an active member on a Chilmark town board. Mr. Carroll wanted to bring this to the attention of the Selectmen.
Chairman Doty said that this person on the waiting list is very active in town affairs and on our Finance Committee and is the kind of person he would like to have in our housing.

American Tower Corporation (ATC)Wi Fi / solar trash Contract:
Mr. Carroll asked Mr. Malkin if he would review the contract with ATC and give any recommendations he has. Mr. Malkin received the contract.

At 6:45 PM Mr. Rossi recommended to go into Executive Session and not to return to regular session to discuss Land Acquisition. Chairman Doty: Aye, Mr. Rossi: Aye,
Mr. Malkin: Aye. Tim Carroll was also present. Executive Session adjourned at 7:03 PM

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase

List of Documents at Meeting:
  • Draft minutes from Selectmen’s June 21  meeting
  • Distributed by Robert Smith of MV at Play. (These were not reviewed at the meeting) many documents pertaining to synthetic turf fields, dealing with environmental constraints, lab reports from Spectrum Analytical, Inc.
  • Rebecca Thompson supplied materials from: Children’s Environmental Health Center dated document from 02.16.2016, Grassroots Environmental Education Synthetic turf field fact sheet, internet document from Environment & Human Health Inc. (these were not reviewed at meeting either).
  • Proposal from Rob Hannemann to form a Sustainable Energy Committee
  • Document about Mr. Hannemann; his education and experience.
  • Road use application form for Chilmark Road Race
  • Town Clerk request to appoint Mrs. Mayhew as registrar
  • Board of health application for local public health intern.
  • Massachusetts Health Officers Association description of intern duties
  • Massachusetts Municipal Association legislative alert 06/30/16
  • ComCast packages presented by Government & Regulatory Affairs manager
  • Refund notification from County Treasurer  

Approved 08/02/2016