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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06/21/16
Chilmark Board of Selectmen June 21, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Warren Doty, Bill Rossi. James Malkin was not present. Tim Carroll
Robert Lionette, Linda Coutinho, Margaret Maida, Clarissa Allen, Janet Weidner, Nan Doty, Rebecca Thompson, Susan Demeris, Allison Berger, Marybeth Grady, Ben Retmier, Alex Elvin, Videographer from MVTV.

At 5:00 PM Chairman Doty called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes from May 17, 2016 Selectmen’s meeting were reviewed. Mr. Rossi moved to approve minutes as written. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present

Draft minutes from June 7, 2016 Selectmen’s meeting were reviewed. Corrections were made.  Mr. Rossi moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present

Chairman Doty recognized Robert Lionette’s request to address the artificial turf at Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School (MVRHS).

Artificial Turf at MVRHS:
Chairman Doty asked Mr. Lionette (Chilmark resident school representative) to discuss the proposal of turf replacement at the sports fields at the MVRHS. Mr. Lionette said a not for profit organization called MV At Play has been working for a few years to bring private funds to replace the athletic fields at the MVRHS. MV At Play is proposing artificial turf which has brought concerns from the public.
  • Health concerns of Crum rubber as it contains ingredients that are carcinogenic.
Mr. Lionette said that MV AT Play has since decided to not use the Crum product
  • Long term health effects of artificial turf fields
  • Culture of the Vineyard big move from what we have
  • Financial concerns, upkeep cost to the school system is estimated at $20,000.00 annually
Liability increase as well. The proposed artificial turf field has a warrantee to last 8 years and on average they are lasting 10 years.  A stabilization fund would be needed to address the upkeep of these fields. The replacement of these fields is over One Million Dollars per field.

Mr. Lionette is recommending the Selectmen refer this project to the Martha’s Vineyard Commission as a Developmental Regional Impact (DRI)

Rebecca Thompson formerly a Chilmark resident now a West Tisbury resident listed how this project qualifies as a DRI:
  • Any Board of Selectmen can request that it is a DRI
  • Chemical / biocides
  • Public waste issue every 8 years for replacement of artificial turf.
  • Stadium lighting
Artificial Turf at MVRHS Continued
Mr. Rossi said he would have preferred to have this referral requested by all of the Ilsand Selectmen. Janet Weidner of the Chilmark Planning Board said she is very surprised this has not been brought to the Oak Bluffs Planning Board. Looking at the big picture plan is very important. Breaking up the proposed plan into phases is not looking at the complete project. Ms. Weidner recommended this be referred to the MVC.
Ms. Grady, Ms. Allen and Ms. Doty spoke in favor of turning this over to the MVC for review.

Mr. Doty moved to refer the development of Artificial Turf at MVRHS to the MV Commission for a discretionary referral. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes 1 not present  

Beach Committee:
Clarissa Allen and Margaret Maida gave a report of the opening of Lucy Vincent and Squibnocket Beaches. Ms. Mastromonaco sent a report about the completion of the road work into Lucy Vincent. Ms. Maida said the mowing needs to be done around the area where the guard sheds are. Beach Committee members asked that Highway Superintendent Keith Emin use his machinery to do this job verses a beach guard using the push mower.

Chairman Doty said that Mr. Emin is finishing the Middle Road paving project. The town ran out of funding for the side of the road completion so Mr. Emin is doing it with his team that normally would be mowing this week. Chairman Doty said that this project has put Mr. Emin behind schedule for mowing.

Ms. Maida said that the Squibnocket stand is reported damaged and needs repairs. Ms. Maida said this damage needs to be reported to the Beach Committee at the end of the season (last September). Ms. Maida said we should not be just getting notified of the repairs needed the week the beaches open.

Ms. Allen asked for clarification as to who is responsible to put the swim line in at Menemsha Beach. Chairman Doty said by Friday June 24, 2016 the swim lines will be in place in Menemsha.

Linda Coutinho said that the town web page still says the beach sticker office is open from 9:00 AM -1:00 PM. Chairman Doty said we have changed the hours this year to 9:00 AM to Noon seven days a week. Mr. Carroll said that the changes will be made to the web page.

Beach Committee appointments; Mr. Rossi recommended an alternate. Mr. Carroll said adding another person would increase the number needed for a quorum. The Selectmen’s office has received a request from Alison Parry to be appointed to the Beach Committee if there is space.
Margaret Maida said Herb Golub came to a meeting of the Beach Committee and said he is interested in joining the Committee as well. Mr. Carroll said Ms. Parry has sent in a letter to the Selectmen and Mr. Golub has not.

Chairman Doty said there is 3foot wide board walk left (100 foot total) from the walkway project and recommends the beach staff utilize this material.  Ms. Maida said the Beach Committee will meet next on July 12, 2016.
Eversource Tree Removal / Damroth Letter:
Chairman Doty spoke about the great concern that the residence of Martha’s Vineyard are expressing concerning the trees marked for cutting. David Damroth wrote a letter to the Selectmen asking for the town to address these concerns before it is too late. Mr. Rossi recommended we write a letter requesting that Eversource consult a professional arborist prior to cutting down and pruning trees.  

Nan Doty spoke about a letter that the Doty’s received from Eversource stating that there are trees that they would like to cut on the Doty’s property and that Eversource is using an arborist to assist with these recommendations. Ms. Doty said that this letter came weeks after their trees where already marked with the blue tape.

There was discussion about keeping the country road appearance with the trees hugging our roads verses clear cutting the trees.
Chairman Doty moved to have the Selectmen’s office (Tim Carroll) draft a letter to Eversource expressing our concern in preserving our shade trees. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present  

Harbor Department Updates:
Harbormaster Dennis Jason arrived to give updates on assorted projects in the Menemsha harbor and apologized for being late. Chairman Doty said the agenda schedule worked out fine not late at all. Chairman Doty asked for information concerning the dredge. Mr. Jason said that the piping has been removed but the dredge has yet to be removed. Mr. Jason believes they are removing dredge in the next few days and will store it in New Bedford.

Chairman Doty asked for an update about pilings. Mr. Jason said another piling was broken this weekend. 5 pilings have been ordered this includes a spare “just in case” and they will need it as of this incident this past weekend. Mr. Jason intends to install these pilings and will start with the Commercial Dock. These pilings are planned to be replaced this season.

Chairman Doty asked if Lev Wlodyka’s debris has been removed from the commercial slip area as the Selectmen’s office received a complaint. Mr. Jason said Mr. Wlodyka has had to haul his boat and removed items and stored them on the dock. Mr. Jason has since spoken to Mr. Wlodyka about removing all of the material. Mr. Jason allowed for a week so Mr. Wlodyka could paint his deck but it’s been 2 weeks now. Mr. Jason spoke again to Mr. Wlodyka and was told it would be gone before Selectmen’s meeting tonight. Mr. Rossi said Lev Wlodyka needs to be fined if it is not removed by a certain date and he has been given and surpassed the date. Mr. Rossi recommended a letter be sent from the Selectmen’s office to Mr. Wlodyka stating the reason for fine to aid with harbormaster enforcements. Mr. Jason said he will fine Mr. Wlodyka.

Chairman Doty asked about the new floats for the Charter Dock. Mr. Jason said the new floats for the Charter Dock are finished they are in the water and will tow them over to install but old ones need to be removed yet. Karsten Larsen has asked about using them at Creek Lot and he will meet with Mr. Jason Wednesday (June 22, 2016) to work out a plan.

Harbor Department Continued:
Chairman Doty said he has promised the Beach Department that the swim line would be in place in Menemsha by Friday.
Mr. Jason said that the harbor boat is not the right boat for this job but he would check with Denny Jr to see if we can utilize his conch boat. Mr. Jason recommended that the beach department overhaul the swim line chain and blocks (needs inspecting and cleaning).

Appointments of Committee Boards and Commissions:
Chairman Doty reviewed the extensive list supplied by Mr. Carroll of persons to be appointed.
Chairman Doty recommended Mr. Malkin as the Selectmen liaison for the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present

Chairman Doty said we have a request from town counsel Ron Rappaport to appoint Lisa Goodheart as Special Legal Counsel to help with the Squibnocket appeal process. Chairman Doty moved to approve this appointment. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present

Chairman Doty recommended and moved to appoint Mr. Malkin as the representative on the Joint Transportation Committee. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present

Mr. Rossi moved to appoint Warren Doty as the MVTV representative. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present
Mr. Rossi moved to approve this list as presented with the additions already moved. Chairman Doty seconded the motion.  SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present

Tri Town Ambulance (TTA):
TTA Chief Ben Retmier was present to request Selectmen approve the pay changes to selected staff. Mr. Carroll discussed the paperwork submitted by the Human Resources Board.

TTA Clerical position initial evaluation (probation) period has been accomplished and the TTA Committee is recommending an increase from step 3 to step 5. Mr. Rossi moved to approve this step increase. Chairman Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present

Mr. Carroll said Selectmen would need to approve of the TTA clerical position taking 1 week leave of absence (without pay) for a family trip. Mr. Rossi moved to approve this request. Chairman Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present

TTA Chief re-graded to grade 12.
Mr. Rossi moved to take the recommendation from the Human Resources Board to change Ambulance Chief’s pay grade from a grade 11 to grade 12. Chairman Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present

Tri Town Ambulance Continued
Chairman Doty said the Selectmen’s office received a request from Tri-Town Ambulance Committee to increase TTA Deputy Chief from a step 1 to a step 2. Mr. Carroll said that this request has not gone to the Human Resources Board (HRB) yet. Chairman Doty said the Selectmen will take no action at this time and will refer this request to the HRB.

Chairman Doty said there are questions as to what pay period these increases will take effect.
Mr. Rossi said the general policy… Mr. Carroll said three of you had a vote and three of you voted this (Mr. Carroll handed out document with the Chilmark Selectmen policy voted in December 2014 because of a strong recommendation from the FinCom):
“The grade increases are to be part of the budget process and any increases will be part of the next fiscal year.”

Chairman Doty said he did not think that was fair for the employee to have to wait 12 months for the increases. Mr. Rossi said he felt the same. Chairman Doty moved to approve these grade changes for July 1, 2016. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present

Mr. Rossi recommended looking at the budget to see how this will be accomplished. Chief Retmier said his and paramedics increases are approximately $8,000.00. Chief Retmire said looking through FY17 budget he could draw from professional development and other purchase services to cover this change.  Mr. Rossi said if we fall short we can find a few thousand in the budget to make this happen. Mr. Carroll said this is a regional budget needing to go to three towns for approval.

Wi Fi American Tower Corporation (ATC):
Mr. Carroll said a representative from Ron Rappaports office sent in a document today with some changes to the contract agreement with ATC. Mr. Carroll said he will work with town counsel representative to finalize the corrections shown in this document in red.  Mr. Rossi moved to authorize Chairman Doty to sign this contract when ready. Chairman Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present
Mr. Carroll said he has been in contact with the company to confirm the locations of Trash compactor/ Wi-Fi units. Mr. Carroll said he is requesting ATC not to pour a concrete slab but to use the asphalt parking lot as a base. Mr. Carroll said the location for the Drive on Dock location is still being ironed out.
Chairman Doty said the off season maintenance of units will be discussed and decided on in the near future.

Highway Paving Update:
Mr. Carroll said Highway Superintendent is working on the erosion problem in Menemsha.
Mr. Carroll said that the Highway Superintendent is not filling the side of Middle Road along Keith Field; the contractor recommended stone tailings and Mr. Emin recommends split rail fence. Chairman Doty said he had a conversation about this plan and it’s been decided that stone tailings will be used and loam on top of the stone tailing.

Highway Paving Update Continued…
Mr. Rossi and Chairman Doty said the Middle Road paving project was done very well and are very pleased with the professional job Mr. Emin (Highway Superintendent) has done.   

Planning Board Memo:
Selectmen’s office received a report from the Planning Board about the flooding problems on State Road.  Chairman Doty moved to direct this report and our concerns to the Mass Department of transportation and to cc our State Representative.
Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present

NSTAR Grid Modernization:
Breakfast meeting in Dennis on the 29th Mr. Carroll will write to the sponsors and let them know we are unable to attend but would like any information from the meeting.

At 6:36 PM Mr. Rossi moved to adjourn. Chairman Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 not present

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase
Documents present at time of meeting:
  • Agenda
  • Draft minutes from Selectmen’s May 17, 2016 meeting
  • Draft minutes from Selectmen’s June 7, 2016 meeting
  • Letter from David Damroth concerned about Eversource cutting shade trees in Chilmark
  • List of recommended appointments for Chilmark Committees, Boards and Commissions
  • Additional recommended staff appointments
  • Draft Wi Fi Network Lease with American Tower
  • Memo from Chilmark Planning Board  RE Flooding problems on State Road
  • Human Resources Board Tri Town Ambulance clerical Assistant step increase and leave
  • HRB Regrade recommendation for Ambulance Chief
  • TTA Chief request to give Deputy chief a step increase
  • Utilities grid modification meeting information
  • Copy of Minutes from Selectmen’s meetings concerning the pay rate changes pay policy