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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06/07/16
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    June 7, 2016    Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, James Malkin, Tim Carroll,
Sophie Abrams, Wayne Iacono, Hillary Dryer, Paddy Moore, Eric Peters, Andy Goldman, Tim Rich, Constance Mesmer, Liz Gude, Peter-- Sam Hart, Ben Retmier, David Norton, Gerry Robinson, Seth Karlinsky, Lynn Christoffers and  Edie Prescott.  

At 5:00 PM Chairman Doty called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes were tabled till the next Selectmen’s meeting scheduled for June 21, 2016.

Martha’s Vineyard Refuse Disposal & Resource Recovery District (MVRD&RRD):  
Sophie Abrams presented information and a draft policy program for Chilmark to consider. This project is about our town implementing and adopting a “buy recycled” policy.  

The MVRD&RRD will submit each towns adopted policy to help fund purchasing composting bins to implement the next stages of the composting requirements at our landfills. The proposed policy is as follows:

To the maximum extent practicable the following standards should be adhered to:
1. For all purchases of printing and writing paper for in-house use or custom printed materials by professional printers, including copier paper, offset paper, forms, stationary, envelopes, tables, notepads and file folders, the minimum content standers shall be no less than 30% post-consumer recycled material to meet the current state and federal minimum standards

2. Town departments shall ensure that all contracts for printing require the inclusion of an imprint identifying the recycled content of the paper whenever practicable, along with the recycling symbol.

3. Each department shall implement paper reduction techniques through the use of duplexing, sharing and circulating materials, use of electronic mail, and reuse of discarded paper for draft works, scrap paper and internal messages.

Annually the Executive Secretary will send a memorandum reminding town departments of this policy.
Mr. Malkin moved to adopt this Buy Recycled Policy. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Public Safety Building Site Committee (PSBSC) Update:
Andy Goldman the chairman of the PSBSC spoke about the memo and report that the committee submitted to the Selectmen on June 1, 2016. The memo recommended the parcel near the Chilmark Community Center that belongs to Ms. Helen Benham. Ms. Gude said that a considerable hurdle has already been completed during the process of the possible purchase of 399 Middle Road; a complete needs assessment and building design was completed. Mr. Goldman said he is assured that we can move forward in our goal of a suitable site for our Public Safety Building. Chairman Doty urged to move forward in having an engineer create a design of site on paper.

Public Safety Building Site Committee (PSBSC) Update Continued
Mr. Malkin said prior to an engineer on the proposed property that we contact the homeowner directly. Chairman Doty asked if the PSBSC will continue to be involved in the follow through process. Mr. Goldman was positive about continuing the process.  

Love MV:
Constance Mesmer a member of a group called Love MV presented the sign that the Selectmen approved posting in town at their last meeting. the sign states; don’t litter in multi-languages. Chairman Doty asked to have 3 signs to post at our Comfort station and at the Community Center.

Dukes County Manager:
Manager Martina Thornton presented information for the Selectmen to consider about the budget for First Stop. Ms. Thornton said she received the notice from the FinCom requesting that any unspent funds be returned to the towns. This is understood but the County Manager is requesting that the Selectmen allow the $10,000.00 to remain in the budget for this year and next year they will implement the return of any unspent funds.

Mr. Malkin said it was quite clear what was expected in the budget presentation for First Stop to the FinCom and recommends still the return of the unspent funds. Ms. Thornton said Chilmark’s portion is $1,113.00 and she understands this principal and agrees but is asking for this to be allowed this year. Ms. Thornton requested a formal Memorandum of Understanding for this service going forward.

Mr. Rossi moved to permit County Manager to utilize $1,113.00 (a single time) of FY16 budget to FY17 for First Stop budget. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion with the condition it is a onetime allowance. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Healthy Aging MV(HAMV):
Paddy Moore presented a request to be sent to AARP and the World Health Organization designating Martha’s Vineyard as an Age-Friendly Community. Mr. Rossi moved to authorize Chairman Doty sign this letter that Ms. Moore presented. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Ms. Moore asked if the Selectmen have considered who will be replacing Mr. Mayhew on the Board of Directors of the Health Aging MV. Mr. Rossi said the Selectmen liaison assignments are on the agenda for later this evening. Ms. Moore thanked the Selectmen and said she looks forward to meeting with the Selectmen designee to the board of HAMV.  

Housing Production Plan:
Sam Hart of the Island wide Planning Board and previously of Chilmark Planning Board presented   materials for the Selectmen to review and he hopes support. The documents address Chilmark and the Islands Affordable Housing Plans. The documents are; a draft of Chilmark’s HPP executive summary and the PATH (Planning Assistance Toward Housing) grant participation letter that will support the hiring of the consultant. The letter will require

Housing Production Plan Continued…
Selectmen’s signatures of support if Chilmark is to participate in the process of completing Chilmark’s HPP and the creation of an island-wide Housing Production Plan.
Mr. Malkin moved to support this proposal and sign the documents. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Menemsha Updates:
Seth Karlinsky the manager of the Comfort Station was present to give updates. Chairman Doty handed Mr. Karlinsky the “Love MV” not littering signs and requested that they be posted in the Menemsha Comfort Station.

Chairman Doty said the first item to discuss is the Vineyard Transit Authority bus stop in Menemsha. The current location in front of the Menemsha Fish House is not appropriate and it’s proposed to move the stop to the front of the Comfort Station. Mr. Karlinsky supports this relocation and will help delineate the new area with painting Busses Only. Moving the sign- post with schedule and a bench are recommended too. Chairman Doty recommended the VTA supply a bench.

Mr. Malkin moved to transfer the VTA Menemsha Bus stop to the space recommended tonight at the Comfort Station. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chairman Doty said we need to work on how to make our shuttle parking lot more successful.  
Mr. Malkin asked if the town has notified the Inns and Hotels on Martha’s Vineyard about our parking shuttle for the “Menemsha Sunsets.” Mr. Rossi recommended clearer signage.
Mr. Carroll recommended the possibility of replacing the sign on North Road hill prior to entering Menemsha that says Parking Violators will be towed to the information about our sunset shuttle service. Chairman Doty said he would work with Mr. Carroll in achieving better public communication regarding the sunset shuttle bus.

Comfort Station Cleaning Contract:
Chairman Doty said Mr. Karlinsky is here to renew his contract with the town of Chilmark to manage the Comfort Station. Chairman Doty recommended making a motion to extend the duration of his contract so he will take care of maintenance of Comfort Station and collection of trash in Menemsha and in the winter of 2017 the town drafting a new contract and putting it to bid.   Mr. Malkin moved to approve this recommendation, Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chairman Doty said that trash removal in Menemsha has been great and he would like to hear the plan for the Comfort Station cleaning schedule. Mr. Karlinsky supplied the cleaning schedule. (All times are 7 days a week including Holidays) Cleaning will happen 5 times a day between:
6:00 AM- 8:00 AM
10:00 AM -12:00 PM
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
4:00 PM- 6:00 PM
8:00 PM (sunset) - 11:00 PM or after crowd has left.

Parking Lot Repair
Chairman Doty said there is an area opposite the shacks by the bridge that has washed out from under the asphalt. Mr. Karlinsky said he used a tractor and moved the cement posts to keep vehicles away from the hazard. Chairman Doty said this needs to be repaired very soon and recommended completing the plan Kent Healy engineered. Chairman Doty said this is not a responsibility of Mr. Karlinsky this is our Highway Superintendent’s responsibility. Mr. Carroll said we need to get three quotes for this project to move forward and we will move forward.   

Abandoned Gear:
Chairman Doty said last night there was an event in Menemsha with small children and these children were climbing on the old rusted gear abandoned beside the Comfort Station. This gear needs to be moved out of the area. Mr. Carroll recommended a letter to owners to remove this gear and we will also contact a scrap metal hauler if not removed by a certain date.

Squibnocket Update:
Chairman Doty gave a brief status report about were the town stands in the Squibnocket project:
Both application submitted by the Home Owners Association for the causeway and the town beach and lot proposal were approved by the Martha’s Vineyard Commission and the project returns once more to the Chilmark Conservation Commission. There is a 20 day appeal time to wait and then move forward with our project.

Tea Lane:
Mr. Rossi reported on the site visit to Tea Lane, he recommends more maintenance by the town that should be done, and water diversions that will keep the road in better shape to be done by the homeowners. Mr. Malkin reported on the site visit and said that Highway Superintendent Keith Emin will list priorities for Tea Lane.

Wayne Iacono (a resident off of Tea Lane) said that in the past the Highway superintendent would clear the runoff drains more frequently approximately 2 hour work monthly and he recommends that happening again. Selectmen will check with Mr. Emin to see if that is something that can be worked into the schedule or if we need to have someone on retainer to help with this.

Middle Road Paving Project Update:
Mr. Carroll reported that the paving is complete and we are tallying bills related to this project and getting a total. The warrant for this project is $627,584.09 the estimate of asphalt was lower than what they used for this project causing this project to go over. Chairman Doty said we will assess what will be needed to complete the side dressing (loam, gravel, and grass seed) on the edges of the roads.   

Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival(MVFF):
Hillary Dreyer is present to request the Selectmen allow the MVFF hold an event to show a movie at the Chilmark Community Center on June 25th and asked if they would waive the rental fee. Mr. Rossi said this sounds like a private event and the rental fee should remain at $400.00.
Mr. Malkin said this is a nominal fee and said that this fee should remain.

Up Island Regional School District (UIRSD)/ WT Taskforce Report:
Chairman Doty said that the West Tisbury Aquinnah and Chilmark Selectmen met and received the West Tisbury Selectmen Taskforce Report concerning the budget effects of the three town’s school needs. Chairman Doty recommended that we form a committee to review this report and ask for their recommendations. Recommended for this committee are the following persons; Susan Murphy, Linda Coutinho, Robert Lionette, Ellen Biskis and Selectmen Jim Malkin as chairman. This committee is requested to return the Selectmen in September with their findings. Mr. Rossi moved to approve this recommendation. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Town Staff Appointments 2016:
Mr. Carroll supplied the list of recommended staff appointments for 2016 season. Selectmen reviewed the list and Mr. Rossi moved to appoint the staff as presented. Mr. Malkin seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Selectmen Committee Liaison Assignments:
The Selectmen discussed and decided the following: (committee listed first with Selectmen after each)
Tri Town Ambulance Committee - Warren Doty
Dukes County Advisory Board - Bill Rossi
Housing Committee - Bill Rossi
Community Preservation Committee - Bill Rossi
Martha’s Vineyard Shellfish Group - Dennis Jason Jr.
Site Review Committee - Bill Rossi
Shellfish Advisory Committee - Warren Doty
Harbor Department - Jim Malkin
Squibnocket Pond District Advisory Committee - Bill Rossi
Health Ageing MV - Jim Malkin
Harbor Advisory Committee - Warren Doty
Cable TV Advisory Committee - Tim Carroll with Warren Doty as an alternate    

Chairman Doty announced a dedication ceremony by the Historical Commission for the plaque of the old town hall site to be held on the site of our present town hall front lawn on June 16, 2016 at 11:00 AM.

Mr. Carroll said the Community Center summer residence Selectmen meeting is on the calendar for Monday, August 8, 2016 this is the meeting that the Planning Board would like to use as a visioning session for Masterplan of Menemsha.
At 6:33 PM Chairman Doty recommended to move into Executive Session to discuss real-estate land acquisition and not to return to regular session.
Mr. Rossi: Aye, Mr. Malkin: Aye, Mr. Doty: Aye also present were Tim Carroll and Eric Peters.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 PM

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase

Documents at meeting list:
  • Agenda
  • Draft Minutes from Selectmen’s May 17, 2016 meeting
  • Public Safety Site Committee Status Report
  • Age-friendly communities document       
  • All Island Planning Board documents for getting Planning Assistance for Housing
  • island-wide Housing Production Plan document
  • VTA sunset bus schedule
  • Kent Healy engineer plan for emergency repair of washout in Menemsha parking lot
  • MVC DRI 661 Squibnocket Beach Parking lot
  • MVC DRI 338-M2 Squibnocket Farm Access Causeway
  • Island Wide Organics Feasibility Study and the MV Refuse District composting bind project materials
  • Buy Recycled Policy
  • MV Film Festival request to use Community center
  • Dedication plaque and history of first Chilmark Town Hall
  • Abutter notification for septic variance Chilmark Assessor Parcel 25-124
  • Letter from Chris Stien in response to Selectmen letter about Menemsha lot
  • MIIA insurance credit for training participation
  • Xfinity (TV)channel changes in Chilmark
  • Invitation to Edgartown parade for Independence day     
  • USCG correspondence regarding dredge in Menemsha P
  • AG notice of bylaws adopted at Chilmark ATM for articles 34, 32 and 31
  • Recommendations for staff appointments for 2016