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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 03/22/16
Chilmark Board of Selectmen     March 22, 2016   Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi, Warren Doty, Tim Carroll, Jim Malkin, Peter Cook, Everett Poole, Donald Poole, Isaiah Scheffer, Matthew Mayhew, Walter Wlodyka,
Lev Wlodyka, Peter McGhee, Jane Slater, Harriet Otteson, Alex Elvin, William Reich and Lynn Christoffers.

At 7:00 PM Chairman Mayhew called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes from the 2/4/16 joint meeting of the Selectmen, FinCom and Cemetery Commission were reviewed. Corrections were made. Mr. Rossi moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chilmark Oyster Grant Applicants:
Mr. Carroll said the Selectmen’s Office received 6 applications by the deadline of 4:00 PM on March 17, 2016. There are 4 possible Oyster Grants to be awarded by the Selectmen. Mr. Carroll supplied a letter brought to the Selectmen’s Office today from Stanley Larsen. Mr. Doty read the letter aloud that stated Mr. Larsen’s withdrawal from the applicant pool.

Mr. Doty said we may grant four but we may not want to grant them all at one time. Mr. Doty discussed the process of choosing the recipients. Mr. Doty said he would review the applications with the Shellfish Constable and hold interviews with the applicants, and have the names of the applicants that are recommended for the next Selectmen’s Meeting April 5, 2016. The next process would be to post and advertise a public hearing for awarding the Oyster Grants.

Walter Wlodyka said he is ready to move forward financially he has committed $30,000 to the project and to get started right away. Chairman Mayhew said when there are two generations applying for grants that he recommends them to work together on a single grant. (IE Walter Wlodyka and his son Lev).

Public Hearing:
At 7:14 PM Chairman Mayhew recused himself as Matthew Mayhew is his son. Mr. Rossi then opened the public hearing that was advertised as: Matthew Mayhew of 3 Striker’s Way, to locate a shellfish upweller at the end of the dock at 11 Clam Point Cove Road to grow out seed oysters.      

Matt Mayhew gave an outline of his plan. Shellfish Constable Isaiah Scheffer said this plan is ok with him and his department and he supports this plan. Mr. Doty said that Matt already has an Oyster Grant in Menemsha Pond and this would aid in his production. Donald Poole said the State approved his upweller off his father’s dock in Nasha Quitsa Pond so they should approve Matt’s too. The Selectmen received a letter of support from Bernie Levy. Everett Poole spoke in support of this request from Matt Mayhew. Mr. Rossi asked for any more comment, since there was none moved to close the public hearing.

Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain Jonathan Mayhew
Public hearing closed at 7:18 PM
Public Hearing / Upweller Permit continued:
Mr. Dotty moved to approve the proposal from Matt Mayhew, Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain Jonathan Mayhew

Shellfish Department:
Shellfish Constable Isaiah Scheffer requested the Selectmen appoint William Reich as the Chilmark Assistant Shellfish Constable. There were 5 applicants for the position. Interviews were held on March 10, 2016 with Selectmen Warren Doty and Isaiah Scheffer with Jim Malkin as the Human Resource Board (Chairman) member observing the procedure.

Mr. Doty moved to appoint William Reich as Assistant Constable. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Constable Scheffer requested the Selectmen close oyster fishing in Tisbury Great Pond.
Mr. Scheffer explained this request. Mr. Doty moved to support the Shellfish Constable’s recommendation to close Tisbury Great Pond (Chilmark waters) to Oyster fishing on March 23, 2016. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Selectmen also approved the moving of seed within Tisbury Great Pond to a restricted “no fishing” area to allow them to grow. Selectmen will approve this in writing for the State.

Elder Services / Mayor’s for Meals:
Selectmen’s Office received an invitation to the March for Meals campaign at the Howes House Thursday March 31st. Chairman Mayhew said the Selectmen are honored to attend; he and Mr. Doty enjoyed last year’s event and encourage Mr. Rossi to attend this year. Mr. Rossi said he would be happy to attend.  

Selectmen Doty said that the Army Core of Engineers (USACE) was to have the dredging out of Menemsha Pond by February 12, 2016 and here it is March 22, 2016 and nothing has been done to remove the dredge that is in the Chilmark Menemsha Chanel. Mr. Doty moved to formally request that the USACE remove the dredge. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Comfort Station:
Mr. Doty said he has worked on an estimate of cost for repairs to the Comfort Station; $75,000.00 with a contingency possibly growing to $90,000.
  • Renovate showers and install an outside rinse station,
  • Addition of a toilet stall to the woman’s side
  • Addition of 2 urinals to men’s side
  • Replace siding, roof and all windows.
Mr. Rossi said he would recommend consulting a professional concerning the pricing and recommended a consultation on our plan. Discussion turned to renovate vs building new.
Jane Slater recommended asking the Planning Board to find architects. Information will be gathered for further discussion at the Selectmen’s Meeting for April 5, 2016 agenda.   
Basin Road:
Mr. Carroll referred to a map on the wall for planning a pedestrian way along Basin Road.
Jane Slater said she does not support this drastic widening plan. Ms. Slater has been observing the traffic in Menemsha Basin Road for more than 30 years and has never seen an accident with a pedestrian and driver. Ms. Slater recommended a crosswalk on North Road at the beginning of the Homeport parking lot.  Ms. Slater said from Beetlebung Café to Crick Hill is the area that needs addressing.

Selectmen plan to have the following plan of brush cutting:  the NW side of North Road across from the Home Port parking lot. Then will work on cross walk at corner of Basin Road and North Road on the SW side. Then moving down Basin Road the plan is to brush cut along the town property along both sides of the road. More extensive work for safety will be at the corner between Beetlebung café to Crick Hill is the area. Harriett Otteson said that there is up to 3 cars that park in the summer on the corner by Roberta and Jim’s store causing navigational hazard and if that were designated no parking that could help. Discussion ensued. Mr. Doty recommended discussion with the Armstrong’s and Morgan’s concerning that area.

Mr. Carroll said that (Basin Road) from the bridge down towards the beach plan is to widen by
5 feet on the East side with no additional parking but to widen for travel safety.

399 Middle Road Property Update:
Mr. Doty said the Public Safety Building Site Committee is moving away from that site and we should not exercise our option to purchase that lot. Mr. Doty moved to rescind the offer to purchase and release the P & S back to the owners. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

6 Tuckers Trail letter to DEP:
Mr. Carroll drafted a letter from the Selectmen’s office, (as he was directed at the Selectmen’s meeting 3/5/16) and asked that the Selectmen review and approve to send. Mr. Doty read the letter out loud. Everett Poole said that the addition of the 4 pilings into the pond would affect scalloping.

Mr. Rossi moved to approve this letter and send to the DEP to be received within the appeal time. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

MV Cultural Council (MVCC):
Mr. Carroll said Jennifer Christy has completed her (3 year) term on the MVCC and has asked Dyan Demers of Chilmark to consider being Chilmark’s representative on the board. Ms. Demers has since sent a letter to the Selectmen’s office requesting to be appointed to the board of the MVCC.

Mr. Doty moved to appoint Dyan Demers to be Chilmark’s representative on the board of the MVCC. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chairman Mayhew requested Selectmen’s office write a letter of thanks to Ms. Christy for her hard work and commitment on the MVCC.
Mr. Carroll said the Secretary of State has preempted the public records law though legislation is pending. The Public Records request will be changing from 20 cents to 5 cents per page and this will affect the cost to the town. Mr. Carroll said we are putting more documents online to offset these possible increased costs.

Mr. Carroll said we have received a request for documentation from the Department of Labor Relations concerning our collective bargaining agreements.

Human Resources Board (HRB):
Mr. Carroll said the HRB has submitted their approved and recommended job position descriptions for:
  • Tri Town Ambulance (TTA) Paramedic
  • TTA Deputy Chief
  • Board of Health Administrator/ Inspector.
The Selectmen reviewed and approve all of the position descriptions presented. Mr. Doty moved to approve all descriptions as presented. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Town Registrars:
Mr. Carroll said that two of the Chilmark Registrars travel and they are unable to be here to certify certain amount of papers for State Elections and so forth. Registrars have asked that Tim Carroll be appointed temporarily as registrar for the meeting tomorrow March 23, 2016.
Mr. Doty moved to appoint Mr. Carroll a temporary Registrar for March 23, 2016 meeting. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Stop Sign:
Mr. Peter Cook spoke about a recommendation (of Planning Board subcommittee) of placing a stop sign at the corner of North Road and Basin Road. The stop would be for the traffic travelling toward Menemsha down the hill. Mr. Cook said this would work with the crosswalk on the other side of the entrance onto Basin Road. Mr. Carroll said it has been proposed to have a 3 way stop at that intersection. Discussion ensued. No action was taken at this time, further planning will continue.    

At 8:15 PM Mr. Doty moved to adjourn. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.  Approved 5/03/2016