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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 03/08/16
Chilmark Board of Selectmen     March 8, 2016   Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi, Warren Doty, Tim Carroll, Jim Malkin,
Joan Malkin, Joann Taylor, Chuck Hodgkinson, Rodney Bunker, and a videographer from MVTV.

At 7:00 PM Chairman Mayhew called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.
Draft minutes from the February 2, 2016 Selectmen’s meeting were reviewed, corrections were made. Mr. Rossi moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Draft minutes from the February 16, 2016 Selectmen’s meeting were reviewed, corrections were made. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Shellfish Grant Public Hearing Procedures:
Tim Carroll gave an outline of the process for the shellfish grant hearing and awarding. Mr. Doty said the town of Chilmark has the potential for 4 new shellfish grants but Mr. Doty recommended not too hastily awarding them all. Mr. Doty recommended maybe just one or two. And only after receiving and reviewing the business plans from potential applicants. The public hearing posting is as follows:
The Selectmen are seeking applications from interested residents for four new shellfish grants on Menemsha Pond. Applicants shall submit a completed application, business plan and cover letter to the Office of the Selectmen no later than March 17, 2016 at 4:00 PM. A Public Hearing will be held on April 19, 2016 at 7:10 PM to award these four new shellfish propagation grants. ~
The Selectmen will hold a public hearing on the request of Matthew Mayhew of 3 Striker’s Way, to locate a shellfish upweller at the end of the dock at 11 Clam Point Cove Road to grow out seed oysters, on March 22, 2016 at 7:10 PM in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Hall. Chairman Mayhew said he would be abstaining from that hearing as Mathew Mayhew is his son.  

Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP):
JoAnne Taylor of the Martha’s Vineyard Commission presented an executive summary of the updates to the 2015 HMP. The complete plan can be viewed at:
Mr. Doty recommended correcting the plan to say State Road rather than South Road where the correction was needed. Ms. Taylor said she would make the corrections.
Mr. Doty read aloud the resolution. Mr. Rossi moved to approve this resolution. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Mr. Doty requested an electronic copy of this executive report so we can post to our Chilmark Web site.

Mr. Carroll said that there is a grant that we can apply for within this resolution and recommended Chuck Hodgkinson apply for this grant for the Squibnocket project. Mr. Hodgkinson said he will apply for this grant.

MS Bike Ride:
Mr. Rossi spoke in favor of this annual event. There will be approximately 600 cyclists on April 30, 2016. Mr. Rossi moved to approve road use and support this event on April 30, 2016 with access over Middle Road, North road, Menemsha Cross Road and South Road. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Adult Community Education of  Martha’s Vineyard (ACEMV):
Mr. Carroll said that the Selectmen’s office received written request from ACEMV to hold a Geological walk/ talk by Mr. Cooper on Lucy Vincent beach 3 Tuesday evenings in July 2016. There is a limit of 15 spots and the participants would carpool or use bus. Mr. Doty moved to approve this request from ACE as presented. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Zero Point Zero Productions:
Mr. Carroll said the Selectmen’s Office received a request from Zero Point Zero Productions for a release waver to be sign for a film project that already happened in Chilmark. Mr. Doty said we usually get requests prior to the completion or start of filming in Chilmark and usually just give our approval in the minutes and don’t sign release forms. Mr. Doty moved to take no action. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chilmark Planning Board:
Mr. Carroll said that the Selectmen’s Office received a letter from the Chilmark Planning Board offering to help with the projects in Menemsha and Town Center. Janet Weidner and Joan Malkin were present to speak to this. Mr. Rossi thanked the Planning Board for this offer. Discussion turned to Chilmark’s master plan and the efforts made by the planning board members in the past. The first master plan was created about 30 years ago organized by Annabelle Deitz and John Flender directed a thorough update in 2003. Mr. Doty said we may consider hiring a consultant for the next revision.

Ms. Malkin said the reason for the letter to the Selectmen essentially was to ask for direction to help in some of the town projects that are in the works. For example the Menemsha Comfort Station, Pedestrian Paths, Parking lot and Town Center pedestrian walks.  

Ms. Malkin said another topic the Planning Board has discussed is working on the Master Plan.
Ms. Malkin recommended utilizing the MVC and possibly having outside help. Big picture direction. Ms. Weidner discussed the process of an action plan. Mr. Rossi recommended another survey; seeking information from our community as to the items of importance.  Chairman Mayhew recommended that we should decide our Menemsha plan not an outsider. Ms. Weidner said the consultant that they have been utilizing for the library has been very useful in aiding the dialog process of planning. Mr. Doty discussed the projects that the Selectmen have been working on in Menemsha. Mr. Doty asked for some input from the Planning Board for the Comfort Station.
Chairman Mayhew requested that the Planning Board look into the immediate plans for this year’s projects and to also consider 10 year plans. Chairman Mayhew expressed his gratitude for the collaboration from the Planning board.
FY17 Budget:
Mr. Carroll requested the Selectmen vote the FY17 Budget as presented at Thursday’s FinCom Budget Hearing wrap-up. The FY17 budget as presented has a 1.47% increase over FY16.
Mr. Rossi said he is pleased with the budget figure. Mr. Doty said the Selectmen voted on this budget the same time as the FinCom. Mr. Carroll said the Center for Living’s savings were not quite what was presented Thursday. Mr. Carroll said it’s about $200.00 more.  Discussion ensued.

Chairman Mayhew asked about the COLA and if we could include a 1%. Mr. Carroll said that that is not in this budget and would need to be a warrant article.

Mr. Malkin asked to speak to the COLA issue. Mr. Malkin said after hearing Chairman Mayhew’s concerns of the health insurance premium hikes he proposes a COLA of 1% as a warrant article. Further on the subject of COLA Mr. Malkin recommended adopting a COLA of 1% to 3%. If COLA formula recommends a figure less than 1% Chilmark would have 1% and if it were 4.5% Chilmark would have 3% as the maximum. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Doty moved to approve a new COLA policy; (to accompany the formula the town utilizes)
minimum of 1% with a maximum of 3%. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Doty moved to approve the FY17 budget with the Center for Living minimal financial change. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Chilmark Community Center (CCC) Vestibule Project:
Rodney Bunker was present to discuss the Community Center Vestibule project. Mr. Bunker said that the Town did not receive any bids for the vestibule project. Mr. Bunker recommended lowering the scope of the project to bring down the cost of project. Mr. Carroll asked if we can become our own General Contractor for this project to be able to accomplish what we need.  
Mr. Rossi recommended this project be rescheduled for the fall of 2016.

CCC Kerfs:
Mr. Bunker reported that the floor kerfs have been cut and that we should see a better expansion capability for the summer humidity.

CCC Drainage
Mr. Bunker reported that the drainage project is working ok. Mr. Bunker said the water in the area by the art shack and aroundthe well head seems to be coming from the library parking lot.

ATM Warrant:
Mr. Carroll asked for short discussion on a few items on the present warrant.
  • CCC Joint Maintenance Fund  (+5k from Town affairs) $5,000.00
  • FinCom Reserve Fund  $40,000.00
  • General Stabilization Fund  $50,000.00
  • FD Stabilization Fund   $40,000.00
  • Unfunded Absences   $11,000.00
  • Menemsha Parking Lot - widening East & North sides by 5 ft. $28,000.00
ATM Warrant Continued
  • Menemsha Parking Lot - Beach Path 6' board walk   $23,000.00
  • Menemsha Basin Road - widening for pedestrians   $15,000.00
  • Menemsha Comfort Station - painting & minor repairs   $5,000.00
  • Menemsha - second dirt parking lot for bus turn around  $11,000.00
  • CCC Solar PV Array $23,000.00
  • HWY - Road Maintenance Plan  $549,999.85
  • HWY - Town Pickup Truck $44,000.00
  • PD-Replace 2010 Expedition 4x4  $36,000.00  
  • CPC Reserves   $322,868.00
  • CPA-Housing IHT Kuehn's Way  $33,000.00
  • CPA-Housing Rental Conversion (rent subsidy) Program  $32,000.00
  • CPA-Open Space Preservation Parks & Recreation Skate Park $5,000.00
  • CPA-Open Space Preservation Parks & Recreation Chilmark School  $5,000.00
  • CPA-Open Space Preservation Parks & Recreation Squibnocket Parking  $150,000.00
  • Squibnocket - parking lot & beach restoration  $200,000.00
  • First Stop $10,201.02
  • CORE  $5,676.30  
  • UIRSDC - WT School Playground  $26,220.00
  • ACE MV  $11,130.00
  • COLA  $25, 000
The total of warrant articles is $1,315,575.03 (funds are coming from raise & appropriation, Free cash, and other available funds) Mr. Carroll presented all of the warrant; some are not money related. Discussion ensued.
Mr. Doty moved to call and post Annual Town Meeting for April 25, 2016. And to approve warrant as presented tonight. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Carroll said there will be a memorial service for George Szilassy at noon on Sunday April 24, 2016 at Menemsha Texaco and Menemsha beach.

Channel Dock:
Mr. Carroll said he hopes to have a permit by April 6, 2016 from the Governor for an additional floating dock to be installed in Menemsha. Mr. Carroll said this will be advertised and put out to bid next week. Discussion ensued. Mr. Doty recommended this move forward.

Town Line Change:
Mr. Carroll presented a surveyors map illustrating the town line between Aquinnah and Chilmark. Mr. Rossi moved to approve this plan presented by Vineyard Land Surveyors dated February 18, 2016. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2Ayes, 1 Abstain
Jonathan Mayhew has a shack in the bounds of this plan.

Comfort Station:
Mr. Carroll outlined the (independent) building inspection report on the Comfort Station. The report said that the base is sound but that windows roof and siding would need replacing. Discussion ensued. Selectmen will go to visit the site Friday at 9:00 AM.  
Police Vehicle Policy:
Mr. Doty moved to approve adopting the police vehicle policy that was reviewed and recommended at the FinCom budget hearing 3/3/16:
The Town adopt the following replacement cycle for the police cruisers. In the first third of the cycle, one of the three response cruisers will be replaced each year for three years. Once all three response cruisers are replaced, there will be a year off where the Town will not replace any cruisers. In the second third of the cycle, the two oldest response cruisers will be replaced over two years. The third remaining response vehicle will be kept and maintained as a backup cruiser. The following year the unmarked cruiser will be replaced, followed by another year off. From here the last third of this cycle will be repeated as the first cycle. This cycle will result in each response cruiser being replaced every five to six years and allow the Town a year off every three years from purchasing a cruiser.
Mr. Rossi seconded the motion SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Tri Town Ambulance Position Vacancy Posting:
Mr. Carroll said when the Selectmen appointed the Deputy Chief that opened a paramedic position. Mr. Doty moved to approve advertising this position, Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Mr. Carroll will advertise and post this vacancy.

Mr. Carroll said he and Mr. Doty met with Harbormaster Dennis Jason and heard his plans to replace 8 pilings. Mr. Doty said we will have Mr. Colligan do the electrical connections for the new pedestals.  Mr. Carroll discussed lighting over by the “green dock” 3 lights to illuminate the ramp (small LED).
Selectmen discussed the memo that the Harbormaster and Ginny Jones sent discussing the lack of communication from the Selectmen’s Office. Mr. Rossi recommended they attend the meetings when the harbor is on the Selectmen’s meeting agenda.

Discussion turned to the marking of delineation of Aquinnah and Chilmark in Menemsha Pond.
Mr. Doty recommended putting the second piling back. Mr. Rossi agreed. Chairman Mayhew said we don’t have to make this decision tonight and said we should talk to Dennis Jason again.

Abutters Notice from DEP:
Selectmen reviewed a notice from the DEP for comment from abutters (Town Property abuts this project) the notice is as follows:

Chairman Mayhew said that the addition of the 4 pilings brings the structure 21 more feet into the pond. Chairman Mayhew said this could impair towing for scalloping. Mr. Carroll said he will bring a draft comment letter to the next Selectmen’s meeting for review.

Board of Health:
Mr. Carroll said that the Board of Health memo outlining their recommendations to the Menemsha Comfort Station:
Selectmen reviewed the recommendations, Mr. Carroll said as a result of this memo he hired Kent Healy to inspect the system at the comfort station and submit a report to the Selectmen’s office for review at a future meeting.

ACE Dredging in Menemsha Update:
Mr. Doty said that the dredge is in the middle of the channel and requested this be cleared out the deadline for this was 2/16/16.

Police Parking lot plan Update:
Mr. Rossi said he will work on this and return to the next Selectmen’s meeting with an update.
The survey by VLS will be utilized in assisting drafting a plan.

Paving Projects Update:
Mr. Carroll said he met with Keith Emin (Chilmark’s Highway Superintendent) and they drafted a needs schedule: Menemsha parking lot and Basin Road in the spring 2016. Then paving Middle Road in the fall of 2016 (FY17). Mr. Carroll said if there are delays in the permitting that may cause the spring project to be pushed back to the fall as well.  

Water Line for USCG & Town of Chilmark Lease:
Mr. Carroll said that this is the 5 year lease for the town to tie into the USCG waterline. Mr. Rossi moved to approve and sign this lease as presented. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

ATC/ Menemsha Wi-Fi:
American Towner Corporation (ATC) has submitted a proposal to the town of Chilmark to supply Wi-Fi in Menemsha that would charge the user a fee and be a no cost to the town. The areas that would have stations would be Comfort Station, Pole West Dock and compact array near transient dock.  Also a solar compacter for trash would be supplied with this proposal from ATC. Mr. Carroll said it’s like a hotel service. Mr. Carroll asked if this is something we should advertise and put out to bid. Discussion ensued. Mr. Rossi recommended requesting to be included in the revenue end of the proposal. Selectmen decided to review materials more.

Beach Sticker System:
Mr. Carroll said the Beach Committee was opposed to increasing the stickers by $5.00 to cover the fulfillment for on-line orders. Discussion ensued.
Mr. Doty moved to progress with the City Hall Systems and to keep the fee to purchasers the same as last year. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

At 9:41 PM Mr. Rossi moved to adjourn. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.    Approved 04/05/16