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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 02/16/16
Chilmark Board of Selectmen     February 16, 2016   Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi, Warren Doty, Tim Carroll, Clark Goff,
Jim Malkin, Ben Retmier, Matthew Montanile, Traci Monteith, Alex Elvin, Frank Yeomans
and a videographer from MVTV.

Draft minutes from the January 19, 2016 Selectmen’s meeting were reviewed, corrections were made. Mr. Rossi moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Tri Town Ambulance (TTA):
Chief Ben Retmier introduced Matt Montanile as his and the Tri town Ambulance Committee’s recommendation for the position of Deputy Chief to Tri Town Ambulance. Mr. Rossi moved to appoint Matthew Montanile as TTA Deputy Chief. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chief Ben Retmier introduced Traci Monteith and recommended she be appointed a fulltime paramedic. Mr. Doty asked Ms. Monteith if she would work for other towns after starting with TTA. Ms. Monteith said she would continue to work with Oak Bluffs but that TTA would be her priority. Mr. Doty moved to appoint Traci Monteith as a fulltime paramedic. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

399 Middle Road - update on extension request:
Chairman Mayhew asked to discuss any updates we have. Mr. Rossi said he spoke with Debbie Hancock the broker/ agent for the sellers and was told that the sellers are willing to extend the deadline to April 25, 2016, With a 60 day timeframe to perform.
Mr. Rossi said that Fire Chief Norton (on his return from vacation) will have a proposal for the Public Safety Building Site Committee for an alternate location. Mr. Carroll said the next scheduled meeting for the PSBSC is 2/25/16 at 5:15 PM.

Chilmark Community Center:
The Selectmen’s office received a letter from representatives of Vineyard Independence Partnership asking for the continued support from the Chilmark Selectmen in waiving the rental fee for their group’s get-togethers. This event is scheduled for 3/6/16 Mr. Doty moved to waive the rental fee. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes     

Police Parking Lot:
Mr. Carroll discussed the site plan for the alternate parking proposal at the police station. Discussion ensued.  Mr. Rossi said he will work on a plan for the parking schematics and return to a future Selectmen’s meeting with a proposal and request input at that time.

Wind Turbine Farm South of Martha's Vineyard:
Mr. Doty gave a summary of the meeting that Chilmark Fishermen had with a representative from Denmark Oil and Natural Gas (DONG). DONG was here seeking input from the local fishermen who fish the area DONG is assessing what to expect for the 30 day survey they are hoping to complete in the month of May. Mr. Doty said that there was concern from fishermen that the May date would be a major problem an alternate month (March) was recommended. Mr. Doty said since this initial meeting, a DONG representative has reached out to the Selectmen’s office requesting a date to present the big picture. Mr. Doty said the presentation is scheduled for 5:00 PM March 22, 2016 here in the Selectmen’s meeting room.

All Island Selectmen Meeting:
Mr. Carroll said the next All Island Selectmen’s Meeting is scheduled for March 10, 2016. Mr. Carroll asked for any items Chilmark Selectmen would like to place on the agenda. Selectmen recommended an update from Healthy Aging of Martha’s Vineyard and an update from the County Office about the purchase of the Center for Living building.

White Ribbon Campaign:
Mr. Carroll said that the Community Services of MV are having their annual CONNECT to end violence campaign. Signatures are requested and awareness day with wearing a white ribbon is scheduled for March 3, 2016. Mr. Doty moved to endorse this event and officially have Chilmark be a part of it. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes   
Healthy Aging Task Force:
Chairman Mayhew said that the organization is now called Health Aging of Martha’s Vineyard (HAMV). Mr. Carroll said that Chairman Mayhew wanted Selectmen to review the executive summary.
Mr. Mayhew is a board member of the HAMV and said there is important information. Mr. Rossi said he reviewed this executive summary and said that the reports where enlightening and a good collection of data. Mr. Doty said that there are 2 recommendations from the executive report; 1.) Falling prevention 2.) Home modifications.

Mr. Carroll reminded folks that next year we are not eligible for the Community Development Block Grant (TRI) and if there are residents who qualify for the forgivable loan that they should seek these grants immediately.
Mr. Yeomans proposed the possibility of managing a list of eligible youngsters to shovel snow for elders. Discussion ensued.  

Town Clerk:
Mr. Carroll said that Jennifer Christy / Chilmark Town Clerk has completed the requirements and has earned the Certified Massachusetts Municipal Clerk certificate. Selectmen send Ms. Christy congratulations and remarked that she does a wonderful job.

Cape & Vineyard Electric Cooperative (CVEC):  
Mr. Carroll presented the Selectmen with an Inter-Government Net Metering Credit Purchase Agreement. Mr. Doty moved to approve and sign the agreement with CVEC. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Annual Town Meeting:
Mr. Carroll said that there would be 1.85% increase to FY17 budget not including the warrant articles. Mr. Doty said the big question is the School assessment and we won’t know till their final school budget hearing scheduled for end of February. Mr. Carroll discussed the schedule for paving timeline and the widening of Basin Road. There was discussion on the proposed articles.

Mr. Carroll said that C4L is meeting March 3, 2016 to reduce the FY17 budget.
Mr. Carroll said that the Chilmark School is removing CPC fund request for their playground.

Mr. Malkin asked if we have information about Edgartown funding percentage to Adult Community Education of Martha’s Vineyard (ACEMV). Mr. Carroll said he had not gotten any updates conserving ACEMV. Mr. Doty recommended supporting the service and leaving Chilmark’s funding as presented at the budget hearing.

Mr. Carroll presented a draft letter from the Selectmen’s office that he was requested to draft at the FinCom Budget Hearing concerning the county and the (6 organizations) elder services. Selectmen reviewed and signed the letter.

Mr. Rossi read letter aloud:

Squibnocket Project Time Line Update:
Mr. Doty discussed an updated project schedule for the permitting process: (outline supplied by C. Hodgkinson)
Monday, February 29 @ 5:30 pm at the Martha’s Vineyard Commission (MVC) offices: MVC Land Use Planning Committee (LUPC).

March 2 @ 11:30 am: Site Visit to view the causeway height poles—MVC will be there, then go to the Blacksmith Valley House to understand the views from there. The Chilmark Conservation Commission (ConCom) will also be there but will leave to re-open the causeway hearing at 12:10 PM.

March 7 @ 5:30 pm at the MVC offices: second LUPC meeting – if necessary.

March 8: Formal DRI applications are due to MVC. These will be prepared by Reid Silva and the Homeowners permitting group.
Tentative: March 24 @ 7:00 pm (maybe 6:00 pm) Public Hearing in the Chilmark Community Center.

Shellfish - Vehicle Stipend Request 2016:
Selectmen’s office received a request from Shellfish Constable Isaiah Scheffer for 6 months of his vehicle use from July 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015 the amount of request is $3,300.00

Mr. Doty said that the Shellfish department applied for and received a grant for eelgrass restoration. Mr. Doty said Emma Green Beach and Isaiah Scheffer both worked to secure this grant.

Mr. Doty said most island towns have a separate town owned vehicle for hauling boats and equipment for their shellfish departments. Chilmark doesn’t, therefore Isaiah uses his personal vehicle. Mr. Doty recommended paying this request. Mr. Doty moved to approve this stipend request. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Mr. Carroll said that the Final FY17 budget hearing is tentatively March 2nd and March 3rd.
Mr. Carroll said we should have all of the final figures for all departments and organizations by then.

Mr. Doty asked to discuss the process for the Menemsha projects concerning the Chilmark’s Planning Board and ConCom participation. Discussion ensued.  

At 7:50 PM Mr. Rossi moved to adjourn. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.        Approved 03/08/16