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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 02/02/16
Chilmark Board of Selectmen     February 2, 2016   Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi, Warren Doty, Tim Carroll, Jim Malkin,
Joan Malkin, Melanie Becker, Ellen Biskis, Clark Goff, Tony Orphanos and a videographer from MVTV.

Draft minutes from the January 19, 2016 Selectmen’s meeting were tabled to the next meeting.

Public Safety Building Site Committee Update:  
Mr. Rossi reported on the project to acquire 399 Middle Road as a Fire / Tri Town Ambulance Station. Mr. Rossi said that Fire Chief Norton is not supporting this site as a future station. Extensive discussion ensued. Chairman Mayhew said that as a member of the Tri-Town Ambulance Committee he knows the Ambulance Chief Retmier is ready to move forward with proposed plans to have a Chilmark station.

Mr. Rossi moved to request an additional extension until April 25, 2016 Special Town Meeting (Annual Town Meeting is scheduled for this date). Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Town Accountant Request:
Town Accountant Ellen Biskis presented a request for an increase in FY17 Accountant budget to hire part time office assistant. Mr. Rossi said he supports this plan to help Town Accountant with a data entry person 6-8 hours per week.

Chairman Mayhew asked Town Treasurer Melanie Becker for input on extra help for the finance team in town. Ms. Becker said since implementation of new cash management program / cashbook Zobrio software and City Hall Systems she has had a heavy workload.  Ms. Becker said she has been working 40 hours per week and her salary is based on being 37.5 hours a week. Ms. Becker said this system is more work but it does not have to be her doing the work it could be an assistant. Ms. Biskis discussed the problem she has experienced with the Beach and Harbor Department cash management reports with the new software. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Malkin (as a representative from the Human Resources Board) said he would recommend increasing Treasurers hours to 40 and hiring an assistant to aid the finance team on a 6 month trial.

Mr. Doty moved to increase Town Treasurer’s hours to 40 hours per week, and to hire for the Town Accountant a clerical assistant 8 hours a week for a 6 month trial. Mr. Doty specified the “new program” to start May 1, 2016. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Doty said that the town doesn’t have funds to cover this but we will work it out and include this in FY17 town budget. Ms. Becker and Ms. Biskis both voiced their gratitude.

Squibnocket Project Update:  
Mr. Doty gave a description of the next stage of the Squibnocket project process. Mr. Doty said Joan and Jim Malkin may have a better up-to-date schedule…
Squibnocket Project Update Continued
Mr. Malkin is on the Squibnocket Committee and Mrs. Malkin on the Martha’s Vineyard Commission. Mr. Doty said that Chilmark Selectmen’s Office is having a meeting with The Martha’s Vineyard Commission (MVC) Director of Regional Impact (Paul Foley) this Thursday.  This meeting will be attended by Chilmark team; Chuck Hodgkinson, Reid Silva. And the team from the Squibnocket Homeowners Association would also attend.

Then the town representatives would appear before a MVC Land Use Planning Committee (LUPC). Then after these two meetings a MVC public hearing will be advertised. Mr. Doty said this project will be kept on the table and move forward.

Ms. Malkin said the meetings as outlined are not yet set but they will be moving forward.
Mr. Doty said after the MVC process the project comes back to the Chilmark Conservation Commission. Ms. Malkin said she would update the Selectmen on the status of this project’s process; she will give Selectmen updates as to the progress of this project through the MVC for their regular scheduled meetings.

Articles for Annual Town Meeting Update:
Mr. Carroll explained the proposed articles for ATM with discussion following each for clarification.
  • Menemsha Parking Lot; widening E & North Sides by 5 ft. estimated cost $28,000.00
  • Menemsha Parking Lot; boardwalk paths (extending path to 6 foot widths)  $23,000.00
  • Menemsha Basin Rd. widening for pedestrian safety $15,000.00
Extensive discussion ensued concerning this item. More defining will be provided Mr. Carroll asked to be able to have a surveyor stake the area for the expansion of the road. Selectmen directed Mr. Carroll to have the surveyor proceed with staking the area.
  • Menemsha Comfort Station painting and minor repairs $5,000.00
Discussion ensued concerning the future renovations (not this season); adding urinals and toilets and external showers and complete building repairs.  
  • Menemsha second dirt parking lot for bus (VTA) turn around $11,000.00
  • Chilmark Community Center Solar Array; upgrades and additional panels. $23,000.00
  • Highway Road Maintenance Plan; $549,999.85 of funding will be applied to paving roads in Chilmark. An assortment of road paving options where discussed. Approximately 1 mile will be completed.
  • Highway Department truck $44,000.00
  • Police SUV (vehicle) $36,000.00
There was discussion concerning the harbor dredging and delays. The harbor warrants were postponed. The purchase of a second boat was postponed till one is needed. Proper signage of “not dredged” was discussed as a need for the coming season as many boaters were notified there would be access into the pond.

Ms. Malkin said that there would need to be ConCom approval for the projects discussed. Ms. Malkin said she came tonight about Menemsha visioning; (as a member of) the Planning Board subcommittee would like to be utilized for projects like these. Mr. Carroll said that there is no roadside district in Menemsha; that (historically) the Selectmen did not want the Planning Board involved. Chairman Mayhew said that he believed it was Herby Hancock who asked for the Planning Board to stay out of the Menemsha planning.  Chairman Mayhew said that having the boards (Planning Board) participation would be a benefit for our projects.  Mr. Doty and
Mr. Rossi agreed.
Mr. Carroll distributed documents supporting the proposed ATM articles. Mr. Carroll discussed stabilization funds.  
  • CPA articles were discussed. Mr. Carroll discussed the challenges with the Squibnocket Project. Squibnocket Project $200,000.00 to have for the parking lot.
  • First Stop (health services) $10,201.02
  • CORE $5,676.30  (Counseling, Outreach and Referral for the Elderly)
  • UIRSD ( Up Island Regional School District) playground $26,220.00
  • ACE MV ( Adult Community Education) $11,130.00
Discussion turned to FinCom, Selectmen Budget hearings this coming Thursday (2/4/16)
  • Mr. Carroll said that the easement for the Wlodyka Middle Line Road request will be placed on ATM warrant. Mr. Carroll said that all easements are granted at Town Meeting.  
  • Beer and Wine petition
Mr. Doty said we have a long way to go before we set a warrant but this is a good outline to work with.

Chilmark Community Center (CCC) Projects:
Mr. Carroll said CCC vestibule project bids are due 2/10/16. Discussion ensued.
Mr. Doty asked for updates on other CCC projects; the drainage updates and the proposed tennis shack. Mr. Carroll said he has received no updates about those projects.

Mr. Bunker sent a proposal to the Selectmen’s office for additional floor kerfs for the CCC.
Mr. Doty moved to approve this proposal. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Warrant for Presidential Primary:
Mr. Doty said that the Chilmark Board of Selectmen have signed the warrant and officially moved to approve and post the March 1, 2016 Presidential Primary Election. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Carroll had received an update from the Harbormaster concerning the secondary boat purchase and electrical pedestals. Chairman Mayhew said that the Selectmen’s office received this prior to the updates on the dredging project and that the dredging progress affects this plan. Chairman Mayhew said that the boat purchase is recommended to be postponed as we discussed earlier during the ATM warrant.

Mr. Mayhew move to have no purchase of a second boat at this time. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes    

As for the requested protection addition to our existing electrical pedestals it was determined by the manufacturer they should be left alone (don’t wrap them in plastic).
Harbor Continued…
Mr. Carroll said that for the additional pedestals the Harbormaster will need to get quotes to get the project completed.

Mr. Doty moved to have Mr. Carroll and Harbor department move forward in the
process to get the additional electrical pedestals installed. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes    

Menemsha Survey:
Mr. Carroll discussed the survey and staking in the area by Ed Greenebaum’s property across from the Homeport parking lot. Mr. Carroll said that from the real-estate office to the Galley, and Basin Road to the bridge, the town will brush cut only for the coming season. Mr. Carroll asked Selectmen’s permission to have the surveyor flag to Chowder Kettle Lane. Selectmen supported this addition to the surveyor’s contract.

Chairman Mayhew said he would not be running for re-election as Chilmark Selectmen.
Mr. Doty thanked Mr. Mayhew for his service and that he would be missed. Mr. Rossi said he felt the same.

At 8:45 PM Mr. Doty moved to adjourn. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes    
Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.            Approved 03/08/16