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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 11/17/15
Chilmark Selectmen     November 17, 2015    Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi, Warren Doty, Tim Carroll, Melanie Becker, Linda Coutinho, Jim Malkin, Joan Malkin, John Smith, Andy Goldman, Jim Newman, Nan Doty, Ben Retmire, Emmett Carroll, Sam Carroll, David Norton, Edie Prescott, Alex Elvin and Lynn Christoffers.

At 7:00 PM Chairman Mayhew called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s meeting room and asked for a moment of silence in honor of Dan Greenbaum. Each Selectman shared their memories and thanks for all Dan Greenbaum did for Chilmark.

Draft minutes from the Selectmen’s November 3, 2015 meeting were reviewed, changes were made. Mr. Rossi moved to approve minutes with corrections. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Alternative Septic System for Menemsha Comfort Station:
Dr. John Smith from Corporate Environmental Solutions gave a presentation;
National system wastewater system tailored to the Menemsha Comfort Station.
Dr. Smith discussed the concept of sustainable water management. This concept may have an application in Menemsha with the plans to upgrading the Comfort Station.
Dr. Smith spoke about:
  • Anaerobic baffling
  • Engineered wetland (adding oxygen)
  • UV light disinfection
  • Gravel aboveground (no water above ground)
  • Treated greywater can be used for flushing toilets (not potable)
Dr. Smith asked for input of what the town needs for him to be able to apply to a plan and bring the costs down to an appropriate representation. Mr. Doty asked how our Board of Health would react. Dr. Smith said these practices are permitted in Pennsylvania where he lived for many years.  Dr. Smith said if system is not being used you can allow it to remain as is with at least 6 inches below top level or drain the system and when you start up again it takes about a week to be up and running again. Mr. Doty asked how this system compares to a denitrification system.
Dr. Smith explained. Selectmen asked if Dr. Smith could talk with our Board of Health and also our engineer Kent Healy. Dr. Smith said he would reach out to both the Board of Health and Kent Healy.

Land Acquisition:
Chairman Mayhew said the Executive Session land acquisition agenda will no longer be in Executive Session. Mr. Doty discussed the plan that the Selectmen have been working on for acquiring land in the Beetlebung area. Mr. Doty said 399 Middle Road became available and that the Selectmen are ready to sign a purchase and sales agreement with Emmett and Sam Carroll.
Mr. Doty said this P&S will be brought to a Special Town Meeting on January 11, 2016.
Mr. Doty moved to have the Chilmark Board of Selectmen endorse and sign the P & S. Mr. Rossi seconded. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes Selectmen signed the P&S / photos were taken

Tri Town Ambulance:
Jim Newman (Aquinnah Selectmen) as member of the Tri Town Ambulance (TTA) Committee presented the Chilmark Selectmen the committee’s recommendation for Tri Town Ambulance Chief position. The hire search process was discussed. Mr. Newman said the committee recommends Ben Retmier for the position of TTA Chief. Mr. Mayhew said that Mr. Retmier is a superb candidate. Mr. Rossi said he received numerous endorsements and recommendations for Mr. Retmier. Mr. Rossi moved to appoint Mr. Ben Retmier to the position of TTA Chief at Grade: 11, Step: 3. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

MV Transportation Committee appointment:
Mr. Doty said he has been working to get Mr. Dennis daRosa to be interested in this but requested more time and recommended to table this to the next selectmen’s meeting.   

Shellfish Grants:
Mr. Doty discussed the Mass. Division of Marine Fisheries having been on the island this past week diving and creating a report of their finds. Mr. Doty said that the report is not released yet. Mr. Doty said that Emmett Carroll has recommended assigning his grant to a younger oysterman Mr. Doty said there will be a public hearing regarding the transfer at the Selectmen’s January 5, 2016 meeting.

Chilmark Community Center Advisory Committee (CCCAC) Report:
Nan Doty chairman of the CCCAC presented a report and asked the Selectmen to please take this report under advisement till the December 1, 2015 meeting.
There was brief discussion about the variety of projects: vestibule, interior doors. Ms. Doty asked Selectmen to approve the dates for the improvements (and to close to public use other than the school) March 28, 2016 to April 24, 2016. Mr. Rossi moved the dates proposed. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Ms. Doty said Rodney Bunker is working with a contractor with roof repairs and reinstallation of solar panels. Floor buckling was discussed. Ms. Doty said the heating system and cooling system discussion will continue as well. Drainage and tennis shack plans were discussed and will be addressed at a future meeting. Selectmen thanked Ms. Doty for this report.

Chilmark Patrolman resignation:
Mr. Carroll discussed the resignation of Chilmark patrolman and discussed posting the position vacancy. Selectmen Rossi moved to accept Elizabeth Gebos resignation with regrets. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.  SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Doty discussed the process of the most recent hire and the runner-up is interested in applying for this position opening. Mr. Doty recommended a strong in house candidate in the vacancy posting. Mr. Doty moved to post this patrolman vacancy. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.  
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Jim Malkin as Chairman of the Human Resources Board (HRB)presented the HRB recommendation of 0%.
Mr. Rossi moved to accept the HRB recommendation of 0% Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Re Grading:
Tax Collector and Administrative Assistant to the Board of Selectmen / Receptionist
Mr. Carroll said that the Tax Collector was graded at a grade 10 (person holding position at this time will be step 6) and the Administrative Assistant to the Board of Selectmen / Receptionist was graded at a 7 (person holding this position will be a step 6).
Mr. Doty moved to approve the grading of the two positions as presented. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Mr. Doty moved to have these changes made starting January 1, 2016. Discussion ensued.
Ms. Coutinho said that the FinCom recommended to Selectmen in 2014 that rate increases to job positions start at the beginning of the fiscal year. Mr. Doty retracted his motion. No action was taken.    

HRB Compensation Survey:
Jim Malkin spoke to the topic of the compensation survey.
Extensive discussion ensued. Selectmen received a recommendation from the Chilmark Human Resources Board.

Chairman Mayhew will follow-up with HRS concerning the contract the town has with the company. Mr. Malkin recommended having Mr. Hodgkinson available during discussion with HRS.

Planning Board:
Selectmen’s office posted the vacancy. Chairman Mayhew said this is a good opportunity for a Chilmark member to test out being on the Board prior to the elections. Mr. Carroll said a couple of people have expressed interest. Mr. Carroll asked for letters of interest be sent to the Selectmen’s office by the 24th of November.

Special Town Meeting follow-up:
The Selectmen and Tim Carroll discussed who would follow-up on the STM held November 9, 2015.

Mr. Carroll requested brainstorming on the needs and wants prior to hiring for an assessment. Selectmen will draft scope of work outline for the Menemsha area; Traffic plan and Comfort Station.

Mr. Carroll will post vacancy for Assistant Shellfish Constable year-round position (with strong in-house candidate) Mr. Carroll will work with Isaiah Scheffer and bring to the BOS December 1, 2015 agenda.

Special Town Meeting follow-up Continued…
Mr. Carroll discussed the follow-up with drainage on Tea Lane and the necessity to work with an engineer and surveyor.  

At 8:41 PM Mr. Rossi moved to adjourn. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.                      Approved 12/01/15