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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 11/03/15
Chilmark Selectmen     November 3, 2015    Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi, Warren Doty, Tim Carroll, Dennis M. Jason,
Gerald Caton , Jessica Holtham, Brian Cioffi, Seth Karlinsky, Margaret Maida, Hilary Dreyer, Edie Prescott, Alex Elvin and Lynn Christoffers.

Draft minutes from the Selectmen’s October 6, 2015 meeting were reviewed, changes were made. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes with corrections. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Draft minutes from the Selectmen’s October 20, 2015 meeting were reviewed, changes were made. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes with corrections. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Housing Committee:
The Housing Committee submitted a recommendation to appoint new Administrative Assistant. Mr. Rossi discussed the search process and said that Ms. Holtham was the applicant that the committee recommended. Mr. Doty and Mr. Mayhew spoke in support of the efforts Ms. Holtham has made for the Shellfishing industry. Mr. Rossi moved to appoint Jessica Holtham the Administrative Assistant to the Housing Committee. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Michelle Leonardi has submitted a Disclosure by Special Municipal Employee of Financial Interest in a Municipal Contract as required by MGL c. 268A section 20d. Mr. Carroll explained that Michelle Leonardi as being a recipient of the Middle Line Road Affordable building lot must have this approved by the town for her to continue to serve on the Chilmark Housing Committee. Mr. Doty said Ms. Leonardi has been a valued member of the Housing Committee and recommended having her continue to serve on the board as she has requested.

Mr. Doty moved to approve and accept the disclosure from Ms. Leonardi and Mr. Carroll read statement: “We have received a disclosure under G.L.c.268A, section 20d from a special municipal employee who seeks to have a financial interest in a contract made by a municipal agency of this city or town. We understand that the special municipal employee participates in, or has official responsibility for, activities of the municipal agency that made the contract. We approve this exemption under section 20d reguarding the financial interest identified by the special municipal employee.”    

Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain Chairman Mayhew’s family has property adjacent to the Middle Line Road Housing project.   

Nabs Corner Affordable Housing Lots:
Dennis M.  Jason & Gerald Caton were present to share their building plans and mortgages for the homes they would like to build on the lots they were awarded. Mr. Jason presented his building and mortgage plans. Building footprint is to be 1,600 sqft  

Nabs Corner Affordable Housing Lots Continued…
After reviewing materials Mr. Rossi moved to approve the building and mortgage plans presented by Dennis M. Jason. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Caton presented his building and mortgage plans. The building footprint is 1,000 sqft.
After reviewing materials Mr. Rossi moved to approve the building and mortgage plans presented by Gerald Caton. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Josh Aronie / Applying to Operate Food Truck:
Mr. Aronie is present to request the Selectmen renew his Common Vic license to operate food truck. Mr. Aronie said that the menu will be similar to last year. Mr. Carroll said that the Selectmen’s Office received an email confirmation from the owners of the Chilmark Store confirming an agreement with Mr. Aronie for the use of the area of 7 State Road. (Where Mr. Aronie parked the Food truck last year) Mr. Aronie said he was experiencing some technical difficulties with the truck and he is working to fix them and have the Chilmark Health Department re-inspect prior to opening for business. Mr. Aronie said he hopes to start this coming Monday if the Selectmen approve.

Mr. Doty moved to approve license to Mr. Aronie to operate The Food Truck in front of the Chilmark Store. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Hunting Permission:
Mr. Carroll said that Gary R. Demers has submitted an application to hunt in Chilmark’s Fulling Mill area for this hunting season. Mr. Doty moved to approve this application. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

The Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival (MVFF):
Hilary Dreyer presented the MVFF plans for their March 2016 film festival at the Chilmark Community Center. Ms. Dreyer said the MVFF is requesting an additional cleanup day. Last year the Selectmen allowed for set up to begin the Monday prior to the screenings which start Thursday (March 17, 2015) and go through Sunday with a single cleanup day. Ms. Dreyer said an addition of Tuesday would be very helpful.   Ms. Dreyer gave the dates of March 14-22 with screenings the 17th-20th.

Mr. Rossi stressed that no parking was to be charged for or reserved to paying patrons during the film festival. Ms. Dreyer affirmed the MVFF would not charge or reserve parking.  

The fee schedule to the MVFF is proposed to remain the same as last year with a rental of $1,600.00 and a cleaning deposit and liability coverage listing 520 South Road on the insurance certificate.  

Mr. Doty moved to approve the proposed dates for the March film festival. Mr. Doty said the addition of the added cleanup date was conditional to confirmation with Rodney and Dilly that there were no conflicts with the Center’s booking calendar. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Special Town Meeting (STM) Warrant Articles:
Mr. Carroll said that the FinCom conducted their meeting and completed their recommendations for the STM warrant.  Mr. Carroll is returning to the Selectmen with the concerns that the FinCom had during their review of the STM warrant.

Mr. Carroll said that all of the articles except the additional small watercraft for the harbor were recommended. The FinCom asked that the additional power pedestals have winterizing covers to protect the town’s investment. Mr. Jason said he would contact the company we are ordering the power pedestals from and get cost of covers and return with this data prior to STM.

Mr. Doty said that the additional small watercraft that the harbor proposes is a proactive move and that he supports the $6,000.00 to purchase an inflatable to aid in policing Menemsha Pond. The additional vessel would help to ensure our no overnighting regulation is enforced. Mr. Doty said he was sorry he was unable to attend the FinCom meeting to stress the importance of this article. Chairman Mayhew and Mr. Rossi and Mr. Doty stressed the importance of enforcing our Chilmark Waterways Rules & Regulations.

Mr. Carroll said the Shellfish warrant to fund additional hours and building a fulltime benefited position were recommended by FinCom but they wanted statistics as to what the additional coverage gave to the town. Mr. Carroll said that this would be data collected through the coming year.

Mr. Carroll said the Comfort Station “needs study” was recommended by the FinCom. Mr. Doty said the Comfort Station needs an upgrade. Mr. Doty recommended adding a toilet to the women’s side and urinals to the men’s side and to reconfigure layout. Discussion ensued. Mr. Rossi stressed the need for an organized process. Mr. Karlinsky (who manages the Comfort Station for the town) said that the station was workable for another year.

Police Department:
Police Chief Brian Cioffi was present to request the Selectmen to support amending the Human Resource Bylaw .Chief Cioffi asked for the Human Resource Bylaw section 3 paragraph 2 to be amended for police department new hires to be able to receive benefits after 6 months rather than the 1 year.

Mr. Doty moved to give the benefits to this current police officer at 6 months and to ask the Human Resources Board (HRB) to amend the bylaw. Mr. Jack Collins will work with Chilmark HRB on the wording of this amendment to bring to the Annual Town Meeting.  
Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Vineyard Transit Authority (VTA):
Mr. Carroll asked if Chief Cioffi would give some feedback about the VTA Menemsha Shuttle while he is here. Mr. Doty said that we are considering the VTA turn around at the “shell lot” instead of going down into the beach parking lot to turn around.  Chief Cioffi said the Police Department supports this plan “public safety is our Police Department’s driving concern”.

Vineyard Transit Authority Continued…
Discussion ensued. Selectmen directed Mr. Carroll write a letter to the Conservation Commission with this proposal seeking the board’s approval.

Discussion turned to extra shuttle service for the second annual “Meet the Fleet” the first Thursday in August. Ms. Maida said that the busses smelled (need tune-ups) and are loud.  
Ms. Maida recommended not adding a beach bus for the 2016 season (keep the same as 2015 season). Selectmen recommended having VTA Menemsha Shuttle run for a week past Labor day for 2016 season.

Selectmen’s office received a request from the Chilmark Cemetery Commissioner John Flender with a recommendation on raising the lot rates. Mr. Doty said he was uncomfortable with an open-ended $100.00 annual increase. Mr. Rossi recommended an increase of $100.00 but that it should come back to the Selectmen to review prior to another $100.00 increase the next year. Mr. Doty requested gathering information from other island towns prior to making a recommendation tonight.  

Mr. Carroll said that the Cemetery Commissioner also submitted draft regulation changes. Mr. Doty recommended regulations discussion to commence at another date. Mr. Carroll will invite the Cemetery Committee to attend the next meeting for further discussion.

Historical Commission:
The Selectmen’s Office received a Memo from the Historical Commission stating how wonderful the “Meet the Fleet” event in Menemsha was. The Memo also discussed the recommendation in not paving the Police Department lot. Mr. Carroll said that Rodney Bunker proposed (and Selectmen approved) an alternate plan for Police Department drainage problem that cost $2,700.00 that was intended to be on the STM warrant but did not get included. This improvement will need to come out of the Selectmen’s Maintenance account.

Chief Cioffi spoke about the parking lot and drainage issue. Chairman Mayhew recommended entering from the ballfield access. Mr. Cioffi said his concern is public safety. It was recommended that the ConCom be contacted about possibly changing the entrance and parking lot to Police Station. Mr. Cioffi said this plan seems more costly than paving. Mr. Doty said yes but it’s a historic building. Chairman Mayhew will go on a site visit with Chief Cioffi and return with further suggestions.

Middle Line Road Affordable Rental Units:
Mr. Rossi said that the MLR Road Association is working on their road and are seeking the Towns portion for this maintenance. Discussion ensued

Mr. Rossi said another MLR topic is; Michelle Leonardi has a proposal for plantings (ornamental trees and grasses) on the circles by the electrical boxes at MLR. Mrs. Leonardi will do the labor for free but materials cost $654.00. Mr. Carroll said the circles are to have gardens but not trees to protect the septic systems. Mr. Rossi recommended a planting plan. Mr. Doty said anywhere but in the circles as recommended by Mr. Carroll.

Middle Line Road Affordable Rental Units Continued…
Mr. Rossi moved to use rental earnings from MLR Rentals to pay the Town’s share of $8,250.00 for the road work (50/50 formula) and also the $654.00 for plantings.
Mr. Doty seconded the motion SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain Jonathan Mayhew COI

Town Clerk:
Town Clerk Jennifer Christy has submitted the Annual Town Meeting and Elections calendar schedule. Selectmen approve the schedule submitted by the Town Clerk.

Joint Transportation Committee:
Mr. Carroll said that the Joint Transportation Committee is seeking a Chilmark resident to join
their committee; as Dan Greenbaum has retired. Selectmen will accept request for appointment.

Joint Meeting with Chilmark & Aquinnah:
Mr. Carroll said that Harbormaster Jason is working on a channel maker and will have more information for the Selectmen’s meeting. The Joint Meeting will be scheduled for December 8, 2015 at 5:30 PM. The agenda will include: updates on dredging project, review of joint Waterways Rules and Regulations, anchorage designation and to work on a cooperative plan for Menemsha Pond for 2016 season.

Zoning Bylaw Amendment Proposal:
Mr. Carroll discussed the proposal; the links with amendments (in red) are found at the following link:
Mr. Carrol said the proposed changes would help in the process needed to be completed before future affordable housing can be assigned to recipients. Mr. Carroll also discussed a supplement to be added if the amendment is adopted by the town.  Mr. Carroll asked to have Selectmen send these documents to the Chilmark Planning Board. Mr. Rossi moved to direct these documents to the Chilmark Planning Board. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Harbor Pollution Insurance:
Mr. Carroll presented a policy estimate for the Selectmen to review and approve. This insurance policy would cost the town $500.00 annually for $1,000,000.00 pollution coverage. Selectmen did not take any action at this time.

At 9:13 PM Mr. Doty moved to adjourn. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase               Approved 11/17/15