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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 09/15/15
Chilmark Board of Selectmen     September 15, 2015    Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi, Warren Doty, Tim Carroll, Josh Aronie,
Frank S. Yeomans, Debora Packer, Frank Fenner, Merrily Fenner, Barbara Fenner, Jane Slater, Everett Poole, Diane Smith, Janet Weidner, Alicia Knight, Lenny Jason, Carlton Crocker,
Lynne Christoffers, Alex Elvin and Edie Prescott.  

Draft minutes from the Selectmen meeting held September 1, 2015, were reviewed. Corrections were made. Mr. Rossi moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain Mr. Doty was not present at the 9/01/15 meeting

Draft minutes from the Joint FinCom & Selectmen meeting held July 15, 2015 were reviewed. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes as written. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain Mr. Mayhew was not present at the 7/15/15 meeting.

Squibnocket Project Update:
Mr. Carroll said that the Environmental Notification Form has not been received yet.
Mr. Carroll went on to say that we have not received the completed lease documents yet.
Mr. Doty said that Ron Rappaport (Town Counsel) asked if this is causing any delays in the project. Mr. Doty said no, but it would be good to have this finalized for the town.

Chilmark School:
Mr. Carroll said that the gutter replacement discussion proposed by principal Stevens in writing is to be postponed. Mr. Carroll said that there is an Up Island Regional School Committee meeting this coming Monday September 21, 2015 and that the FY2017 budget will be discussed.  Warren Doty reported about the Chilmark School building improvements that are recommended by Susan Stevens the School Principal. Mr. Doty said that South Mountain has inspected the heating system and recommended to install different HVAC controls. There is also a proposal to install individual air handlers in each room to help with equal distribution of heat. Mr. Doty said the class rooms now are not equally heated; there are warm and cold rooms. No action was taken at this time.  
Josh Aronie Request on behalf of Swordfish Enterprises:
Chairman Mayhew read the petition submitted by Josh Aronie about the possibility of alcohol licenses in Chilmark;
“This petition is to request that the selectmen add an article to explore the possibility of beer and wine licenses being issued in the Town of Chilmark at the next town meeting in October.  Signing this petition does not suggest that you either support or do not support the issuing of licenses.  It is only to direct the selectmen to begin the exploration of options regarding the town issuing beer and wine licenses, what that would entail, eligibility, impacts to the town and businesses and how the town would go about setting guidelines regarding the responsible usage of said licenses.”

Josh Aronie Request on behalf of Swordfish Enterprises:
Josh Aronie said this request was brought to the Selectmen back in August of 2013. Mr. Aronie then read aloud an excerpt from minutes of the Selectmen’s August 27, 2013 meeting; “Margaret Maida asked if this would be brought to the ballot too as well as a town meeting. Mr. Doty said yes it would if it where pursued.” Mr. Aronie said he would like to pursue it at this time.

Extensive discussion ensued. Mr. Doty said at this time, with 14 signatures on this petition; we heard and allowed discussion on your request but don’t recommend putting an article about this on the Special Town Meeting warrant. Mr. Doty went on to say; of course if you present a petition that qualifies, you can force your way onto the Annual Town Meeting warrant. Chairman Mayhew confirmed that the Selectmen would not put this petition onto the fall 2015 Special Town Meeting warrant.

The Selectmen’s Office received a written request from the production manager on HGTV's "Island Life",~produced by Left Right, LLC. The request is to film B roll (background fill) in Menemsha with a total of 10 people. They are scheduled to visit Martha’s Vineyard from~Sept.29th – Oct. 6th but filming 1 day.

Mr. Rossi said that this date requested is after the busy season and with such a small group did not see any problem with this request. Mr. Doty moved to approve this request from the HGTV producer. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. Chairman Mayhew asked the dates and times of this be specified as just what is presented and filming only between 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM. Chairman expressed his concerns with disruption to the Menemsha area. Discussion ensued. Ms. Smith recommended calling Edgartown to see if they have a recommendation as to their experience with HGTV. Selectmen’s approval would be contingent on information from Edgartown.  
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Building Inspector:
Chilmark Building Inspector Lenny Jason was present to request the Selectmen to appoint an alternate building inspector for inspections when he has a Conflict of Interest. Mr. Jason recommended Jerry Weiner. Mr. Doty moved to appoint Mr. Weiner to this position. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. Mr. Carroll asked that Mr. Weiner’s Building inspector license be verified as up to date and the appropriate process is followed to have him appointed to this position.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Budget Schedule:
Draft 2017 Budget schedule.  
Mr. Carroll presented a draft schedule of the budget hearing and plans leading up to Annual Town Meeting. Selectmen said this schedule was acceptable. A copy of the schedule is available at the following link; 

Special Town Meeting:
Mr. Carroll and Selectmen discussed the time table for the next special town meeting. October 26, 2015 7:30 PM was discussed as a good time Mr. Carroll asked that we have any warrant articles into the Selectmen’s Office soon so we can have a draft warrant for the October 6, 2015 meeting. Discussion turned to the Compensation Study the Selectmen’s office requested and how the timeline may affect the date of the special town meeting. No action was taken at this time.

Center 4 Living (C4L):
Mr. Carroll said that the Center for Living is reformatting their management / governing board. C4L is seeking a member from Chilmark who would choose an at large member. Mr. Carroll asked to advertise. Chairman Mayhew recommended advertising position and ask interested parties attend October 6th Selectmen’s meeting.

Mass. Estuary Project (MEP):
Mr. Carroll said the MEP is moving forward and has asked again if there is an additional modeling report that we (Chilmark) want. Mr. Doty recommended beach openings into Squibnocket Pond, or flushing through jetty at Stonewall Pond. Chairman Mayhew said that he would like to hear from Isaiah Scheffer about this MEP and what Mr. Scheffer may recommend. Mr. Doty also recommended enlarging the culvert into Loveys Cove model. Mr. Carroll said he will forward suggestions along to the MEP. Chairman Mayhew encouraged adding new ideas on this model.

Chairman Mayhew went on to discuss the dredging will take place into Menemsha Pond. Mr. Carroll said since we are on this topic for the budgeting process he is going to recommend additional staffing to Menemsha Pond because of the possible problems that may happen.
Mr. Carroll discussed marking our resource areas and said Harbormaster recommended banning overnight boaters or possibly designating where anchorage or mooring may take place.     

Chairman Mayhew recommended contacting Tim Madden about designating to have no overnight boats in the Menemsha Pond to protect our resources. Mr. Carroll said this will be an active project this winter.

Mass DOT:
Mr. Carroll said the Mass DOT is notifying the town in a written notice; of the trees that they will be removing this year along State Road. There was a description and discussion of the trees to be removed and their locations along State and South Road.

Mr. Carroll said on the subject of highway discussion our Highway Superintendent Keith Emin asked to purchase an additional mower. Mr. Emin requested the additional mower for his department to keep up with the growth (2 mowers going at the same time). If supported Mr. Emin would be getting a 20% discount from the cost of the first mower and would not need additional funds but recommends taking funds out of his budget line he uses for renting equipment. Mr. Doty moved to approve this spending from the highway equipment rental budget line. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chairman Mayhew said on the topic of trees to be removed on State Road make sure to add the shrub across from Allen Farm Road that hangs on the guardrail before Tilton Cove Way.
End of season Walk Around. Mr. Carroll proposed two days; Tuesday September 22, 2015 at 9:00 AM to view and discuss traffic and Comfort Station. Wednesday September 23, 2025 at 9:00 AM for Harbor facilities.  Selectmen approved the walk around schedule Mr. Carroll proposed.  

Frank Yeomans:
Mr. Yeomans said he came to this meeting tonight to discuss the Cape Cod Municipal Health Care Group (CCMHCG) and his review of Mass. General Law chapter 32b section 21-23. Mr. Yeomans said he will be attending the CCMHCG meeting that is planned for tomorrow. After the meeting he may be recommending the town ask for someone to explain the law and the plan that is being proposed. This CCMHCG meeting is at the Vineyard Transit Building at the Airport Business Park at10:00 AM. Discussion ensued. There will be follow-up information after the CCMHCG 9/16/15 meeting.

Menemsha Shuttle Update:
Mr. Carroll said he received information from Angie Grant of Vineyard Transit Authority saying that the ridership grew and worked well this season: August had a 56% increase in ridership from June and July of this year. Mr. Carroll recommended the Meet the Fleet event should use the Menemsha Shuttle to aid in traffic for the night of the event. Mr. Doty said to have the Menemsha Shuttle start earlier that day (Meet the Fleet 2016).  

Discussion turned to the Menemsha pedestrian plan. Mr. Carroll will reschedule a walk around with the engineer from Vineyard Land Surveying to help move forward in addressing the congestion of vehicles and pedestrians in the area.

Mr. Carroll said Mr. Rossi wants to move into executive session to discuss land acquisition. Mr. Carroll said he also has another property that will be part of this executive session discussion   
At 9:10 PM Mr. Rossi moved to go into Executive Session to discuss land acquisition projects and not to return to regular session. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. Roll Call:
Mr. Rossi; Aye, Mr. Mayhew: Aye, Mr. Doty: Aye. Others present: Tim Carroll, David Norton

Meeting Adjourned at 10:13 PM

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase      Approved 10/06/15