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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 08/04/15
Chilmark Board of Selectmen     August 4, 2015   Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Tim Carroll, Nancy Street,
Fire Chief David Norton, Police Chief Brian Cioffi, Kyle Sutherland, Kathy Coe, Tom Hollinger, Norman Stahl, Bill Cunningham, Joan Cunningham, Rich Dewitt, Jane Gollin, James Gollin, Sarah Creighton, Arne De Keijzer, Helen De Keijzer, Carol Gross, Michael Torcia, Danielle Pattavina, Alex Elvin and Lynn Christoffers.

At 7:30 PM Chairman Mayhew called the meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes from the July 7, 2015 meeting were reviewed, corrections were made. Mr. Doty moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Mr. Ross seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Draft minutes from the July 21, 2015 meeting were reviewed, corrections were made. Mr. Doty said at their meeting on July 21, 2015 there was discussion about ordering a sign to be placed at the end of North Road that said “Dead End 150’ Ahead” . Mr. Carroll said at the time no motion was made. Mr. Doty moved to purchase and install a sign as described to go just before the Homeport parking lot. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Doty moved to approve the July 21, 2015 minutes as corrected. Mr. Ross seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Doty said at their meeting on July 21, 2015 there was discussion about ordering a sign to be placed at the end of North Road that said “Dead End 150’ Ahead” . Mr. Carroll said at the time no motion was made. Mr. Doty moved to purchase and install a sign as described to go just before the Homeport parking lot. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Annual Open Meeting with the Chilmark Town Affairs Council & Summer Residents:
Chairman Mayhew asked for presentations of town Selectmen and Departments. Mr. Doty discussed the shellfish propagation ongoing programs. Mr. Doty said that Chilmark has 6 oyster farming grants and are adding 4 more to Menemsha Pond. Mr. Doty spoke of the very successful bay scallop season we had this past year. There is also a Meet the Fleet event this Thursday August 6, 2015 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM   

Mr. Doty discussed the Menemsha parking shuttle and its increased use. Mr. Doty said the ongoing parking shortage in Menemsha in the summer had led to vehicles being parked illegally on North road causing hazardous situations when families would walk back after sunset. This problem has spurred the Town to come up with alternative parking. The Tabor House Road parking facility has a free shuttle running every 20 minutes during the evening in Menemsha. Mr. Carroll discussed the shuttle as an all-day lot for parking as the first shuttle leaves the Tabor House parking lot at 7:50 AM daily from July 1st to the end of August.

Mr. Doty spoke of the new Menemsha walking path between the beach and the Comfort Station (bathrooms and showers).

Menemsha Path Continued:
Mr. Carroll said there are signs to be installed to indicate the path clearly. The required jute netting that the Town had is in place to aid in keeping the sand from above the path from falling onto the path.  

Mr. Rossi spoke about the Squibnocket Project. The Squibnocket Project is the relocation of the beach parking lot; eventually the removal of the revetment and relocation of the causeway.
Mr. Rossi said that the new parking location will accommodate up to 48 cars. There will also be a skiff drop-off & pickup location to enter the Squibnocket pond. Mr. Rossi discussed the grant that the town was awarded to assist in this project and hope that this project moves forward in a quick fashion as there is a deadline for the availability of the grant.    

Chairman Mayhew discussed the Nab’s Corner Affordable Housing project that took place this past year and that building is started.  Further discussion about continuing to seek affordable housing in Chilmark took place.

Chairman Mayhew said that the purchase of a site for a Chilmark Safety Building fell through; the Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank outbid our offer for the lot on State Road. Chairman Mayhew discussed the need to continue an active search for locating our station for Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS).

Chairman Mayhew opened the meeting to questions and open discussion from the public.
Mr. Gollin asked if the Town had considered the fiscal impact of a new EMS & Fire station. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Stahl talked about the Bijahs Way repairs and the prompt response from the town. Mr. Stahl went on to discuss the history of the Tea Lane road surface. Mr. Stahl recommended the drainage be of a tilted road style verses the crowned style we are doing now. Mr. Carroll said that our engineer Kent Healy recommended the system we are using.   

Mr. Stahl also recommended cutting back the growth on the sides of the Tea Lane Road again as it has grown back a lot. Mr. Rossi said that the town was responding to public outcry when we trimmed the sides in the beginning of summer and directed the Highway department to have the cutting done in March April so it had a chance to look nice when residents returned.

Mrs. De Keijzer asked about the dredging project of the channel and Menemsha Pond. Mr. Carroll gave an update of the schedule. Company is laying pipeline on the Aquinnah side from August 15-November 15 with the dredging to be completed by December         15, 2015. The spoils (sand) will be placed in Lobstervill Beach area.  

Mrs. De Keijzer said that the USCG Boathouse has a lot of lighting but there is one particularly bright light that is distracting in the Menemsha harbor. Chairman Mayhew agreed, especially for returning vessels into Menemsha harbor.

Discussion turned to Massachusetts Estuaries Project Report concerning the island ponds and their health.
Chairman Mayhew said if there are no more public meeting requests he will return to the posted agenda for tonight’s meeting.

Nancy Street from the Community Center Summer Program was present as a representative from the Town Advisory Committee that runs the Summer Program. Ms. Street asked the Selectmen to approve the use of the police Station parking area during the road race Saturday August 8, 2015. Discussion ensued. Mr. Doty encouraged use of the shuttle parking at the Tabor house Landfill Parking. Mr. Doty thanked Nancy Street for her continued efforts for the Summer Program and its success.

Police Department:
Chief Cioffi was present to request the Selectmen appoint Kyle Sutherland as a traffic officer. Mr. Rossi moved to appoint Mr. Sutherland as a traffic officer.  Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Doty moved to approve that the Chilmark Road Race contestants be permitted to use the Police Department parking area at the Police Station. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.   
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Island Grown Initiative (IGI) / Tea Lane Farm:
The Selectmen’s Office received a request from Noli Taylor (IGI) & Krishana Collins of Tea Lane farm to host the IGI event. Ms. Taylor wrote: Island Grown Schools, the island's farm to school program, would like to host a small gathering for some of our donors to thank them for supporting our work, at Tea Lane Farm on Tuesday, August 18th from 4-6pm. We will serve some light hors d'eouvers, iced tea and wine, and some of our high school students will speak about the impact IGS has had on them and their education experience. There is no charge to attend, and the gathering will only be by invitation only, not publicly advertised. We expect 40-50 people will attend.

Mr. Doty moved to approve this event request. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Beetlebung Farm Food Truck Request:
Danielle Pattavina presented a request from Chris Fischer who was unable to attend. Ms. Pattavina said they would like to provide food from their food truck (same one Josh Aronie uses in the off season) at the Chilmark Community Center during the Chilmark Road Race. Discussion ensued. The short notice of this request has a factor as well as the Selectmen not allowing private entities to profit using town land caused this request not to be supported at this time. Mr. Carroll said that in the future a common victualler permit must be issued and a 2 weeks’ notice for a public hearing to be advertised will be required.   

At 8:50 PM Mr. Rossi requested to move into Executive Session to discuss security issues with the Police Chief, and not to return to regular session.  Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
Roll Call Mr. Doty: Aye, Mr. Rossi: Aye, Mr. Mayhew: Aye.  

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.    Approved 8/18/15