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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 05/05/15
Chilmark Board of Selectmen May 5, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Bill Rossi, Jonathan Mayhew, Warren Doty, Matthew Mayhew,
Dennis Jason, MVTV Videographer and Tim Carroll.

At 7:00 PM Chairman Rossi called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Chairman Rossi said the first order of business is the reorganization of the board. Mr. Doty
moved to appoint Jonathan Mayhew Chairman, Bill Rossi Clerk and himself the Vice Chairman.
Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes.

Chairman Mayhew postponed the April 21, 2015 minutes to the Selectmen’s May 19, 2015

Squibnocket Committee Letter:
Chairman Mayhew read the letter that the Squibnocket Committee wrote to the Selectmen. The
letter thanked the Selectmen for moving forward in acquiring the lots to create the new parking

Squibnocket Project:
Chuck Hodgkinson gave an update of the steps to take in moving forward with the Squibnocket
beach parking lot project. Vineyard Land Surveying proposal was discussed again. Mr. Rossi
moved to approve the plans that were presented tonight. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes.

Mayhew Youth Lot Financing:
Chairman Mayhew recused himself from this agenda item. Matthew Mayhew is his son.
Matthew Mayhew was present to request Selectmen approve his Construction Loan to build his
home. Mr. Doty moved to approve and sign the documents to have Mr. Mayhew’s loan go
forward. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain Mr. Mayhew

Harbor Pilings:
Harbormaster Dennis Jason presented the bid he (one of three) recommends the Selectmen
approve for installing 10 pilings this spring. The bid is from Off Shore Engineering for
$20,500.00. Discussion turned to the 7 pilings (not part of the 10) that the town already owns and
what will be done with them. 2 possibly 3 of these pilings will be used to mark the Aquinnah /
Chilmark boundary lines.

Mr. Carroll confirmed with the Selectmen that we will work with Aquinnah and have a proper
survey done for the delineation of town lines.

Mr. Doty moved to award the 10 pilings project to Off Shore Engineering for $20,500.00.Mr.
Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes.

Harbor Continued:
Mr. Jason said he has chain to replace and update the eight outer moorings. Mr. Jason said he
hoped to pay for the chain project with any extra from the pilings project. Mr. Carroll said this
project cannot fund the chain for the 8 moorings.

Mr. Doty asked what Mr. Jason thought it would cost. Mr. Jason said that Cuttyhunk Marine will
do the chains for the moorings at $250 to $300 per hour. Mr. Jason thought this would take
approximately 3 hours to do the eight moorings. Mr. Doty thought that was a good price and said
that we would figure out how to pay for this project.

Mr. Carroll asked if they could use the old chains from the moorings for the symbolic fence of
the Menemsha Walking Path. Mr. Doty did not want to see chain used in this fashion. Mr. Doty
said he recommends the 4 x 4 post with hole drilled through for a 1/4 inch line to go through it as
the walkway fence. (like how they have at Lucy Vincent Beach).
Mr. Jason said he would recycle the chain then.

Spring Paving Project:
Mr. Carroll distributed the latest paving pricing and plans. Mr. Carroll described the project as
Paving from the corner of Bliss Pond Farm Field on North Road to the intersection of Menemsha
Cross Road. Also the second half of Tabor House Road and Middle Road from Cousutta’s to the Silva House. Also added to the North Road paving will be from Welche’s to DH Hill. Discussion took place.

Mr. Rossi moved to approve the paving plan that Mr. Carroll presented tonight. Mr. Doty
seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes.

Annual Appointments:
Mr. Doty moved to hold the annual appointments at the next regular scheduled Selectmen’s
meeting this May. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes.

MV League of Woman Voters (MVLWV):
The Selectmen’s office received a request from the MVLWV requesting the Selectmen to waive
the rental fee for the Superintendents Talk to parents June 9, 2015 from
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Mr. Rossi moved to waive the rental fee for this event. Mr. Doty seconded
the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes.

Review of Annual Town Meeting (ATM):
Selectmen discussed each of the 37 ATM warrant articles and decided the next steps to take
where needed.

Online Software Services:
Mr. Carroll discussed the three options that he has reviewed with the finance team. Mr. Carroll
said that this has taken about 2 and 1/2 years to complete.  Mr. Carroll discussed the process and the departments that will be utilizing the new software.

Online Software Services Continued
City Hall Systems is the company that Mr. Carroll recommends. Mr. Carroll said this is a one year commitment. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Rossi moved to approve the City Hall Systems program for a year. Mr. Doty seconded the
motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes.

Zobrio Cashbook Program:
Mr. Carroll discussed the process of the turnovers to Treasurer.
Mr. Carroll would like the Selectmen to approve the Zobrio cashbook program. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Doty moved to approve the Zobrio Cashbook program and authorized to purchase the software. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

MIIA Insurance Credits:
Mr. Carroll said that we have received $24,749.00 credits. Mr. Carroll said this is why we under
budget our insurance budget during the FY16 budget hearings.

Mr. Rossi recommended moving into Executive Session to discuss land acquisition and not to
return to regular session. Chairman Mayhew: Aye, Mr. Doty: Aye, Mr. Rossi: Aye.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.      Approved 5/19/15