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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 02/03/15
Chilmark Board of Selectmen   February 3, 2015    Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Bill Rossi, Warren Doty, Tim Carroll, Chuck Hodgkinson, Kristin Maloney, Police Chief Brian Cioffi, Angie Grant, Stanley Larsen, Rosalie Hornblower, Lynn Christoffers, Joel Sheveck, Alex Elvin and Edie Prescott.

At 7:00 PM Chairman Rossi called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes from 1/6/15 were reviewed a correction was made. Mr. Mayhew moved to approve draft minutes with correction. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Draft minutes from 1/13/15 were postponed till the next regular scheduled Selectmen’s meeting.
Mr. Doty said as a follow-up he is inquiring if the surplus police vehicle has been advertised for. Mr. Carroll said he would move forward with advertising for the surplus vehicle. Chief Cioffi said that at this time it is under a lot of snow.
Nab’s Corner Project Updates:
Chuck Hodgkinson presented the Selectmen with the Utilities Contract Bids for the Nabs Corner project. Chilmark received 3 bids by 4:30 PM on January 29, 2015. Willet Electric bid is $17,500.00. Brissette Electric bid is $18,800.00. W H Bennett Electric bid is $26,418.90.

Mr. Hodgkinson said that John Keene is intending to start construction of the road next week. Mr. Hodgkinson said that he also got information today regarding asking MV Land Bank if they would contribute financially to the road construction; MV Land Bank will contribute $2,200.00 to the road construction costs.

Mr. Doty moved to accept bid from Willett Electric for $17,500.00. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Public Hearing Mussel Grant:
At 7:06 PM Chairman Rossi opened the Shellfish Mussel Grant public hearing.  
Mr. Doty spoke about the mussel grant project MV Shellfish Group & Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole began for deep water propagation. Mr. Doty said Alek Gale attempted to work this experimental project but it turned out to be too difficult for the size of his boat. Mr. Gale has turned the grant back to the town of Chilmark.

Stanley Larsen has submitted a request and project plan for being awarded this mussel grant. Mr. Larsen spoke about his plans if he is awarded this grant. At 7:11 PM Chairman Rossi closed public hearing.

Mr. Doty moved to waive the application fee of $100.00 and aquaculture permit fee for the first year and to transfer grant to Stanley Larsen. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Vineyard Transit Authority (VTA):
Mr. Carroll said we are reviewing last years’ service of the “sunset” bus service and will have discussion and recommendations for the coming summer season. Angie Grant the director of VTA discussed the service schedule and needs for Sunset Bus & Beach Bus.

Ms. Grant recommended scaling down the Inns to Squibnocket & Lucy Vincent beach schedule this coming season due to very low ridership. Ms. Grant recommended focusing on the Menemsha / Tabor Lot parking schedule. Discussion ensued. Mr. Doty discussed the need for better lighting and a friendlier atmosphere at the landfill parking lot.
Ms. Grant recommended a bench and light with the schedule.  Mr. Mayhew recommended a port-a-potty.

Mr. Carroll said that the bus service was begun a number of years ago when we no longer were allowing the inns to park at the beaches. Kristin Maloney the chairman of the beach committee discussed the plans for the beaches. Ms. Maloney said the Inns have been getting placards; each room gets one and walk-on passes. Inns are at this time permitted to Drive-in and park at beaches before 11:00 AM or after 3:00 PM to use their parking placards. Ms. Maloney talked about some of the parking problems we have been having and that the Beach Committee is considering not allowing the placards.

Ms. Maloney said the Beach Committee will be meeting in March to work out the plan for 2015 beach season. Ms. Grant said she cannot wait till March to be able to schedule in a beach / Inn schedule if the beach is considering discontinuing the passes for the inns. Joel Sheveck (the manager from Beach Plum Inn) said that most of their customers bring their cars, when they were offering the van service the vans were not used much if at all.  

Ms. Grant said that the VTA should get to the Inns every hour if the town chooses to go that route. Ms. Grant said the operational cost to VTA is $60.00 per hour. Mr. Carroll said the town of Chilmark pays roughly $120,000.00 annually for our VTA services.

Joel said that he could work out a conference call with the owners of the Inns (M&M Nixon). Ms. Maloney said she would try to work something out soon and get back to the Selectmen with a recommendation concerning inn beach passes.
Ms. Grant said she would work out two schedules one figuring in the Inns and one without and supply them for the February 17, 2015 Selectmen’s Meeting.

Mr. Doty asked Chief Cioffi for input from this past year sunset bus service. Chief Cioffi said that it was slow start; recommended bigger advertisement in the local newspapers. Chief Cioffi recommended NO PARKING signage from DH Hill to Menemsha. Chief Cioffi agreed that the parking lot at the landfill needed lighting.

Parking Clerk:
Mr. Carroll said that the parking clerk has retired; she endorsed appointing her assistant Donna Michalski to be the new Chilmark parking clerk.  

Parking Clerk Continued…
Mr. Doty said in his dealings with Donna she has been very professional and he said he moves to appoint Donna Michalski as Chilmark’s parking clerk. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Review of 02/02/15 Special Town Meeting (STM):
Chairman Rossi asked for anyone’s input from last night’s STM.  
Mr. Doty said it was great that 85 people showed up on such a stormy night. Mr. Carroll said that the police department added extra safety precautions and the town paid for extra sanding & salting of the Community Center parking lot.

Mr. Doty said that the last three articles of the STM warrant are self-explanatory. The Squibnocket articles the 1st through 3rd articles passed unanimously the 4th & 5th articles (beach lease negotiations & land acquisition of 2 lots)   will need following through.  Chairman Rossi said he is working to get them completed. Discussion ensued about the process and who will be contacted to follow through on completing the Squibnocket project.

Cub Scouts Chilmark Community Center (CCC):
Mr. Carroll said that Adam Moore is organizing and sponsoring two Cub Scout events. Mr. Doty moved to approve events and waive rental fee. With the understanding the cleaning deposit is mandatory. Mr. Carroll said that one of the events had already happened and Rodney Bunker said they did a very good job cleaning up. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Mr. Carroll said on the topic of the CCC; microphone stands and tables are missing and if anyone has them to please return them.

Meet the Fleet:
Mr. Doty discussed the MV Fishermen’s Preservation Trust proposal to schedule a "Meet the Fleet" event for Menemsha on Thursday, August 6, 3:00 to 7:00 PM.~ The event would include a tent on Matt Mayhew's fishermen's lot and then boats on the bulkhead that would be open for viewing by the public.~ Fishermen would be on hand to discuss their equipment and their fishing techniques.~ We would have a fish cutting demonstration in the tent that would be going on during the event.~ We would have no activity in the parking lot and keep all activity on the fishermen's bulkhead lots. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Carroll recommended approving the date and concept but to require a plan with the committee providing liability coverage. Mr. Mayhew moved to reserve the date and concept and revisit the proposal. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Use of herbicides Along Public Ways:
Mr. Mayhew discussed efforts to ban the use of herbicides by utility companies. Mr. Carroll recommended having Chuck Hodgkinson write a letter on behalf of Chilmark to NSTAR prohibiting herbicide use in Squibnocket Pond District. Mr. Mayhew recommended stating in the letter no herbicide use by utility companies anywhere in Chilmark.
Use of herbicides Along Public Ways Continued…
Mr. Doty recommended a second letter to NSTAR complementing NSTAR on their preparations for winter storms; it was clearly tested by the storms we have experienced. Discussion turned to the dramatic increase to electric bills.

Roadside Litter Enforcement:
Mr. Mayhew discussed his recommendation on better enforcement of litter escaping trucks on the sides of our roads. Discussion ensued. Petition:
Mr. Carroll said this petition (259 pages with approximately 25 names per page) was delivered to the town concerning lowering Steam Ship Authority (SSA) rates. Chairman Rossi agreed that rates should be lower. Discussion ensued. Selectmen directed Tim Carroll to write a letter to the SSA asking for clear definition of what the increase to rates would be used for.

Chapter 90 Allocation:
Mr. Carroll said Governor Baker sent a letter certifying that Chilmark FY15 chapter 90 allocations will increase from $65,426.00 to $98,139.00. Discussion ensued.

Squibnocket Orphanos / Jeffers Parcel:
Chairman Rossi said that this agenda item is continued / tabled till tomorrow at 11:00 AM here in an Executive Session with town counsel.    

Reserve Fund for Future Payment of Compensated Absences:
Mr. Carroll said that our auditors recommended placing an article of a reserve fund on our Annual Town Meeting warrant;   
Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40, Section 130, became effective July 3, 2012, and
provides a city, town, or school district who adopts this section of the law with the ability to establish a reserve fund for the future payment of accrued liabilities for compensated absences due any employee or fulltime officer upon termination of employment. At June 30, 2013, the Town's estimate of the liability for compensated absences totaled $76,000.
Recommendation from the auditors: We recommend that the Town consider accepting the
provisions of this section of the law with the goal of incrementally funding this liability.

Chairman Rossi said this is a sound idea and recommended putting this on the 2015 Annual Town Meeting Warrant.

Senior Citizen Property Tax Work-Off Abatement:
Mr. Carroll said that since the Selectmen have approved and adopted the Senior Citizen Property Tax Work-Off Abatement program we need to set the wage and parameters. Mr. Doty recomended the hourly rate should be $10.00 an hour. Mr. Carroll said the minimum wage in Massachusetts is the standard. Mr. Mayhew said that is close to $10.00 an hour $9.00 and something. The maximum amount of tax to be worked off is $750. Mr. Carroll said the areas of work location will likely be Library, Town Hall but the shellfish department may be a good place. Discussion continued. Mr. Carroll said he would continue work on this.

Declaration of State of Emergency (Storm Juno):
Chairman Rossi asked for procedure; Mr. Carroll said that the Selectmen need to vote to confirm the action the Selectmen took January 26, 2015 at 3:50 PM declaring state of emergency to January 29, 2015 ending at 9:00 AM. Mr. Doty said so moved. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Discussion ensued about the snow removal procedures done during the storm.

Azalea Lane:
Mr. Carroll said that he received a call complaining that Azalea Lane was not plowed by the town. Mr. Carroll said he talked with Highway Superintendent Keith Emin and Keith said that he has never plowed it before. Mr. Carroll asked for a decision on this by the Selectmen. Discussion ensued. No action was taken at this time. Mr. Doty requested Executive Secretary to work on this; meet with the association and return to the Selectmen with a recommendation.   

Police Department:
Chief Cioffi discussed the Mass. General Law requiring communities to support a School Resource Officer and of having a SRO to be in the Chilmark School for 10 hours a week. This SRO proposal is recommended by Police Chief Cioffi to be a warrant article on the Annual Town Meeting. Discussion ensued.

Chief Cioffi reported on the coverage during the recent winter storms. Chief Cioffi said it was helpful to have the roads kept clear. Mr. Doty asked about wellness checks with the town elderly and infirm. Chief Cioffi said the Chilmark Police department worked in collaboration with the Up Island Council on Aging and Tri Town Ambulance and all went smoothly. Mr. Doty said that a big factor was we never lost power.   

Tri Town Ambulance (TTA):
Mr. Carroll said that the TTA had a vehicle accident (storm related) that totaled another vehicle.     
Mr. Carroll also informed the Selectmen that the TTA holiday budget line is overextended and that the accountant and TTA are working to code the budget correctly. Mr. Carroll discussed driver training to be scheduled for TTA. MIIA (town’s insurance provider) will bring a driving simulator to conduct the training this year.

Town Hall Exterior Repairs Project:
Mr. Carroll said Mr. Bunker is seeking permission to hire an outside source to write up specific language for RFP for the $85,000.00 repairs project. Mr. Doty moved to approve up to $4,000.00 to hire an outside source to write specifications for the RFP. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chilmark Community Center (CCC) Summer Program:
Mr. Carroll said that CCC Summer Chairman Nancy Street contacted him requesting Selectmen approving the CCC Summer program running from June 30, 2015 through August 20, 2015. Mr. Carroll gave a report on the schedule for CCC Summer Program 2015 season:

Chilmark Community Center (CCC) Summer Program Continued..
August 1, 2015 is the date the Book Fair is scheduled. Mr. Carroll added that would make Chilmark Fire Department Backyard Bash Wednesday August 5, 2015. Mr. Mayhew said that the 1st of August is a bad date for any event. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Doty recommended the Book festival move their date to August 2, 2015. Mr. Carroll said he will contact them with the recommendation.
Continuing the schedule; August 8, is the Chilmark Road Race.

Mr. Carroll said Ms. Street asked that it be clarified and approved that Zumba classes can still be part of the program if kurfs are cut into the CCC floor. Mr. Carroll said he recommended no bare feet for the Zumba classes. Mr. Carroll said he gave Ms. Street a contact for our floor engineer.

Mr. Carroll said that Christine Skidmore will be director of the Summer Program with Hannah Nichols returning to aid in the transitioning. Mr. Carroll also reported that they are working to bring sailing lessons back to the summer program for this coming year.

Mr. Carroll said that the CCC Summer Program is planning repairs to the tennis courts. Discussion turned to the playground rubber material and concerned citizens asking that it is removed and replaced with a less toxic product for example sand or wood chips. Mr. Doty said he supports the change and said he would look into researching the cost.

At 8:55PM Mr. Doty moved to recess this meeting to 11:00 AM tomorrow morning.
Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.       Approved 03/03/15