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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 09/23/14
Chilmark Board of Selectmen   September 23, 2014   Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Bill Rossi, Jonathan Mayhew, Warren Doty, Tim Carroll, David Norton, Frank Fenner, Linda Coutinho, Don Hatch, Jessica Elden, Alex Elvin and Lynne Christoffers.

At 7:30 PM Chairman Rossi called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes from August 18, 2014 were reviewed. Mr. Doty recommended a word change.
Mr. Rossi moved to approve the minutes with the one change. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes 1 Abstain Jonathan Mayhew was absent from this meeting

Draft minutes from August 25, 2014 were reviewed. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes as written. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes 1 Abstain Jonathan Mayhew was absent from this meeting

Draft minutes from September 16, 2014 were reviewed, corrections were made.
Mr. Mayhew moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes 1 Abstain Mr. Doty was absent from this meeting
At 7:33 PM Chairman Rossi opened the NSTAR public hearing. NSTAR representative Jessica Elden presented the project of installing sixty-five feet of conduit/cable under Tabor House Road to service the Flanders subdivision southeast of the town landfill. There was no public comment. At 7:35 PM the public hearing was closed. Mr. Mayhew moved to approve petition from NSTAR. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

At 7:35 PM Chairman Rossi opened the NSTAR public hearing petition of the USCG to allow NSTAR to place a transformer on Boathouse Road. Tim Carroll discussed the project. There was no public comment. At 7:38 PM public hearing was closed. Mr. Mayhew moved to approve petition from NSTAR. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Nab’s Corner:
Fire Chief David Norton spoke about the importance of a water source at the Nab’s Corner Home site project for fire suppression. Chairman Rossi recommended this discussion continue with the Fire Chief and the Chilmark Planning Board. Mr. Doty recommended Quansoo area also be looked into by Planning Board and Fire Chief for water sources for fire suppression.

Discussion moved to the lack of enforcement for stand pipes (water source for Fire Department) for all permitted pools. Chairman Rossi said he would talk with Chuck Hodgkinson to get a list of all of the Zoning Board approved pool installations for the past 15 years. Then Chief Norton can inspect the stand pipes and Zoning Officer Lenny Jason can enforce our bylaws when necessary.
Mr. Carroll reminded viewers and attendees that there will be a Nab’s Corner workshop Thursday September 25, 2014 at 7:00 PM. Any questions that come up after applicants review the application will be addressed at the workshop.

Nab’s Corner Continued….
Representatives from island banks and the representatives from Dukes County Housing Authority will also be at the Thursday nights workshop.

Mr. Carroll asked that people interested in the project to please respect the neighbor’s property; not to park on their land or use their driveways. Mr. Carroll said has ordered signs to post on the lots to help make clear where the Town Property is.

Public Request: Paul Adler who has his business in the name of Nab’s Corner asked if the Selectmen would consider changing the name of this town project.

Chief Norton asked what the name of the road will be for emergency purposes. Discussion ensued. No action was taken at this time.

Martha’s Vineyard Refuse District:
MVRD director Don Hatch presented the updates to the capital improvements toward the restructuring of Traffic flow and Residential Drop-Off at the Edgartown Transfer Station.
Mr. Hatch said that the wording has been changed to say up to $2,500,000.00 borrowing authorized. Mr. Hatch said that the contingency figure was corrected from 25 % to 20 % and that they are adding the additional drive on scale for Phase 1.

Discussion ensued. Mr. Doty and Mr. Mayhew said they were pleased with the changes that Mr. Hatch returned with.

Permission for Filming in Chilmark:
Chairman Rossi said this is not on the agenda but would hear from Think Factory representatives who are present tonight.  Ray Martinez and Aaron Mckenna of Think Factory explained their plan to build a fake bomb and blowup a makeshift shed on October 3, 2014. There will also be a trebushet brought to the address in Chilmark for this filming. Discussion ensued

Mr. Mayhew said he was not in favor of this in Chilmark. Mr. Doty said he is influenced by Mr. Mayhew’s comments and is not in favor of this in Chilmark. Mr. Doty moved to deny permission for Think Factory to blowup a shed in Chilmark. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain Mr. Rossi

Menemsha walk about / talk about:
Mr. Carroll requested the Selectmen set a time for their harbor walkthrough. Mr. Doty said Monday October 6, 2014 with the regular scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting Tuesday October 7, 2014.  Mr. Mayhew and Mr. Rossi agreed to the schedule and the recommended starting time for walkabout is 8:00 AM.

Special Town Meeting Warrant: Chairman Rossi read through the draft warrant articles. Discussion ensued after each article.

Article 1.  To see if the town will vote to appropriate from available funds in the treasury the sum of $4,600.00 to fund the purchase of Large Diameter Hose fittings (LDH) for the new 1500 gallon per minute fire tanker, including the payment of costs incidental and related thereto.

Article 2.  To see if the town will vote to appropriate from available funds in the treasury the sum of $17,000.00 to fund the hiring of a boom mower to cut brush along town roads, including the payment of costs incidental and related thereto.

Article 3.  To see if the town will vote to appropriate from available funds in the treasury the sum of $13,260.00 to fund the hiring of a tree truck and police detail to cut trees along town roads, including the payment of costs incidental and related thereto.

Article 4.  To see if the town will vote to appropriate from Middle Line Road Capital Projects Fund 41 (clay rights) the sum of $9,556.00 to pay for the purchase of software licenses and hardware at the town hall, including the payment of costs incidental and related thereto.

Article 5.      To see if the town will vote to appropriate from available funds in the treasury the sum of $150.00 to pay a bill of the Board of Health in a prior fiscal year to Arujo Brother’s Inc. for the rental of a port-a-potty in March 2014.

Article 6.      To see if the Town will vote to approve the following request of the Community Preservation Committee:  To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from the Community Preservation Affordable Housing Reserve the sum of $50,000.00 to continue funding the Chilmark Housing Year-Round Rental Conversion Program, managed by the Dukes County Regional Housing Authority.  To fund this request $20,000 will be transferred from the Community Preservation Undesignated Reserve Fund to the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund.

Article 7.      To see if the Town will vote to approve the following request of the Community Preservation Committee:  To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from the Community Preservation Historic Resources Reserve the sum of $65,000.00 to partially fund the exterior renovation of the original, historic Town Hall building.  To fund this request $30,000 will be transferred from the Community Preservation Undesignated Reserve Fund to the Historic Resources Reserve Fund.

Article 8.      To see if the Town will vote to approve a sum of up to the $2,500,000.00 borrowing authorized by vote of the Martha's Vineyard Refuse Disposal and Resource Recovery District for the purpose of financing the cost of capital improvements toward the restructuring of Traffic flow and Residential Drop-Off at the Edgartown Transfer Station, or to take any action relative thereto.

Article 9.      To see if the town will vote to appropriate the sum of six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000.00), to be expended by the town, for reconstruction, paving and various repairs to town roads, including the payment of costs incidental and related thereto; and to authorize the Treasurer to borrow, with the permission of the Selectmen, this amount by the issuance of bonds or notes under Chapter 44 of the General Laws or any enabling authority, or to take any other action relative thereto; provided, however, that no amounts authorized to be borrowed by vote of the Town under this article shall be borrowed or expended for the purposes described in this article, unless and until a majority of the voters of the Town casting ballots at the State Election to be held on November 4th 2014, shall have voted in the affirmative to exclude the amounts required to repay any such borrowed amounts from the property tax levy limitations imposed by Chapter 59, Section 21C of the General Laws (Proposition 2 ½).

Article 10.       To hear the reports of town committees.

Mr. Doty moved to approve Special Town Meeting warrant with the ten articles presented. And to hold the meeting at the Chilmark Community Center October 20 2014 at 7:30 PM.
Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Refunding Authorization: Chairman Rossi read:
“In order to reduce interest cost on outstanding debt the Town is authorized to issue bonds or notes for the purpose of refunding all or any portion of its bonds or notes that are outstanding as of the date of this vote including if any the payment of any premium and accrued interest there with and all other cost incidental relevant there to under and pursuant to chapter 44 section 21A of the Massachusetts General Laws or any other enabling authority.” Mr. Doty moved,
Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Police Department:
Selectmen’s Office received written request from Police Chief Cioffi asking the Selectmen to re-appoint Elizabeth Hourihan as Special Police Officer. Mr. Mayhew moved to approve re-appoint Elizabeth Hourihan as Special Police Officer. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Net Metering Credits:
Mr. Carroll said when he attended the Cape & Vineyard Electrical Co-op meeting this past week it was discussed that there was net metering credits available from 4 wind turbines in Plymouth for purchasing. Discussion ensued. No action was taken to pursue the net metering credits from wind turbines at this time.

Chilmark Library / Solar Roof Top Panels:
Mr. Doty spoke about continuing the project to have solar panels on the Chilmark Library rooftop. Mr. Doty said the Library Trustees and Friends are in favor of pursuing this still. Discussion ensued. Mr. Carroll said that the library project would produce about 16KWH.  

Town Center Sidewalk:
Mr. Carroll said he met with the Planning Board to review the States proposed plans for Town center sidewalks.  From that meeting it was decided the Planning Board will come on a site visit prior to approving sidewalk plans. Discussion ensued.

Department of Environment Protection.   
Mr. Carroll said that the Town received a notice about the David Flanders Nominee Trust application for repair and maintenance and renewal of license for waterways dock and revetment at Quitsa Pond.

At 9:00 PM Mr. Mayhew moved to adjourn. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.   Approved 10/07/14