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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 08/18/14
Chilmark Board of Selectmen   August 18, 2014   Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Bill Rossi, Warren Doty, Jonathan Mayhew absent. Tim Carroll,
Chuck Hodgkinson and Eve Vincent.

At 5:01 PM Chairman Rossi called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Preparations for Town Committee on Squibnocket Meeting:
Mr. Doty spoke about the plans that are on the table.
  • Selectmen’s plan that was presented at town meeting
  • Removal of revetment and allow nature to fill in the beach and the homeowners would access their property an alternate route not in partnership with the town.
  • Potential plan of somehow acquiring additional land and moving the parking up the hill.
Chairman Rossi said he hopes that the Town Committee on Squibnocket comes to the Selectmen with a recommendation that includes additional beach and pond frontage for the town.

At 5:09 PM Jim Malkin chairman of Town Committee on Squibnocket arrived.

Chairman Rossi said that the Selectmen had a fiscally responsible proposal. Chairman Rossi said that there is added expense to tax payers in option #3. Mr. Doty said option #3 would be an additional $1,000,000.00 expense at least.

Mr. Malkin said Town Committee on Squibnocket is seeking what the Selectmen feel is of importance to the town.

Chairman Rossi said in response to Mr. Malkin;
  • Additional beach and pond frontage
  • Public Pond access
  • Handicap access
  • Parking nearby
Discussion continued.
Mr. Malkin gave an outline of the plans presented to them.
  • Friends of Squibnocket propose building a dune.
  • Squibnocket Farm Housing Association elevated causeway with the town getting additional beach
  • Chris Murphy’s proposal is remove revetment and let nature take its course.  
Mr. Hodgkinson said the major difference since Annual Town Meeting is the Coastal Management Grant of $280,000.00 that was granted to the town in support of the Selectmen’s Plan. Mr. Rossi said that this is incentive to work out a plan in a timely manner.

Mr. Doty said he would like to see an Emergency Responder Station and additional parking issues addressed with the interest people are giving Squibnocket.
Chairman Rossi said that beach access is an important issue as it affects our economy.
Chairman Rossi thanked Mr. Malkin and the Town Committee on Squibnocket for their hard work. Mr. Malkin said they are modeling this process after the Big House Bylaw.

Mr. Doty moved to adjourn. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes
Meeting adjourned at 5:31 PM

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.         Approved 9/23/14