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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06/17/14
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    June 17, 2014    Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Bill Rossi, Jonathan Mayhew, Warren Doty, Tim Carroll, Brian Cioffi, Donald Scranton, Isaiah Scheffer, Ryan Antolick, Melanie Becker, Ellen Biskis, Steve Lewenberg, Jen Wlodyka, Lev Wlodyka, Margaret Maida, Ivy Ashe and Lynn Christoffers.

At 7:30 PM Chairman Rossi called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Chairman Rossi said he would postpone the minutes and move the agenda to the appointments.

Police Department Appointment:
Chief Cioffi introduced Donald Scranton to the Selectmen and requested they appoint him as traffic officer. Mr. Doty moved to appoint Mr. Scranton as a Chilmark traffic officer. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Chilmark Road Race:
Chief Cioffi said that Mr. Lewenberg and Jeff Herman asked to have the enrollment to the Chilmark Road Race increased by 100 registered runners with a total of 1600. Mr. Lewenberg said he understands this permission would be a trial basis and doesn’t guarantee the additional entrees for next year. Mr. Lewenberg also said that there will be additional port-a-potty’s and volunteers to assist with the increase of runners.

Mr. Doty moved to allow this trial increase of 100 registered runners to the 2014 Chilmark Road Race. And approve the August 9, 2014 road race. Mr. Mayhew seconded motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Shellfish Department:
Shellfish Constable Isaiah Scheffer is present to request the Selectmen appoint Ryan Antolick to the Seasonal Position of Assistant Constable. Mr. Doty said that there were 3 applicants interviewed for this position and Ryan stood out as a very good applicant. The interviews were completed by Isaiah Scheffer, Warren Doty and Jim Malkin. Mr. Doty moved to appoint Mr. Antolick to the Seasonal Position of Assistant Constable starting June 9, 2014 to less than 16 weeks.

Mr. Scheffer said that the hours for FY14 (ending June 30, 2014) will be 40 hour a week with July 1, 2014 beginning the 30 hours a week for this position. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Mr. Scheffer added at this time he would like to propose re-opening Clam Point to all shell fishing starting July 1, 2014. Mr. Mayhew moved to re-open Clam Point to Quahog fishing starting July 1, 2014. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Human Resource Board:
Chairman Rossi said that the HRB re-graded and updated the position descriptions for the Town Treasurer and Town Accountant if approved by Selectmen. The Town Accountant position will increase July 1, 2014 to grade 10. The Town Treasurer position will increase July 1, 2014 to grade 11.

Town Accountant Ellen Biskis said the process seemed more subjective than objective, she recommended to evaluate all the other positions rather than employees having to request being individually evaluated.

Mr. Carroll said that in the past an employee that had an elected board behind them was re-graded but what about the employees like the Tax Collector, Receptionist and the Highway Superintendent.  Mr. Carroll said there is no regular evaluation of the entire employee classification system. Mr. Carroll said West Tisbury has an evaluation done for all positions every 5 years. Mr. Mayhew said he thought every 5 years was a good idea, Mr. Doty agreed.

Chairman Rossi said the Human Resource Board has worked hard at updating the entire grading evaluation procedure. Town Treasurer was asked for her input on this matter. Mrs. Becker recommended impartial review of positions to give employees confidence in the process.

Mr. Doty moved to approve the new grades for both the Treasurer and Accountant positions.
Mr. Mayhew seconded the position. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Draft minutes from June 3, 2014 were reviewed, corrections were made. Mr. Mayhew moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

HGTV Filming Request:
Mr. Carroll said that HGTV representatives contacted the Selectmen‘s office requesting to film at Chilmark beaches and other island locations. Mr. Carroll said he let them know that Squibnocket and Lucy Vincent Beaches were not available to them but that he would put the Menemsha beach area request to the Selectmen to approve.

Mr. Doty asked for the dates of filming Mr. Carroll said June 23rd -29th are the dates the crew would be on island. Mr. Doty moved to approve with the condition they did not impede public access and that the film crew uses a single vehicle while in Menemsha.  Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

All Island Board of Selectmen Meeting:
Mr. Rossi and Mr. Doty both attended the All Island Selectmen’s meeting held Thursday, June 12th. They reported the majority of the evening’s agenda was the VNA Building purchase for the Center for Living discussion and the Community on MV Donors Collaborative.  

Mr. Doty said that the Center for Living is running their program 2 days in Tisbury and 2 days in Edgartown each week. …

All Island Board of Selectmen Meeting Continued….
Mr. Doty said the center allows for a break for the caregivers in each of the client’s family. The CFL is seeking a permanent location and would add another day bringing their operation to 5 days a week.    

Mr. Rossi said the appraisal on the bank owned former VNA building should be ready for review at the next joint meeting. There are some concerns the proposed building might be overpriced.

Coastal Marine Pilings Installation:
Mr. Doty requested an update on when the Menemsha harbor pilings installation will be completed. Mr. Carroll said that they are arriving and are scheduled to be in place prior to Coastal Marine departure in July 2014.

Clean Vessel Act Update:
Mr. Carroll reported that the pump-out station in Menemsha Harbor is complete; the Harbor staff has completed procedure training. Mr. Carroll said Chilmark Board of Health reports concerns to be satisfied prior to their permitting the pump-out station.

Mr. Carroll asked that a Selectmen and the Harbormaster attend the Board of Health Meeting that is posted for tomorrow night at 5:00 PM to get this project moving forward so Menemsha Harbor can utilize the pump-out station. Mr. Mayhew said he would attend the Board of Health.  

Mr. Doty said that the maintenance list the harbor staff is to work on is being completed and is halfway done as of today.

Mr. Mayhew requested a sign posted for Nasha Quitsa Pond; SLOW NO WAKE 5 MPH for Quitsa Pond. Mr. Carroll said he would order signage.

Town Committee on Squibnocket:
Mr. Carroll gave an update on the staffing for the TCS, and other town committees. Mr. Carroll said that Marina Lent will be the administrative support for the TCS 3 hours weekly. Ms. Lent will hand over her Housing Committee duties to Jennifer Christy, from July 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. Jennifer Christy would be covering 5 hour a week for the Housing committee. Ms. Lent will also be taking over the Human Resources administrative duties 2 hours weekly till December 31, 2014.

Mr. Doty requested that all materials we receive concerning the Squibnocket project be posted to the Chilmark website for the public to access easily. Margaret Maida asked how she can receive the materials automatically like she does the Selectmen’s agenda. Mr. Carroll said that the public will need only to subscribe to news link on our web page for Town Committee on Squibnocket.  

Mr. Carroll said NSTAR representative said the power pole is too close to the fuel tank for the USCG Boathouse. Selectmen said they would look at the site tomorrow at 12:30 PM.

School Committee Proposal:
The Town Clerk received a notice from MV School Superintendent Dr. James Weiss requesting to have an article on Chilmark’s next Annual Town Meeting. The article is concerning reformulating the agreement for representation on the High School Committee.
After reviewing the proposed article Mr. Doty recommended sending this article back to the Superintendent’s office to rework the wording. The way it is presented now is not clear Chilmark will be represented fairly. Mr. Mayhew and Mr. Rossi agreed.

Legal Counsel:
Mr. Carroll said Selectmen can reconfirm designation of Special Municipal Employee for Town Counsel so Ron Rappaport can be a member of the Town Committee on Squibnocket. Mr. Mayhew moved to designate Ron Rappaport (Town Counsel) as a special municipal employee. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Squibnocket Beach Parking Lot Cleanup:
Mr. Doty said that the Beach Employees have done a good job cleaning up the area but we may need some gravel put into space behind the revetment. Discussion ensued. Margaret Maida (who is a new member of Beach Committee) said that she thanked Keith Emin for cutting back the tall grass. Mrs. Maida shared her concern that the path along the beach is getting blocked by rocks fallen from “Money Hill”.

Mr. Mayhew recommended a load of gravel and tailings to be brought into the area that Mr. Doty has referred to.

American Tower Corporation:
Mr. Carroll supplied the Selectmen with an Assignment of Fiber Contract.   
Mr. Mayhew asked if Town Counsel reviewed this. Mr. Carroll said yes. Mr. Mayhew moved to approve the Contract before them today. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes Chairman Rossi signed the contract.

Nab’s Corner:
Mr. Carroll presented the Selectmen with Nab’s Corner documents from Town Counsel. The document is a Complaint to Remove From Land Court.  Mr. Mayhew moved to approve the Complaint before them today. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Molly Flender Housing Trust:
Mr. Carroll asked to schedule a joint meeting of the Molly Flender Housing Trust and the Board of Selectmen. The purpose of the joint meeting is to appropriate funds for the Nab’s corner project. Selectmen agreed to hold a joint meeting next week. The date and time of meeting will be determined allowing for appropriate agenda posting (48 hours prior to meeting not including weekends or holidays).

Cape & Vineyard Electric Co-Op:
Mr. Carroll supplied the Selectmen with documents for a 20 year agreement for Net Metering Credits allowing the Town of Chilmark a 15% - 20% electrical discount. Mr. Carroll said with this contract we will be purchasing the 50KWH from excess solar power produced here on Martha’s Vineyard for the next 20 years. Mr. Doty moved to approve entering into this agreement with CVEC. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Landfill Cap Parking Lot:
Mr. Doty reported that the solar project is moving forward slowly. Mr. Doty said he hopes that the installers have the fencing and debris cleared out of the area by July 1, 2014 to allow VTA and parking access. Mr. Carroll will follow up with Rob Meyers of South Mountain to confirm they will clear the fencing by July 1, 2014.

Mr. Doty and Mr. Carroll will meet with VTA director to finalize the Menemsha shuttle parking schedule.

Highway Superintendent:
Mr. Carroll said that the Treasurer notified the Highway Superintendent that his vacation time would expire if he did not use it prior to the end of FY14 (June 30th). Mr. Carroll asked if the Selectmen would extend the vacation time 60 days so we will have a highway superintendent for the rest of this month. Mr. Doty moved to extend the vacation time for the Highway Superintendent 60 days. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Landfill Parking Signage:
The Selectmen discussed location and description of signage for the Menemsha satellite parking at Tabor House Road Landfill.  It was decided to have the universal blue P with an arrow directing to where the parking is located at the landfill. One sign to be placed on North Road and one on Middle Road.

Conflict of Interest Exemptions:
The Town Clerk submitted to the Selectmen the State Ethics Commission
Guidelines for towns to develop a list of certain positions that may be exempted from the
conflict of interest distribution and training requirements.

The positions that are commonly exempted from these requirements are:
Poll Workers, Non-supervisory Seasonal Employees (such as lifeguards and wharfingers),
High School, College & Graduate School Students employed for the summer,
Individual Vendors or Contractors who are employed by the municipality for one
day or less per calendar year, Participants in Senior Citizen Tax Abatement Programs and
Volunteers for Town Events.

Mr. Doty recommended that the seasonal employees not be included on the exempt list but recommended the others listed. Discussion ensued. Mr. Mayhew moved to support this exemption list with the exception of our seasonal Harbor and Beach employees. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

At 9:22 PM Mr. Doty moved to adjourn. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.   Approved 07/01/14