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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06/03/14
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    June 3, 2014    Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Bill Rossi, Jonathan Mayhew, Warren Doty, Tim Carroll, Marina Lent, Remy Tumin and Lynn Christoffers.

At 7:30 PM Chairman Rossi called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes from May 20, 2014 were reviewed, corrections were made. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Town Line:
Mr. Mayhew recused himself from discussion and any action concerning this agenda item. This agenda item designates a town line change between Aquinnah and Chilmark Creek Lots. This change would keep the amount of land for either town equal. Selectmen reviewed the plans prepared by engineer.

Mr. Carroll explained that if the Selectmen approve this line change there are more steps needed to complete the process. We will need to file an easement and deed with legislation.  

Mr. Doty moved to proceed with the plans as presented. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain Mr. Mayhew conflict of interest

Municipal Employee §19 Disclosure:
Marina Lent is present to discuss her role as Administrative Assistant to the Housing Committee and the Molly Flenders Affordable Housing Trust. Ms. Lent said she intends to apply for a home site lot at the Nab’s Corner property that the Town of Chilmark has acquired. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Carroll said Chuck Hodgkinson as Coordinator of Administrative Support will be handling the development and other parts of this special project. Ms. Lent would be minute taker but not participate in deliberations.

Mr. Mayhew said he was in support of Marina as a candidate but has concerns about possible conflict of interest.

Chairman Rossi said that the Hillmans will be reviewing the applicants who would be allowed to be part of the lottery for the Home Site Lots. Mr. Doty said this plan of how Ms. Lent participates as Admin for Housing Committee needs to be worked on and brought back to the Selectmen. Ms. Lent said she would work on a plan and return.

Harbor Shack:
Mr. Carroll said that the town held a small ceremony May 30th at the new harbor shack for the High School students who help build it. Certificates of appreciation and pizza were supplied by the Selectmen’s office. Mr. Doty said that t shirts where donated by the Menemsha Texaco.  

Harbor Shack continued….The figures on costs for the Harbor shack are coming in higher than the amount of the warrant and the Selectmen need to direct the Accountant on how they want to pay either out of the Selectmen’s unclassified account or FinCom Reserves. Discussion ensued.
The finances will be discussed more in combination with other department expenses.  

Harbor Pilings:
Mr. Doty moved to approve awarding the pilings project to Coastal Marine for $33,000.00 subtracting 3 greenheart piles and $4,500.00 to purchase 3 greenheart piles to be paid for out of the Harbor facility maintenance budget line. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.  
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Discussion returned to possible budget deficits and planning chapter 77 budget transfers and what departments will be part of this planning.

Clean Vessels Act:
Mr. Carroll said that the pump-out station we installed in Menemsha is part of a 75% reimbursement from a State Grant and is a reason why we are over expended in the Harbor department but we can expect $18,000.00 reimbursement probably in July 2014.

Mr. Carroll said that there will be training of the Harbor Staff and distribution of the operations manual this Friday at 11:00 AM. Mr. Carroll said the State will be coming Friday as well to inspect the pump-out system.  

Highway Grant: Mr. Carroll asked for direction from the Selectmen about the highway grant we received. Mr. Doty said paint the parking lines in Menemsha. Mr. Mayhew recommended contacting the State recommending road sign replacement on South Road near Lucy Vincent Beach entrance.

All Island Board of Selectmen Meeting:
Chairman Rossi said the main agenda for the all island Selectmen’s meeting June 12, 2014 will be the discussion on Center for Living purchasing the old VNA building in Vineyard Haven. Mr. Doty asked if they will have an appraisal done in time for this meeting. Mr. Rossi said that they have scheduled an independent appraisal to be done.  Chairman Rossi said he would be attending the All Island Selectmen’s meeting.

USCG Boathouse Update:
Mr. Doty said that the USCG reported the construction of the USCG new boathouse is continuing through our busy summer season. Mr. Doty said that he and Mr. Rossi discussed the parking for this project and made it clear where we will not allow them to park. The parking available to the construction workers will be offsite parking at the land fill and at the USCG Menemsha Station.

The hours of operation for construction on the USCG Boathouse will be from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM daily. They will not need a second barge and the barge that is there will leave in early July.

Mr. Mayhew said with the added congestion in the Boat House Road area no Tour Vans should be allowed at all in that area. Mr. Doty said he agreed. Mr. Mayhew asked what we were planning to do concerning the Wlodyka boat slip. Selectmen agreed to post a meeting Monday June 9, 2014 at 5:00 PM to discuss this agenda.

MV Land Bank Budget
Chairman Rossi said there is an all island MV Land Bank meeting Monday June 9, 2014 at 5:00 PM in the Vineyard Transit Authority Building at the Airport Business Park. Chairman Rossi said the meeting on the 9th is to review the FY15 budget. Mr. Doty said he has always felt the Executive Director salary line is out of line.

Squibnocket Beach Parking lot:
Mr. Doty said he would like to see a minimal cleaning up of the Squibnocket parking lot but said something should be done this month before the busy season. Chairman Rossi recommended having a sweeper to clear the broken surface.

Mr. Doty said no repairs to the revetment will be done this season. Mr. Carroll asked how much the Selectmen would recommend to expend on Squibnocket parking lot this season. Mr. Doty recommended sweeping toward the ocean to fill the cracks and authorizes spending up to $1,500.00 and having Keith Emin oversee this project. Mr. Mayhew said $3,000 might be a more accurate figure.  

Staff Appointments:
Mr. Mayhew moved to approve the Town staff appointments as presented. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Selectmen directed Mr. Carroll to advertise for vacancy in town committees and boards.

Cape & Vineyard Electric Co-Op
Mr. Carroll said that since we are unable to build out our original solar array plan at the landfill there is an option to purchase excess net metering.  Mr. Doty recommended proceeding in purchasing excess (solar) net metering from other island towns. Mr. Carroll said that he will let Vineyard Power know that we will not be moving forward at this time with their roof top proposal.

Election Officials Appointments:
Town Clerk Jennifer Christy sent in a request to have the Election Officials appointed. Chairman Rossi read that for Election Registrars the applicants are: Susan Heilbron, Judy Mayhew and Laurisa Rich. The Election Officer applicants are; Bette Flanders Carroll and Sam Carroll. Mr. Doty moved to appoint all of these Election Officials as presented. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Brian Cioffi arrives
Chairman Rossi spoke about the thank you letter from Jen Colligan. She thanked the Town for allowing and participating in the fundraiser to offset her grandfather’s medical needs.

Correspondences continued:
Chairman Rossi said that is why we have our Community Center.  Mr. Doty said he heard all good things and hopes that they raised a good amount of money.

July 4th Edgartown parade invitation. Chairman Rossi said that maybe the Selectmen could put some hay in the back of a pickup and attend.  Mr. Mayhew said that since Joe Sollitto sent the invitation he will try to attend.

Chairman Rossi thanked Remy Tumin for her years of reporting for the Gazette and wished her luck in her future endeavors.

Executive Session:
At 9:00 PM Chairman Rossi recommended moving into executive session for discussion of potential litigation strategy and security issues and not to return to regular session. Roll Call;
Bill Rossi; Aye, Jonathan Mayhew: Aye, Warren Doty: Aye.
Others present: Tim Carroll, Brian Cioffi.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.        Approved 6/17/14