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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 03/18/14
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    March 18, 2014    Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Warren Doty, Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi, Tim Carroll, Everett Poole,
Dennis Jason, Brian Cioffi, Matthew Mayhew, Isaiah Scheffer, Remy Tumin and Michelle Vivian.

At 7:00 PM Chairman Doty called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.
Chairman Doty started the meeting with a request for a moment of silence to remember Louie Larsen for all he was to Chilmark. Chairman Doty said there will be a graveside service this Saturday the 22nd of March and a pot luck lunch and memorial immediately to follow at the Chilmark Community Center.

Draft minutes from February 18, 2014 were reviewed, corrections were made. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes,
1 Abstain Mr. Rossi was absent.

Squibnocket Forum:
Chairman Doty said that the next scheduled meeting for a Squibnocket forum will be Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at 6:00PM.  Discussion turned to a space to accommodate more people attending. It was decided to hold the forum at the Chilmark Community Center.

Chairman Doty said that Melanie Becker the Town Treasurer had intended to come tonight to discuss possibility of refinancing the bond that will be eligible in September to refinance. Mr. Doty said Mrs. Becker was unable to attend tonight’s meeting and will reschedule for the next Selectmen’s meeting.

Youth Lot Agreement:
Chairman Doty said that they have a youth lot agreement submitted by Matthew Mayhew that has been approved by the Planning Board and The ZBA. Mr. Jonathan Mayhew said he would recuse himself from discussion or approval as Matthew is his son.

Mr. Rossi moved to approve and sign the Youth Lot Agreement presented tonight. Mr. Doty seconded the motion SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain Jonathan Mayhew is father of applicant.

Chilmark Community Center Maintenance:
Chairman Doty said he has received a request from town custodian Rodney Bunker to increase the joint maintenance spending for maintenance improvements to CCC. The request is to increase it higher than the previously approved $5,000.00. Discussion ensued. Mr. Mayhew recommended setting a cap. Mr. Rossi moved to approve up to another $5,000.00 from the joint maintenance account. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Aye  

Equal Pay Day:
Selectmen’s office received a request to adopt the Equal Pay Day April 8, 2014 this would have awareness brought to the fact that many women still don’t get equal pay as their male counterparts do.

Mr. Mayhew moved to approve adopting and supporting equal pay day. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Aye  

MV Shellfish Group:
Mr. Doty said the MV Shellfish Group has sent a request to have the Selectmen waive the Community Center rental fee for their Spring Fundraiser. Mr. Rossi moved to waive the fee for the M V Shellfish Group Spring fundraiser Saturday April 12, 2014. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Aye  

Chilmark Shellfish Constable:
Constable Isaiah Scheffer presented his plan for Shellfish Department hired help. Mr. Scheffer has a plan to hire an Assistant Constable for less than 16 weeks at 30 hours a week and hiring a laborer the cover the shoulder seasons. The laborer would have 300 hours. Mr. Scheffer assured all that he had these funds available in his current budget as well as the proposed FY15 budget.

Mr. Rossi moved to approve the plan that Mr. Scheffer presented tonight. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Aye  

Oyster Grant:
Chairman Doty said that the town has received 2 applications for John Armstrong’s Oyster Grant. Matthew Mayhew and Dennis M. Jason sent in a joint application. Also Melanie Flanders has sent in an application. Discussion ensued. Chairman Doty said the applicants will be invited to present their plans and proposals in a public hearing in the near future.

Harbor Shack:
Mr. Jason reported on the progress of the new Harbormaster shack being built by the MVRHS building trades students. Mr. Jason said that building trades director Bill Seabourne has done a great job. The shack is now going to be transferred to Menemsha in 2 parts. Mr. Carroll said the time table for this is as soon as the old shack is cleaned out and moved prior to the new one being brought up.

Mr. Mayhew recommended the old shack be used by the town if it is still a sound building. Mr. Jason said shingling needs to be done and the floor will need improvements, but he’s pretty sure it will be useful. Mr. Mayhew recommended the Beach Department use the old shack. Mr. Carroll said the Beach Committee had recommended transferring it to Squibnocket. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Carroll recommended moving the old shack to the north side of the Comfort Station in Menemsha essentially across the road from where it is now. The old shack can be utilized this summer by the beach department and the manager of the Comfort Station until its possible placement at Squibnocket is achieved.    
Harbor Shack Continued…..
Discussion turned back to preparing the site for the new harbormaster shack. Mr. Mayhew said that the concrete footing for the building project only calls for 1 cubic yard but the minimum is 5cy.  Mr. Mayhew asked if there was another project in Menemsha that the town can utilize another 4 cubic yards.

Discussion ensued with no action taken. Mr. Doty said the estimate for Harbormaster shack footings came to $1,200.00 including the penalty of $200 for the under minimum order for the concrete. Chairman Doty recommended going with this estimate that was submitted.

Mr. Mayhew said he wants to have the ridge for the Harbormaster shack line up with the Menemsha Texaco building. Mr. Rossi said that was one of the reasons for Bill Seabourn bringing the shack up in two pieces.  The Selectmen said they were very pleased with the how the shack is progressing and recommend moving forward with plans.

Clean Vessel Act, Pump-out System:
Mr. Carroll presented a final plan that the Harbormaster supported as a pump-out system for Menemsha harbor for boaters to utilize. This system would have 2 hydrants (down from 5) with 3 stubs, a 100 foot hose and the same pump that was in the original design. Mr. Carroll said the stubs can be utilized in the future.

Mr. Mayhew moved to approve this amended plan for a pump-out system for the Menemsha harbor. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chilmark School Roof Project:
Mr. Carroll asked if the Selectmen would appoint a Selectman as a liaison to the school roof project. Mr. Doty said he would be the liaison to the school roofing project. Mr. Carroll said that the school plans on this project happening this summer and that it may affect the summer preschool’s outside activities.

Town Hall Lift / Elevator:
Mr. Carroll said that the request sent to legislature will not be happening till after the inspection is due and requests that the Selectmen approve payment for inspection in the amount of $400 for our permit to the state and $950 to the inspector. Mr. Mayhew moved to approve this expense but hopes a five year inspection versus yearly will be approved by legislature soon. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Human Resource Board:
Chairman Doty said the HRB has worked out 3 policies for the Selectmen to approve and adopt.
Mr. Doty recommended reviewing them and voting them together.
  • Accommodation for Disability procedure
  • Exit Interview Policy for year-round employees
  • Professional Conduct Policy
After reviewing policies and procedures Mr. Mayhew moved to approve and adopt all three policies. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Dredging Menemsha Update:
Chairman Doty said that the Harbor Department drafted a good letter against the USACE plan for dredging in Menemsha.  Mr. Doty said he would like the latest letter sent to the USACE. Chairman Doty said the Selectmen have sent a previous letter to 8 different recipients. Mr. Jason said he would send his letter to the newspapers as well.

Mr. Carroll asked if the selectmen wanted him to move forward with a letter to the USACE requesting a public hearing in Chilmark prior to any dredging in Menemsha. Chairman Doty said yes.

Selectmen discussed some of the correspondence items in the agenda packet. Mr. Doty recommended the Selectmen attend the  meeting that our legislators are attending and to speak with them about our Home Rule Petition.

At 8:05 PM Mr. Rossi moved to adjourn. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.  
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase