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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 02/18/14
Chilmark Board of Selectmen   February 18, 2014    Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Warren Doty, Jonathan Mayhew Bill Rossi was absent. Tim Carroll, Dennis Jason,
Denny M. Jason, Everett Poole, J.B. Riggs Parker, Pat Jenkinson, Wayne Iacono, Marshall Carroll, Remy Tumin and John Larsen.

At 7:00PM Chairman Doty called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Menemsha Dredging Update:
Chairman Doty said that the Selectmen are opposed to the dredging plan put to Chilmark from USACE primarily on behalf of our shell fishing industry. Mr. Doty asked for public comments. Discussion took place. Mr. Doty moved to request a public hearing by USACE be held in Chilmark prior to USACE proceeding with any dredging. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes  

Harbor Fees 2014 Season:
Harbormaster Dennis Jason presented the proposed fees for the coming season with no increases from last year. Mr. Jason said the transient fee is $3.00 a foot per day. 30 amp electrical services is $15.00 a day and 50 Amp is $30.00 a day.  Moorings outside harbor are $20.00 a night and inside are $30 a night. Mr. Mayhew moved to have no changes to the fees. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes  

Beach Fees 2014 Season:
Lucy Vincent Beach sticker fee is $85.00, Squibnocket is $50.00. Mr. Mayhew moved they should remain the same unless the Beach Committee requests a change. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes  

Bulkhead Lot & Creek Leases:
Mr. Doty said that at the FinCom Budget hearings the Bulkhead Lease fees came up in discussion. The Selectmen appointed FinCom members Linda Coutinho and Jim Malkin to meet with the Park & Rec Committee who oversee the Bulkhead Lots to discuss lease fees.  
Harbormaster Jason asked if the Gas Station Lease includs the dock. Mr. Doty said yes it did.
Extensive discussion took place no action was taken.

Chairman Doty asked that Marshall Carroll and Dennis Jason talk out their issues some more and return to the Selectmen if needed.

David Norton Arrived

Menemsha Trash:
Mr. Doty said that at the budget hearings the trash pickup was discussed. It was suggested that some of the cost of trash pickup be offset by local businesses that are generating the take-out food trash.  Discussion ensued. Marshall Carroll recommended having the fee added to all of the Victualler permit holders.

Menemsha Trash Continued:
Mr. Mayhew recommended no change for this coming season but to have the Park & Rec, along with representatives from FinCom discuss this possibility for future plans.

Chairman Doty said that John Armstrong has turned back to the Town the Oyster Grant Lease he held. This makes an Oyster Grant lease available for applications.

Squibnocket Beach Project Update:
Chairman Doty said that the Squibnocket Beach & Parking Committee has been working very hard to come up with a solid plan to bring to the Town to vote on. It was previously proposed to be presented in three sections; 1.) 10 ½ ache lease 2.) CPA funds of $410,000  3.) Bylaw change concerning the elevated roadway.

Chairman Doty said he would like to propose a general warrant article instead. Mr. Doty read- aloud the wording of the general article prepared by town counsel Ron Rappaport. “To see if the Town will vote in favor of proceeding with the plan that has been developed for Squibnocket Beach and parking area. The plan consists of; a raised access road improvement. Approximately 1,000 feet of beach to be added to the existing beach.  Improvements made for boat access into Squibnocket Pond.”

Mr. Doty said this general warrant article is to assess the Town’s interest; the vote would not make this plan approved. If the Town votes in favor of proceeding the Selectmen will hold a Special Town meeting in October 2014 to approve the terms and cost of project.

Mr. Doty moved to approve having this general warrant article about Squibnocket on the Annual Town Meeting April 2014. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes

Parker / ZBA Appeal – Herbicides:
Chairman Doty said the Town lost it’s case with the Parkers concerning the Towns law against use of herbicides in the Squibnocket pond area. Chairman Doty moved to bring to the Annual Town Meeting a Home Rule Petition with the wording to be prepared by town counsel Ron Rappaport.
Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes

Solar Project Update:
Mr. Carroll said that NSTAR denied permit for the proposed 175KW solar array but approved 95KW system. Also Vineyard Power proposed an alternate plan that places the rest of the approved 80KW onto building roofs.
Mr. Mayhew moved to approve the landfill proposal of 95KW plan. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes

Mr. Doty recommended exploring the additional 80 KW proposal and not to take any action at this time.

Clean Vessel Act:
Mr. Carroll said that the grant from the State would cover the cost of installing and purchase of Edison pump. Mr. Carroll said there are responsibilities the town would need to pay for and
complete. The Town needs to supply the 3’x 3’ cement pad and a 4” hole cut through the bulkhead for the suction lines. Discussion took place. Mr. Mayhew recommended addressing this with Harbormaster Jason and placing on the agenda of the next Selectmen’s meeting March 4, 2014.

Cape Light Compact Proxy:
Mr. Carroll said that the energy bidding will be February 25, 2014 and recommended having Selectmen chose a proxy. Mr. Mayhew moved to delegate proxy to Maggie Downing. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes

Conservation Restriction Hillman/ Nabs Corner:
Mr. Carroll said this is a CR from many years ago that needs signatures. Mr. Mayhew moved to sign CR. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes

Warrant Articles:
Mr. Carroll read off the proposed warrant articles. Discussion and reviews of articles ensued. The list is available on Town web page: 
Mr. Doty said he would like the town to look into filling cracks in the roads as a method of improving the surface. Also to have Paving 1 mile a year put into our Capital Plan.
At 8:50 PM Mr. Mayhew moved to adjourn. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.         Approved 3/18/14