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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 01/02/14
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    January 2, 2014    Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Warren Doty, Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi, Tim Carroll, Chuck Hodgkinson, David Damroth and Barbara Lee.

At 11:06 AM Chairman Doty called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Financial Report from S&P:
Chilmark has achieved the AAA rating. Selectmen discussed the report and the financial practices will be continued to January 7, 2014 agenda.  

Squibnocket Beach Committee Update:  
Chuck Hodgkinson reported on the draft updated proposal since the December 3, 2013 meeting on this topic. This draft is a 37 page power point presentation that the Selectmen can write on and revise prior to the public hearing January 7, 2014.

Mr. Hodgkinson discussed the basic timeline and plan for the Squibnocket Beach project. There is a draft 99 year lease that town counsel will review and have recommendations for. There will be 2 warrant articles for the April Annual Town Meeting. One article will be for Authorizing this plan the second will be to appropriate $410,000.00 from CPC funds to pay for the 99 year lease.

Coastal Geologist from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Greg Berman will be coming to assess this plan with no cost to the town because it will be part of a Sea Grant appropriation. Also Joanne Taylor from MVC will be continuing advising the town on this project.

Jim O’Connell another Coastal Geologist will be sending in a quote for his evaluation Mr. Hodgkinson said he has not received this yet.

Mr. Hodgkinson said he has a quote request out to Keene Excavation and Vineyard Land Surveying for budgeting purposes.

There will be public presentations posted in addition to January 7, 2014 concerning the Squibnocket Project: one in March and one in April prior to Town Meeting.  
Zoning bylaw will be reviewed by the Planning Board Monday 6, 2014.

David Damroth asked if the Town of Chilmark was leading the permitting process. Mr. Rossi and Chuck Hodgkinson said no and that the Squibnocket Farm Home Owners Association will be filing for the road and causeway. The town will be working on the permitting for parking the lot.  

Mr. Damroth said that the town should consider using a third attorney and not just town counsel as there might be a Conflict Of Interest because he represents a lot of clients in this area. Mr. Doty said he will discuss this with Ron Rappaport.

Mr. Carroll asked that the timeline for this project should be discussed more and decision made soon. Discussion took place. There is a possibility that a Special Town Meeting for this topic will be held the same night as Annual Town Meeting in April.

Police Personnel:
Police department is inquiring with the Human Resource Board if they can use other peoples sick time for an employee. Mr. Rossi said he would recommend seeking legal counsel on this matter.

Mr. Mayhew moved to adjourn. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
At 12:10 meeting adjourned.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.   Approved 1/07/14