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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 11/05/13
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    November 5, 2013   Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Jonathan Mayhew, Tim Carroll, Lynn Christopher, Sam Hart, Lynn Ditchfield, Dennis Jason, Brian Cioffi, Margaret Maida, Frank Yeomans, Everett Poole, Wayne Iacono and Jarred Stobie.

Draft minutes from October 15, 2013 were reviewed, corrections were made. Jonathan Mayhew moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Adult & Community Education of MV:
Sam Hart of the ACEMV program addressed the Selectmen with a request for financial support for the coming year to continue the program. The ACEMV is appealing to all of the island towns for financial support. Chilmark percentage of the request is $ 10, 881.00. The total being requested from the towns is $130,587 this is 50% of running operations per year.

Mrs. Ditchfield said that the ACEMV is working to modify their status as a 501 © (3) programming to accept funding from public schools. Discussion ensued.
Selectmen were supportive of continuing an adult education program on Martha’s Vineyard.    

The Shellfish Committee made the following recommendations to the Selectmen concerning Bay Scallop and Oyster season:

Commercial and Recreational Shellfish for Bay Scallop Season 2013/14:
Nashaquitsa Pond: Commercial Bay Scallop Season opens November 1, 2013.
Menemsha Pond: Commercial Bay Scallop Season opens November 18, 2013.
Commercial Fishing Days are Monday thru Friday (7:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.).
Commercial Limit- Two struck bushels per day.
Family/ Recreational Season starts October 1st, 2013 (One half bushel per week)

Commercial & Recreational Oyster Season 2013/14
Tisbury Great Pond:
Commercial Oyster Season opens December 2, 2013
Commercial Fishing Days are Monday thru Wednesday (7:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.)
Commercial Limit- Three struck bushels per day.
Recreation/Family Oyster Season opens November 1, 2013
Recreation/Family Limit is one half bushel per week.
No culling/piling seed in one area. Boat must always remain moving while culling.

Mr. Mayhew moved to approve the Shellfish Committee recommendations for Oyster and Bay Scallops as presented. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Doty spoke of the scallop seed relay plan proposed by the Shellfish Committee. This plan would reward participants an extra fishing day. Mr. Mayhew moved to approve the Shellfish Committee recommendation. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Shellfish Continued:
The proposal to close fishing quahogs in Clam Point Cove for a year and the reorganizing of the help position for the Shellfish Constable were postponed till next Selectmen’s meeting.

Menemsha Dredging:
Selectmen discussed the Army Corp of Engineers dredging model proposal. Discussion ensued.    
Mr. Mayhew said he would like at least 2 models to choose from. Mr. Carroll said Woods Hole Group was contacted by the Tribe to do a study and report a dredging plan with estimated cost of $14,557. Mr. Carroll said that the Tribe will pay $10,000 with $4,557.00 to be split between the towns of Aquinnah and Chilmark.

Selectmen asked to move forward with getting another report completed prior to dredging beginning.

Harbormaster Dennis Jason presented the review of the 2013 Menemsha Harbor season.
Mr. Jason said there were no accidents this summer, and the new floating docks were well received by the public. Mr. Jason said the floating docks are showing a little age already with loose screws and curling planks. But that the new floating docks worked very well. Mr. Jason said the elderly and kids found the floating dock easier to access from their boats.

Mr. Doty asked for the specifics on the revenues for 2012 and 2013 to be supplied to the Selectmen prior to January and the beginning of the budget hearings. Mr. Jason said he would get the information to them.  

Mr. Mayhew asked how securing the area around the dock at Crab Corner was working out.
Mr. Jason said he recommends having the Beach Committee staff the area with a life guard.
Mr. Doty supported this recommendation and said that the Beach staff budget was not fully utilized this past season and recommends this become the plan for 2014 season. Mr. Rossi said there should be two life guards in Menemsha.

Discussion turned to the 18/18 ruling area where kids can tie up a boat near “Crab Corner”.
Mr. Jason recommended reducing this to 14/14 that is 14 years old and no bigger than 14 foot boat. Mr. Jason said he would like to have better lattice work under the new dock area to keep kids from swimming and playing under the dock. Mr. Mayhew said make sure the lattice materials are included in your budget for next season so you have the work completed for the coming season.

Mr. Doty asked how the West Dock area was doing. Mr. Jason said that in the West Dock area they were able to create another slip and have received approximately 4 to5 thousand dollars more revenue from it.  Mr. Jason said that the parking lot on the West Dock needs to be shored up to keep it from being undermined. Mr. Doty said Kent Healy recommended driving rebar as close together as possible and fill behind it. Mr. Mayhew recommended using heavy plastic as a barrier along with this plan to replace the rotten wooden sheathing.

Harbor Continued…
Mrs. Maida said the lighting along the handy cap ramp were not on this summer. Discussion ensued. Mr. Doty said this winter the lighting needs to be maintained. Mr. Carroll recommended putting funds aside to have Mr. Karlinsky work on special maintenance next season.

Mr. Doty said the Town still has funds from the State to build the channel side transient dockage.
Mr. Carroll said that the funds are approximately$200,000.00
Mr. Jason said that he does not want a floating dock but a fixed dock instead. Mr. Carroll said there is a rigid dock there now and strongly recommends a floating dock instead.  Mr. Doty said this will be Phase IV will be transient dockage as the funding was issued for.

Mrs. Maida asked for the Town Report to reflect what the revues are for the harbor each year. Mr. Doty asked that this discussion be addressed at another date, but asked Mr. Carroll to supply Mrs. Maida with this request of revenues for the harbor.

Harbor Shack:
Mr. Jason said the drawn plan is 12 x 16 feet. The plans don’t show what he wants on the inside. Mr. Carroll said that the MVRHS building trades will estimate the cost of a shell and the Harbor can complete the interior the way they want. Mr. Jason said storage space is very important to include and wants to have a support beam down the middle that will support loft storage. Mr. Jason said the office space can be 16 x 6 feet and the other half will be for storage.  
Mr. Rossi recommended 8 x 16 for the office space.

Everett Poole did not want to see a porch facing the harbor. Mr. Poole was concerned that they were getting farther away from the Menemsha fishing village and moving toward a yacht dock.

Mr. Iacono of the Beach Committee asked if there will be beach storage in the shed. Mr. Jason said no but they can have the equivalent of what they have now the 4 foot wide lean-to.

Mr. Iacono recommended calling Salt Spray to get a quote and design. Mr. Doty asked that a plan for the basic 12 x 16 with a 12” pitch roof be estimated by both Salt Spray and Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Building Trades.

Harbor Boat:
The plan to sell the current harbor boat for a boat more suited for the harbor will be discussed at November 19, 2013 Selectmen’s meeting with an organized plan.

Solar Project Update:
Mr. Doty said the Town is still negotiating the Power Purchase Agreement and Lease agreement with Vineyard Power and town counsel. Mr. Carroll said the contract with Vineyard Power will save the town an estimated $3, 800 yearly. Mr. Yeomans discussed his concern of the pollution insurance coverage and lack of profit to the town.

Mr. Doty said this solar project will help support the green community idea in Massachusetts. Mr. Doty also said that there are not significant savings now but in 11 to 25 years it could be.

Solar Project Update Continued….
Mr. Carroll reported that he heard back from our insurance company and out of hundreds of policies there is just a single one with that kind of coverage and the estimate is $26,000.00 annually. Mr. Carroll also said that he reached out to all of the island towns and the towns that have responded do not require the pollution insurance coverage.

Mr. Carroll explained that if we insist on additional pollution insurance it makes this project unattainable. Mr. Rossi said he was comfortable with not having the additional insurance, saying we have limited risk from the solar panels. Mr. Mayhew agreed with Mr. Rossi on this issue.
Mr. Yeomans said that the legal work that Ron Rappaport and his office supplied is very well done with this project.

Police Department:
Police Chief Brian Cioffi requested that the Selectmen recognize the completion of 1 year probation for Officer Steve Pupek. Mr. Mayhew moved to accept Chief Cioffi’s recommendation
to appoint Mr. Pupek a regular employee. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Chief Cioffi asked that the Selectmen to sponsor Jared Stobie to the Police Academy this winter. Mr. Jared will work for the town this summer of 2014 unless he gets a full time job before then. There is a waiver and release to sign stating Chilmark will not pay anything and are not held responsible for anything. Mr. Stobie will pay for the academy out of his own pocket. Mr. Rossi said he will abstain as Mr. Stobie is his nephew.

Mr. Mayhew moved to sponsor Jared Stobie to the Police Academy. Mr. Doty Seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain  

Possible Conflict of Interest Disclosures:
Mr. Carroll said the Selectmen’s office has received COI forms from both Nan Doty and Jennifer Christy who are both appointed members to the MV Cultural Council. Mr. Doty said he will abstain from this his wife is Nan Doty.

Mr. Rossi moved to receive the COI forms. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain    

Insurance Services Office:
Mr. Carroll said that the ISO regraded Chilmark with a lower rating using the new Building Code Effectiveness Grading Program. The ISO sent a guide as to how to proceed in changing this grade; the Building Department can send a request an extension and organize the required information. Mr. Carroll asked if the Selectmen would approve this plan.

Mr. Mayhew moved to approve this plan. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Tri Town Ambulance:
Mr. Carroll said that the Tri town Ambulance Chief Zeke Wilkins has sent a written request asking the Selectmen to authorize trading in the LP-12 Cardiac Monitors and to appropriate new LP-15 CM through the Assistance to Firefighters Grant.

Mr. Rossi moved to authorize the trade in of the LP-12 CMs through the AFG. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Carroll said the TTA has requested replacement chase vehicles. Mr. Mayhew supported the plan of obtaining two chase vehicles having one new vehicle and a used one. Discussion ensued.
Mr. Doty said he would like a fuel efficient vehicle as a chase vehicle. Mr. Doty also recommended that money not spent on a warrant be given back to the Towns. Mr. Doty said this will be a warrant article on the Special Town Meeting Warrant; the town will make the decision.   

Special Town Meeting:
Mr. Carroll said that the DOR has not certified the town’s free cash yet but it has been filed. Discussion about possible warrant articles ensued.
OPEB; $100,000.00
Assessors ReVal $55,000
Harbor Shack estimated $20,000
Town Buildings Maintenance Custodian recommendations
Tri Town Ambulance chase vehicle
Highway maintenance
Treasurer disposal of tailing

Chilmark Community Center Floors:
Mr. Rossi Moved to have the Chilmark Community Center Advisory Committee move ahead with floor repairs to the CCC using joint maintenance funds. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Completion of warrant for Special Town Meeting was tabled till the next Selectmen’s meeting.

At 9:37 PM Mr. Rossi recommended to move into Executive Session to discuss land acquisition and not return to regular session. Mr. Mayhew: Aye, Mr. Rossi: Aye, Mr. Doty: Aye.
Tim Carroll also present. Meeting adjourned at 9:55PM  

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.                      Approved 11/19/13

Chilmark Board of Selectmen    November 5, 2013   Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Jonathan Mayhew, Tim Carroll, Lynn Christopher, Sam Hart, Lynn Ditchfield, Dennis Jason, Brian Cioffi, Margaret Maida, Frank Yeomans, Everett Poole, Wayne Iacono and Jarred Stobie.

Draft minutes from October 15, 2013 were reviewed, corrections were made. Jonathan Mayhew moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Adult & Community Education of MV:
Sam Hart of the ACEMV program addressed the Selectmen with a request for financial support for the coming year to continue the program. The ACEMV is appealing to all of the island towns for financial support. Chilmark percentage of the request is $ 10, 881.00. The total being requested from the towns is $130,587 this is 50% of running operations per year.

Mrs. Ditchfield said that the ACEMV is working to modify their status as a 501 © (3) programming to accept funding from public schools. Discussion ensued.
Selectmen were supportive of continuing an adult education program on Martha’s Vineyard.    

The Shellfish Committee made the following recommendations to the Selectmen concerning Bay Scallop and Oyster season:

Commercial and Recreational Shellfish for Bay Scallop Season 2013/14:
Nashaquitsa Pond: Commercial Bay Scallop Season opens November 1, 2013.
Menemsha Pond: Commercial Bay Scallop Season opens November 18, 2013.
Commercial Fishing Days are Monday thru Friday (7:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.).
Commercial Limit- Two struck bushels per day.
Family/ Recreational Season starts October 1st, 2013 (One half bushel per week)

Commercial & Recreational Oyster Season 2013/14
Tisbury Great Pond:
Commercial Oyster Season opens December 2, 2013
Commercial Fishing Days are Monday thru Wednesday (7:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.)
Commercial Limit- Three struck bushels per day.
Recreation/Family Oyster Season opens November 1, 2013
Recreation/Family Limit is one half bushel per week.
No culling/piling seed in one area. Boat must always remain moving while culling.

Mr. Mayhew moved to approve the Shellfish Committee recommendations for Oyster and Bay Scallops as presented. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Doty spoke of the scallop seed relay plan proposed by the Shellfish Committee. This plan would reward participants an extra fishing day. Mr. Mayhew moved to approve the Shellfish Committee recommendation. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Shellfish Continued:
The proposal to close fishing quahogs in Clam Point Cove for a year and the reorganizing of the help position for the Shellfish Constable were postponed till next Selectmen’s meeting.

Menemsha Dredging:
Selectmen discussed the Army Corp of Engineers dredging model proposal. Discussion ensued.    
Mr. Mayhew said he would like at least 2 models to choose from. Mr. Carroll said Woods Hole Group was contacted by the Tribe to do a study and report a dredging plan with estimated cost of $14,557. Mr. Carroll said that the Tribe will pay $10,000 with $4,557.00 to be split between the towns of Aquinnah and Chilmark.

Selectmen asked to move forward with getting another report completed prior to dredging beginning.

Harbormaster Dennis Jason presented the review of the 2013 Menemsha Harbor season.
Mr. Jason said there were no accidents this summer, and the new floating docks were well received by the public. Mr. Jason said the floating docks are showing a little age already with loose screws and curling planks. But that the new floating docks worked very well. Mr. Jason said the elderly and kids found the floating dock easier to access from their boats.

Mr. Doty asked for the specifics on the revenues for 2012 and 2013 to be supplied to the Selectmen prior to January and the beginning of the budget hearings. Mr. Jason said he would get the information to them.  

Mr. Mayhew asked how securing the area around the dock at Crab Corner was working out.
Mr. Jason said he recommends having the Beach Committee staff the area with a life guard.
Mr. Doty supported this recommendation and said that the Beach staff budget was not fully utilized this past season and recommends this become the plan for 2014 season. Mr. Rossi said there should be two life guards in Menemsha.

Discussion turned to the 18/18 ruling area where kids can tie up a boat near “Crab Corner”.
Mr. Jason recommended reducing this to 14/14 that is 14 years old and no bigger than 14 foot boat. Mr. Jason said he would like to have better lattice work under the new dock area to keep kids from swimming and playing under the dock. Mr. Mayhew said make sure the lattice materials are included in your budget for next season so you have the work completed for the coming season.

Mr. Doty asked how the West Dock area was doing. Mr. Jason said that in the West Dock area they were able to create another slip and have received approximately 4 to5 thousand dollars more revenue from it.  Mr. Jason said that the parking lot on the West Dock needs to be shored up to keep it from being undermined. Mr. Doty said Kent Healy recommended driving rebar as close together as possible and fill behind it. Mr. Mayhew recommended using heavy plastic as a barrier along with this plan to replace the rotten wooden sheathing.

Harbor Continued…
Mrs. Maida said the lighting along the handy cap ramp were not on this summer. Discussion ensued. Mr. Doty said this winter the lighting needs to be maintained. Mr. Carroll recommended putting funds aside to have Mr. Karlinsky work on special maintenance next season.

Mr. Doty said the Town still has funds from the State to build the channel side transient dockage.
Mr. Carroll said that the funds are approximately$200,000.00
Mr. Jason said that he does not want a floating dock but a fixed dock instead. Mr. Carroll said there is a rigid dock there now and strongly recommends a floating dock instead.  Mr. Doty said this will be Phase IV will be transient dockage as the funding was issued for.

Mrs. Maida asked for the Town Report to reflect what the revues are for the harbor each year. Mr. Doty asked that this discussion be addressed at another date, but asked Mr. Carroll to supply Mrs. Maida with this request of revenues for the harbor.

Harbor Shack:
Mr. Jason said the drawn plan is 12 x 16 feet. The plans don’t show what he wants on the inside. Mr. Carroll said that the MVRHS building trades will estimate the cost of a shell and the Harbor can complete the interior the way they want. Mr. Jason said storage space is very important to include and wants to have a support beam down the middle that will support loft storage. Mr. Jason said the office space can be 16 x 6 feet and the other half will be for storage.  
Mr. Rossi recommended 8 x 16 for the office space.

Everett Poole did not want to see a porch facing the harbor. Mr. Poole was concerned that they were getting farther away from the Menemsha fishing village and moving toward a yacht dock.

Mr. Iacono of the Beach Committee asked if there will be beach storage in the shed. Mr. Jason said no but they can have the equivalent of what they have now the 4 foot wide lean-to.

Mr. Iacono recommended calling Salt Spray to get a quote and design. Mr. Doty asked that a plan for the basic 12 x 16 with a 12” pitch roof be estimated by both Salt Spray and Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Building Trades.

Harbor Boat:
The plan to sell the current harbor boat for a boat more suited for the harbor will be discussed at November 19, 2013 Selectmen’s meeting with an organized plan.

Solar Project Update:
Mr. Doty said the Town is still negotiating the Power Purchase Agreement and Lease agreement with Vineyard Power and town counsel. Mr. Carroll said the contract with Vineyard Power will save the town an estimated $3, 800 yearly. Mr. Yeomans discussed his concern of the pollution insurance coverage and lack of profit to the town.

Mr. Doty said this solar project will help support the green community idea in Massachusetts. Mr. Doty also said that there are not significant savings now but in 11 to 25 years it could be.

Solar Project Update Continued….
Mr. Carroll reported that he heard back from our insurance company and out of hundreds of policies there is just a single one with that kind of coverage and the estimate is $26,000.00 annually. Mr. Carroll also said that he reached out to all of the island towns and the towns that have responded do not require the pollution insurance coverage.

Mr. Carroll explained that if we insist on additional pollution insurance it makes this project unattainable. Mr. Rossi said he was comfortable with not having the additional insurance, saying we have limited risk from the solar panels. Mr. Mayhew agreed with Mr. Rossi on this issue.
Mr. Yeomans said that the legal work that Ron Rappaport and his office supplied is very well done with this project.

Police Department:
Police Chief Brian Cioffi requested that the Selectmen recognize the completion of 1 year probation for Officer Steve Pupek. Mr. Mayhew moved to accept Chief Cioffi’s recommendation
to appoint Mr. Pupek a regular employee. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Chief Cioffi asked that the Selectmen to sponsor Jared Stobie to the Police Academy this winter. Mr. Jared will work for the town this summer of 2014 unless he gets a full time job before then. There is a waiver and release to sign stating Chilmark will not pay anything and are not held responsible for anything. Mr. Stobie will pay for the academy out of his own pocket. Mr. Rossi said he will abstain as Mr. Stobie is his nephew.

Mr. Mayhew moved to sponsor Jared Stobie to the Police Academy. Mr. Doty Seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain  

Possible Conflict of Interest Disclosures:
Mr. Carroll said the Selectmen’s office has received COI forms from both Nan Doty and Jennifer Christy who are both appointed members to the MV Cultural Council. Mr. Doty said he will abstain from this his wife is Nan Doty.

Mr. Rossi moved to receive the COI forms. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain    

Insurance Services Office:
Mr. Carroll said that the ISO regraded Chilmark with a lower rating using the new Building Code Effectiveness Grading Program. The ISO sent a guide as to how to proceed in changing this grade; the Building Department can send a request an extension and organize the required information. Mr. Carroll asked if the Selectmen would approve this plan.

Mr. Mayhew moved to approve this plan. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Tri Town Ambulance:
Mr. Carroll said that the Tri town Ambulance Chief Zeke Wilkins has sent a written request asking the Selectmen to authorize trading in the LP-12 Cardiac Monitors and to appropriate new LP-15 CM through the Assistance to Firefighters Grant.

Mr. Rossi moved to authorize the trade in of the LP-12 CMs through the AFG. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Carroll said the TTA has requested replacement chase vehicles. Mr. Mayhew supported the plan of obtaining two chase vehicles having one new vehicle and a used one. Discussion ensued.
Mr. Doty said he would like a fuel efficient vehicle as a chase vehicle. Mr. Doty also recommended that money not spent on a warrant be given back to the Towns. Mr. Doty said this will be a warrant article on the Special Town Meeting Warrant; the town will make the decision.   

Special Town Meeting:
Mr. Carroll said that the DOR has not certified the town’s free cash yet but it has been filed. Discussion about possible warrant articles ensued.
OPEB; $100,000.00
Assessors ReVal $55,000
Harbor Shack estimated $20,000
Town Buildings Maintenance Custodian recommendations
Tri Town Ambulance chase vehicle
Highway maintenance
Treasurer disposal of tailing

Chilmark Community Center Floors:
Mr. Rossi Moved to have the Chilmark Community Center Advisory Committee move ahead with floor repairs to the CCC using joint maintenance funds. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Completion of warrant for Special Town Meeting was tabled till the next Selectmen’s meeting.

At 9:37 PM Mr. Rossi recommended to move into Executive Session to discuss land acquisition and not return to regular session. Mr. Mayhew: Aye, Mr. Rossi: Aye, Mr. Doty: Aye.
Tim Carroll also present. Meeting adjourned at 9:55PM  

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.                      Approved 11/19/13