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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 10/15/13
Chilmark Board of Selectmen     Meeting Minutes    October 15, 2013  

Present: Chairman Warren Doty, Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi, Tim Carroll,
Chuck Hodgkinson, Ron Rappaport, Alison Berger.

At 6:30 PM Chairman Doty called meeting to order in Conference Room 1
(Historical Commission Meeting ran late in the second floor Selectmen’s Meeting Room). Chairman Doty called for motion to go into Executive Session to discuss litigation strategy with town counsel and staff and to return to regular session.  So Voted:  Jonathan Mayhew: Aye, Bill Rossi: Aye, Warren Doty: Aye

At 7:00 PM Chairman Doty called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Present: Chairman Warren Doty, Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi, Tim Carroll,
Jonathan Revere and Remy Tumin.

Draft minutes from the Selectmen’s October 1, 2013 meeting were reviewed, two corrections were made. Mr. Rossi moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.  
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Town Finances:
Mr. Doty discussed an email he received from the Town Accountant Ellen Biskis. She has submitted the documents to the Department Of Revenue that are required for them to certify Free Cash. Mr. Carroll said that he would contact the Department Of Revenue if free cash wasn’t certified by Friday October 18, 2013.

Chilmark Road Paving Project Update:
White-Lynch started paving Tabor House Road Tuesday morning.  Mr. Carroll reported the paving plant had some difficulties with power and work was stopped at 3 PM.  He expected the trouble to have been corrected tonight and we would be back on track for the Tabor House paving to be completed this week.   

Paving down Menemsha Hill was scheduled for Monday-Thursday October 21-24th but could begin as early as Friday if Tabor House was completed Thursday.  White-Lynch has discovered that the North Road is 23 feet wide at the bottom of Menemsha Hill near the Gladys Flanders and Lobster Pot houses.  Their paving machine will only go up to 21 feet.  They have changed their plans and will pave one lane at a time with over-lapping off-set seams.  This means that the road will remain open to one-way traffic during the paving project.  

Chilmark Community Center
The Selectmen reviewed a request by Liz Whitham for the waiving of the building use fee to host a performance of Bread & Puppet Theater 50th Anniversary Cabaret at the Community Center on October 23rd at 7:30 PM.  The event includes a pot-luck dinner at 6:00 PM.  The performance will include “King Story” (1967 anti-war), “The Foot” (1982 no nukes), “Courage” (late 90’s), & “A Man Says Goodbye to His Mother” (Vietnam War era).  This will be a free public event.  Donations will be accepted.  

Chilmark Community Center Continued…
However, as long as there is not a “suggested donation” sign and someone collecting money at
the door, the Selectmen agreed to waive the building use fee.  The event will have to post the usual cleaning deposit. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Street Light Conversion Program
Mr. Carroll reported on the Cape Light Compact’s program to replace the 25 street lights the town has. The project requires the town to buy the lights from NSTAR and then have them converted to energy efficient LED cobra-head street lights.  A sample is on display near the Dairy Queen in Edgartown.  The annual cost for operations and maintenance is estimated at $0.39 per street light for the new LED fixtures.  They come with a 10 year warranty.  The vendor, who will be signed for successive 3 year contracts, will manage the lights for the town and handle any warranty claims or repairs. The LED fixtures should consume less than half of the $230/month electricity we pay for now. The Selectmen agreed to move forward with the program at their November 5th meeting.

Middle Line Road Rental Unit
Mr. Carroll reported that the first vacancy since opening the MLR Community Housing was available.  It is a 3 bedroom apartment at $1,250 a month.  Interested people should apply to the Dukes County Regional Housing Authority.  The apartment has a “Chilmark preference”.  The Selectmen agreed to advertise the vacancy. It is posted at Menemsha, the post office, the library, town hall, and Chilmark School. Mr. Mayhew abstained from discussion due to potential conflict
of interest.

Mr. Carroll reported on his meeting with the Housing Committee to establish a Memorandum of Understanding to control the distribution of any MLR rental revenue in excess of expenses.  The MOU will be presented for signatures on November 7th at the Housing Committee meeting.

Annual Town Meeting
The Selectmen chose April 28th 2014 as the date of the Annual Town Meeting.

Special Town Meeting
The Selectmen agreed to meet on October 29th 2013 at 7:00 PM for a special Selectmen’s meeting to vote a possible warrant for a Special Town Meeting on November 18th 2013 if Free Cash was certified by the Department Of Revenue in time.

Solar at Landfill
Chairman Doty reported on the status of the power purchase agreement and lease of land at the landfill for a photovoltaic array.  Vineyard Power is currently reviewing the comments from MIIA and Town Counsel.  

Department of Public Utilities
Selectman Mayhew asked if this petition by NSTAR would preclude others from entering into long term contracts for renewable energy.  Mr. Carroll said he did not believe so, but would contact Cape Light Compact to ask.

Other Post Employment Benefits
Chairman Doty remarked on the OPEB trust fund report in tonight’s packet.
Motion to Adjourn at 7:36 PM SO VOTED: 3 Ayes     Approved 11/05/13