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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 10/01/13
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    October 1, 2013   Meeting Minutes

Present: Warren Doty, Jonathan Mayhew, Bill Rossi, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Revere, Christine Flynn and Remy Tumin.

At 7:00 PM Chairman Doty called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes from the September 24, 2013 Selectmen’s meeting were reviewed, corrections were made. Mr. Rossi moved to approve minutes as corrected. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

D.A.S. Update:
Mr. Carroll gave an update of the plans for the distributed antenna system for Chilmark by American Tower. Mr. Carroll said ATC is building out their permits to improve service in Chilmark. The nodes will change slightly from a whip atop of the poll to a canister shaped like a poll top with a shorter whip on top. The overall height of node will not change. There will also be additional electrical boxes on each pole.

Squibnocket Beach Committee Update:
Mr. Rossi reported that there has not been change since the last report.

Solar Project:
Mr. Carroll said Vineyard Power submitted the Purchase Power Agreement and the Lease Agreement to the Town and town counsel is reviewing the documents prior to the Selectmen signing. Discussion ensued.

Chairman Doty requested a Selectmen’s Meeting be scheduled before the October 15, 2013 Selectmen meeting. Mr. Mayhew moved to hold a Selectmen meeting October 8, 2013 at 7:00PM. Agenda items were discussed. First item for the agenda is Solar Lease and PPA. The Selectmen discussed having the Menemsha Harbor end of 2013 season walk through then review at the 10/08/13 BOS Meeting. The harbor shack discussion was also put onto the agenda. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Mayhew recommended having the Harbor Advisory Committee join the October 8, 2013 meeting and to make it a joint meeting posting.  

Special Town Meeting:
Chairman Doty discussed the possibility of November 18, 2013 as the date for the STM.
Mr. Carroll said we are waiting to get confirmation from the Town Accountant that we have closed out FY13 prior to posting a STM.

Items for STM warrant were discussed; The OPEB funding of $100,000.00 that was postponed at ATM. Also the Assessors Revalue at $55,000.00 and building repairs to Town Building figures are being submitted by Custodian Rodney Bunker .

Menemsha Parking:
Chairman Doty reported about the meeting that he and Mr. Carroll had with the MVC representatives; Bill Veno, Mark London and Priscilla Leclerc in addressing the parking issue in and around Menemsha.

Mr. Carroll said that the MVC representative will define the problem in writing and get it back to the Selectmen to review.

School Advisory Committee:
Chilmark Selectmen received a notice from the Chilmark School Principal Stevens concerning the next item to address in the repairs to the Chilmark School. The next repair to be addressed is the copper roof at an estimate of $165,000.00.

Mr. Mayhew said this was not what he thought would be the next repair and recommended review of the Noblin Report.

Community Preservation Committee:
Chairman Doty said that this year island wide groups were seeking town CPC funds. Chairman Doty said that the Gayhead Light House committee is seeking $50,000.00. The Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation is seeking $100,000.00 to help restore the Hancock-Mayhew-Mitchell House in Quansoo. Mr. Carroll said that the District Court is seeking funds for the rewiring of the courthouse.

Mr. Rossi said that he believed Island Housing Trust would also be seeking funds to purchase building for rental units. Mr. Mayhew said we also need to think about Elderly Housing with the funds as well.  

Rescue 21:
Mr. Carroll explained that the USCG has a automatic yearly lease for the Selectmen to approve. Mr. Carroll said this lease is for the Radio Tower on Peeked hill. Mr. Carroll said this is a 20 year agreement with 12 more years to go.

Mr. Rossi moved to approve signing the year lease for the USCG Radio Tower on Peeked Hill. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Apology to Ron Minkin of MV Transit & Tours:
Mr. Carroll reported that the Selectmen’s office misidentified the tour van company and driver in an altercation that took place on the Menemsha Drive on Dock. The Selectmen apologized for this mistake and asked Mr. Carroll to pursue the proper persons about this matter.

MV TV Agreement:
Mr. Carroll presented the agreement from Martha’s Vineyard TV for the PEG programming funding. The Public, Educational and Government access agreement includes West Tisbury, Edgartown, Oak Bluffs, Aquinnah and Chilmark. Mr. Carroll said that Tisbury has withdrawn from this agreement and are negotiating with MVTV an independent agreement.
Mr. Mayhew moved to sign agreement. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Public Hearing / Community Development Strategy:
At 7:30 PM Chairman Doty called to order the public hearing for the Community Development Strategy for FY2014. Christine Flynn Economic and Affordable Housing Coordinator of the Martha’s Vineyard Commission spoke about the block grant program. The block grant program for FY14 will be grants available to aid in housing rehabilitations, Child care and Septic repair.

Mr. Doty said that the programs for housing and septic rehabilitation have been working very well for Chilmark but he would like to have the Child Care Subsidy work better for Chilmark.  Mr. Rossi said it might be a case were we need to reach out with this information to families with Children in Chilmark.

Mr. Doty asked that the CDS FY14 report page 2 referring to the right to farm is already addressed in our local bylaws. Mr. Mayhew recommended reaffirming that this farming exists rather than deleting from report. Ms Flynn said she would work on the wording and send to Executive Secretary Mr. Carroll for approval.

Mr. Doty said that the Solar Array going in at the landfill should also be included in this report. Mr. Modigliani sent an email to be included at this hearing tonight. Ms. Flynn said she is acknowledging this email a part of tonight’s hearing.   

Discussion continued.
At 7:45 PM the CDS hearing was closed.
Mr. Mayhew moved to approve the CDS with changes discussed tonight. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Carroll said that the paving project approved at ATM will begin after Columbus Day weekend. Discussion ensued. The plan so far is to pave Tabor House Road 16th, 17th and 18th.
Then on October 21st, 22nd and 23rd for DH Hill to Home Port Parking lot will be paved.

Chairman Doty said that the paving project could really affect the Menemsha businesses and asked that Mr. Carroll call and speak to the businesses that would be affected.
Mr. Doty also mentioned getting the Chilmark School paving project on the same time table. Mr. Rossi said that the School project still needs to be staked and viewed prior to paving.  

Elevator/ Lift  House Bill #2163:
Mr. Carroll said that our State Representative Tim Madden has submitted on our behalf House Bill # 2163 in response to our costly elevator inspection requirements.  The wording change would be “of lifts less than 20 vertical feet.”

Mr. Mayhew moved to submit testimony in favor of this change and support bill 2163. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

At 7:55 PM Chairman Doty moved to adjourn meeting. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase          Approved 10/15/13