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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 08/06/13
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    August 6, 2013   Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Jonathan Mayhew absent, Tim Carroll,
Clarissa Allen, David Norton, Jonathan Revere, Brian Cioffi, Spider Andresen, Karyn Pietruska,
Remy Tumin, Hank Goldberg, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Gollin, Jessica Rody, Mr. & Mrs. Levy,
David Gersh, Howard Pitch, Ralph Krause, Kathy Hoffman…

At 7:00 PM chairman Doty called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s meeting room.

Chairman Doty welcomed the Chilmark Town Affairs Council and summer residents to join in conversation and to request information on happenings in town.

Linda Levy said that she still has poor cell service with her AT & T account. Mr. Carroll said that she should complain to the carrier directly and request the carrier to install more nodes to the DAS system. Chairman Doty said the new system has been a terrific disappointment for him.

Paul Levy asked that the town office write a formal letter to the carrier companies. Mr. Carroll said yes, but the multiple individual requests are very important and have a lot of influence.

Chairman Doty asked if anyone had input on the new large house bylaw that was enacted in Chilmark this year. Ralph Krause said he was quite pleased with the new bylaw, delighted in fact.

Chairman Doty said this year the town of Chilmark voted to have semi preliminary tax billing and asked if there were concerns from anyone about this change.

Jim Gollin said the assessment changes on his property are not clear to him.
Town Assessor Clarissa Allen said that Mr. Gollin can come in to Town hall any Wednesday at 10:30 am when the Assessors have their scheduled meeting for assistance in any questions he might have.  Mrs. Allen also said the town has to reevaluate the assessments every three years; this causes changes to the assessments.

Jane Gollin said on a separate topic she noticed the beach attendants are not telling families to fill their holes dug into the sand when they leave. Assistant Beach Superintendent Karyn Pietruska said they will take care of this.

Mr. Doty said that since Hurricane Sandy there has been extensive meetings and planning concerning the erosion and access to the Squibnocket properties. Mr. Rossi reported on the Squibnocket Beach Committee meetings. The SBC is in negotiations and formulating a plan for accessing beach and properties that all parties can agree to submit at Town Meeting.

Ralph Krause asked if there where any plans for Lucy Vincent. Mr. Krause said that a friend of his had walked down the beach and when he came back there was a section of the cliff that had fallen down onto the beach. Mr. Krause asked if the guards are taking precautions to safeguard the area. Ms. Pietruska said that they put up signage and tape off dangerous areas.

David Gersh asked about the water quality in the Chilmark Pond. Clarissa Allen said that the Land Bank test the water, she recommended giving them a call. Linda Levy said she really enjoys kayaking in the Squibnocket Pond but is not able to access it due to the reeds. Mrs. Allen said that the Conservation Commissioners have been meeting concerning the phragmites (the reeds blocking the access to the pond) looking for an alternative to the Round Up pesticide use.

Howard Pitch of Bijahs Way asked for Meeting House Road and Tea Lane to be re-graded. Mr. Doty said that the roads are graded more than once a year. Mr. Doty said he will contact Highway Superintendant Keith Emin and make sure it is re-graded.

Kathy Hoffman of Harding Hill asked what the restrictions are to access to South Road and pond area due to the President vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard. Mr. Doty said he is opposed to the closing of South Road and encouraged people to contact the White House at (202) 456-1111 to let them know how badly effected we will be by closing the road. Mr. Doty said the road closure is expected to be from August 10th -18th.

Police Chief Cioffi said that there will be message board signs directing drivers through the detours.

At 7:35 pm Chairman Doty thanked the CTAC for their participation in the meeting tonight.

Draft minutes from Selectmen’s meeting on July 16, 2013 were reviewed, a correction was made. Mr. Rossi moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes

Draft minutes from Selectmen’s meeting on July 22, 2013 were reviewed. Mr. Rossi moved to approve minutes as written. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes

Chilmark School Repairs:
Mr. Rossi reported that the drainage re-grading project was awarded to White-Lynch Brothers, with a bid of $76,000.00.

Mr. Rossi said the contractors met with the CSR committee today and an addition of plastic ADS piping will be done to contain the wood chips. The Contractors are scheduled to start August 12, 2013.

Squibnocket Beach Committee:
Mr. Rossi said that this was discussed earlier tonight and added the committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Thursday August 8, 2013.

Vineyard Health Care Access Program:
The VHCAP sent a Memorandum of Understanding to the Selectmen for their signatures. Mr. Rossi said he had no problem signing this MOU as the Vineyard Health Care Access Program offers benefits to residents of Chilmark. Mr. Doty moved to approve and sign MOU. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes
Dukes County Advisory Board:
Mr. Rossi said that the county will be issuing another payback to each town totaling another $150,000.00. Chilmark will get a smaller portion but similar to the one earlier this year.

Walsdorf Sign Request:
Mr. Carroll said he received a request from Christine and Mick Walsdorf who purchased and live currently at 11 Greenhouse Lane. The property includes deeded access to Quitsa Pond. To access the pond they and the children have to cross State Road from their driveway and because of the blind turns approaching from both directions, would like to request "Slow, children crossing" signs for both eastbound and westbound approaches on State Road.

Mr. Rossi moved to write to Mass. Highway and request the “Slow Children” signs to be posted on State Road at location mentioned. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes

Insurance Services Office:  
Mr. Carroll said Insurance Services Office is responsible for evaluating all jurisdictions that have
a building code enforcement department. Mr. Doty asked Mr. Carroll to set up an appointment with our building inspector Lenny Jason and their representative.

Special Town Meeting:
Selectmen discussed posting Special Town Meeting for September 30, 2013.
Draft Articles were discussed. Mr. Carroll said that there were items deferred to this draft warrant from the draft articles of Annual Town Meeting. Assessor’s re- evaluation cost is approximately 50,000.00. The OPEB of $100,000.00. Also harbor shack, Tri Town Ambulance chase car, Air conditioner updates for Chilmark Town Hall, and also a shortfall to the DCCRS of $20,762.00. Mr. Carroll said that this is a shortfall that the treasurer can explain to the Selectmen. Harbor shack plans and cost figures will also be presented to the town at STM.

Mr. Doty said this looks to be approximately $250,000.00 we will have to have the free cash finalized prior to STM.

Mr. Andresen said he will have the preliminary design and cost of new harbormaster shack for the BOS August 27th meeting.  

Mr. Carroll said that the owners of Menemsha Inn and Beach Plum Inn are requesting to have liquor licenses in Chilmark. Mr. Carroll said he will post this in the newspaper for discussion at the Selectmen’s August 27, 2013 meeting to start at 7:30 PM.

Chairman Doty said that he needs to know that this is an issue that the residents of Chilmark are interested in pursuing prior to having a posted hearing on liquor licensing.

Mr. Rossi said that this August 27th meeting will give us input and find out if it’s just an individual’s interest.    

Town Bounds:
Mr. Carroll presented the MGL on Town Bounds: The boundary markers of every town
shall be located, the marks thereon renewed, and the year located marked upon the face thereof which bears the letter of the town locating its boundary, once every five years, by at least two of the selectmen of the town or by two substitutes designated by them in writing. The marking shall be made with paint or other suitable marking material. The proceedings shall be recorded with the town clerk and the board of selectmen of the town in writing signed under penalty of perjury setting forth which boundary marks were located, and those which were not located. A copy of such records shall also be sent, by registered letter, to the town clerk and the board of selectmen of any contiguous town.
Mr. Doty moved to have Mr. Carroll and Mr. Rossi examine the bounds. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes

Schedule Selectmen’s Meeting:
Chairman Doty said that the August 20, 2013 regular scheduled meeting will not work and proposed to have the next meeting August 27, 2013 instead. Selectmen agreed to have meeting at 7:30 PM August 27, 2013

Chapter 77:
Mr. Carroll said that the Chapter 77 transfers discussion should be postponed. The Accountant is finalizing figures that are still coming in.

Chairman Doty said that our accountant Ellen Biskis is doing a terrific job and working extremely hard at getting the town accounting very organized.

Police Department:
Chief Cioffi asked for the Selectmen to appoint “Spider” Edward Andresen as a volunteer Special Officer. Mr. Andresen completed all the requirements and on his final exam from the police academy earned a 97. Mr. Rossi was very pleased and thanked Mr. Andresen
Chairman Doty said that he would like to make it clear to have the Seasonal Employee status we have worked very diligently to follow is kept up. Mr. Andresen said he is working pro bono after September 4, 2013 for the Harbor Department.

Mr. Carroll said he will contact our insurer for the town (MIIA) to be sure a volunteer has insurance coverage.

Mr. Rossi moved to appoint Edward “Spider” Andresen with gratitude as a volunteer Special Officer. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes

Chief Cioffi said that the Selectmen had asked the department heads to review their budget and see if it is running as budgeted. Chief Cioffi wanted to report that after reviewing police budget there is an extra $2,200.00 in the budget which reflects the departure of an officer who was at a higher pay level than the new hire.

Chairman Doty said he would like to sit down with each of the big departments (Harbor, Police, Beach) and review the budget to be sure they are on target.

At 8:18 PM Chairman Doty requested to move into Executive Session to discuss security issues with Chief Cioffi and not to return to regular session. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
Mr. Doty: Aye, Mr. Rossi: Aye. Mr. Carroll and Chief Cioffi also present.

Executive Session adjourned at 8:48 PM
Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase                  Approved 8/27/13