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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06/18/13
Chilmark & Aquinnah Board of Selectmen Joint Meeting June 18, 2013 Minutes
Present: Chairman Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Jonathan Mayhew. Tim Carroll, Jonathan Revere, Aquinnah Board of Selectmen: Spencer Booker and Beverly Wright. Adam Wilson, Margaret Maida, Remy Tumin, Brian Vanderhoop, Susan Murphy, Matthew Mayhew, Isabel Smith, Mary Owen, Sam Hiser, Enid Haller and John Rubin.

At 7:30 pm Chairman Doty called the meeting to order in the Chilmark Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Chairman Doty said that at tonight’s meeting with Aquinnah he would like to discuss management of the Creek Lots. Mr. Doty said that both towns have had an understanding that the lots that share property on both towns will remain managed by the towns as they always have been. Aquinnah Selectmen Beverly Wright said there is a new assistant assessor who was unaware of the towns’ agreement.

Mrs. Wright said as far as she was concerned the Aquinnah Board of Selectmen are in agreement with Chilmark BOS that the Creek Lots will remain managed and assessed by the town they have been assessed by. Aquinnah Selectmen Spencer Booker said that the Aquinnah Selectmen have no regulatory power over the Board of Assessors but would strongly recommend to the board of Assessors that they not assess the Creek Lots that straddle both towns.

Mr. Rossi moved that Lot A (now leased to Vernon Welch) & Lot F (now leased to Brian Vanderhoop) be assessed as they have been for many years passed. Mr. Rossi said approval of these leases has the condition that Aquinnah Assessors assess the Creek Lots that straddle towns be assessed as they have in the past.  Mr. Doty seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Abstain Mr. Mayhew is a Creek Lot Lessee

Mr. Doty said we are letting you the Aquinnah Selectmen know of the transfer of Creek Lot lease from father to son Dennis Jason. Mr. Carroll said he would prepare this information for the Aquinnah selectmen to review at their next meeting.  

Mr. Doty proposed a need to follow-up with the dredging plan for Menemsha Channel. The dredging plan proposed by FEMA and the USACE could be completed as proposed at no extra cost to the Towns in the fall of 2014. Mr. Doty said that there is a Tribe Grant proposed for joint management plan for Menemsha Pond. Mr. Doty said that joint management is important to safeguard our local shell fishing industry. Brian Vanderhoop the Aquinnah Shellfish Constable spoke to the development of this plan.

Discussion turned to the water line leaks on Boathouse Road in the Menemsha area that Chilmark, Aquinnah and USCG share. Mr. Doty said that these leaks are being seen to by the Menemsha Water Company and the costs are to be covered by the users of the lines

Mr. Mayhew said that he would like to have the pilings on the shoreline of Buddy Vanderhoop’s lot dealt with. Some are unusable; they need to be removed before they become torpedoes in a storm.   

Joint Chilmark & Aquinnah Selectmen Meeting Continued:
Mr. Doty said Chilmark is considering a solar array project and asked if Aquinnah could share their Photovoltaic process. Adam Wilson said it’s been an outstanding success. They have 10% savings on annual electric bill.      

Mr. Carroll said he would like to follow-up with DAS fiber connection of public buildings with Aquinnah. Mr. Wilson and Carroll will work on this and update Aquinnah Selectmen at a later date.

Draft minutes from the June 4, 2013 Selectmen’s Meeting were reviewed. Corrections were made to the draft minutes. Mr. Rossi moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

MV Lyme Project Bicycle Ride:
Sam Hiser and Enid Haller directors of MV Lyme Center are present to request permission to hold an awareness bicycle ride this August 18, 2013. Enid Haller said that they are coordinating this ride with a book reading at the Chilmark Church. Mr. Carroll said that the Church was concerned with the bicycle traffic on their property and recommended using the Chilmark Town Hall parking lot since this event will be held on a Sunday.

Mr. Doty said he would be willing to approve this request with the condition that MV Lyme contact and get approval from both Police Chiefs in West Tisbury and Chilmark. Mr. Rossi moved to approve bicycle ride with the condition stated. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

MV Youth Leadership Initiative Beach Walk:
Isabel Smith and Mary Owen both MVRHS juniors were present to request that the Selectmen approve a beach walk for Saturday June 22, 2013 from 10:00 am to noon. Ms. Smith said that this will be the fourth year that the Selectmen have allowed their group to walk and take photographs at Lucy Vincent Beach as part of the MV Youth Leadership Workshop.

Mr. Rossi moved to approve permission for this MV Youth Leadership beach walk. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Beach Filming Request:
Mr. John Rubin of Falmouth and Cambridge filming company is present to request permission to film on Lucy Vincent Beach the second week of July. Mr. Rubin said he is making a short video for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, a non-profit organization that funds scientific research and education. Mr. Rubin said Lucy Vincent Beach has a rare resemblance to a beach in Argentina where Charles Darwin found a significant fossil.

Mr. Doty said though this seems like an interesting project he is not approving this request. The Selectmen don’t allow filming from June 15th - September 15th.

Beach Filming Request Continued:
Mr. Rossi recommended Mr. Rubin seek permission from private beach owners. Mr. Rubin thanked Selectmen for their consideration and will seek permission from a private beach owner.

Ark Media Squibnocket Filming Request:
Mr. Carroll said that Ark Media has withdrawn this request.

Zoning Board of Appeals Court Appeal:
Mr. Carroll said that the ZBA decision to uphold the Zoning Officer’s decision to not allow the use of herbicides in the Squibnocket Pond District. The ZBA has been appealed by Charles Parker. Mr. Carroll has asked for permission to defend the ZBA decision.

Mr. Rossi moved to grant permission for town counsel to defend the ZBA decision. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mosquito Testing:
The Chilmark Board of Health is requesting permission to spend up to $2,000.00 of the Pest Management Budget on mosquito testing this season. Mr. Rossi moved to grant permission for up to $2,000.00 of the Pest Management Budget to be spent on mosquito testing. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

FirstNet Support Letter:
Chilmark Selectmen’s office received a draft letter from Emergency Management of Martha’s Vineyard to be sent to William Keating’s office urging ComCast & NSTAR to allocate 2 fibers of their new cable to public safety. The County is hoping Selectmen will sign and endorse. Mr. Carroll said this is a request to have fiber connection for emergency connectivity. Mr. Rossi said he was not prepared to sign letter till he had a chance to understand the content of this request. No action was taken at this time.
FEMA Flood Insurance Program:
FEMA has supplied Chilmark with updated Flood Maps. Mr. Carroll said that Chilmark is not part of the FEMA Flood Program. Mr. Carroll said that the last time FEMA sent out this data he and Rusty Walton reviewed the plans for accuracy. Mr. Carroll said he is not qualified to review these maps and if the Selectmen are interested in joining the FEMA Flood Insurance Program within the next 5 years they will need to be reviewed by a qualified person who knows Chilmark well. No action was taken at this time.

Chilmark School Repairs Update:
Mr. Rossi reported on the meeting he had with engineer Reid Silva from Vineyard Land Surveying. Mr. Rossi said Mr. Silva recommended a porous cement to replace entryways and numerous other drainage improvements. Mr. Rossi said a comprehensive plan and specifications packet should be ready by Friday June 21, 2013.  Mr. Rossi said the repairs to the drainage at the Chilmark School would likely begin the second week of August.

Mr. Doty recommended that this packet be made available to qualified island contractors who might not see listing in the Central Registry.
Chilmark School Repairs Continued:
Mr. Doty recommended supplying the Superintendent of Schools office a list of qualified island contractors to supply the specifications packet to.   

Squibnocket Beach Committee Update:
Mr. Rossi reported that negotiations are still in process concerning the road and parking lot. But that the resurfacing is planned for June 25, 2013. Mr. Rossi asked that the public be notified that there will not be access to the properties or beach during the resurfacing on June 25, 2013.

DAS Fiber:
Mr. Rossi moved to have Mr. Carroll pursue the Fiber connection of Town facilities utilizing the funds held by ATC for the DAS program. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Molly Flender’s Housing Trust:
Mr. Carroll said the Housing Committee has sent a request for the Selectmen to appoint Housing Trust members as follows: Board of Selectmen representative; Bill Rossi. The Housing Committee representative; Sheila Muldaur. The Planning Board representative; Janet Weidner. The FinCom representative; Bruce Golden. And the at large member; Andrew Goldman.

Mr. Mayhew moved to approve the recommendations and appoint members as recommended. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 ayes

Mr. Doty moved to appoint Warren Doty and Jonathan Mayhew as alternates to the Dukes County Advisory Board. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 ayes

Selectmen said that they need documentation of lifeguard certification to appoint Beach Superintendent at their next meeting July 2, 2013.

Tri Town Ambulance Update:
Mr. Carroll said that the Tri town is seeking a new ambulance through a collective purchasing group. Mr. Carroll said that joining this coop can save up to 10% off the purchases of equipment needed for the ambulance. The cost estimate to replace ambulance now is $176,549.00. Aquinnah Town Administrator Adam Wilson said their portion of funds would be available after July 1, 2013.

Mr. Mayhew moved to approve purchasing ambulance as funds become available. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 ayes

Peaked Hill:
Mr. Carroll said he is seeking, with Selectmen approval, an Emergency Management grant to mount an antenna on Peaked Hill to communicate with the mainland (800 MHz on a repeater).
Mr. Rossi moved to allow this antenna installation at Peaked Hill. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Solar Array Update:
Mr. Carroll said the Selectmen’s office has a draft RFP for Solar Array at our landfill. Selectmen reviewed draft and asked that Mr. Carroll proceed to send this to town counsel and the DOER. Mr. Carroll said that Finance Advisory Board member Frank Yeomans recommended a bond be required to cover any damages to the cap of the land fill.

Mr. Rossi approved the draft with a condition that Town counsel approves this RFP.
Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Harbor Update:
Mr. Carroll said that there will be an electrician testing and fixing the older electrical pedestals on the Basin Road side of the docks. Concrete fill in the West Dock piles still needs to be completed. The telephone company will be coming to hookup the lines for West Dock slips this Friday.

Rising Sea Level:
Mr. Hodgkinson sent a memo about a proposed July 11, 2013 presentation about rising sea level in the Chilmark Selectmen’s meeting Room.

Photo Copier Town Hall:
Mr. Carroll said that the Town Hall is ready for the new copier. He is waiting to receive final pricing from DaRosa’s and Advanced Imaging.

Mr. Doty said he would like to schedule a meeting about the report from Mass Estuaries and the letter from Kent Healy on the subject.

Mr. Doty asked for a roll call to move into Executive Session to discuss Land Acquisition and to not return to regular session. Mr. Mayhew: Aye, Mr. Rossi: Aye, Mr. Doty: Aye. Mr. Carroll was also present.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.                         Approved 7/16/13