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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06/04/13
Chilmark Board of Selectmen   June 4, 2013   Meeting Minutes
Present: Chairman Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Jonathan Mayhew, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Revere,
Jane Slater, Ebba Hierta, Jane Kaplan, Janet Weidner, Jennifer Christy, Richard Andre,
David Norton, Reid Silva and Remy Tumin.

At 7:30 pm Chairman Doty called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes from May 21, 2013 were reviewed. Corrections were made to draft minutes.
Mr. Rossi moved to approve minutes as corrected. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Public Hearing:
At 7:33 pm Chairman Doty opened the public hearing about propane storage on 44 Cobb’s Hill Road. Reid Silva of Vineyard Land Surveying presented information to the Selectmen of the storage tanks; their capacity and location.

Chairman Doty said that he met with Fire Chief Norton and the State Fire Marshal Coan pertaining to this issue. The State allows for the Fire Chiefs to approve tanks up to 2,000 on a property. The 44 Cob’s Hill property has a significant amount more. State Fire Marshal Coan explained to Mr. Doty he did not have a problem with this storage it is more common on the mainland but that the Selectmen must approve a permit for this amount of propane storage.  

At 7:42 pm Chairman Doty closed public hearing. Mr. Rossi moved to issue license for what is presently in the ground today at 44 Cobb’s Hill. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chilmark School Repairs:
Reid Silva said he met with Chilmark School Principal Stevens yesterday during the rain to observe the drainage problems. Mr. Rossi said that the goal is to be complete with the drainage improvements by Labor Day 2013. Mr. Rossi will continue updating the town as the School Repairs Committee work on through the plans.

Joint Meeting with Library Trustees:
Library Director Ebba Hierta said that Trustee Norman Freed is unable to attend tonight’s meeting due to a death in the family. Mr. Doty said that the Library Trustees and Selectmen are holding a joint meeting at this time to hear nominations and elect a replacement to the Library Trustees that Jane Slater is retiring from. The Trustees have recommended Jane Kaplan to the position on the Library Trustees Board.

Bill Rossi nominated Jane Kaplan to replace exiting Jane Slater on the board of Chilmark Library Trustees. Nominations were closed. Election was held. Mr. Mayhew voted for Jane Kaplan, Mr. Doty voted for Jane Kaplan, Mr. Rossi  voted for Jane Kaplan, Janet Weidner voted for Jane Kaplan, Jane Slater voted for Jane Kaplan. Mr. Carroll said 5 votes for Jane Kaplan to fill Jane Slater’s position that she resigned from effective June 15, 2013.

Library Trustees Continued:
Ebba Hierta announced that the Library will host an appreciation party for Jane Slater Tuesday June 11, 2013 from 4:00 pm -5:00 pm.

The Selectmen thanked Jane Slater for her many years serving on various town committees.

Local Government Day:
Town Clerk Jennifer Christy is present to inform the Selectmen of the Local Government Day for the Chilmark second and third grade students. Ms. Christy said there will be 24 students and 4 teachers coming to the Chilmark Town Hall at 11:15 am June 11, 2013.  Ms. Christy said that the students are looking forward to meeting the Selectmen them and asking some questions. Mr. Rossi said he was sorry he will not be available to come. Selectmen Doty and Mayhew said they are looking forward to this event.  

Creek Lot Lease:
Selectmen’s office received a notice from Aquinnah Selectmen’s office requesting Chilmark Selectmen’s approval of Creek Lot Lease to Brian Vanderhoop. Discussion ensued. Mr. Mayhew asked that the Chilmark and Aquinnah Selectmen have a joint meeting to clarify some issues.   

The consensus was that the Selectmen did not have issue with Aquinnah issuing lease to Brian Vanderhoop. Mr. Carroll was requested by the Selectmen to write a letter addressing the Aquinnah Selectmen about getting together about lease transfers and clarifications from their assessors. .

Squibnocket Parking Lot:
Mr. Rossi said that the committee will review proposed access design, the goal is to have the design by the end of the month. Resurfacing the parking lot was discussed. Mr. Mayhew moved to approve spending up to $9,000.00 to resurface the Squibnocket Parking lot with soil cement.
Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Solar Array at Chilmark Landfill:
Richard Andre is present from Vineyard Power to follow up on the land fill solar array.
Mr. Andre said that the State DOER has removed the incentives as they have reached the 400 megawatts. Mr. Andre said that the town of Chilmark needs to move quickly to get on a waiting list for the DOER.  Discussion ensued. Selectmen’s office will have a draft RFP ready for their June 18, 2013 meeting.

Menemsha Parking Lot:
Mr. Carroll gave an update on the painting of the parking spaces at Menemsha. The changes proposed are to move the center parking area 3 feet closer to the harbor, to reduce loading zones in front of both the gas station and comfort station. Mr. Fullin has estimated the cost to be $2,200
to sweep and paint the parking spaces.

Harbor Walk Through:
The annual beginning of season walk through will be Friday June 7, 2013 at 9:00am.

Menemsha Harbor Phase 3 Update:
Mr. Doty said that the concrete still needs to be put into the steel extensions to the West Dock pilings.  There still needs to be a round ADA handrail installed on the wood ramp by ASI. Fall River Electrical Associates has closed out their contract. Bellingham Marine has also closed out their contract.

Beach Appointments:
Superintendent Mastromonaco endorsed by Chairman of Beach Committee supplied staff list: (Last names first)
Assistant Superintendent
Fitzgerald Liane, Pietruska Karyn, Rodegast Stuart, Tobin Emma
Sticker Sales Fecitt Nicholas, Gardner Griffin, Goreham Rebecca, Gray Lauren, Hurwitz William and Paulson Naomi
Gate Guard Carroll Lloyd, Gillies Edward, Graham James, Hurwitz William, Pietruska Sandra, Rossi Joe, Schwab Bennett, Selderholm Luke, Tobin Emma, Estes Connor, Fielder David,Fitzgerald Liane, Gardner Griffin
Parking Attendant Chapman Cooper, Fielder Bradley, Fecitt Nicholas, Hurwitz William, Osnoss Oren, Poole Benjamin, Rossi Joe
Lifeguard Brown Robert, Davies Sydney, Estes Connor, Fielder David, Fitzgerald Liane, Gardener Griffin, Gillies Edward, Gorham Rebecca, Gray Lauren, Hurwitz William, Iverson Leif, Osnoss Oren, Rodegast Stuart, Rossi Joe.
Mr. Rossi said his son was on this list. Mr. Mayhew moved to approve and appoint positions as listed. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes 1 Abstain (Mr. Rossi)  

Shellfish Constable Request:
Shellfish Constable Isaiah Scheffer has sent a request to the Selectmen’s Office requesting permission to hire a temporary Assistant Constable. Mr. Bassett has injured his back (not on town job) and is unable to assist at this time. Mr. Rossi moved to approve this request from Shellfish Constable to hire a temporary assistant. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

At 8:45 pm chairman Doty suggested to go into Executive Session to discuss investigation with police chief Cioffi and not return to regular session. Mr. Mayhew: Aye, Mr. Rossi: Aye,
Mr. Doty: Aye. Also present were Tim Carroll and Brian Cioffi. Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.            Approved 07/18/13