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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 05/21/13
Chilmark Board of Selectmen     May 21, 2013   Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Doty, Bill Rossi, Jonathan Mayhew, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Revere,
Anna Merhalski, Dennis Barquinero, Frank Lo Russo, Judith Lo Russo, Jane Greene,
Max McCreery, Joan Malkin, Leslie Clapp, Frank Fenner, Brian Cioffi.

Draft minutes from May 7, 2013 were reviewed, a correction was made. Mr. Rossi moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

MVFF / Cinema Circus Parking Plan, 2013 Season:
Anna Merhalski production manager for the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival and the Cinema Circus presented the Selectmen the parking plan for the 2013 season. An extensive plan created by Ms. Merhalski with diagrams of where parking would be was reviewed. Discussion ensued.

Mr. LoRusso asked Ms. Merhalski to make sure she speaks with Jenna of the Chilmark Tavern concerning the parking. Ms. Merhalski confirmed she would.

Ms. Merhalski said that she will have the paid parking attendants work with parking Library event attendees as well and to have the senior residents parking as close to the library as possible. They will utilize their hand held radios to assist in this plan.

Chairman Doty said he appreciated the effort that Ms. Merhalski put into the plans this year.
Mr. Doty said that with the Library and the MVFF / Cinema Circus parking both for events on Wednesday nights if this years plan does not work one will need to move to another night.

Island Center for Living:
Director Leslie Clapp presented information to the Selectmen concerning the possible County Building site at the Airport that could share space with Supportive Day Program. Now the program has 2 days in the Tisbury Senior Center and 2 days in Edgartown. The program serves 18 individuals with a waiting list. Discussion ensued. Ms. Clapp said she would keep the Chilmark Selectmen updated as meeting progress.

Beach Plum Inn Update:
Inn Manager Dennis Barquinero was present to address the upgrades made to the “Gazebo” which was causing noise complaints from Menemsha neighbors. The Gazebo is where the Inn holds receptions and entertainment with live music. The Inn owners have sealed the windows closed and closed in three sides of the Gazebo in order to subdue the noise.

Mr. Barquinero said this Memorial Day weekend will be a trial weekend to test their sound limiting. They have an event scheduled and will test to evaluate the improvements.

Mr. Barquinero said if this is still not sufficient the owners have looked into noise reduction curtains but they are very costly estimated at $3,000.00 each.

Chilmark Town Staff Appointments:
Tim Carroll read the list for the police department appointments:

Police Chief                            Brian A. Cioffi
Police Sergeant                         Jonathan P. Klaren
Detective I Patrolman                   Sean R. Slavin
Patrolman                               Elizabeth Elwell
Patrolman                               Steven Pupek
Special Police Officers                 Matthew Bradley
Marshall E. Carroll, III
Timothy R. Carroll
John Collins
Daniel Durawa
Timothy S. Rich
Brett P. Stearns
                                        William Fiedler
                                        Elizabeth Hourihan
Whitney Hyde
Jared Stobie

Traffic Officer                         Kevin Burchill

Special Police Officers- WTPD
Daniel Rossi
Jeffrey Manter
Matthew Mincone
Daniel Gouldrup
Garrison Vieira
Leonard deOlivera
James Neville
Rusty Ventura
Matthew Gebo
Special Police Officers - APD
Randhi Belain
Paul Manning
Steven Mathias
David Murphy

Mr. Doty said that there are new police officers this year. Chief Cioffi said that he has two new officers that he will bring to future Selectmen’s meeting for the Selectmen to meet. Elizabeth Hourihan and Jared Stobie are the new hires for the police department. Mr. Rossi said that Jared Stobie is his nephew. The Selectmen accepted this disclosure.

Mr. Rossi moved to appoint the police department as listed. Mr.Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Executive Secretary Tim Carroll presented the Selectmen with annual staff appointment list:

Coordinator of Admin. Support           Chuck Hodgkinson
Asst. Assessor                                  Pam Bunker
Admin. Asst./Insp. Board of Health              Marina Lent
Admin Asst. Planning                            Jennifer L. Christy
Admin Asst. Human Resource Board                Jennifer L. Christy
Admin Asst. Housing                             Marina Lent
Asst. to Exec.Sec. & Receptionist               Diana DeBlase   
Collector of Taxes                              Jessica Bradlee
Town Clerk                                      Jennifer L. Christy
Asst. Town Clerk                                Diana DeBlase, Jessica Bradlee & Tim Carroll
Building Inspector                              Leonard Jason Jr.
Burial Agent                                    Marina Lent
                                                Jessica Bradlee, Alternate
Cemetery Superintendent                 Jennifer Morgan         
Emergency Management    Director:       Tim Carroll
                                Deputy:         Marina Lent
Conservation Officer                            Chuck Hodgkinson
Asst. Constable                         Timothy S. Rich
Custodian                                       Rodney Bunker
Janitor                                         Marjorie Hayes
Dog Officer                                     Chris Murphy
Asst. Dog Officers                              Joan Jenkinson & Alan Healy
Executive Secretary                             Tim Carroll     
Fire Chief                                      David Norton
Asst. Fire Chief                                Tim Carroll
Admin. Asst. Fire Dept.                         Martina Mastromonaco
Forest Warden                                   David Norton
Gas & Plumbing Inspector                        George Apostolides
Assistant Inspector of Plumbing         William Haynes & Michael Ciancio
Assistant Gas Inspector                 Michael Ciancio
Inspector of Wires                              Cole Powers
Asst. Inspector of Wires                        David Schwab
Harbor Master                           Dennis Jason
Library Director                                Ebba Hierta
Youth Services Librarian/Asst. Library Director Kristen Maloney
Assistant Librarian                             Irene Tewksbury
Library Assistant                               Ellen Bunch
Circulation Assistant                           Judy Mueller
Circulation Assistant                           Olivia Larsen
Moth Superintendent                             Keith Emin
Superintendent of Streets                       Keith Emin
Shellfish Constable                             Isaiah Scheffer
Asst. Shellfish Constable                       Jacob Bassett
Mr. Rossi moved to approve staff list as listed. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Committee and Commission Appointments:
TITLE                                   NAME of Expiring Members        Term    

Election Officials                              Bette F. Carroll                        1
                                                R. Samuel Carroll                       1

Registrars                                      Susan M. Heilbron
                                                Judy G. L. Mayhew
                                                Laurisa D. Rich
Mr. Rossi moved to appoint the election officials and registrars as listed. Mr.Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Martha’s Vineyard Commission            Joan Malkin             2013    June 1 -December 31
Mr. Rossi moved to appoint Ms. Malkin to the MV Commission starting June 1, 2013. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Board of Appeals                                Chris Murphy    2017            4
                                                Wendy Weldon    2018            5
                                                Russell Maloney 2016            3

BOA Alternates                          Allen Healy                                             
                                                Todd Christy

Tim Carroll said that there are still 3 vacancies on the alternates for the ZBA.
Mr. Rossi moved to appoint the Board of Appeals and alternates as listed. Mr.Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Conservation Commission                 Candy Shweder           3       2016    
                                                Joan Malkin                     3       2016    
Con. Comm. Associate Member             Chris Murphy                                                                                                             
Mr. Rossi moved to appoint the Conservation Commission and alternates as listed. Mr.Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chilmark Council on Aging. This position is unfilled at this time.

Harbor Advisory Committee                       Andy Goldman                                    
Everett Poole                                           
Scott McDowell                                  
Jeffrey Maida
John Armstrong                                  
Mr. Rossi moved to appoint the Harbor Advisory Committee as listed. Mr.Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Historical Committee                            Leonard Jason Jr                2016            3       
                                                Bette Carroll                   2016            3               
Park & Recreation Comm.                         Tim Carroll     
Andy Goldman                                    
                                                Warren Doty
Julie Flanders                                            
Jane Slater                                             
Mr. Rossi moved to appoint the Harbor Advisory Committee as listed. Mr.Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Human Resource Board member Frank LoRusso is up for re appointment. Mr. Doty said that Mr. Steven Flanders has written requesting to be appointed as member to the HRB.

Max McCreery read a letter of support for Frank Lo Russo to be re appointed. Ms. Greene said she also supports re appointing Mr. Lo Russo to the position on the HRB. Mr. Fenner spoke in favor of re appointing Mr. Lo Russo as well. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Mayhew moved to appoint Mr. Flanders to the Human Re source Board. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes, 1 Nay (Mr. Rossi)

Human Resource Board (1)                        Steven B. Flanders               2016           3
Shellfish Advisory Committee            Matt Mayhew                     2016            3                                                       Dennis M. Jason         2016            3
                                                Wayne Iacono            2015            2               

Mr. Rossi moved to appoint the Shellfish Advisory Committee as listed. Mr.Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Joint Transportation Comm.                      Dan Greenbaum           
        Non-Voting Alternate            Keith Emin                                      

Mr. Rossi moved to appoint the Joint Transportation Committee as listed. Mr.Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Rossi said he would be willing to sit on the Housing Committee Board.  
Housing Committee       BOS Appt.               Andy Goldman                                    
BOS Appt.               William Randol
BOS Appt.               Bill Rossi                                      
DCRHA           Anne Wallace    
Mr. Rossi moved to appoint the Housing Committee as listed. Mr.Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes                     
Beach Committee                         Jen A. Wlodyka,                                         
Clarissa Allen                                  
Pam Bunker                                              
Kristin Maloney                                 
                                                Wayne Iacono                                            
Mr. Rossi moved to appoint the Beach Committee as listed. Mr.Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Veteran’s Graves Officer                        Maj. Albert Stan Mercer, (USAF Ret.)            
Mr. Rossi moved to appoint Stan Mercer as Veteran’s Graves Officer. Mr.Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
The Selectmen discussed the positions as Selectmen liaisons to the listed committees. The following list is the assignments they agreed to:

                        SELECTMEN’S ANNUAL ASSIGNMENTS
MV Land Bank TAB                                Bill Rossi
Park & Recreation Comm.                 Warren Doty
Human Resource Board – Liaison          Bill Rossi
Harbor Department – Supervisor          Warren Doty
MV Shellfish Group                              Warren Doty
Site Review Committee                   Jonathan Mayhew
Tri-Town Ambulance Comm.                        Jonathan Mayhew
Dukes County Advisory Board             Bill Rossi
Cable TV Advisory Comm.                 Tim Carroll
Community Preservation Committee                Bill Rossi
Community Center Advisory Comm.         Bill Rossi – Selectman
Squibnocket Pond District Advisory Comm.         Jonathan Mayhew

Creek Lot Lease:
Dennis Jason has written a request to the Selectmen asking that his Creek Lot Lease be transferred to his son Dennis Jason. Mr. Mayhew moved to approve the transfer of Creek Lot from Dennis Jason to his son Dennis Jason. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Review of Annual Town Meeting:
Selectmen reviewed the entire Town Meeting warrant articles from April 22, 2013. Mr. Carroll said he would keep the Selectmen updated as the articles become completed.

Cable TV:
Mr. Carroll said that ComCast has contacted the Selectmen’s office asking if the 5% of subscriber’s funds should be sent directly to MVTV. Mr. Carroll said that the fund is 5% of what ComCast collects in fees from our Chilmark subscribers.

Mr. Mayhew moved to have this money sent directly to MVTV. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

The USCG and the Town of Chilmark propose to split the cost for a back flow preventer in Menemsha. Mr. Mayhew moved to approve paying for half of the cost to install the back flow preventer. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

At 9:51 pm Mr. Doty requested to move into Executive Session for Litigation strategy and to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel, and to not return to regular session. Roll Call: Mr. Rossi Aye, Mr. Mayhew Aye, Mr. Doty Aye. Mr. Carroll was also present. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 pm

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.                    Approved 6/4/13