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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 05/07/13
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    May 7, 2013    Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Revere, Glenn DeBlase, Margaret Maida, Philippe Jordi, Isaiah Scheffer, Clarissa Allen, Pam Bunker, Martina Mastromonaco, Dennis Jason, Kristin Maloney, Emmett Carroll, Wayne Iacono,
Donald Poole, Remy Tumin, Jim Hickey.

At 7:30 pm Chairman Mayhew called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Chairman Mayhew said that May is the month that the Selectmen reassign their positions.
Mr. Mayhew moved to appoint Mr. Doty Chairman, Mr. Rossi Vice Chairman and himself as Clerk. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes  

Mr. Doty said that as Chairman he would like to have the representatives from Martha’s Vineyard who are involved with the first steps of the St. Vincent Sister Island Project report about their trip. Mr. Doty said Tim Carroll and Glenn DeBlase were the Islands representatives to travel to St Vincent to help assess the firefighting needs.

Mr. DeBlase said that Dukes County Manager Ms. Thornton and representative of the State Department Ms. Botti organized this scouting trip to St Vincent and the Grenadines.  

Tim Carroll and Glenn DeBlase travelled to St Vincent and the Grenadines on April 24, 2013 and came home May 1, 2013. Four of the days were traveling to and from but the days they were there where packed with surveying the many towns to see what the fire prevention and fire fighting modes were available.

Mr. DeBlase said they were treated very well and were able to exchange ideas. Tim and Glenn are still working on a report and will update the Selectmen at its completion.
Selectmen thanked both Mr. Carroll and Mr. DeBlase for their work.

Island Housing Trust:
Director Philippe Jordi presented the Selectmen the Island Housing Trust annual report.
Mr. Jordi gave a brief description of the organization and what they have accomplished in the past 7 years. Mr. Jordi presented Mr. Doty a certificate of appreciation for his 7 years on the board of directors of the Island Housing Trust.

Mr. Doty said that the board is looking for a Chilmark representative and asked for any interested parties to please contact Island Housing Trust.

Beach Committee – Superintendent:
Kristin Maloney told the Selectmen that Superintendant Martina Mastromonaco has passed her pre-test for certification as a life guard.
Mr. Rossi and Mr. Mayhew expressed their pleasure in her moving forward in her certification.

Beach Committee – Superintendent Continued….
Mr. Doty said that he will hold off appointing Superintendant position till June as she will have her certification by the end of May. Mr. Doty said town appointments are made in May but he will postpone this appointment to June 4, 2013. Mr. Doty said that the town has been reimbursed for the training Mrs. Mastromonaco did not take.

Mrs. Mastromonaco said that she received a private donation to pay for her training and the figure she will need from the Beach Department will likely be closer to $200.00

Mr. Doty asked that the Beach Department supply the Selectmen’s office a report of expenses and recommendations.

Squibnocket Committee:
Mr. Rossi reported that the committee is waiting for a report from Woods Hole Group and engineering company drafting plans for the Squibnocket Farm Group. Mr. Rossi is please with the progress but at this time there is not much to report.

Mr. Rossi said the Squibnocket parking lot will be cleaned of debris for the coming season. This season the Squibnocket beach and parking lot will remain unchanged.

Discussion turned to resurfacing Squibnocket parking lot with soil cement. Mr. Doty said the cost is approximately $5,000.00. Mrs. Bunker said that the Beach department doesn’t have this in their budget. Mr. Doty said that the cost will likely be covered by Selectmen’s reserve fund.

Mr. Doty commended Mr. Glavin on the staying power of the stairs at Squibnocket beach.
Mrs. Maida asked when this resurfacing will be done. Mr. Mayhew thought it will likely be done by the 4th week in June. Mrs. Allen recommended looking into burlap tubes stuffed with straw as a buffer. Mr. Rossi said he would look into this.

Martha’s Vineyard Housing Needs Assessment:
Mr. Carroll asked if the Selectmen would authorize payment of Chilmark’s share of the housing needs study. Mr. Rossi moved to authorize payment. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes   
Shellfish Grants:
Emmet Carroll is present to request designation for an electric powered Up Weller in his slip. Mr. Poole is requesting to store his at his father’s dock in Quitsa Pond. Mr. Mayhew moved to approve request for the two Up Wellers mentioned for Mr. Poole and Mr. Carroll as their licensed grant sites. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. Mr. Scheffer approved these requests when asked by Selectmen for his input. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chairman Doty recommended that Emmett Carroll and Donald Poole submit written description of locations to include in the letter of approval from the Selectmen’s office that will be sent to the State.

Stanley Larsen Mussel Site Request:
Mr. Doty reported that Stanly was unable to attend tonight. Mr. Doty said that the Shellfish Committee met and approved his application. Mr. Scheffer said it was recommended at the Shellfish Committee meeting that they allow Mr. Larsen 5 of the 10 acres for this application.
Mr. Doty said that Mr. Larsen needs a statement from the Board of Selectmen to establish the permitting process.

Mr. Mayhew moved to approve Mr. Larsen’s 5 acre Mussel grant permit off of Nomansland Island. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
Mr. Tim Carroll said he believed that there will need to be a public hearing posted for this Mussel Grant procedure. Mr. Tim Carroll said he will write a letter to the State notifying them that the Selectmen approve this application for Mr. Stanley Larsen.   

Shellfish Constable:
Shellfish Constable Isaiah Scheffer is present to notify the Selectmen of reorganization of the Shellfish Committee. Mr. Scheffer said Wes Brighton is resigning and both Dennis Jason Jr. and Wayne Iacono are applying to be appointed.  

Mr. Scheffer recommended increasing the Assistant Constable to work 1 day per week year round. This would be a 160 additional hours to keep him from collecting unemployment.
Mr. Rossi asked that Mr. Scheffer seek advice from Town Treasurer Melanie Becker on this plan prior to the Selectmen decision.
Mr. Doty recommended this be re addressed at the May 21, 2013 Selectmen’s meeting

Menemsha Harbor Rates:
Mr. Doty said that the fee schedule recommendation for transient dock footage rate is to increase from $2.75 to $3.00 for this season. This season the electrical fee for the 30 amp will be $15.00 a day and the 50 amp rate will be $30.00 a day. Mr. Rossi moved to accept these rates. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

For 2014 a reduction to the charter dock slip fee from $1,500 to $1,000. The (year round) floating dock will go from $300.00 to $400.00. The inside transient mooring fees will increase to $35.00 from $30.00

Mr. Mayhew moved to accept the proposals for 2014. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Fine Schedule for Harbor:
Mr. Jason proposed verbal warning, then written warning, then the first offence be a fine of $50.00, second offence $100.00, third offence $200.00. These fines are already posted in the Rules and Regulations for Chilmark Waterways.

Harbor Staffing:
Mr. Rossi said he and Dennis Jason completed the interviews for all harbor positions. The out come of this process the following positions are recommended. Assistant Harbormasters: Richard Steves 30 hour position. Second Assistant Harbormaster for 40 hour a week is Edward Andresen.
The Assistant Wharfingers are: Courtney Collins and Katherine Smith.

Chairman Doty would like a copy of the harbor schedule each week. Mr. Jason said he would forward them to the Selectmen’s office each week. Mr. Rossi said to make sure the schedule is less than 16 weeks for harbor Seasonal Employees.

Mr. Mayhew moved to appoint Edward Andresen as Assistant Harbormaster and Courtney Collins and Katherine Smith as Assistant Wharfingers. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion.
SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Doty recommended completing the Harbor appointment tonight.
Mr. Mayhew moved to appoint Dennis Jason as Harbormaster and Richard Steves as Assistant Harbormaster. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Menemsha Harbor Phase 3 Project Update:
Mr. Carroll said that Fall River Electrical Association will arrive tomorrow to complete the electrical repairs. And replace yellow light covers with clear. There is a water leek that needs to be fixed also. There was a discussion about the water pressure.

Dredging Menemsha Channel:
Chairman Doty said that he wants the menemsha channel dredging project to move forward, and asked for an update of where the project stood today.
Dennis Jason said that Slips 1 and 2 need dredging. Chairman Doty said they would discuss this later.

Mr. Carroll said that the Tribe is waiting to have information from the Army Corps of Engineers LiDAR survey which is due to be completed in May. Mr. Doty asked that Mr. Carroll call to see what they have so far and to keep the momentum moving forward. Discussion about dredging ensued.

Tri Town Ambulance Equipment Loan:
Chief Wilkins of TTA is seeking approval from Selectmen to have 2 LUCAS chest compression machines from the Tribe. Mr. Carroll said that town counsel did not like some of the clauses in the lease agreement. Chairman Doty recommended approving town counsel to come up with a counter lease proposal.  

Pasture Hill Road Association Bill:
Mr. Rossi said the Selectmen agreed to pay special assessment to the road repairs last year.
Mr. Carroll said the previous accountant paid this out of the Pasture Hill Road regular account which is $2,000.00 annually. This depleted the budget line for this year’s agreement.

Pasture Hill Road Association Bill Continued….
Mr. Rossi moved to pay this fy2013 bill from the Selectmen’s Other Purchases Services for this year only. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Chairman Doty said that the review of Annual Town Meeting will be postponed till the next Selectmen’s Meeting, May 21, 2013.

Mr. Carroll said that Mr. Parker has filed an appeal with the ZBA concerning Lenny Jason’s letter of enforcing the Town’s Bylaw of no pesticides to be used in the conservation areas. The ZBA meeting is scheduled for May 22, 2013 at 7:00pm.

MIIA Insurance Renewals:
Tim Carroll said Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association has sent the renewal for insurance coverage for Town of Chilmark. Mr. Mayhew moved to renew the Insurance coverage with MMIA. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes.

Minutes April 16, 2013:
Draft Minutes from April 16, 2013 were reviewed. Corrections were made. Mr. Rossi moved to approve minutes as corrected. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes.

Cable TV:
Mr. Carroll said that the Comcast TV Cable Contract is set. Mr. Carroll has a few side letters that still need to be signed. Mr. Mayhew signed. Mr. Carroll also said the TV Cable money will be sent over to MVTV.

Mr. Mayhew moved to adjourn. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes
At 9:18 meeting adjourned.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.                  Approved 5/21/13