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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 04/02/13
Chilmark Board of Selectmen    April 2, 2013    Meeting Minutes

Present: Chairman Jonathan Mayhew, Warren Doty, Bill Rossi, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Revere
Angie Grant, Jim Hickey, Remy Tumin.

At 7:00 PM Chairman Mayhew called meeting to order in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room.

Draft minutes from March 5, 2013 were reviewed, a correction was made. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes with correction. Mr. Rossi seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Draft minutes from March 21, 2013 were reviewed, corrections were made. Mr. Doty moved to approve minutes with corrections. Mr. Mayhew seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 2 Ayes,
1 Abstain Mr. Rossi was not in attendance at the 3/21/2013 meeting

Mr. Carroll said that Ms. Grant from the Vineyard Transit Authority is present tonight to seek the Selectmen’s input for the 2013 VTA schedules for Chilmark.

Ms. Grant reported on VTA 2012 ridership, she said Tabor House Lot had no ridership to speak of. Discussion ensued. Mr. Carroll said he would supply the VTA schedule to the Community Center Summer Program as an aid to help alleviate the traffic problem during pick up and drop off this coming season.

Mr. Rossi moved to allow Street License to the VTA to operate on Middle Road for 2013. Mr. Doty seconded the motion. SO VOTED: 3 Ayes

Mr. Rossi said we need to communicate with town center and Menemsha businesses to encourage employees to ride the VTA, to alleviate the parking problem during the summer months.

Squibnocket Committee:
Mr. Rossi reported on the progress of the Squibnocket Committee appointments. Mr. Rossi has appointed: Chris Murphy from the Chilmark Conservation Commission, Clarissa Allen from the Beach Committee, Wendy Weldon from the ZBA and the Squibnocket Pond District Advisory Committee and Jonathan Mayhew. Mr. Rossi said that Joanne Taylor from the MV Commission and Chuck Hodgkinson as Administrative support. Mr. Rossi said Squibnocket Farm home owner representative still needed. Mr. Rossi said that he hopes to have their first meeting within the next 10 days.

Chilmark School Repair Committee Update:
Mr. Rossi reported that the Committee will tackle the drainage problem first. Kent Healy has been to the school to see the problems and come up with an engineering plan.  

Mr. Carroll said that Mr. Healy reported the building cannot be jacked up to fix this problem as a FinCom member had suggested we ask.

Sword Fishing Hearing:
Chairman Mayhew said that he was unable to attend the hearing but that family members went to the hearing. Mr. Mayhew said it was a chance for public to talk and share their concerns and requests but he had little hope that that would sway State decisions.

Mr. Doty said that there is a possibility that new permits would be allowed for hand catching via rod and real or harpoon. Discussion ensued.

Mass. Estuaries Project Update:
Mr. Doty said the public presentation on the MEP report is yet to come. But there was a review meeting he and Chairman Mayhew attended. Mr. Doty said the most important part of the report was that a mid- August opening happens. Other important items in the report were that 3 foot head is needed to have an opening. Also if there was complete build out in the Tisbury Great Pond watershed it’s estimated to only increase nitrogen levels by 12%.
Discussion ensued.

Harbor Phase III Update:
Mr. Doty said that all of the contractors need to be finishing up on our project. Mr. Doty also said he would like Fall River Electric to move their supplies out of the Menemsha Texaco as it has been there quite awhile and the Texaco is a business.

Mr. Carroll said that we don’t have a mutual change order signed yet but ASI said that they are ordering the pipe to do the extensions to pilings. Mr. Doty asked what was happening with the caplog repair on the charter dock. Mr. Carroll said that Dennis Jason has hired Seth Karlinsky to complete these repairs.

Mr. Carroll asked if the Selectmen would have the Harbor policy and rate changes on their April 16th agenda so that would it be completed before the Annual Town Meeting (April 22, 2013). Selectmen agreed that would be important to have on the agenda for the April 16, 2013 meeting.  

Middle Line Road Housing Trust:
Selectmen agreed to postpone this agenda to their April 16, 2013 to allow time to contact potential members from the Fin Com, Planning Board, Housing Committee, and an at large Chilmark resident.

Tim Carroll recommended that the debt service to the town should be reimbursed when the Housing Trust members are reconfirmed.

Mr. Doty said that prior to the April 16, Selectmen’s regularly scheduled meeting he would recommend an executive session. Selectmen agreed to have this meeting.

St Vincent / Martha’s Vineyard Exchange:
Mr. Doty said that the State department has contacted the County office asking to reach out to fire departments on Martha’s Vineyard.

St Vincent / Martha’s Vineyard Exchange Continued….
Mr. Doty said The Sate department would like to have representatives go to St. Vincent in the West Indies to begin an exchange for fire safety.
Mr. Doty said Tim Carroll has been asked to be a representative as well as West Tisbury fireman Glenn DeBlase. This exchange will likely take place from April 24, 2013 to May 1 2013.

Mr. Doty said he recommended that Mr. Carroll is on assignment and to not apply vacation days to this trip. Mr. Rossi said his only concern is that Mr. Carroll is able to attend and help with the Annual Town Meeting. Mr. Doty confirmed he would be leaving after ATM and could vote by absentee ballot.  

Mr. Rossi moved to adjourn. Mr. Doty seconded the motion SO VOTED: 3 Ayes.
At 8:06 PM meeting adjourned.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Diana DeBlase.                  Approved 4/16/13